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Mind Reader

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Julie woke up when her cat, Big Kitty, gently pawed her face. "Ok, ok," she mumbled as she got out of bed. Once in the kitchen, she fed BK and made coffee. As she sat at the table, planning her day, the phone rang.


"Hi, Julie. Just wondering how you're feeling."

"Oh, morning, Sarah. I'm ok. How are you doing?” She took a sip of coffee. “Awfully early for you to be calling isn't it? Especially with a hangover."

"Julie, you know that's not what I mean. Don't change the subject. After our talk last night, I'm still a little worried."

"I told you. I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about. I was just in one of those moods, I guess. Next time, just keep me away from the Guinness, ok?"

"Uh uh, it's not that easy this time. Get out of the house today. Do something fun. I mean it, Julie! Look, I know you're a writer and I know about your deadlines. But think about it. You and David broke up at least 6 months ago. You're not going to get your life back if you don't stop using your writing as an excuse and just get out of the house once in a while. "

Julie laughed. "Well, gee, Sarah! I could have sworn we were out last night. Was Ryan’s a figment of my imagination?” She leaned against the wall and hugged herself tightly as the tirade continued.

"You know damn well that's not what I meant. I'm not talking about sitting in a neighborhood bar, Julie." Her sister's voice softened. "I'm sorry. I'm nagging again, aren't I?"

Julie nodded her head as she watched BK eating. "Yes. But I understand your concern. I do. I'm just not ready to start another relationship. I promise, when I am, you'll be the first to know."

"Guess I'll have to settle for that for now." Julie heard her sister sigh. "You know, sometimes it's hard being your sister. Other times, I wouldn't trade you for anyone. I'll talk to you later. I love you Jules."

"I love you too, Sarah."

Julie hung up the phone and leaned down to pet BK. "You know, B.K., if I could find someone with your loyalty, charm and good looks, I wouldn't be standing here like this." She sighed as she stood up, the memories of mornings with David flooding her with a deep sense of longing.

Carrying her coffee into the bathroom, she turned on the water for a shower. Taking off her robe, she stood in front of the mirror. With a critical eye, she looked at her long curly red hair, blue eyes, stomach and ass. Her hands moved to hold her breasts from underneath, thumbs gently stroking her nipples to hard tips. Her eyes widened; David was behind her, caressing her shoulders as he smiled. She lost herself in that smile of his as her bare cheeks pushed back into . . . nothing.

She gripped the edge of the sink and looked at her reflection. "What am I doing? It's over," she screamed out loud. Sighing, she stepped under the water and tried to take her mind off David. She shampooed her hair but when her hand touched the side of her neck where David used to kiss when they showered together, she gave in to her grief. Her tears mixed with the water as she rinsed her hair.

Julie toweled herself off, grabbed her coffee and headed into the bedroom to get dressed. She pulled on a pair of old jeans and a gray sweatshirt, then walked into her office. She laughed. "Big Kitty, you know my routine better than I do sometimes." Picking him up off the top of her monitor, she turned on the computer. While it booted, she looked at her list of things to do.

First things first, she thought as she checked her e-mail. Seeing the usual messages, she made mental notes of how to respond. She stopped at an unfamiliar name.

"Leslie. I just finished reading two erotic stories posted on your web page. I just wanted to let you know I like the way you write. It's as if you're reading my mind. I'll be looking forward to reading more of your work. Jack Reynolds."

She sat back and drank the last of her coffee. She was used to getting responses to her erotic stories, but the mind reading comment intrigued her. Setting her cup down, she messaged him back.

"Dear Jack. Thanks for your message regarding my stories. I'm not a mind reader but it's nice that you think so. Must mean I know what I'm doing. *grin* Thanks again. I really appreciate your taking the time to comment. Leslie Larson."

She pushed the send button and then started answering her other mail. BK sat on the desk next to the mousepad and yawned as Julie continued down her list of projects.

An hour later, she was absorbed in writing an article on the latest political controversy when she heard "You have new mail." She stopped typing in mid-sentence and checked.

"Hi, Leslie. I'm not sure what area of the world you live in, but I'm in the United States - Chicago, Illinois. If you're anywhere close, perhaps we could meet for lunch today and discuss mind reading techniques. Jack."

She ran her hand through her hair as she re-read the message three times. This was not something she had had anticipated. She sat back in her chair and stared at BK, whose paw was resting on her lower arm. Making a decision, she replied to this latest message.

"Hi, Jack. Believe it or not, I'm on the north side of Chicago. I just happen to have some free time available around 1:00 this afternoon. Let me know where you want to meet and I'll bring my mind reading manual along. Leslie."

Pushing the send button, she got up from her chair. She walked into the kitchen, not sure of what she wanted in the room. Nerves, she thought. She was nervous because she had never done anything bold as this before. But, she was eager too. It's the new me, she decided. I can do this. What will be the harm?

She opened up the refrigerator, grabbed a can of Diet Dr. Pepper and pulled the tab off with a shaking hand. As she went back to her office, her heart was racing. BK was sitting at the top of the stairs, looking at her. "What?" she asked him, patting his soft white fur. "Dangerous? Don't worry, I'll be in a public place. Besides, it may not even happen."

She sat back down at her computer. Just as she opened a research file she heard that usually irritating voice: "You have new mail." Quickly she opened and read: "Hi, Leslie. Yes, I believe it. I'm downtown on business. Can you meet at Houstons around 1:30? I have the rest of the day off, plenty of time to discuss that manual. Jack."

She was quick with her reply. “I'll be there. How will I know you?"

His reply came quicker. "I have long blonde hair and glasses, wearing jeans and a white shirt. If that isn’t enough information, look for the man smiling at the bar. See you there. Jack."

She looked at her watch. "Almost noon." She went to her closet and chose a dark green sweater. I haven't felt this excited since David kissed me for the first time, she thought.

Julie pulled into the parking lot, hands trembling on the wheel. She shut the car off and looked at herself in the rear view mirror. What am I doing, she wondered. She could hear her sister's voice in her ear: "You're going to get your life back."

She got out of the car and walked the four blocks to the restaurant with a confidence that covered her anxiousness. Pushing the door open, she took a deep breath and stepped inside.

Julie saw Jack. He was sitting at the bar and looked exactly as he had described himself. What he hadn't told her was how good-looking he was. She walked toward him, a nervous smile on her face.

"Jack? Hi, I'm Leslie." She held out her hand to him.

He looked up in surprise. Standing up, he held her hand a moment too long. "Leslie? Guess I should have thought to ask what you looked like." He released her hand and pulled out the chair next to him. "Do you want anything to drink?"

She saw he was drinking a beer. "Lite beer is fine with me, thanks." She waited until he gave the bartender her order. "So, do I look like you thought I would?" Her beer arrived and she poured the golden liquid in a glass.

"Actually, no. My mind could never have imagined how deep blue your eyes are." His smiled with hesitation, then quickly looked down at his glass.

Julie leaned back in her chair. Not sure how to reply, she took a sip of her beer. "Well, you're not exactly what I expected either." She sat up to put her glass on the bar. "I am curious though. What made you mail me? I get responses to my stories but no one's ever told me I'm a mind reader," she laughed.

The hostess came up to them. "Mr. Reynolds? Your table is ready." Jack and Julie stood up. "Follow me."

Once at their table, he looked at Julie. "So, is your Leslie your real name?"

Wondering at the sense of comfort she felt with this stranger, she didn't falter with her answer. "No. It's Julie."

He grinned. "Well, it may take me a while to get used to that. Leslie is what I'm used to." He looked at his menu. "By the way, Jack Reynolds is my real name."

"It's a nice name. It fits you." Julie smiled as they both read the menu. "The Chicken Oriental Salad is my favorite here."

He looked at her over his menu. "I need some Pasta. Baked Mosticiolli I think." He set the menu down. "You asked me a question before." His hands played with his napkin. "I guess I mailed you because it's true. I feel like you know me. I feel like your erotic scenes are written for me."

Julie put her menu down. "Look, Jack. I don't want you to be tense or uncomfortable. Heck, I don't want to be nervous. Let's start over, ok? Hi, I'm Julie. You must be Jack." She smiled and held out her hand

He shook it. "Nice to meet you, Julie."

The conversation then started as normal first-time conversations do. "What do you do for a living? How long have you lived in Chicago? What did you think of the Blues Fest at Grant Park? Are you a Bulls fan? What made you become an erotic author?" By the time the food arrived, their conversation was animated and their comfort level had grown.

There were hardly any people left in the restaurant when their waiter walked over to them. "Would you like any dessert?" he asked as he cleared the dishes from their table.

Jack looked up. "No, nothing for me. What about you, Julie?"

"I'd like some coffee, I think."

Great. Make that two coffees." When the waiter left, Jack looked at Julie. "So tell me, are you as bold as your stories?"

Julie laughed. "Well, sure, in a way." She ran her hand through her hair as if in deep thought. "I mean, my fantasies are bold but I'm not sure I am."

The waiter brought their coffees.

"I like the way you look when you play with your hair, Julie. Tell me one of your fantasies." He watched her and saw something awaken. Not quite sure what it was, he felt his cock twitch. "Pretend you're writing a story. Tell me what you would do if you were the character right now." His heart beat faster as he watched a transformation come over her.

Julie sat back. The minute he asked about her fantasies, her clit trembled. She crossed her legs. Her nipples tightened as her hands wrapped around the coffee mug. "Are you sure you want me to tell you here? In this public room?" She smiled, not understanding why she suddenly felt so feisty.

"Yes, Julie. I want to know what you would do to please me here in this restaurant right now. There's hardly anyone here right now. Tell me what you'd do. Tell me how you'd feel while you did it. Better yet, show me."

Her breath quickened. It was if she was one of the erotic characters she wrote about as she stood up. She felt like a butterfly shedding its cocoon. "Why don't you let me sit next to you?" she asked. He started to move over when she touched his shoulder. "No, let me in first." He stood up to let her slip into the booth. Her breasts brushed against his chest as she moved in front of him. She knew her ass looked sexy as she bent over and moved the napkin that had fallen on the seat. Sliding in, she smiled and he felt his heart melt.

He sat down next to her, not quite sure what she was going to do but hoping that her fantasy was the same as his. He couldn’t get over how truly sexy she was and she hadn't even done anything yet.

"Jack, you look uncomfortable. I think you should unzip your jeans." She smiled innocently but her eyes betrayed her emotions. " Push them down a little. I want to see you." He kept his eyes on hers as his hands moved toward his zipper. He felt her lust as if it was his own.

"Slowly, Jack. We are not going to rush this." She watched his hands as they fumbled for a moment, then gasped when she saw his cock, hard and almost perpendicular. His balls rested heavily against his closed thighs. "Now drop your napkin on the floor." His hand shook as he picked up the cloth and followed her instructions.

Julie leaned close to him, her thigh hard against his. She let him feel her nipples against his upper arm as she moved her head toward him. Touching his chin, she turned his face toward her. His mouth was soft against her tongue as she moved it gently back and forth along his closed lips, forcing them open. She heard his breath catch when the tips of their tongues met. Slowly she sucked, letting her teeth scrape it. His cock was fully erect now and his breath was as ragged as hers.

Suddenly, she pulled away from him. "Such a wonderfully slow kiss, Jack. Do you like it? Can you imagine what else I'm going to do slowly to you?" Her hand moved to his cock as her lips kissed his chin, then moved toward his ear. " I'm going to slowly lick your cock. My mouth is going to gently suck your balls. I'm going to make you come, Jack.” Her mouth nibbled his lobe. “I'm going to play with my clit, too. I want you to think about how hard my clit is going to get, Jack.” She ran her tongue along the soft spot under his ear. “I want you to imagine me touching myself as I suck your cock. Do you know why I want to suck you Jack?"

He couldn't answer if he had tried. She was nipping at his ear lobe while her fingers lightly stroked and caressed the hard firm flesh that was between his legs. Jack closed his eyes, tried to concentrate on finding his voice.

"Because I'm hot for you. If we were anywhere else, I'd make you wait for hours to come. You know that, don't you?" She squeezed his cock firmly as he nodded his head.

Her tongue circled his ear. "I hope you can control yourself, Jack. I'd hate for us to be thrown out because you can't keep quiet."

He opened his eyes and saw her smile as she slid under the table. He pulled the tablecloth down so that what she was about to do couldn't be seen. When he felt her hair against his thigh, he almost pulled it off the table.

Julie couldn’t understand what had come over her. Never in her life would she have dreamed she'd do this. It was a fantasy she’d write about. But now, she was overpowered by this desire to suck his cock till he begged for mercy. Would she let him come? She wondered, not knowing the answer as her lips moved toward his balls.

Kneeling in front of him, she used her hands to make him open his legs. Her tongue slowly moved across the span of his balls, pushed between them, felt them move across her lips. Her right hand moved up and down his cock, making it harder with each stroke. His thighs tensed and his ass moved on the seat when she moved a left finger to that smooth bit of skin just beneath his balls. As she massaged this sensitive spot, her mouth moved to the base of his cocked flesh. Her lips sucked against his length deliberately and firmly. His thighs pushed against her face as she continued to tease and excite him. Knowing that his orgasm was close to the edge, her right hand unzipped her jeans. Her middle finger touched her clit just as her mouth reached the tip of his cock. Her lips held him in place as her tongue moved around the rim and pushed into the tiny slit. She tasted his early thick juice as her finger rolled against her clit.

Julie lowered her hand and pushed a finger into her pussy. Her thumb remained on the hard little shaft, moving in tiny circles. Now her tense thighs matched his as her mouth moved down his cock. Holding him deep in her mouth, she swallowed slowly, allowing her throat to squeeze him lightly in a steady firm rhythm.

His hands went under the table to hold her head close to him as his explosion started. She erupted with him, groaning as his cock muffled her sounds. Her body became taut as her climax culminated with his. It was as if his silent cries of passion and pleasure were hers. His hands fell away from her head when he was spent.

She kept his cock in her mouth until she felt him relax. Her lips moved up until she could brush the tip with her tongue, savoring the last remains of the hot liquid he had given her. Pulling her mouth away, she re-zipped her jeans. Gently, she touched his cock as she pulled his jeans up, hands lingering on his stomach, thighs, cock and balls.

She moved back up to her seat and Jack turned toward her. "Julie, no one has ever done that for me before. No one."

"Jack, I've never done that to anyone before. Not in a public place. I don't know what came over me." She looked away, embarrassed.

Jack pushed her hair behind her ear and leaned close. "Julie, Julie," he whispered. "It's fine. I know. I saw the change come over you. I think I know how you really are."

She turned to face him. "I can't explain this." He stopped her with a kiss. His lips covered her words and she sank into a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time.

"Julie, don't worry. I understand. I do. Now, I'm here wondering when and how I can return the fantasy. I'm wondering if I can read minds as well as you."

* * * * *

Copyright January 1999 by Megan Murphy. Not to be reproduced, copied, distributed, published, quoted or used in any way or form for any commercial gain without the express written permission of the author.

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