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Modern Family Futa Pt. 01

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Claire gets help from Haley after she changes.
6.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/15/2017
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This is set in the TV show Modern Family. It will focus on Claire and Haley Dunphy.

This is quite different than any of the other stories I've posted. First off I plan to do multiple parts, plus it isn't based on a specific episode, and it involves a serious change to certain characters. As of now I am planning to make this a 3-part series for this show, and might do it for others as well (No promises though). This series will contain incest, and occurs sometime around season 6 or 7 of the show (With all actresses and characters being over 18). As the title implies this is a story about futa's set in the show.

Thank you BDD for editing.


The change had only affected 5% of women worldwide. Overnight, millions of woman woke up to a nasty surprise. Without warning or explanation, they had grown a set of male genitalia replacing their own. Size and girth varied from woman to woman, just like with men. They were infertile though, as they produced ample semen but none of it viable for reproduction.

One thing in common for all of those who had changed was the hugely increased sex drive, especially towards members of their own gender who hadn't gone through the change. This insatiable lust and incredibly increased sexual endurance were but two enhancements among other new traits. These side effects proved to be the most volatile for most women. Those in a relationship were put to an extreme pressure both with the new change and their new desires as well.

Claire Dunphy was one of those who changed. Her daughters were unaffected but still her life was in turmoil. She found her hormones raging harder than when she was a teenager and now it was for members of her own sex. Her husband was, as always, super supportive and loving along with the rest of her family.

Still though adjusting to this new life was incredibly strange for her. She was one of the women who decided to shy away from the change, hide it the best she could, and act like it didn't exist if possible. Her sex life had ground to a halt, like most her husband found her new change quite intimidating and strange. Well, he had occasionally fucked her up the ass, but her, with this cock, was too weird for him to handle. Claire couldn't really blame him, as she was even more shocked by the whole thing than he was.

Her strong sexual urges along with her now nonexistent sex life meant she was facing a raging drive to fuck something constantly. She had found that relieving herself stymied the feelings, albeit only briefly. Jerking herself off for the first time had been an experience she would never forget.

Now without a person to release with, she found herself often masturbating, often multiple times a day. She also found it worked much better when she focused on her new appendage, her old method of sexual relief paled in comparison. The thrill she felt as she stroked out a load from her new cock was like nothing she had never experienced before.

A heavy set of balls hung below her well above average sized cock, another fact her husband disliked. Hiding it proved to be somewhat of a challenge, but when she eventually figured out that she couldn't wear tight bottoms or short dresses or skirts anymore she was fairly okay.

A day in her life was typically the same as before. The only major change was the multiple times a day she had steal away to relieve herself. Bathrooms, closets, anyplace where she was away for prying eyes.

As the days of enforced celibacy and constantly hiding her change without any other outlet her stroking sessions increased. Two weeks after the change she was jerking off four to five times a day! Her cock never seeming to have any trouble spewing a big load no matter how many times she stroked it. Her sexual drive never going away, just diminishing for a period.

Her fantasies that she used to get off seemed to be getting dirtier and dirtier, another side effect of the change. Her old taboos melting away as naughty thoughts raced through her mind throughout the day, seemingly unable to stop herself from letting them control all her urges and thoughts.

She hated these thoughts, but pleasure she felt when she released imagining them was too great. She hated herself to be honest, the change and then these thoughts tormenting her made her feel alienated and alone.

Her eldest daughter, Haley was there for her though. Unchanged, she still loved her mother like the rest of her family but she seemed to be the least put off. Her husband tried to be same but without the pussy he was used to he couldn't manage.

Her other daughter, Alex, also unchanged seemed more intrigued than the other members of her family by the strange occurrence. Alex had always had an analytical and scientifically focused mind, still though, she couldn't help but treat her mom differently. Haley though was simple, loving, and wanted to make her mom feel as normal as possible not having any idea what she was going through.

Claire appreciated this, although it had some unintended consequences. Haley became the only person she regularly talked to. At the office she avoided everyone she could, spending lots of time in her office getting herself off. At home her husband and son had no idea how treat her and couldn't be counted on for much beyond simple talks. Her other daughter was similar but a bit more inquisitive and curious.

Haley, though, was there for her. She talked with her like before, she treated her like before, and was her only connection to her past life. This led to a bond between them that neither of them expected.

It awoke something else in Claire as well. She ignored it, tried to fight it, and when it became too much she did what she could to ensure it wouldn't be a problem. She had developed stronger and stronger urges towards her daughter.

It made sense if you don't consider their relation. Haley was a young nubile woman full of energy, her light wavy brown hair cascading down just past her shoulders framing her face perfectly, her large green eyes and full lips accentuating her other beautiful features.

Standing just over 5 feet, her perky breasts and cute ass made her a constant source of boners for a lot of people, though she was unaware her mom was one of them. She wasn't inexperienced and had been with her share of men over the years, using her sexuality as a tool and using the men for her pleasure.

In contrast her mother was a taller blonde MILF with straightened hair falling just past her cheeks. Her sharp facial features accentuating her sparkling blue eyes. An impressive chest held up by a well formed body which was kept toned by her exercise regime. Her shapely ass completed the look for her.

Two beautiful creatures, bound by blood. One unaware of the others growing lust after her. Claire kept it at bay, showing no outward signs and not letting her feelings affect their relationship. But as time went by she could do less and less to repress what she was feeling: Pure animal lust after a singular beauty.

Originally when the lust started bubbling to the surface Claire kept it at bay by simply upping her masturbating count per day. For a while this worked, but as it got stronger she started to notice that her fantasies and porn started to resemble her daughter more and more.

She then moved on to more taboo fantasies, videos, and stories. Family relations, usually mother and daughter videos. Focusing on those that most closely resembled her scenario. She wanted to stop, she wanted these feelings to go away, but they only got stronger.

She did all she could to delay the inevitable. As the yearnings increased she found herself more drawn to Haley, even for just simple conversations and interactions that she now looked forward to. The strain in her pants getting tighter by the day as she sat across from her daughter.

Still it wasn't enough, her body wanted more. She started using images and fantasies of her own daughter outright. Feeling incredibly dirty but aroused at the same time as she coaxed out an orgasm in the bathroom while her husband slept.

A few feet away from him and here she was jerking off to pictures of her daughter. Load after load she produced, seemingly never tiring as she stared down at her beautiful little girl. Pleasure like she had just learned to experience over and over again as she couldn't seem to get enough.

Eventually exhausted she cleaned up her mess, hid the photos, and climbed back to bed. Exhausted, and yet still somehow unsatisfied, her latest evolution only seeming to strengthen her yearning.

She went to a troubled sleep, dreams interlaced with images of her daughter in varying stages of undress and intimacy. She awoke in the morning, with her husband already up and downstairs. Her cock half flaccid and still leaking a bit of the cum that she had emitted during one of her many fantasies involving Haley.

Her hand trembled as she cleaned it up, not wanting her husband to find out if he hadn't already. Her urges were becoming too strong, her sudden change and newfound loneliness was making this all so powerful that she felt she couldn't stop it.

The next night instead of another bathroom excursion, that only served to frustrate her, Claire snuck downstairs. Haley was sleeping in the basement after she flunked out of college. She was sleeping peacefully as Claire snuck up to her.

Below Claire lay her firstborn, one of the people she loved most in the world. Beautiful even while sleeping. Clare knew her feelings were wrong, she knew she should stop or say something, but she also knew how much she wanted to just give in to them.

She settled for slowly backing away to the doorway where she gently slipped her cock out from her undies. Still staring at Haley's sleeping form she slowly started to stroke her turgid member. Her cock hardened almost immediately. She started with long strokes along her rigid cock, using her other hand to muffle her mouth as she leaned against a wall. Frantically she worked her cock, wanting this to be over as quick as possible so as not to wake Haley. As she felt her cum building she pulled her hand away from her mouth and placed it in front of the cock just she came, squirting and exploding a copious load, catching most of her cum.

Feeling embarrassed, confused, and dirty she quietly cleaned up the mess making sure to get rid of it all so no one could know. She slipped into bed, her mind racing, but one thing was still clear. It still wasn't enough. Images of her daughter filled been filling her mind day and night, and lying in bed beside her husband she was unable to stop filthy images of her daughter doing unspeakable acts taking over her mind. Claire herself was in most of them, doing those acts to her beautiful daughter, a smile across her face. She wanted to not want this nearly as bad as she did but nothing she did seemed to stop these thoughts, and the one person she could talk to about things was the one person she definitely couldn't tell this to.

Another fitful night of sleep followed, waking thankfully without a nighttime emission but with a serious case of morning wood, she was sure her husband had noted, as he left before she woke. She hurried to the bathroom and again had a cold shower to see if it would help out, but, as always, she had to take care of herself before she got any relief.

She went down and started making breakfast, as she finished putting the plates on the table she felt hands wrap around her from behind and give her a tight, warm hug. Then she received a peck on the cheek and a good morning from Haley. She cherished the feeling, but hated as she felt her cock spring to attention with her daughter's body pressed against her own.

Eventually Haley broke the embrace and moved to sit down at the table. Claire followed and did the same, where they shared some small talk and all seemed normal, at least for Haley. Claire on the other hand felt her boner practically banging against the table while they ate, and couldn't stop staring at her daughter's gorgeous face.

Before she knew it, they were finished eating. Haley got up and informed her she was going out for a bit of shopping and meeting friends but she would be back around dinner time. Claire nodded mutely along, doing all she could stop her eyes from trailing down her body. As Haley walked out of the room, a happy bounce in her step Claire's eyes stayed glued to her ass as she walked down the hall and out the door.

As Haley finally left, Claire felt herself almost collapse against the wall, the win pressures of the secret and what was in her pants was becoming too much. She would go crazy soon if she didn't get some sort of real release. She happened to sniff the air around her, catching a whiff of the scent Haley had left behind. Her cock straining even harder now gave Claire a very bad, but alluring idea.

She was home alone, and thought this just might give her a little extra time before she did something really stupid. She slipped back down to the basement and started looking around, one thing on her mind. Haley wasn't particularly a neatness freak so it took her a little while but finally she found her prize. A pair of panties Haley hadn't quite gotten around to putting in her hamper yet.

Her shaking hand picked them up, while her other worked to open up her pants. They both finished their task in sync, Haley's panties now right up to her nose and her cock out and being stroked. She inhaled deeply, again noting the keen difference in the scent, which was likely from her hair products. Still it brought an intense thrill to her and as she pictured where these had been and what they had been right beside she felt an orgasm quickly approaching. Not prepared for the intense suddenness of this she panicked not knowing how to stop what was presumably going to be a large deposit.

She brought her other hand down as well and just as she felt it start to explode she placed the panties in front of her cock ejecting load after load on her daughter's panties. A lot of it dribbled away but as she finished the panties were covered and soaked in her cum. Moaning deeply as she came from both the pleasure, and from the realization that this did very little to sate her thirst. A small sob almost escaped her as she slowly moved to clean off the panties the best she could before she threw them in with the rest of the laundry.

Haley arrived home to a nice surprise that her mom had cleaned up a bit and done all her laundry, unaware of the dirty secret surrounding it. Claire, on the other, hand had spent the day alternating between hating herself and jerking off to try and stave off her thoughts. She knew this was all coming to a head, and something had to change.

Claire woke up late the next day, finding this all the more common since the change. Her husband was off to work already, her son was out with friends, and her other daughter Alex was going to her grandparents' house for a swim in their pool. She wasn't going to work was much anymore, which was common in those that changed and her father tried to be as understanding as he could so he let her come in whenever she wanted.

Haley though, as always, was there for her. Claire yearned for her, as another breakfast seemed to pass before Claire realized it, Haley stood up and gave her a big smile as she walked past to go change her clothes into something more comfortable. She was staying home with her mom today, saying it wasn't to keep her company but Claire thought she just felt bad for her. She was so sweet, and so understanding. Would she be as understanding if she knew everything, was the question burning in Claire's mind.

Claire was reading in the living room when Haley rejoined her. A halter top that showed off ample amounts of her toned stomach and booty shorts that covered very little were all Haley was wearing as she plopped down beside her mom. Claire let out a soft moan as she saw her, immediately repositioned her book to hide her quickly increasing erection. Haley took no notice of this, as her attention turned to the TV, letting her head rest gently on her mom beside her.

Claire glanced down at her angelic daughter, and as she caught a whiff of her scent she once again felt herself battling her urges. Her cock straining, her hormones raging, and the thing she desired was leaning on her. Claire did what she could to focus on the book, and not think about who was right next to her. Who she was smelling whenever she breathed in. Whose warmth was radiating onto her, and who looked so fantastic.

Claire, lost in thoughts, having not turned the page in several minutes, not that Haley noticed. She was sweet and cared, and would likely do almost anything, but she wasn't the most observant. Otherwise she might've noticed the looks from Claire or the new change in her personality as of late. That being said, her other qualities more than made up for it, and she was aware something had to be going on. Her mom had been quieter as of late, despite the long talks they had right after her change.

"I know things must be tough for you, mom, all these changes and the way some people treat you now," Haley said out of the blue startling Claire as she wasn't prepared for something like this so suddenly. "But I want you to know I'll always be there for you." Haley finished, turning her body and wrapping Claire in a tight hug.

Claire returned it, the comfort her daughter was providing and the thought of getting her hands on Haley even briefly was mouthwatering. She turned towards her daughter as well slightly, feeling the book slide off her lap but paying no mind. This had a fairly large consequence though for such an innocent act. As they hugged Haley felt the book slide away and was replaced with something else hard pressing into her.

At first she had no idea what it was, but as she felt it's throbbing and placement she slowly put it together. Her mouth opened in shock and she just barely managed to stop herself from saying anything. She didn't know if this was because of her, the hug, or just something her mom had fairly constantly had after the change. Their bodies held tightly together; Haley feeling the hard rod pressing harder and harder into her; her mom seemingly not noticing.

Eventually Claire did though, and while she wanted to recoil in humiliation the other part of her wanted to hold this hug. It wanted to take that piece of meat and shove it into what she was holding on to. Unfortunately for Claire, the lusty side of her was winning out. These urges that she had let go unchecked and slowly been feeding wasn't going to let an opportunity like this slip away.

She felt her hands moving Haley more and more towards her until she was snuggled half on her lap, her hands moving almost on their own. Haley was now directly on top of Claire's throbbing erection. Its size was mind boggling and alluring for someone like Haley. She definitely was no stranger to sex, and so when the change had first occurred she couldn't say she wasn't curious about it, and here was one pressing into her. Still it was her mom's though and she was sure her mom wouldn't really be having an erection from being with her own daughter.

Claire felt herself letting the grip on the hug loosen up a bit, feeling Haley separate the two of them. Then Claire moved her own head forward, directly towards her daughter and let their lips meet. A passionate, well at least from one side, kiss erupted. Claire getting exactly what she had been tormenting herself over for far too long. Haley in too much of a shock to react quickly.

Eventually though she broke the kiss, her big eyes opened even wider in shock as she looked at her mom. Claire looked different, the look in her eyes wasn't the sweet tender look she always gave her children. It was replaced by something else, an animalist lust Haley had seen in enough men she had been with to notice now.


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