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Mimi Rogers & her Full Body Massage

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Hot, sexy women, Angie Dickinson, Mimi Rogers & Helen Mirren
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Hot, sexy women in their time were Mimi Rogers, Angie Dickinson, and Helen Mirren

Along the way to earning my degree in English, even though I did well in the courses and received A grades, I took a couple of screenwriting courses and learned enough to know that screenwriting wasn't my thing. The first night of class, the professor, who wrote all the screenplays for Moonlighting with Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd, but for four, wanted to know what we knew. He passed out five, two column sheets of paper with a list of 500 movies for us to check off which movies we've seen.

As if taking in all the movies in my head at the same time, page by page I looked at the long list of movies before checking any of them off as being seen. With so many movies flashing before my eyes to give me a brief visualization of stars, co-stars, and a synopsis of the movie, checking off that many movies in one sitting was a daunting process. I didn't think I could check off 100 movies. Yet, the only one in the room who did, I checked off all 500 movies. That was when I realized that I was a movie buff as well as a TV buff. I couldn't believe I had seen all of these movies. That list of 500 made me wonder how many more movies I've seen that didn't make his list.

Nonetheless my love for movies, I immediately knew that screenwriting wasn't my thing. I didn't like the idea that the director and/or the actors could make changes to my lines.

"Where's the screenplay writer? Rewrite! We need a rewrite?"

With one page of dialogue equal to one minute of the movie, I didn't like the idea that I was only writing 120 pages of dialogue and not much else. I didn't like the idea that I was giving up control of my story to someone else's interpretation. I didn't like the idea that when they'd be handing out Oscars, someone else would be receiving credit for all that I created, developed, wrote, rewrote, edited, and reedited. When it comes to movies of television programs, the writer never receives enough credit. It's always the star who receives all of the accolades, all of the awards, and all of the money.

Instead of just writing lines in a movie, fade-in, fade-out, I wanted to write it all, every word. I wanted to write the backstory, write the plot, create and develop the characters, describe the characters, the setting, and the scenery. I wanted to write all of the imagery, the tension, and every word of unchangeable dialogue. Instead of becoming a screenwriter who wrote screenplays adapted from someone else's novel, I wanted to be a novelist.

Yet, not only did I want to be a novelist, a rich novelist who could hide in her mansion while buying anything and everything she wanted by just picking up a phone or ordering online. Even though I am a novelist, a short story writer, and a poetess, I'm not rich. Unfortunately, there's not much money in writing erotica unless someone discovers me or unless I write some shitty novel, such as Fifty Shades of Grey. Give me a break.

"Oprah! I'm here! Where are you Stephen Spielberg? Can you make one of my stories into a movie? Please? Pretty please?"

Yet, when taking the screenplay courses, it was so very interesting to read the novel and then to watch it play out on the big screen while the professor pointed out what the director did to make the movie come alive from the written word. We analyzed such movies as James Cain's The Postman Always Rings Twice, James Dearden's Fatal Attraction, Edith Wharton's Age of Innocence, F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, Milan Kundera's Unbearable Lightness of Being, and Stanley Kubrick's Clockwork Orange, along with several other movies. The only writer who couldn't correctly be translated to the big screen was F. Scott Fitzgerald. With his stories so rich in imagery, even the Great Gatsby wasn't nearly as good as reading the book.

As far as I'm concerned the book is always better than the movie anyway. I thought I was going to die when I read Peter Benchley's Jaws. It took me years before I went in the water and that was just a pool. Unfortunately, with riveting page turners few and far between, there aren't very many stories that can hold you hostage until you finish the book.

Nonetheless me not wanting to be a screenwriter, it fascinated me to see how the director could bring the author's words to life. The only movie that I remember that was exactly like the novel, word for word, was Martin's Scorsese's interpretation of Edith Wharton's Age of Innocence with Daniel Day Lewis, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Winona Ryder. Edith Wharton, a Pulitzer Prize winner who was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1927, 1928, and 1930, how could a mere director change one word of her novel?

A total chick flick, I loved the book as much as I loved the movie. How did Scorsese do that? How could he bring that book that was such a period piece set in the Gilded Age, from 1870 to 1900, and that was written in the 1920's, back to life? Yet, he did. A daunting project, the movie was just like and as good as the book.

The only book that I recall that was written after the release of the movie was Piano. The movie was not only directed by but also was later written by Jane Campion. Holly Hunter, Harvey Keitel, Sam Neill, and Anna Paquin, who later starred in those vampire movies, True Blood, were the stars of the movie. Oddly enough, both movies, The Age of Innocence and Piano came out the same year, 1993.

A banner year for Hollywood and for moviegoers, along with Piano and the age of Innocence, there were some great movies made in 1993. Also made in 1993 were Schindler's List, The Fugitive, Philadelphia, What's Love Got to Do with It, Sleepless in Seattle, The Firm, In the Line of Fire, Shadowlands, Six Degrees of Separation, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Fearless, In the Name of the Father, and The Remains of the Day. Any one of the above named movies may have won multiple Oscars had the competition in 1993 not been as stiff.

"Wow! Hello Oscar."

Schindler's List won the Oscar for the best picture and Spielberg won the Oscar for the best director. Tom Hanks won the Oscar for the best actor in Philadelphia and Holly Hunter won the Oscar for the best actress in Piano. Tommy Lee Jones won the Oscar for the best supporting actor in the Fugitive and Anna Paquin won the Oscar for the best supporting actress in Piano but I truly loved The Remains of the Day with Emma Thompson and Anthony Hopkins and the Age of Innocence.

Yet, this story isn't about my life, about the Oscars, and/or about 1993. This story is specifically about Mimi Rogers, one of my favorite actresses.

* * * * *

In the way that I had a woman crush on Angie Dickinson when I was younger, I also had a woman crush on Mimi Rogers later in life too. Always so poised and confidently in control, just watching them move on the big, silver screen, they were both so much of what a woman should look like and how she should be. So beautiful and so sexy, when I was emerging into a woman as if a caterpillar becoming a beautiful butterfly, fashioning myself after them, I wanted to be stunningly sexy like them too. I wanted to be as much of in control of men as they seemed to be in control of every man around them.

Rare for me to have a crush on a woman, perhaps I related to them because we had similar bodies, slim waistlines, shapely hips, and big breasts. It's acceptable for a woman to have a crush on another woman if she's lesbian or bi-sexual. Yet, it's a little weird to tell a boyfriend that I have a crush on another woman without him wanting and hoping to watch me having sex with another woman while sexually fantasizing about it. Just a fantasy, albeit a sexual fantasy, it did help that the other woman of my attraction was a female movie star and someone who I never met and, no doubt, would never meet.

Back then, plastic surgery wasn't as prevalent as it is now. In the way that Angie Dickson was rumored to have the best body in Hollywood in the 60's, Mimi Rogers thought to have the best body ever and to be deemed the MILF of all MILF's during the height of her career in the 90's. In addition to her being a big movie star playing opposite of John Wayne, Lee Marvin, and others, Angie Dickinson's claim to fame was her attachment to President Kennedy, Frank Sinatra, and so many others before marrying composer, piano player, and prolific songwriter Burt Bacharach.

In her 80's now, she's retired. Always curious what she and Mimi Rogers looked like naked, I forgot all about Angie Dickinson and Mimi Rogers until I stumbled upon an online video of Mimi Rogers. A movie she made in 1995, Full Body Massage, the movie showed her totally nude.

"Wow. Look at her."

In the way that I never knew that Jamie Lee Curtis had such big, beautiful breasts, until I saw her topless in Trading Places with Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd, when she turned to the camera to show her perfect tits, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Mimi Rogers naked. Now nearly twenty years later and with Hollywood a young woman's business, even a mature woman like her, a woman well past her prime and now in her late-fifties, she still has a wicked, hot body. Other than Liposuction and Botox that she claims didn't work, Jamie Lee Curtis's breasts are all natural.

Definitely, if I was a man, a lesbian, or bi-sexual woman, I'd do her along with Jamie Lee Curtis. I'd have sex with Mimi Rogers, I would. I'd have sex with both of them, separately and/or together. With me thinking that he was nuts when he married her, now we know what Tom Cruise saw in her. Nearly as tall as Nicole Kidman, who's a giant, 5'11" tall, Mimi is nearly 5' 9" tall and both ex-wives dwarf Tom Cruises diminutive 5'7" frame.

The cougar that she obviously is, six years his senior, Mimi Rogers was married to Tom Cruise for three years. Not able to see them together as husband and wife, weird that those two would be married, I always wondered what that was all about. With Mimi seeming so maturely laid-back and with Tom seemingly so immaturely off the wall, perhaps their marriage was just as simple as opposites attracting. I wonder how much of his career Mimi was responsible in making or maybe it was the other way around with Tom opening doors for her. Seemingly Hollywood has an unlimited supply of power couples and it gets confusing when this one divorces that one to make a whole new alliance.

* * * * *

Born Miriam Spickler in Florida in 1957, I first noticed her in 1987 when she made a movie called Someone to Watch Over Me with Tom Berenger. Not the best looking woman in the world nor the most glamorous but, in the way she held herself and spoke, there was something about her that made me like her and that made me stare at the screen whenever she was on it. She had that same type of poise and articulation that Dina Merrill and Diane Sawyer has. She was different and so beautiful in a sexy, womanly way. Even though she had a lot of attitude and personality, perhaps I liked her because we shared some similarities.

With both of us intelligent, articular, and with both of us 5'8 ½ inches tall, and both of us having D cup breasts, we both finished with high school early. Mimi graduated at 14 and I dropped out at 16, that's where the similarities ended. Coincidentally and oddly enough, Angie Dickinson graduated high school very young too, at only 15-years-old. With no mention of college in either of their biographies, I would have imagined if they attended college, they would have made note of that. With me a college graduate, my education may be the only thing that I have over either of them.

Obviously intelligent enough, yet oddly enough, I wonder why they didn't attend college. Not affordable to all back then, perhaps they were just unable to afford college. Back then, there wasn't the financial aid programs available that there are now. Back then, before Stafford Loans and Pel Grants, either your parents paid for your college tuition, you attended a state school, or you earned a scholarship. Now, as long as you're willing to make the sacrifice, put in the time to study and work hard, if they want it, nearly everyone has a chance to attend college to get an enlightened education and to earn a bachelor's degree in whatever interests them. Now, everyone has the right to take out loans that they'll never get out from under for at least ten years.

* * * * *

After seeing Mimi Rogers in her movie, Full Body Massage that she made in 1995, not only was she totally naked but also she was totally naked for most of the movie. What was she thinking? At her age, why would she make that kind of movie? Certainly, with dozens of movies and television shows to her credit, she's already proven herself as a good actress and didn't have to make a movie like that. Perhaps, with her naturally endowed measurements of 38-27-36 and D cup breasts and weighing a shapely 145 pounds, she was out to prove something. Perhaps she was out to make a statement.

As if throwing a challenge to all women her age and younger, what woman her age possesses such confidence about her naked body to be filmed from every angle during most of the movie? With her film and television success and with her being married to Tom Cruise, seemingly beyond that embarrassment, mortification, and humiliation, she didn't have to nor need to make a movie where she's naked for a good part of the movie. Unless, perhaps she wanted to make a movie that showed her without her clothes for a prolonged period of time. Maybe she wanted to show the world that women her age can be sexy too. Maybe after being divorced from Tom Cruise for nine years and two years after her Playboy photo shoot, her last hurrah, perhaps at 39-years-old, she thought why not show her body before it all sags and wrinkles into oblivion. With her having a modest net worth of only 5 million dollars, compared to other Hollywood stars who have enormous wealth, maybe it was as simple as she needed the money.

"Good for her."

At 39-years-old, for a mature woman, when she made that movie, Full Body Massage in 1995, she looked wicked hot totally naked. Not counting Sofia Vergara and Scarlett Johansson, how many younger Hollywood actresses can boast that they look wicked hot totally naked? Any woman her age would love to have her body. Even with the young, slutty celebrities and starlets of today, how many women have the courage to make a movie where they're naked for most of the movie? Would Kim Kardashian walk around totally naked during most of a movie? How about Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan, would they dare have the courage to expose their naked bodies for such an extended amount of time to the world? I have to give her kudos for doing that.

Something that twenty-something starlets reluctantly albeit routinely do, with all the stretch marks, wrinkles, pudginess, bloat, and sagginess that other women have, other than briefly flashing their tits, how many nearly 40-year-old women have the courage to show their naked bodies to the camera? Too many of the younger generation don't want the camera to show and the world to know how much plastic surgery they've really had to get the body that they have. With nothing enhanced, other than breast reduction surgery where she reduced her 34DD breasts to a more manageable 34D, Mimi is all natural. Even now, for a mature woman twenty years past her prime, she still looks really good at 58-years-old. I only wish that I still look as good as Mimi Rogers looks when I'm her age, nearly sixty-years-old.

* * * * *

Another unbelievably physically endowed and talented actress, is Helen Mirren. In the way that she still does at age sixty-nine-years-old, I only wish I can still parade around naked and/or in a bikini and still be desired and wanted enough by men. Difficult for an older woman to compete against so many young starlets, models, and the public at large, Mimi Rogers as well as Helen Mirren have done admirable jobs of continuing to work at her craft. What's their secret? There's something so magical about them.

Matter of fact, articulately refined, especially after playing Queen Elizabeth, everyone thinks that the British actress, Helen Mirren, is above getting naked, but she paid her dues when she made 17 movies where she showed her breasts, her butt, or her voluptuous body totally naked. Despite making a name for herself by doing nude scenes early in her career, Helen Mirren claims that she wasn't happy about exposing so much skin. Modestly shy and insecure about her body, she made such titillating, sexy scenes as part of continuing her craft. Where men aren't expected to take off their clothes, women had better strip topless and/or naked if they hope to continue to get juicy roles. Forget good acting, men what to see skin.

"I might seem uninhibited but believe me, I'm not. I've always had a problem doing nudity. In fact, I hated it. It has never been a comfortable thing. I've never enjoyed it. It's always mortifying," said Helen Mirren in a 2006 interview. "I did those scenes because I didn't want to be uptight. Now I'm stuck in a way with a reputation for doing nude scene."

Yet much like Helen Mirren, after Mimi Rogers appeared in her nude scene that made for TV movie, her movie career became more successful seemingly overnight. I imagine that after directors and producers saw what she looked like beneath her clothes, she was in real demand. In this age of plastic surgery, a nip here and a tuck there, the first thing that an actress or a female celebrity buys are breasts. Mimi Rogers and Helen Mirren already had those. They didn't need to have what some plastic surgeon's idea of how a woman should look like topless. Naturally endowed, they were born with big, beautiful breasts.

I shall always be a fan of Angie Dickinson, Mimi Rogers, and Helen Mirren. Thank you for your work.


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AlwaystabooAlwaystabooover 2 years ago
Brilliantly written

Perhaps because it's about 3 of my favorites. More so, factual and insightful.

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