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Mistaken Identity

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Sara strips Eric's date stark naked.
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I didn’t get a chance to see Eric at all during the next day at college. Somebody told me they thought he had to go on a personal errand at lunchtime, so I had lunch with Eudora, Christa, and Krista. I know, I know, but I’m not making this shit up. I had two friends named Christa and Krista. Krista, you already know about, and Christa was a nineteen year old beauty. She was five feet, three and a half inches tall, had shoulder-length brown hair with blonde highlights, bright blue eyes, a nicely proportioned bust and long legs. She had tan-ish ivory skin and long fingers with black nails. The young brunette was an excellent skate boarder, considered herself a punk, and had an entourage of gay males that were usually at her beck and call. There’s a funny story that goes along with that, but that’s for another time.

The lunch was truly hideous. It was some kind of meatloaf mystery meat, with library paste being passed off as mashed potatoes along with cardboard green beans. I don’t know where they find this shit they serve us. I ate my ice cream sandwich and drank my iced tea. I have to keep my girlish figure, anyway – mwahaha! We spent the rest of the lunch period throwing meatloaf at people. It was great! Haha! When we were done eating, we made plans to meet immediately after classes since I realized Eric had football practice and I wouldn’t be able to see him anyway.

The rest of my classes in the afternoon agonizingly crawled by. I swear the clock had a snail for the second hand. But finally bell for my final class rang and that was the fastest I moved all day in meeting Krista and Christa. I know, I know, but try living with that – every time I would say Krista or Christa, they both would go ‘Yeah.’

At lunch time, we had made plans to go down to the mall. It was only about a mile from the campus and the walk was pleasant enough. It was down commercial streets with sidewalks and usually there was not any major problems associated with it. As we were walking along, I saw Tiny about a block ahead of us. You remember that rather large lineman that brought me a jersey the day I ‘met’ Eric? Some introduction, huh? That’s starting things off with a bang! Mwahaha! Anyway, I’m thinking, ‘What the hell is Tiny doing here, when they have football practice?’ He didn’t appear to be injured in any way that I could see.

“Hey, Tiny!” I cried out, as I can have a big mouth when I have to. Ask Eric. Tiny hears me and waits for us to catch up with him. He had a big smile on his face, when we greeted him more intimately. After all, I was the quarterback’s lady and it behooved him to be respectful, plus he always had the hots for me after that day he saw me stark naked in the shower room. I know, you’re thinking that, of course, he had the hots for me after seeing me completely nude, but let me tell you – I saw him completely naked and I didn’t have any interest at all in his lard bound butt. Mwahaha!

“Hey, Tiny,” I asked, “why aren’t you at football practice?”

“We didn’t have any,” was his very surprising answer. Tiny went on to explain that the coaches were so happy over their win (‘their’ win?) that they gave them the day off. Hell, I should have gotten the week off for the part I played in it, as far as I was concerned.

Before I even had time to contemplate concerning where Eric was, if he didn’t have football practice, Christa asked, “Hey, isn’t that Eric?” When I turned my head, I sure enough observed him driving by in his new SUV, but that wasn’t what attracted my attention. It was the beautiful and I mean beautiful, as in drop dead gorgeous, raven-haired young woman sitting next to him, as they flew by us.

I felt as though I had been struck by a thunderbolt. I couldn’t move and I was experiencing difficulty with breathing. My adrenaline was racing through my body and I could feel my heart pounding and my ears ringing. I had never felt anything near that uncomfortable in my whole life. I wanted to chop that bitch up into little pieces and then I wanted Eric next!

Christa innocently asked, “Who was that with Eric?” I observed from the corner of my eye that Krista was making hand signals for Christa to remain silent. I turned to the both of them and said in a dead calm voice, strangely enough, “I don’t know, but when I find out she’s dead meat. And Eric’s next.”

Krista warned, “Now Sara, don’t go off half-cocked. You don’t know for certain who that was. I just have a difficult time thinking that Eric would cheat on you like that. That could be his sister for all you know.”

“Yeah, she’s right,” Christa chimed in.

“Yeah, sure,” I replied bitterly. “A sister, who he has never mentioned and who I have never met. Yeah, that’s the ticket,” I continued sarcastically. “It’s really his cousin. No, it’s his mother. No, wait it’s his aunt. No, I have it. It’s his father.”

While I was vastly amusing Christa, who was laughing hysterically, Krista just shook her head at me in disagreement and frowned at me. “You’re just hurting yourself,” my good friend pointed out. “Why don’t you go over and find out for certain.”

“Oh yeah, I intend to,” I responded with the utmost seriousness. “I surely intend to right now. And I want you all to go with me.”

“Oh, sure,” Christa agreed, while Krista shook her head emphatically. “No, I think this is between you and Eric,” Krista explained.

“If you don’t go with me, I will fuck the two of them up and ask questions later,” I threatened.

“That’s extortion,” the beautiful young woman complained. “You’re blackmailing me to go along.”

“Yeah, I know.” I grinned maliciously at her.

Eric’s house was a mile from the university in the opposite direction that the mall was. Luckily we had only traveled a minimum of the way toward the mall, when we observed Eric, consequently we only had a little over a mile walk to his home. Krista attempted to make small talk on the way, but the only person, who would talk with her was Christa, as I had only one thing on my mind – vengeance is mine, saith the Sara. Mwahaha!

They might have thought I was kidding, although I think Krista knew otherwise, but I wasn’t. I intended to take the butcher knife I knew was in Eric’s kitchen, and I intended to cut that bitch up into tiny little pieces and feed her to Eric. I am not a person to be fucked with or fucked over.

Soon we were standing in front of my erstwhile boyfriend’s house. Sure enough his SUV was standing parked in the driveway. As we approached the front door, Krista suggested that she gain admittance and discover what was really going on and then she would report to me.

I realized what she was doing, that she was going in and warn them about me being outside, but I pretended to believe her intentions and to go along with them. Christa and I hid in the hedge shrubbery, by the side of the house while Krista knocked on the front door and was invited inside.

“Come on,” I ordered Christa waving her along, as I quickly approached the front door.

“I thought we were going to wait for Krista,” responded the attractive brunette young woman.

“No way,” I explained. “I don’t trust her. She’s gonna tell them about us outside here.”

“Why would she do that?” Christa persisted.

“To try and prevent me from fucking them up,” I answered.

“Oh, I get it, but what are we doing?”

“We gonna try and get in without them discovering us and then we’ll go hide in Eric’s room. I know that sooner or later he’s gonna take her in there to fuck her little itty bitty brains out, and I’ll be ready for them. Mwahaha!” I exclaimed.

“Shhh!” Christa cautioned me, as I had gotten carried away as usual.

Our luck held and the front door was not locked. Five minutes later, we stood inside of Eric’s room. It made me sick. The room was spotless and everything was put up into it’s place. ‘He’s so anal-retentive,’ I thought. This was the same room that I thrilled to last week as being an example of how serious minded my lover was.

“What are you doing?!” Christa asked, naturally alarmed, as I had stripped off all my apparel and stood before her stark naked.

“When he brings that bitch up here to fuck her, I’m gonna wait ‘til he begins his little love spiel and then I’m popping out of the cake, so to speak to ruin his timing. Then I’m gonna fuck the two of them up, starting with her.”

“Uh, Sara,” Christa started to say.

“Quiet!” I commanded. “I think they’re coming,” as I heard someone talking on the stairs to the second floor. “Quick, get under the bed, while I hide in his closet.”

Christa immediately did as I suggested without any further questions asked. She was great to have along in an emergency, as she kept her cool at all times. I managed to just make it into the closet before the bedroom door opened and Eric and the mystery guest signed in.

Oh yeah, she was gorgeous. The sight of her made my stomach turn; great big tits, narrow waist and long legs. God, I thought I was gonna barf I was so upset.

“Oh, Eric,” she whined, “whatever are we going to do?”

“I’m not sure, she certainly wasn’t outside and I’m worried about it,” my turncoat exboyfriend complained. I realized they were talking about me. They were probably worried about what my attack would be and when.

“Well,” that bitch replied, “I guess there’s nothing we can do about it right now. Should we just go on with everything as planned?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” was the prick’s answer.

‘That does it,’ I thought, and I ripped open that closet door and launched myself onto that two-bit whore, before anyone really knew I was in the room. All hell broke loose after that. Eric kept calling out my name, which I ignored because my justice would not be denied.

That bitch was fully dressed, but wouldn’t be when I’d gotten finished with her and then I would cut her into tiny pieces. I quickly tore off her sweater and matching skirt (oh how utterly collegiate, excuse me while I gag) before she knew what had hit her. It was nothing after that, even though she had quickly stood up, to tear off the rest of her clothing leaving her as stark naked as me.

I was just getting ready to jump on her sorry ass and rip her a new one, when Christa crawled out from underneath the bed and distracted me momentarily. She explained to me later that she did it on purpose, because she honestly felt I was being extremely wrong-headed about all this. All I have to say is it takes a very good friend to strip herself naked in front of strangers just to help you out, as that’s what Christa had decided on doing, knowing it would divert me for, at least, a short time. And that’s exactly what it did, as she was extremely beautiful. I thought she would be beneath her clothing, but seeing is believing as they say.

I returned my attention once more to the naked whore still standing in front of me, when suddenly Krista pounded up the staircase from the lower floor calling out as she ran, “Stop it Sara! She really is Eric’s older sister.”

“Oh get real,” I snapped at her, as she bounded into the room. “That’s too weak. How come I’ve never heard of her?”

“Because she’s been away out of state at college,” Eric answered, stepping toward me. “I went to pick her up at the airport at lunch time today.”

“Then how come you didn’t tell me about it?” I demanded.

“Because you hung up on me yesterday, before I had a chance to tell you, and I know how you are when you’re mad at me. I knew there was no way I could have called you back,” Eric explained. “I thought that I would see you this morning before class, but I couldn’t find you anywhere.”

“Oops,” I giggled. “I was late again.”

“I should have attempted to send you an email yesterday and tell you,” decided Eric, “but I figured you would probably ignore that too. Sara,” Eric went on to formally introduce us, even though it seemed rather ludicrous at the time since we both were standing there completely nude. “This is my sister, Erica. Erica, this is my wild and crazy girlfriend, Sara.”

“Mwahaha!” I exclaimed, while shaking Erica’s hand.

The beautiful young woman laughed a deep throated wonderfully melodic sound and said, “Pleased to meet you, Sara. I’ve heard a lot about you from Eric, and I’m happy to see it’s all true.”

I blushed under the heavy staring of Erica at my total nudity. I know that sounds rather funny for me to say, but this was my boyfriend’s older sister, who I had just met by tearing off all her clothes. By the way, it did occur to me as passing strange that Eric and her seemed so comfortable with her standing there nude like that.

I sensed rather than heard some movement to my right and as I turned my head, I observed Christa removing Krista’s clothing and Eric was already standing completely nude. ‘Oh, I get this picture,’ I thought to myself delightedly and I no longer felt uncomfortable with Erica’s intense staring at me. Rather I was now completely at ease and I stepped up on my tip toes, as the dark-haired beauty was several inches taller than me and pulled her naked body next to mine. Her skin felt like satin and it was completely blemish free wherever you felt or looked.

Erica fully embraced me in return, while beginning to rub her hands gently all over my body. It felt as though she was wearing some sort of velvet gloves her hands felt so good. As I was passionately kissing her, while snaking my tongue into her open mouth, the raven-haired young woman began to press against my clitoris as fast as she could with her finger. God, it was sending jolts of pleasure throughout my whole body much as if I had been struck with an electric wire, but in a good way. I felt moisture at the bottom of my completely distended vagina. I was more than ready to be fucked! I realized, even at the time, that a large part of my pleasure was simply that I was being made love to by my boyfriend’s sister with him in the room.

I felt my clit become hard as a rock through Erica’s touch and I dropped to my knees and did the same for her clit with my tongue.

“Oh, God Erica,” I moaned almost completely over the top with lust. I took Eric’s sister by the hand and led her to his bed, where I had lay more than once with Eric, even though he would have to sneak me into the house. I suddenly found myself wondering what his parents thought we were doing. Well, I would imagine it wasn’t anything like this, I laughed to myself.

Erica lay on the bed and pulled me down on top of her. As we kissed each other over and over, snaking our tongues everywhere in each others’ mouth, we rubbed our clits against each other producing some of the most pleasurable sensations I had ever felt up to that point.

“Oh, Eric, I love your sister too,” I cried out in my passion as the cum cascaded from me matching Erica’s orgasm in every way. I continued to kiss the beautiful young woman and also to rub my breasts against hers the entire time until suddenly I began to develop another orgasm arising deep within me; somewhere buried so deeply it was almost primal in nature and I screamed, as it was wrenched from me in spurts almost painfully. It was something I had never experienced previously.

Erica pulled me up to her and almost crushed me in her embrace and we lay cuddled the rest of the afternoon, as we watched the sexual cavorting of Eric fucking the living daylights out of Krista, while Christa sat on Krista’s face while Krista ate out Christa’s pussy. (Sorry, but that’s their names. Be glad this isn’t one of those books on tape – mwahaha!) And that’s how I became introduced to Eric’s sister. Haha!

The End

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