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Mike & Karen Ch. 30

Story Info
Mona, Janet, and Lisa arrive at Blackwell Manor.
33k words

Part 30 of the 34 part series

Updated 10/06/2023
Created 01/01/2018
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Saturday morning, the present...

They waited patiently on the front steps for their guests. Karen was wearing a light, crème-coloured cashmere sweater and snug jeans, along with her calf-leather boots. A light morning breeze curled through her shining bronze hair. Towering next to her, Mike had his powerful arm around his wife. He was wearing a Zeppelin shirt and jeans that stretched around his huge legs. His golden hair also rippled in the wind as his keen blue eyes looked down the long driveway.

"Won't be long now," he mused, nodding. "Who'll get here first, Mona or Lisa?"

Karen looked up at him and smiled. "We're running on the assumption that Remington has no chance whatsoever of getting here first?"

Mike shook his head. "She's always the last to show up. Remember the last visit? If she'd been any later, she would've been pregnant."

His wife giggled and nuzzled her cheek against his chest, loving his warmth. In bed, no matter how much of it she stole, he always had more. Her very own mobile nuclear reactor. Like Godzilla.

"I offered to have Glenda pick Lisa up from the airport, but she said she'd just take a taxi in. I insisted that we pay for the ride, which she eventually acceded to," Karen replied. "Traffic is heavy, so Janet might actually beat her this time."

"So you're predicting Mona, is that it?" he asked, smiling down at her.

"The important thing, husband-mine, is everything that we have to share with them," the golden-eyed goddess sighed as she looked down the driveway and saw a tiny, distant car turn onto it and begin making its way up toward the manor.


Alexa was sitting in the living room with Freja and Jeanie on either side of her, all three of them quietly watching her laptop screen, which had three different video windows open. Alexa's heart was pounding in her chest and her throat almost ached because it was so dry.

She was about to see and, in a sense, meet the rest of her pantheon...

Mike & Karen

Disclaimer: All characters are 18 years of age or older while actively engaging in sexual activity. This story is a prequel/sequel (sprequel?) to my other work, Alex & Alexa. As always, many thanks and gratuitous panty shots from Freja and Jeanie to my long-suffering editor and beta-reader for their assistance in polishing up and improving this work. Reviews are welcome; flames will be snickered at and deleted with extreme prejudice. Enjoy!

Please Note: There are incest themes with a secondary couple in this story. Just a forewarning.

Chapter XXX- A Long-Awaited Reunion, Part I

There was a bit of a wait once the first car, predictably Mona's, had pulled up into the driveway. Karen reflected on how much nicer this vehicle was than the one her friend had owned when they first got to know one another, over thirty years ago. That old, beat-up Chevy, held together by rust and a prayer, louder than Archie's jalopy and belching out enough exhaust to murder the ozone layer on its own, was long gone, and her new Chevrolet, a Bolt, had glided smoothly and quietly up the long driveway. It was good to see Mona was doing well for herself, but she'd always preferred to live modestly. Her only real vice had been drinking champagne while sitting in hot tubs.

Mona parked her vehicle in a certain place and waited patiently, as was the custom. She knew they were there at the top of the steps, but she didn't look at them. She just waited, as did Mike and Karen.

Not long after, another car turned onto the property and came up the driveway. The gleaming silver-grey Porsche Boxster purred loudly as it navigated the curves of the driveway and came to a stop some distance away from Mona's car. Janet turned off the engine and simply sat back, waiting patiently. There was a tradition to maintain, after all.

The smartwatch on Karen's wrist buzzed, and she saw Janet and Mona both check their phones. It was a message from Lisa.

Two minutes out.

"I can feel your excitement, Gordon," Mike said quietly, smirking. "Do you need me to put a towel under you?"

"Very funny, big boy," Karen whispered, but her eyes were flashing with anticipation. "Oh, Michael, this will be the best reunion yet."

"On that point we both agree," he said, nodding and smiling down at her.

An airport limo-taxi appeared, trundling slowly up the driveway. Mike and Karen could see Lisa leaning forward from the back seat, pointing to the driver at exactly where he should park. He seemed confused, but given the size of the fare being charged, he wasn't about to quibble, either. He pulled into place and sat silently, as instructed.

Mike let go of his wife's hand, and with much more composure than she was feeling inside, she walked slowly down the steps to the curb, standing equidistant from the three vehicles. Mona, Janet, and Lisa all got out of their cars and stood, waiting while the cab driver pulled out Lisa's luggage, got back in his car, and drove away. Mike watched from back up on the steps, smiling, and never tiring of this ritual.

And to think that after today, it would only get better.


Alexa was holding her breath, her hands clasped gently over her mouth, looking through all three cameras on her screen, her eyes darting back and forth. She was ready to scream as she waited.


Back at the Manor, the four women began to walk toward a midpoint between them, but then broke into a run, screaming in delight as they all crashed together, laughing and crying in a giant four-way hug. They had their arms around each other and were bouncing up and down, squealing like teenage girls.

Tears flowed freely as they gave one another hugs and kisses, and looked one another up and down, babbling breathlessly about how good they looked and how wonderful it was to be together again. It all ended with another group hug, a silent pause where they just held one another, sighing in relief at being reunited.

Over thirty years since they'd met, and they still meant the world to one another. None of them could see that changing.


Alexa had burst into tears, crying as she watched. Freja and Jeanie began crying too.


The silence ended and the four dear friends began babbling and giggling, chattering excitedly about how they each looked. Mona had returned to wearing her hair in a large, curly afro, a decided change from the wavy long hair she'd sported the last time Mike had seen her. Lisa was squealing in delight and asked to touch it. Mona happily obliged, letting the redhead run her fingers through her hair while Karen and Janet laughed. The girls all gasped and fawned over Janet's new roadster, and then Mona's electric car. Karen, Mona, and Janet all laughed when Lisa, who had arrived without her own vehicle, compensated by pointing out her very economical and comfy shoes.

Arms slung around each other's shoulders or waists, they all turned and started walking back toward the front door, where Mike was waiting. Janet, predictably, broke ranks first and charged up the steps, leaping into Mike's arms and wrapping all four limbs around him. He'd barely had time to hug her before she planted a huge, wet kiss on his lips. Karen, Lisa, and Mona all laughed. Traditions were a good thing.

Janet clambered down and Mona allowed Mike to lift her into a big hug. She squealed in delight and also gave him a big, loving kiss. She giggled and wiggled around, still hugging him tight, when Lisa scowled and popped the black girl on the butt.

"Hey, some of us are waitin' for our King Kong love too, y'know!" she protested, pretending to scowl while Janet and Karen laughed. Mike put Mona down and then Lisa stood in front of him, looking way up. She was the shortest of the girls, barely clearing five feet, and Mike was nearly seven.

She took a deep breath as she did the mental calculations and trajectory in her head and then jumped, springing up into his arms, but not before accidentally bashing her nose into his sternum.

"Ow..." she said in a muffled voice as he laughed and held her tight, her legs and arms wrapped around him. Karen, Janet, and Mona were all howling with laughter at her klutziness, and everyone was relieved again that some things never changed.


Alexa couldn't help snickering through tears as she watched her aunt Lisa. She'd been told about her aunt's klutzy moments her whole life, and to see them in real time...


Mike lifted Lisa higher and she sighed in contentment as she nuzzled her cheek into his shoulder, her worries forgotten. He was the only man she'd ever trusted and felt completely safe around. She loved this man, even if she was a lesbian. He meant the world to her, just like the ladies all did. She pressed her forehead to his, then smiled at him and give him a kiss on the nose happily before getting down, the five of them standing in a small, intimate circle of best friends.

"I can't believe it's been over five years since we've all been together," Mona breathed, smiling at them all, her deep brown eyes shining. "I just... Kar, I'm so sorry I missed your dad's funeral."

"It's fine, darling," Karen said soothingly, wiping a tear from Mona's eye. "Janet made it, and was here on behalf of you and Li, so I promise you, you were here."

"It's true," Janet sniffled, smiling at Mona and leaning in to kiss her cheek, and then turning to kiss Lisa as well. "We do what we can, when we can. None of us are perfect, not even Princess and Mongo here."

"I'm... I'm sorry none of you were at my wedding," Lisa said somewhat timidly. "I mean, y'didn't miss much, it was just a civil ceremony at a courthouse with some witnesses, but I wish you all could've been there."

"Lisa Heyman-Blefary, the important thing is that you're here now, and we can make up for it, even give you a bridal shower or doe party," Karen said, smiling and stroking her hand through her friend's red hair. It was still red, but there was a small, attractive streak of grey running through it on one side. "Although that's new."

"Welcome to lesbian life in small-town Idaho," Lisa sighed, making the other three women snicker.

"I think it looks very distinguished, Lisa," Mike mentioned, making her blush and smile. "How is Donna, anyway? Not that we've ever met her, mind."

Lisa shrugged. "Well, she wasn't exactly ecstatic about my reunion plans half a continent away, especially with an ex, but she got over it. I think. I never complain when she has plans with friends, so fair is fair. B'sides, right now I think she's attending one of those Wiccan-y, pagan-y gatherings she loves so much. Count me out, those things're usually vegan, and I can't give up my Chinese food."

"I'll bet Donna wishes you could when she's sleepin' next to you a few hours after the chili beef," Janet quipped, making everyone laugh while Lisa stuck her tongue out at her. It was old times and best times all over again, and everyone loved it.

"Well, some things just never change," Lisa sniffed, folding her arms and looking smug. "And despite being married, I'm willing to bet that I've done the least changing of all of us."

"Are you sure?" Mike queried, looking down at the diminutive redhead. Before she could say anything, he'd put his huge hand on top of her head and his powerful fingers began massaging her scalp. Lisa's eyes rolled up into her head at the sensation and both Janet and Mona held her upright as her knees almost gave out. Mike kept massaging, and Lisa's mouth started to hang open, her eyes crossed. He finally stopped, while Lisa's friends kept hold of her.

"Well, that definitely hasn't changed," Mike mused while Mona and Janet laughingly propped Lisa up as she tried to stand on her own. "She's still got that erogenous zone on top of her head, so maybe she's right."

Janet and Mona finally let go while Lisa composed herself, trembling slightly with her knees turned in. Her eyes were closed, and she was chanting quietly to herself.

"I'm a lesbian... I'm a lesbian..." she murmured. "Total lesbian... happily married lesbian... autonomic response, can't be helped... I'm a lesbian..."

She looked around at the other women. "Anyone else smell burnt toast?"

"Thank you, Dr. Wilder Penfield," Karen said dryly, fixing her husband with a look. "It'll be hours before she can speak in full sentences again. Now where did I put those leg braces?"

"Hey, I'm not as messed up as that," Lisa protested, standing up straight but obviously not daring to walk yet. "I'm not all splooshy, thank you. Not... entirely..."

"Let's move this inside, shall we?" Mike suggested in his low, powerful voice that gave each of the women shivers and reminded them that they wouldn't even think of saying no. Orders and even just suggestions from Mike were a true delight. "We have lots of new people for you to meet."

"Hey, as long as my sexy nephew is around somewhere," Mona said, following Karen inside while Mike brought up the rear. "Where is the young prince, anyway?"

"Around the place, possibly playing a video game and no doubt just giving the adults time to say hello," Karen replied as they walked into the grand foyer and stepped over to the small cloakroom. "Don't worry, he knows you're all here."

"I can't believe our little boy's in university," Janet said as Karen took her coat, along with Lisa's and Mona's. "Languages, computers, history, politics, and more languages, right?"

"A course load any parent would be proud of," Karen said as they left the cloakroom, smiling warmly at the thought of Alex seeing his aunts again.

"He's the son the rest of us never had," Mona added, nodding. "We're all so proud of him, Kar."

"Y'gotta admit, he makes it easy," Lisa said, so very happy to be back here. "And y'know we're gonna AIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!"

It even took Mike off-guard when she squealed in fright, and Lisa instantly leaped up onto Janet's back, practically on her shoulders and clinging for dear life, her eyes wide as dinner plates as she gaped across the foyer in terror.

"He's back!" she rasped, her heart throbbing in her throat as she pointed at something. "He was gone, but he's back! Take meyn got, er iz tsurik! Why is he back?!"

"Do you mind?" Janet said in annoyance, trying to shake loose her Lisa-shaped backpack while Mike, Karen, and Mona were lost in amusement. "Get offa me, Red, before these bozos laugh themselves to death."

"Call a rabbi!" Lisa whimpered, hiding her face in Janet's hair. "Call the Ghostbusters! Somebody! He's gonna eat meeeeeeee!"

"Damn, is that really Blong?" Mona asked, walking across the foyer toward the credence table where the eldritch ceramic and plush horror awaited her. "I thought you ditched his cursed ass like a decade ago, guys. You actually kept him?"

"Well, if we needed any proof that Princess hadn't killed and eaten our little boy yet, there it is," Janet sighed as Mike helped a still-skittish Lisa down off the brunette's back. She compensated by hiding behind him now. "Still, seeing Blong was an unwelcome surprise. That thing gives even me the creeps, y'know?"

"Gnnnnn, I think some pee came out," Lisa mumbled, coming out from behind Mike while Karen stroked her back. "I've gone over thirty years without peeing in this foyer, and now look what happened."

"I was unaware that not micturating in my family's foyer was some record we were keeping track of," Karen observed. "But yes, I recently made the mistake of allowing Alex to add an heirloom to the foyer, and Blong happened to be it. I need to teach him better taste in heirlooms, clearly."

"Still probably makes for better décor on that table than your used underthings, Kar," Mike said with a shrug before she gave him a withering stare. "What?"

"Ooh, that's a noodle I wanna hear about," Mona giggled. "But not until I've got champagne in my hand."

"I know you ladies don't like too many formalities, but I have the staff ready to greet you in the grand library, I hope you don't mind," Mike said, gesturing in the direction they were to go. "Gordon's been giddy about your arrival for several days, so I thought I'd best make the arrangements. Shall we?"

He led the way out of the foyer and down the Hall of Ancestors, with the girls all laughing and giving the finger to various ancestors of Karen or stopping to wiggle or twerk their rumps at them. Tradition. Eventually, they arrived at the grand library, and Mike gestured for them to head inside.

The staff was all lined up and waiting, with Tatyana standing in front of them all. They were certainly an eclectic lot to look at, from the tough and grizzled older man, to the tall, muscular girl, and the tiny but very sexy girl in the scandalous maid costume with the kitty ears. So contrary to Blackwell Manor propriety, and so very, very appropriate.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Karen began, gesturing gracefully at her friends. "I would like to introduce you to some people you have been hearing a lot about, and they are finally here. Mona Bresciani, Janet Remington, and Lisa Heyman-Blefary."

"Welcome," the staff all chorused, nodding their heads, except for Trilby and Valentina, who curtsied.

"Ladies, we are pleased to finally meet you," Tatyana said, addressing the three women now. "You have been guests and family here longer than some of my people have been alive, so please let us know how we can make your stay as enjoyable as possible."

"They're so all pretty, aren't they, Tril?" Valentina whispered, leaning into to speak to her co-worker while Tatyana addressed the new arrivals.

Trilby nodded and whispered back. "I guess, but you think everyone who isn't named Duncolm is pretty."

"Allow me to introduce the staff, ladies," the seneschal began, starting at the end anchored by Dave. They moved slowly down the line, giving the girls a chance to talk to each of them. They arrived in front of Theresa, and not surprisingly, Lisa had some pertinent questions.

"I don't s'pose you're any good with blintzes, are you?" the redhead asked the chef.

Theresa nodded politely. "Mrs. Heyman-Blefary, I make a dairy-free blintz that you will simply die for."

"Gee, thanks for telling everyone, Kar," Lisa muttered, giving her friend a sour look while Mona and Janet snickered. "And please just call me Lisa, guys. I need to insist."

"Still no pro masseur on your staff, I see," Mona mused, winking at Karen. "What's up with that?"

"That would be Miss Prospero, Mr. Jaffe, and Mr. Ontekone," Karen replied, indicating Valentina, Ari, and Tunde. "They have all completed their first courses and are beginning their second sets."

"Yum-yum," Janet said, smiling slyly as she stood in front of the junior landscaper and walked two fingers up his chest. "Let me know when you have an opening, big guy."

Tunde somehow turned red and cleared his throat. "Yes, ma'am. It will be my pleasure, ma'am."

Everyone, including his co-workers, laughed while he recovered.

"Remington, stop trying to kill my staff, they're only barely out of their probation periods," Karen sighed before Tatyana continued with the introductions. Val curtsied to them all again.

"I'm sorta the personal attendant to guests, as well as junior housekeeper," she said, smiling brightly. "Anything you need, I make it happen."

"God, Kar, I love the kitty ears she wears," Mona mused, reaching up and rubbing her fingers over the lacy material while Val giggled.

"I'm glad to hear you feel that way, my dear," Karen answered, without elaborating.

"And I am Tatyana," the seneschal said finally, her hands clasped in her lap as she nodded. "I will be in charge of any itinerary you lay out for the duration of your stay."

"Y'look awfully young to be in charge of this nut house," Janet laughed. "Hopefully you don't age out too quickly."

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