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Mom Finds Religion - We Find Love

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After Mom leaves, Selkie steps up.
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Chemo had changed Mom. Selkie had thought at first that getting the diagnosis was the hardest part. Then the surgery, then the chemo. It was the chemo that changed Mom the most. She went from loving and involved to being cold and distant. And the announcement that the cancer was in remission was a mixed blessing, because by the time that came, Mom had found religion, and instead of a warm homecoming there was the awkward mechanics of her moving out to join with her Minister and his cultish flock.

Dad was devastated. The two things that had gotten them through the cancer was the hope that eventually things would return to normal, and how close he had gotten to Selkie as she took over her mom's role in running the house.

Selkie admitted that she was hurt too. Being the oldest, by a lot, she'd stepped up because she'd had to. She'd seen the way Dad struggled to take care of her brother and sister. At 18, she'd had to grow up and take on the duties that her Mom had handled. For the last three years she'd had to adult, and frankly, she felt short-changed. She'd been close with her Mom, and to have her just leave was more than insulting.

But as bad as it was for her, she knew that Dad felt even worse. She had to remind herself that she was just about the same age as Mom had been when she'd gotten pregnant with her. And that, largely steeled her determination to carry on.

The church lawyers were good at what they did. And when the divorce was finalized, they made sure that every asset that they could get their hands on went straight to the church coffers. That meant no college, no fancy vacations, and still the debt of Mom's hospital bills to settle. They felt lucky that they were able to keep the house.

Dad did his best to paint a smiley face on it. When the weather was nice they'd go for hikes together, sometimes all four of them, but occasionally just her and Dad. It was during those hikes that they could really open up to each other. For both of them it was an opportunity to be able to both let down their guard and affirm their appreciation for each other.

It was in anticipation of one of those hikes that started things. She'd gone into the bathroom, and as luck would have it her Dad was just getting out of the shower. With one foot in and one out, the shower door wide open and Dad reaching for a towel, Selkie got to see her first naked man. Part of her brain told her she should immediately avert her gaze, but she found it impossible to tear her eyes away from the sight she was beholding.

Dad quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself. Mumbling something unintelligible as he headed toward his room.

Selkie had never seen a grown man's penis before, other than on the Internet. And judging by those that she had briefly seen there, Dad's was impressive. She thought back to times in her childhood that she'd hear her Mom and He getting it on. Mom would get rather...vocal, and now she had an inkling why.

That evening she kept revisiting the event and alone in her room with her hand feverishly rubbing her slick pussy, she kept the vision in her mind's eye as she brought herself to the most intense orgasm of her young life.

Selkie had gotten her share of attention in school, but with Mom's health problems and having to take care of little Caleb and Beth, she'd never really had an opportunity to act on any of it. Heck, she'd never even made out with a boy, and what little she knew came from movies and the romance novels she indulged her appetite for.

And now she had this one image burned into her imagination and she couldn't seem to keep her hands out of her own pants. In a way it was burdensome, because every time she looked at Dad, there it was. She got the feeling the He suspected something, but she couldn't help herself, it seemed. And it wasn't like she had some idea of acting on these feelings, they just were. And if they fueled her libido that was fine as long as she didn't cross the line.

What she hadn't counted on, because she'd had no experience with it was, in a word, Desire. Her increasingly frequent masturbatory sessions began to take on a life of their own, with her imagination creating all kinds of romantic scenarios and her own hands acting out the parts of her partner's.

And yes, why shouldn't she think of her Dad as her partner? She'd stepped up to fill Mom's shoes, so in her absence she felt justified in thinking of her role in that sense.

It had been a month since the "incident" and they'd been rather quiet around each other. They'd just returned from a hike when Selkie broke the silence.

"Dad" She began, "About what happened in the bathroom?"

"Yeah, Selkie, I'm sorry about that." He replied.

"No. Don't be." She said. "I admit that it was a little embarrassing at first, but I don't feel that way anymore."

"How do you feel about it, then." He asked.

"Curious. I feel curious." She replied honestly.

"What do you mean by curious?" He questioned.

"Curious to see it again..." She said timidly.

"Selkie, that's hardly appropriate." He admonished.

"Daddy, I know that, but..." She began.

"But what?" He prompted.

"But since I'm running this household and really don't have any other social life because of it, I don't think I'm asking too much just for another look." She stated.

"Selkie, I get what you're aiming at here, but I don't think going there is going to answer much for you. Maybe you should try one of those dating apps?" He suggested.

"Daddy, I don't want that. Anyway, who has the time? Not me. So...Please?" she begged.

"Well, it's weird is all... but if it'll shut you up." He relented.

"Thanks, Daddy. You're the best!" She said, leading him into his bedroom. "Now... let's see."

Joe couldn't believe the situation he found himself in. He felt embarrassed and shy as he looked into Selkie's eyes as if to confirm she really wanted this. He undid his belt and slid his pants and boxers to the floor. He could hear Selkies breathing change. He swore he could smell her. He felt his cock stir in response to a stimulus he hadn't been exposed to for a long time. He knew he was starting to get hard. It was time to put an end to this little show and tell.

But before he could bend down to grab his pants. Selkie reached out and touched his growing erection.

"Wow, Daddy." She said softly. "It's warm... It's getting hard, Daddy... Did I do that to you, Daddy?" She added in wonder.

"Yeah, well, it's been a while...since your Mom. It's kind of to be expected. Frankly, I apologize. This was a huge mistake." He admitted.

"I don't know if it's a mistake, but it's sure getting huge, Dad. What's it feel like?" She had wrapped her hand around its girth and grinned at him.

"Selkie. Stop it!" He begged.

"Okay. Just give me a few seconds. I might not get this chance again." She pleaded.

Joe's mind was in a freefall. He was sporting a full erection, and his daughter's hand was wrapped possessively around it. The worst of it was how good it felt. Selkie had always been a pretty girl, but now Joe couldn't help but see how completely she'd matured into a stunning beauty.

Instinctively Selkie began moving her hand, feeling her Dad's cock throb as she did. She had a strange feeling of happiness and empowerment. It sure was a pretty cock compared to the pictures she'd seen. Time stood still and she continued moving her hand on his shaft until suddenly it just began shooting. Rope after rope of milky white goo landing everywhere. On the floor, on her pants on the throw rug.

"Oh gawd, Selkie." Joe groaned. "You gotta stop this."

"What's wrong Daddy? Is that your cum?" Selkie crooned.

"Yeah. But this shouldn't be happening." Joe said, breaking free and pulling up his pants.

Selkie watched, scooping a dollop of his jizz from her pant leg she brought it under her nose and sniffed it. It didn't smell like her cum. Without a second thought she licked it off her finger. It was different, but she decided she liked how it tasted.

"It's okay, Daddy. I'll clean it up." She said.

"Forget about it, Selkie. I'll take care of it." He ushered her out of the room.

Shit! That was one parenting moment he'd never anticipated having. And he'd watched her soaking in every second like a starving person at a banquet. He felt betrayed by his own feelings, but also felt more in touch with his sexuality than he had been in years. Still. He needed to be on his guard because he'd seen the twinkle in her eye.

Selkie's libido was in overdrive. For the next couple of weeks. Even after her period came she kept up her masturbatory marathon. Admittedly, although the second incident with her Dad had served to answer the questions she'd had, it had created a whole slew of new questions and desires that she increasingly felt the need to answer. And there was only one route she wanted to take to get those answers.

"Daddy, I know I said that would be that, but I'm still curious." She cornered him one night after the kids were in bed.

"Selkie, we agreed on a one-time thing. It was strictly educational." Joe admonished.

"Then why did you cum, Daddy? How did I make you cum?" She demanded.

"It's a combination of things, Selkie." Joe replied. "Part of it is just having put sex on the back burner for so long, which made the stimulation probably more intense feeling to me. Part of it is ... how attractive you are as a woman. Part of it was just how determined you seemed. Do you understand?"

"I guess I mostly do." Selkie replied. "But if I'm attractive to you, and you were just doing it to make me happy, then I don't understand why we can't do it again?"

"Because you're my daughter, that's why." Joe retorted.

"That's a stupid reason." Selkie spat out. "You're my partner as much as you're my Daddy. It's been that way since Mom first got sick. And if I can do something to make you happy, that also makes me happy, then how wrong could it be."

"It doesn't work like that." Joe responded. "Anyway, is what your saying is..."

"That I want more? Yes. I want more." Selkie pouted. "And if I have to go find some random guy..."

"Shit, Selkie!" Joe said. But in his mind, picturing Selkie with some guy she just picked up to fuck... well it wasn't who she was. And the thought of her even trying to be like that made his stomach churn. Maybe there was some middle ground they could agree on here.

"Let's table this until morning, okay? It's late." Joe managed.

"Okay Daddy." Selkie answered.

"Goodnight babygirl." Joe said in relief.

"MmmmHmmm." Was her only reply.

Joe settled in under the covers and pulled his book from the nightstand. He sighed to himself feeling as if he'd dodged a bullet when he saw the door open. Selkie came into the room pulling her nightshirt off as she entered. Joe's eyes went wide as he took in her nakedness. She was an absolute knockout. Far prettier than her Mom ever had been! He watched her tits jiggle as she pranced around to the far side of the bed and slipped beneath the covers.

Wrapping her arms around his Joe could feel her hardened nipples grazing his skin as she hugged him to her. He could feel his erection growing inexorably, and could see her rapt attention as the sheet tented. Reaching beneath she found his shaft and began stroking it. There was more intent this time.

"Don't be angry with me, Daddy." Selkie pleaded. "I just couldn't wait until morning. And I wanted to make you nice and hard again."

"Awwww, shiiiiiit!" was all Joe could manage. She had pulled the sheet down and now stared in fascination as she stroked his cock. It felt amazing. Her tits rubbing against him as she worked his shaft. She shifted around a bit to get a better look her face hovering inches from his cock, he could feel her hot breath on it, and it made his head spin.

Suddenly he felt her lips engulf his cock head, the texture of her tongue on his glans and the warm softness of her mouth as she moaned with delight. He could feel the inevitability of his orgasm building. She shot a sidelong look at him and just nodded her head "MmmmHmmm" as she drove him over the edge. He filled her eager mouth with his spunk, and she swallowed it like a pro.

"G'night, Daddy." She said, reaching to turn out the light and snuggling, her firm tits pressing against him as she drifted off to sleep.

He woke in the morning with his hard cock already engulfed in her mouth. She took her time and was a fast learner. He saw her free hand rubbing her pussy and was aware of her nearly stopping several times as she came in her own hand. It was incredibly sexy and sweet at the same time. When she finally let him cum, it was a whopper.

It became their new routine. Morning and Nighttime mutual oral sex. It hadn't taken much coaxing for her to convince Joe to eat her pussy, and when he did, she nearly melted from the sheer pleasure. Better than a hand. Joe was addicted to her tangy snatch in no time. And it was nice. Joe began to realize that she'd been right about their partnership aspect, but it went way deeper than that.

He had seen her born, grow up, graduate from high school, blossom into a truly beautiful human being. And although there seemed to be an unspoken understanding that there was a line they shouldn't cross, he had to admit that they'd grown closer as a result. And she totally worshipped his cock. So, while there was no doubt about the moral ambiguity of the situation, there seemed to be more positives than negatives.

It was the weekend and they were getting ready for bed. Selkie had stroked Joe's cock until he had a nice erection going. Joe was anticipating the glorious feeling of her mouth, but looking down she seemed to be a little distracted.

"What's wrong, Selkie? Something bothering you?" Joe asked.

"Just... What did it feel like being inside Mom?" She wondered out loud.

"It felt... amazing. Warm and slippery and extremely pleasurable." He answered.

"Oh." Selkie paused. "What do you think it felt like for her?"

"I can't say for sure, but she seemed to like it as much as I did." Joe stated.

"I've never had anything that far inside me. Just fingers and your tongue." Selkie explained. "They all feel good, but..."

"I think I know where you're going with this, and don't even think about it." Joe scolded. "I can get you a toy or something..."

"That's not very romantic." She complained. "Anyway, I don't think it would be the same as the real thing." She added giving Joe's cock a squeeze.

"I don't think it's a good idea... we've taken this kind of thing further than we probably should have already." Joe admonished. "And you're a virgin, honey."

"You could easily remedy that, Daddy. Anyway, You know how much I want this..." Selkie begged. "You know how much of your sperm has gone down my throat... It's just not that different. You could just put it in me so I could feel what it's like."

Selkie had shifted gradually so that in a split second she had straddled her father on the bed. With his shaft in her hand, she rubbed the head between her soaked pussy lips.

"All you have to do is..." Selkie moaned seductively.

"Selkie, you mustn't..." Joe choked out.

"No Daddy, I must... I really really must." Selkie replied in a lusty sing song.

Joe could feel the head of his cock surrounded in the folds of her labia, poised at the entrance to her vagina. She had begun to lower herself onto him, and he was frozen by how erotic she was. His head was definitely inside her now. She was wet and as tight as he would have anticipated.

He felt the pressure as his cock head met her hymen, and she gave a little gasp of pain as it gave way. The look of concentration on her face gave way to a soft but intensely lusty glow as he felt her pussy relax around his shaft. She leaned in and kissed him with a fierce passion as she continued to rock back and forth on his cock, going a little deeper each time until it was all the way in. Then she stopped.

"Are you okay, Selkie?" Joe asked concerned.

"It pinched a bit at first, but it feels really good now." She replied. "It tingles in the nicest way."

"Okay then we should probably stop." Joe said weakly.

"Just a little bit longer, okay?" She crooned kissing him again.

She moved her hips ever so slightly, just enough to feel it moving inside her. It made her feel deliciously full. She decided that she very much liked that feeling. "Oh..." sighed, and again, "Ohh..."

Joe felt a lump in the pit of his stomach. Guilt, that he'd succumbed to her lustful desires. Pleasure, from how amazing her young pussy felt. Defiance, because this had been her idea after all, and after all, they were consenting adults. Amazement, that he was balls deep in his beautiful daughter's pussy and he could feel her entire body tremble with each breath she took.

Finally, he swung her off of him and slowly withdrew his cock. She moaned as his rod plopped free, coated in her juices. A few traces of blood. The whole episode had taken just a few minutes at most. But the game had changed. Of that, he was sure. She lay next to him snuggling, but still breathing in soft raspy tones, her eyes soft and unfocussed as if watching something floating a foot or two above them on the bed.

She stayed like that until Joe was asleep beside her. His arm draped over her and his hand cupping her breast. Selkie smiled to herself and closed her own eyes. Happier than she could remember being in a long time.

They'd managed a babysitter and were out for a hike getting some fresh air.

"Daddy, about last night..." Selkie started.

"What about last night?" He replied.

"Well, the world didn't exactly end now, did it!" She grinned.

"No. I suppose it didn't." He admitted. "Still doesn't make it right, though."

"Why not? We sleep together every night, now. We have oral sex on a daily basis. There are probably lots of married couples who aren't as close as we are." She pointed out.

"I get your point, but society takes a pretty dim view of fathers who have sex with their daughters." He rejoined.

"Yeah, but we're kind of a special case, aren't we?" Selkie asked. "And if it's something we both want, then why not? We don't have to make a public thing about it."

"Well what about Caleb and Beth? They're going to keep growing up too." Joe pointed out.

"I know, but for them the situation at home has been pretty normal and stable since mom left, and I doubt that's going to change much." Selkie answered. "Can I tell you something, Dad?"


"I remember before Mom got sick. I remember hearing you guys doing it." Selkie confessed.

"Yeah, she could be pretty loud." Joe admitted.

"I remember not understanding it, but also getting turned on by it. And when I figured out how to make myself cum, I'd wait until you guys were going at it in bed and I'd listen in, and Jill off in the next room. Bet you didn't know that." Selkie drawled.

"Can't say that I did." Joe stated.

"Well now that I'm an adult and can make my own choices. I choose you." She said matter of factly.

"It's not that simple, Selkie!" He remarked.

"Yes it is. You'll see." Was her answer.

That night, Selkie came into the room after having put the kids to bed. She was wearing the sexiest lingerie Joe had ever seen. He could smell her perfume, subtle and enticing. She even had a little makeup on which made her seem more mature. Before she'd even slide into bed next to him, Joe was already hard.

She kissed him as she straddled him. Sultry and purposeful, the nervousness of the previous evening was long gone.

"Like what you see?" She said seductively as she kissed him again. Encouraging him to play with her breasts she cooed in his ear between kisses. She could feel his resolve beginning to waver as she removed the lingerie piece by lacey piece. There was an electric energy in the room, and she was so turned on as he began to touch and tease her.


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