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Mom and I Swing

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Derek and Angie visit a swing club with his parents.
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There is perhaps no grander feeling in the world than waking up after a night of sex with your cock hardening again in a woman's hot mouth, her tickling tongue whirling around your glans, her hand slowly squeezing more blood into your shaft.

Then you open your eyes to find that it's your sister Jessica blowing you, while you spot your fiancee Angie going down on your brother Tommy on the other side of the king bed you all shared to sleep.

The day before, Jessica had gone from a family friend I hadn't seen in six years to my newly-revealed half-sister, lover and future sister-in-law. It was more unexpected than what had transpired with Mom earlier in the week, since I'd never had any fantasies regarding Jessica. It was hard to figure out which new relationship surprised me most and where Jessica rated next to Mom and Angie and perhaps her mom Jilly, who I was likely going to have sex with that night at her swing club.

Now, Jessica was taking my cock deep into her throat and I had to moan, "Fuck, Jess! Oh, gawd!" Her auburn-haired head bobbed up and down in my lap as she alternated sliding my shaft into her esophagus with a delightful suction as she rose up again.

"Morning, bro," she muttered during one of her gasping breaths.

She didn't let up until I warned, "Cumming, Jess! Oh, fuuuuuck! Unnngggghh!!" and gushed a fresh load of cum down her gullet, Jessica keeping her lips pressed to my pubes until I was done shooting. She pulled off of my shaft, gulping in air.

She climbed along my body, her breasts settling in against my side, her head on my shoulder as we looked over at Angie bringing Tommy to a similar finish. "Fuck, Angie, I love you!" he cried out as I saw his toes curl, his abdomen clench and some of his cum leak from her lips. She sucked those droplets off his cock and kissed her way along Tommy's torso and snowballed his load into his mouth.

I remembered turning her down the first time she tried that with me and wondered how many times she had done it with Tommy. After Tommy had not objected to eating my cum from Angie's snatch the night before, I realized I'd better get used to the idea, if either woman wanted to try it with me, now that everything was in the open.

At least open among the broadened family. The incest would still need to be kept secret from the public at large.

I whispered to Jessica, "Fantasy fulfilled?"

"Just getting started, Derek," she answered. "My dreams have been filled with the seven of us, for so long they feel real already. Whether we can complete the other part, of us living together, I don't know."

"Who's hungry for breakfast?" Tommy asked, keeping me from following up on Jessica's suggestion that we all live together.


Our post-Thanksgiving breakfast was light, just toast with peanut butter and jam. Angie and Tommy revealed to our parents the connection between Sam Tirman and Jake McDougall.

I asked Tommy and Jessica, "What are you going to tell people about how the two of you met and why you decided to keep your relationship a secret for so long, without revealing the true reason had to do with incest? Just so I can be in sync with you when I have to explain how it is that my brother is marrying my sister and how we found that out?"

Tommy said, "Jess and I figured that answer out a long time ago. The DNA testing got done because of the swinging, not the incest, so that remains the same. We have a legitimate concern about people having negative reactions to us essentially being step-siblings, so we can exaggerate that. Combine it with worry that we wouldn't survive a long term relationship and we have enough reason to keep quiet about the relationship until now. Keeping quiet about the DNA results can be explained as simple fear of hurting our parents."

I turned to Angie. "What about your family? It sounds like they met Tommy because of matching to your Dad. Yet, they didn't mention him when they met me this summer. Why?"

Angie said, "We told them that Tommy and Jessica had not yet revealed the results to their parents, so asked them to pretend they didn't know Tommy when they met you. Grandpa Oscar agreed not to tell Jilly about Jessica, either. Mom almost didn't agree to it but Dad was so grateful to have found Oscar that he would do about anything for Tommy, so he kept Mom quiet. When I called her last night to tell her you had proposed, I also told her that Tommy and Jessica had finally revealed those results and the true reason they hesitated to tell their parents was they were in a relationship themselves and had also gotten engaged. She immediately brought up the fact that they were step-siblings, in case you're wondering how realistic their concern about that is."

I asked, "What about your sister Pat? Does she know you were involved with Tommy, because of using her apartment for sex?"

Angie smiled. "Nope. The arrangement we have is that she lets me know about her business trips. I can bring someone over while she's gone and she doesn't tell Mom or ask questions, so long as I leave the apartment the way I found it. She has said I do such a good job cleaning that half the time the only way she knows I've been there is the apartment is cleaner than she left it, not because it's ever dirtier. I had begun hooking up with guys there starting Freshman year. She never met even one of them. Once things started with Tommy and Jessica, Pat simply assumed I was still hooking up with different guys I wasn't ready to bring home to meet my family, until you were the first."

After breakfast, Jilly, Jessica and Tommy left together. Jessica and Tommy planned to spend the day together and spend the night at Jilly's house while we were at the club but needed to get Jessica's car first, since Jessica had arrived with Jilly the morning before and Tommy had arrived with Angie. After dropping them at her house, Jilly had errands to run for the club.

Mom, Dad, Angie and I were left at the kitchen table. "Do the two of you have any questions about the club, before we get there?" Dad began.

Mom and Dad described a typical night and ran through the rules about consent and prophylactic use by guests of the club, which we would be. The only detail germane to the rest of my tale is that an open door to a private room is permission to watch but entering the room requires an invite by those inside it.

Angie asked, "Can you give some examples of mixer games that might be run?"

Mom answered, "Sometimes it might be as simple as Jilly drawing names out of a hat to pair people together for games like trying to roll a balloon between your bodies without using your hands. With a smaller crowd like tonight is probably going to be, it might involve getting people to slow dance and get to know each other that way. As I said, your first sex partner of the night might come from that but you're actually not required to have sex with anyone. You and Derek could just observe and have sex only with each other. Just don't be surprised if you get kidded about being 'looky-loos'."

"So, what's the plan for the rest of the day?" I asked.

"Changing and washing sheets, I guess," Mom said. "Unless you have a desire for Black Friday shopping."

Angie turned to me and said, "Derek, can you and I go back to bed and get your sheets a little dirtier first? With everything that's happened this week, you and I haven't actually had sex that wasn't at least a threesome. This might be my only opportunity for some one-on-one loving with you before you leave on Sunday."

"Of course, babe." Grinning, I took Angie's hand and pulled her up from the table. I turned to my parents and said, "I'll toss the first set of my dirty sheets down the stairs. See you at lunch. Maybe."

Angie and I sprinted up the stairs. I grabbed the sheets from my laundry basket and tossed them down the stairs, where Mom was waiting. She blew me a kiss before I turned around.

Angie was already naked and waiting for me in bed before I got back. She was laying on her side, one knee raised, caressing her labia in a lazy motion I thought of as 'petting her kitty'. I tore off the shorts and tshirt I had put on before breakfast and climbed into my bed, getting into a sideways 69 position.

"Was I rude, downstairs?" Angie asked, before I got a chance to start licking her.

I turned my head to look her in the eyes. "No, they get it. You were right, we haven't made the time for each other that we would have expected from this break. I'm grateful that you're not especially possessive of me but you're the one person who is entitled to say 'You're mine,' or, "Me first." Especially now that we're engaged."

Angie took hold of my cock, now half-full, and said, "Before you share this with other women tonight, I get to say, 'This is mine,' too." She punctuated the sentence by slipping her lips over the head of my cock and sucking hard.

There were no more words needed, so I dipped my head between her legs and started to express my love for her with my tongue, licking up and down, nibbling her labia, exciting her so her clit would make an appearance, teasing then attacking it.

She demonstrated some of the techniques my mom had shared and soon had my cock in her throat, without gagging. It took my focus on pursuing her orgasm to keep my own at bay. When she came, she had only my glans in her mouth and the vibrations from her moans made my whole body sprout goose bumps. The moment she recovered enough to encircle my cock with her tongue, I lost control and gushed my semen into her mouth, five strong pulses and a couple smaller ones as she licked and sucked to get every drop.

I quickly flipped around and was kissing her before she even had a chance to swallow. She squealed as she realized I was taking my own spend into my mouth from hers and we traded it back and forth for a couple of minutes. The taste won't win flavor competitions but it truly wasn't as bad as I once thought.

When we finally both swallowed, she looked at me and asked, "I thought you hated that?"

"I watched you and Tommy this morning and realized I was being pretty dumb about it and better change my tune."

It only took me another minute to gain another erection. We fucked in missionary position, tenderly at first, but gathered speed and force and were soon making my bed shake. Angie came twice more and I came into her.

We napped for about 30 minutes, then headed for the upstairs shower. Mom had my cleaned sheets already folded on the linen cabinet in the hall. After a quick but frisky shower together, Angie and I got dressed again, changed my bed and took the second batch of dirty sheets down to the laundry room and ate leftover turkey sandwiches with my parents.

Angie made a quick run home to get some dressier clothes for the evening, telling her parents we were going out to celebrate our engagement, then came back.

The afternoon was spent watching a couple of movies, resting until it was time to head to the club.


Half a dozen of the people eating dinner at the club came up to welcome back Mom and Dad, who introduced Angie and me. I saw a few surprised reactions when Mom said I was her son but nobody said a negative word, welcoming us.

I ordered a seafood pasta dish off the menu, along with a single glass of wine. The food was delicious, as promised, the portions small, to keep people from getting too full.

After the dinner was cleared, dance music began and some of the couples who were there got up to dance, waiting for other members to arrive for the night.

At 8 PM, Jilly stood in the middle of the dance floor, with a wireless microphone. "Okay, ladies and gents, it's time for our mixer, tonight. By my count, we have 16 women and 14 men here tonight. Not bad for a Black Friday crowd. There are two couples here who are guests and also family to each other. Some of you might remember Stan and Marcy as former members here. They've brought along their son Derek and his fiancee Angie to see if they might want to join in the future."

"Since it's a relatively small group, our mixer tonight is a match dance. I have separated the Aces, Kings, Queens and Jacks from two decks of cards, one with a red back, the other blue. These will be distributed to the men and women, with the extra two male cards going to Derek and Stan as tonight's guests. Where possible, existing couples will not receive matching cards, nor will Derek match to his mother, for obvious reasons. The match rule is simple. If either the face value or suit is the same, it's a match. Each card will match seven from the other deck."

"Ask and answer at least two personal questions apiece to get to see each other's card. If you don't match, move on. Matches may continue talking, move on to find another match or ask the person to dance. After dancing for one song, if you wish to ask your dance partner to become your sex partner, simply hand them your card. If it's accepted, return both cards to me and either find a private room or space in one of the playrooms. If you've talked to all seven of your matches and still don't have a partner or have someone else in mind, return your card. As cards come back to me and remaining matches diminish, I might re-deal for the remaining people or we can end the game and let you pair up on your own. Derek and Stan, you have the option to use both of your cards to match to two women for a threesome, although both women have to consent to that. I know there are women here tonight who don't do threesomes, so keep that in mind."

Jilly came over to our table first, intentionally giving me the Ace of Spades and the King of Clubs. Dad was handed the Ace and King of Diamonds. Mom and Angie got the Queen and Jack of Hearts from the red-backed set, keeping them from matching either of us. Jilly then mixed up the remaining cards and started randomly distributing them to other people around the room, checking only that the female half of a couple got a card that didn't match their partner, until that wasn't possible with the last two couples.

Dad said to me, "Given your cards, you'll match a dozen women, I'll match ten, including the two women you don't, other than your Mom and Angie. How about I start mixing with the older women, you start with the younger ones?"

"Sounds like a plan," I answered. Slow dance music resumed as people started to mix and chat.

The first young woman I talked with was a busty 25-year-old Hispanic named Maria whose parents had been Cuban immigrants. She was there with her boyfriend Darius, who was five years older. They'd been members for two years, so didn't know my parents. She asked me, "How did you wind up coming here with your parents? Mine would freak if they knew I was here."

I answered, "My fiancee and I are in an open relationship already. We recently found out that my parents used to swing and knew Jilly, the owner here, so we asked if they could introduce us to the scene. If we do become members, we would probably attend on different nights, to avoid Jilly having to constantly keep us apart during mixers."

"You're okay with seeing each other have sex, though?" she asked.

"My parents have a hot tub at home and we started using that in the nude after I turned 18, so I've gotten fairly accustomed to seeing my parents naked. Seeing them have sex, whether with each other or other people, will be a bit strange but I wouldn't be here if I didn't think I could handle it. It's a big enough place that we don't have to be in each other's presence every minute."

Maria held the Jack of Clubs. We danced, enjoying our closeness, but when I asked her about being in a threesome, she declined, saying, "I'd say yes to a private one-on-one but no to the threesome, unless it's with another man. If you don't find two willing women and I haven't hooked up with someone else, come find me and Darius."

The next woman I talked to was an early-30s brunette with a more moderate build than Maria's, named Sheila. She held the Queen of Diamonds, so wasn't one of my matches. I caught Dad's eye, so he'd know she matched him instead.

The third woman I talked with was Cassie, probably the shortest and thinnest woman there, no more than 5 feet tall. Her brown hair was cut short, giving her a pixie look, without being boyish. She was 27, was married but her husband Ned was out of town, so she was one of the extra two women there, having dined with the other solo woman and another couple. She matched my King of Clubs.

As we danced together, she held her thin body tight to mine and my cock was rock hard in my pants before we were done. There was no way she didn't know it. When I asked her about being in a threesome, she also said she'd only do a one-on-one. I decided to go ahead with her and then catch up with Maria later. As Angie had pointed out, I'd mainly been having group sex, anyway. Insisting on more seemed greedy. I handed her my card and she accepted it.

Jilly winked at me when we turned the three cards in to her, then Cassie and I found a private room with two twin beds along opposite walls and a long bench between them.

Once the door was closed, our first kiss was warm and friendly, if not passionate, and kept my erection stiff. Her lips tasted of a strawberry lip gloss. I wasn't feeling nervous, just excited. After five minutes of making out, where the kisses got steadily warmer, Cassie made the first move to get us undressed, opening the buttons on my shirt. I reached behind her neck and unlatched the button on her sweater, then pulled it up over her head.

Cassie was wearing a pink silk camisole tucked into her skirt but no bra. As she leaned forward to lower her skirt, I glimpsed down the front that her breasts were an A cup, capped with brown areolae and nipples the width of my pinkie, pointing through the silk. On her lithe body, they looked proportional.

When she dropped her skirt, turned around and put her left knee onto the end of the long bench and bent forward, it became clear that she didn't have panties on under the camisole, either, her hairless pussy peeking out at me between her legs. She made no move to take the camisole off. Looking back at me, she said, "I would ask you to 69 first but you're not cleared for STDs, yet. I hate sucking a cock with a condom on it or using those dental dams. So, I guess we should just move to fucking."

"Another time, then," I said, as I grabbed a condom from the supply atop a set of shelves full of towels and unrolled it onto my cock.

Cassie asked, "Have you heard of a position called 'Wheelbarrow'? There's a variant of it that I like to use."

"Isn't Wheelbarrow a standing position where you wrap your legs around my waist with your hands down on the floor?"

"That's the one," she said. "I don't like being head down like that. Instead, if I start out kneeling on the bench, you can enter me in a standing rear entry, then lift my pelvis enough to let me straighten my legs and wrap them behind you. I support my upper body with my arms and wind up mostly parallel to the bench, instead of angled down to the floor. You look strong enough to manhandle a little girl like me."

"I'll try most things once," I said.

"Great attitude," she said, moving to a doggy position on the bench, her knees near the edge and legs parted enough to let me step between them. I gripped her hips while she reached underneath herself to guide my cock into her, then thrust her torso back at me. Her pussy was snug and hot but so wet already that I had no trouble sliding fully into her on the first stroke.

"Hmmmm, yessssss," she hissed, as I slapped against her bubble butt. As I began to pull back, she said, "Now, hold my hips up." Once I had shifted my grip to the front of her pelvis and lifted her weight, she slid her knees further apart to lift them from the bench, then she wrapped them around me, her feet locking together below my shoulder blades. "Push me forward and I'll shove back with my hands," she prompted.

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