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Mom and I Make a...

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Mom and son come together after their break ups.
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I write to entertain myself. If you do not like my grammar or the story seems too simple minded for your intelligence, STOP RIGHT HERE. I'm not in a contest or trying for a passing grade. So if you comment be constructive or nice. Either way this is for my entertainment. If it is entertaining to you we are both pleased. I'll thank you for any helpful criticism.

Thank you.

I also want to thank my friend Don for his help in editing this story.


I turned eighteen two months ago and since then I noticed that mom has been acting just a little bit different towards me. She is freer with her hugs and kisses throughout each day. Usually she would kiss me on the cheek when I first get up of a morning for breakfast and a hug before I left the house for school or leave out with my friends. Now it is at any time she will just come up to me and kiss me or hug me and sometimes both.

I also noticed she has changed the way she dresses. She used to dress in knee length skirts and dresses. The shorts, when she would wear any, went to mid-thigh. Now the only time she wears a skirt or a dress that stops at her knees, is her uniform that is dress code at the restaurant where she works. When she is home and just lounging around, she wears skirts and dresses that are mid-thigh length and the shorts are short shorts. The shorts are so short that her butt cheeks peek out of the leg holes. She wears the short shorts around the house only, unless she needs to make a fast trip to the store and back.

I've been working part time at the same restaurant mom works but now that school is out and I've graduated, I've been looking for full time work outdoors, where I would rather be working. Dad wants me to go to college and work where he does, but I have no desire to work in an office of any kind. Besides if working in an office requires one to work ten and twelve hours a day, I want no part of it. I think life has more to offer than just working from sunup to sunset. I can see mom feels like dad doesn't love her like when they first married. It has been years since I last heard him say, 'I love you' to her. He makes promises and doesn't keep them anymore like he used to.

Mom and I have always been close really, but as dad got to working more and more and going on business trips weeks at a time, mom and I have gotten a lot closer, as close as a mother and son can get, without crossing that invisible line. At times I wonder if mom is willing to cross that invisible line with me, the way she has changed her way of dress around me and the way she has taking to hugging and kissing me.

On days when mom and I would be off in the evenings, she would sit on the couch with her back in the corner where the back and armrest meet, her legs stretched out on the couch in my lap and her in one of her lounging house dresses, I would massage her feet for her.

In the last couple of months since I turned eighteen, her dresses and skirts being shorter, and she is lounging on the couch as I massage her feet, they seem to ride up some and she has more leg showing than she used to have, that has made it hard for me to massage her feet without getting a hard-on.

I know I'm not supposed to be looking at mom like that but hey, I'm just a red blooded southern American boy that is horny all the time, at least it seems like it. I have a girlfriend but she doesn't like to put out much, even though we do use rubbers and she is on the pill. She says she don't want to get pregnant yet, which is fine with me but hey, at least we can practice can't we?

I landed a new job this last Monday, working for a roofing company putting a roof on the new factory being built in town. Friday evening when I got home from work, mom told me my girlfriend, Alice called today and wanted me to call her as soon as I got home, so I called to be told she would be out with her mom and dad for the weekend and she was sorry, she had to call our date off for tonight.

I hung up the phone, "Crap if that don't suck!"

"Sounds like you're in the same boat as I'm in this evening."

I looked over at mom and asked, "Dad called and said he had to work late and couldn't keep you guys date tonight, am I right?"

"You hit the nail on the head. He called as soon as he got to work to tell me he's going out of town tonight on a business trip."

"Didn't you take the day off to go on this date with him?" I asked, remembering what mom told me this morning.

"Yes I did and I was not able to change to an early shift, after asking to have the time off to get ready for this evening." I knew mom didn't need to work because dad had a good paying job. Mom just worked to have something to do more than anything, and she just saved her income in case something happened that we would be hit with hard times.

"Yes I know that for sure. We can talk about this once I am done with my shower if you want."

"Okay. I guess I better figure something out for our supper tonight."

"Okay." I rushed up to my bedroom and laid out some clothes to wear after my shower then walked down the hall to the bathroom, removed my work clothes and jumped into the shower. Back in my bedroom I put on a button up shirt that I had cut the sleeves off of, due to having holes in the elbows of the sleeves. I usually left the top two or three buttons undone, going with just the two buttons undone this time. When I finished dressing I went back to the living room to see mom sitting on the couch in her usual position, "Have you figured something out for supper yet?"

"No I haven't. Sorry..."

"Slip your shoes on and let's go out to eat."

"Mm, I do like a man that knows what he wants." swinging her legs around to put her shoes on.

"I like a woman that knows how to look good for the man she is waiting for and you do fit the bill really well."

"Why thank you very much. I'm glad that I look good to at least one man around here. It's just too bad I don't look so good to the one I married, like he used to say I did." mom finished slipping her shoes on.

"Dad has just let money go to his head and forgot to keep his eyes on the good things he has at home and care for what he created. You look so beautiful and sexy and he's gone blind in his old age."

"Why thank you son for thinking I'm still beautiful and sexy." I locked the front door, held my arm out toward mom and she took it. I escorted mom down the porch steps and we walked out to my pickup. "We could take my car to save your gas son."

As we stepped around to the passenger side, "I need to stop for gas, and I'll do that on the way back home."

The dress mom was wearing to lounge around in this evening, has just a little bit of flare from the waist down and she managed to get into my pickup without flashing me a quick view up her dress because of it.

As I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and looked for a place to park, "That looks just like your dad's car sitting there."

Looking at the car mom pointed out, "It is dad's car. Do you want to go on in or go somewhere else to eat?"

"We are here now, let's just go on in and just see what he may be up to. Remember he is supposed to be out of town on a business trip?"

"Oh yea, that's right." I found a place to park four spots past his car on the same side of the row dad is parked in. I helped mom get out of the pickup and escorted her to the front door. We spotted dad and a young woman sitting next to each other in a corner booth like lovers, as soon as mom and I stepped in through the door. Dad is so wrapped up with the young woman that he didn't even see us. I step over to the hostess stand, "A table for two please."

As the host escorted us to a booth on the other side of the dining room from where dad and his date were sitting, I saw a young guy my age and my supposed to be girlfriend sitting at a table in another corner booth, kissing and sharing each other's food, "Is that Alice your girlfriend sitting in the corner there?" mom asked me in a whisper.

"Yes it is."

I indicated for mom to sit next to me where we both could sit and see dad, my girlfriend, and their dates, then I slid in beside mom.

With our food and drinks in front of us, mom said just loud enough for me to hear, "I had a feeling your dad was cheating on me but I didn't think he was cheating on me in the same town. Then to top it off, what's supposed to be 'your' girlfriend lied to you about having to spend the weekend with her folks, and ends up sitting with some guy kissing him like a lover, in the same place my husband is, and him with another woman doing the same."

"How often does that happen? I've never been here before but I've heard about it and wanted to check it out tonight. I planned on bringing Alice here on our date this evening."

"Your dad never brought me here either and I've wanted to check it out myself. I know now why your dad wouldn't bring me here. He didn't want to be seen with me if by chance his girlfriend, happened to come in while we were here. I have a feeling she knows nothing about me being his wife. You and Alice are having a date here tonight, just not as you had planned with each other."

"Good one sexy." I said with a little bit of grin.

"Okay handsome, I thought so."

I noticed that dad and his date got their order just as the waitress was taking our order. When mom and I were about half way through with our meal, Alice and her date started sliding out of their booth, Alice's eyes got really big as soon as she stood up and saw me sitting just a few feet away.

Mom gave a little chuckle when Alice's eyes got so big when she saw me, that I had to chuckle to myself as well. Before Alice could make a move, the guy took her hand and pulled her toward the door, Alice turned and put her attention back on her date. As soon as the two were out the door, mom asked, "Do you by chance know the guy she's with?"

"No I don't know him. I've never seen him before anywhere."

Mom and I sat close like we were lovers while we ate our meal, much like Alice and the guy she is with had done, and dad is doing with his date. Mom and I finished eating, and then mom said, "I need to go to the restroom before we go. Do you see which way I need to go to get there?"

"Go right over next to where dad and his date is sitting." pointing to the restroom sign in dad's direction. "I'll meet you up by the door when you come out." I said as I slid out letting mom out.

"Okay. I'll just be a minute."

"No problem." mom then headed toward the restroom and I headed toward the door, while keeping an eye on dad in case he happened to see mom walking toward him.

I couldn't believe dad never looked toward her or toward me, as mom walked right past him and his date. Three minutes after mom entered the restroom she came back out, just as dad and his date started moving to get up and leave. Mom stepped out of the restroom and started walking toward me, and as soon as dad realized he had stood up in front of someone, he turned his head and saw mom as she just stepped around him, as she walked on toward me without stopping. Dad then saw me with those big eyes he always gets when he is surprised to see something unexpected.

As mom reached me she turned to look back at dad and waved and I did the same, then mom blew a kiss toward him just as the woman followed his wide-eyed look toward us. The woman saw us wave at him and saw mom blow the kiss to dad then looked back at him and said something to him. It took a moment for dad to snap out of it while mom and I stood to see what would happen next. It took a little bit of a nudge from dad's date, to make him snap out of it.

Dad began talking to the woman as he looked from us to the woman and back to us and back to her, before mom and I made our exit from the restaurant.

Out at the pickup I helped mom in on the passenger side again as dad and his date stepped out of the restaurant. I closed the door to the pickup and waited till dad and his date walked toward his car, and moved around to the front of my pickup, "Looser." I said, as we met at the front left corner of my pickup.

"What's that son?" dad asked, turning to look at me.

"Business trip my ass, you two timing jerk!" I answered back at him as I got my door open to get in.

"How dare you talk to me like that boy?"

"I talk to you how I want to since you're a two timing lying sucker." watching to see what dad may do next.

Dad started to turn toward me but mom opened her door, "Dan! You leave your son alone and you can stop by tomorrow and pick up your things and go back to your whore there." dad just stopped and looked at her and then back at me.

I went ahead and got into the pickup and mom closed her door, as I closed mine and started the engine, and then backed out of the space. We could see dad's face was red as all get out and his date talking to him like she was hot under the collar.

Once we were down the road a little way mom looked at me and asked, "Mark, what would you have done, had Dan stepped around the pickup toward you back there?"

"Depends on what he would've done once he got around to me. I was ready to stand up to him, had you not said what you did."

"You think that you could have taken him on and came out ahead?"

"Yes I know I can and would've. He works out just to keep his figure mostly, and I work out to stay in shape and train to defend myself as well." I said as I pulled into a gas station.

I filled up with gas and paid for it and climbed back into the driver's seat and left the station. A little way down the road, mom asked me, "What are you going to do about Alice now?"

"I'll just let her go on down the road she's on with her new guy. What else is there to do when the one you thought loved being with you, doesn't want to be with you after all?"

"Good point." I could hear mom's voice was kind of chocked up.

I turned into a parking lot of a big park with a pond in the middle of the park with benches to sit on. I parked and shut the engine off and got out, walked around to the passenger side and opened the door and helped mom out and pulled her to me and just held her in my arms.

I noticed that my dick was starting to get hard just standing and holding her in my arms pulled up next to me. After a couple of minutes I turned and led mom off down a walkway that led to the pond, while keeping an arm wrapped around her waist and she had her arm wrapped around me, like we were lovers. We sat down with my arm around her shoulders and let her lay her head on my shoulder, "You seem to always know what I need when I can't keep from crying my eyes out. Your dad had no clue as to what to do at times I was like this. I keep asking myself where you get it from since your dad has no clue of what to do, but you do."

"I have no idea mom. I just know you are the one woman that has always been there for me when I needed a woman's touch."

"It's called a mothers instinct I guess."

"In that case I guess I have a son's instinct to know what to do when I see or hear you crying."

"I hope you keep that when you finally find the woman of your dreams to marry."

"Yea, right, like that will ever happen. The luck I have with women I don't see it happening very soon."

Mom and I just sat and talked with me holding her and her holding me as we talked things out. We sat there a good hour or more before we went home. That night I heard mom crying in her bedroom but, she wouldn't let me in until the next day when we sat down and talked some more.

That all happened six months ago and we had to move since the house had to be sold and the money split between mom and dad. Mom did get the biggest part of the split. Dad had done something that caused the judge to say sell the house and split the money between them.

Mom had met a rancher where she worked and told him about having to move and sell the house by court order. The rancher told her he has a house on one acre of land with pasture land surrounding it. The rancher offered it to us rent free. All we had to do was to take care of the house and keep an eye on his cattle, because someone was stealing them from time to time. The house did give us more room than the two bedroom apartment we were going to move into. At the rancher's house we didn't have a swimming pool but we did have plenty of shade trees, and the only eyes we had looking into the back yard were cattle grazing in the pasture. The apartment we were looking at had a pool, but no privacy.

We had the utilities turned on and a TV dish put in. As soon as all that was done we moved in. Mom was to receive alimony which helped to make our lives financially easier. One week after we made the move the house sold and mom received a check for her part from the sale.

One Saturday afternoon mom and I were out shopping (shortly after the sale of the house) I treated her out to dinner and again who should we run into? It was dad with a different woman this time. Again he didn't see us walk in and when mom and I finished eating and paid our bill, we went out to the pickup and waited till dad and his date came out. I walked around them, and said, "Ah, dad, this isn't the same woman mom and I saw you with, the last time you ate here." then I walked on around them and back to my pickup noticing the two turn and watch me walk away from them.

Mom was watching me and dad with his date, and when I got back and got in, mom asked, "Son what did you say to them?"

"I just told dad that the woman he's with isn't the same woman, you and I saw him with the last time he ate here."

"That was mean. You know that don't you?" as we drove toward the exit.

"Yes that is why I did it to him." I saw dad wave at me to come back wanting me to face him like a man, as I turned out into the street. I just gave him a wave like I'll see you later.

"I did like it though. It serves him right for cheating on me and not coming on out and asking me for a divorce in the first place."

I saw dad and his date get into his car and try to follow us, as I drove on toward the grocery store. I figured dad would see us turn into the grocery store parking lot but he didn't, so he either lost sight of us or decided it wasn't worth the trouble to confront me.

When we left the grocery store, I stopped at a liquor store where mom bought a case of beer and some wine. Mom likes her wine when we eat supper and sometimes after the meal, she will have a glass of wine. The beer is for me mostly, but she does drink some, even though I'm still under age. Mom lets me have a glass of wine with my supper so she isn't drinking alone and when she has more after the meal. I usually drink another beer so she doesn't feel like she's drinking alone. The only time I have wine and or beer, is when it is just her and I at home.

The following Saturday morning I got up to find mom in her house coat in the kitchen as usual, cooking breakfast for us, "Good morning babe, coffee is ready if you want some."

"You know that I do beautiful." as I filled a cup up.

I sat down at the table and mom placed our breakfast on it, then gave me my morning hug and kiss, pressing her tits into my chest and I could feel her hard nipples pocking me. I immediately stood up and pulled the chair out for her to sit on and pushed it under her, as she sat down. All through breakfast mom and I flirted back and forth. When we finished eating, mom asked, "Is it okay if we go shopping a bit early this morning? I need a few new outfits to wear."

"Why sure it is okay. Why are you asking me, if we can go early?" while I got us both another cup of coffee.

"Until you decide to get married and move out you're the man of the house."

"Who said anything about me getting married? I haven't found a woman that is so good looking to look at and makes me happy, outside of this house yet." I couldn't help but look at mom's chest to see the right side of her left tit, with the top part of her house coat pushing outward some.

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