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Mom Named Barbie Ch. 03

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Barbie's date with son continues.
5.1k words

Part 3 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/28/2016
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Chapter 03 - Barbie's Date with Jay continues

Despite what Barbie said Jay could see the pain his mom was feeling, he was confident she knew for sure he blamed his mom for how her bad decisions had changed their lives, and she did not need him to continue punishing her with his words. He tried to change the subject hoping to cheer Barbie up.

"Barbie, you look really nice tonight, I love the skirt-suit."

Barbie's expression changed immediately seeing the concern for his mom from her son, and to go from blaming her to a compliment showed his maturity; she even managed to smile as she answered.

"Thank you Jay, I picked this out especially for you. I wanted to look nice for our date."

Barbie excused herself to go to the ladies room and attempt to repair the mess her tears had made of her makeup. She turned back to look at her loving son as she walked away, he truly was a mature handsome young man; but suddenly her legs went weak as the sexual image of Jay appeared in her head again.

In the restroom Barbie looked in the mirror, her face was streaked with mascara where she had been crying. She did her best to make herself presentable again, with sparse cosmetics from her purse Barbie reapplied the makeup that had been washed away by her tears. Lastly she unfastened a button on her blouse; she was Jay's date and she should look like it; Barbie pulled the front of the white top open exposing the beginning of her full firm D-cup tits.

Upon returning to the table she saw Jay immediately notice the change in her blouse, not wanting to embarrass him she did not say anything although she was smiling inside. From the expression on her son's face she felt he approved of the alteration Barbie had made to her top.

The remainder of dinner went well even though neither of them was able to finish their meal. Jay asked his mom about her work, she answered adding additional detail acting as if they truly were strangers on their first date and he had no prior knowledge of what her occupation was. She described how she was an insurance agent with a nationally known company, even describing where her office was located as if Jay did not already know.

Their waitress returned to clear the table and Barbie was curious who Jay would look at as the young girl leaned over stacking the dishes in her arms. In a discreet but intentional motion Barbie moved her right hand to her neck sliding two fingers down pulling the blouse open in front even more. She looked to see where Jay's eyes were focused; she was flattered as well as surprised that his eyes were following the movements of his mom's hand rather than looking at the big round young tits hanging in his face.

Suddenly the scene from earlier in the tub flashed in her head again, only this time her pussy responded as if he were actually touching her; Barbie jumped in her seat liked she had experienced an electrical shock, so much so that the young girl asked if she was ok. Flushed and embarrassed Barbie answered she needed another drink, this would be her fifth of the night, hoping to drown the images of her son playing with her clit; the thought had not crossed her mind that the alcohol might cause Barbie to do something that would be inappropriate for Jay's mom to do.

Jay was also looking at Barbie wondering if she was ok; he was well aware of his mom's limit on alcohol, and five drinks were more than he had ever seen her consume in one sitting. What she said next caught him off guard.

With her son looking at her; Barbie smiled mischievously as she asked... "Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?" Cliché yes, but the words came out as if someone else were speaking.

The way Barbie stated the question Jay could not misinterpret the double entendre of her words, the alcohol was definitely having an effect on his mom. But her inquiry had the desired effect on Jay, he looked at her thinking 'My mom is a MILF', but he refused to admit to Barbie that he thought his mom looked 'hot'.

"They must have turned the air-conditioning up."

Already fearing the direction the conversation was headed Jay suggested they leave, but Barbie insisted they stay long enough for her to finish the drink that was on its way; just one more then they would go. He relented, knowing this was most likely the first time his mom was able to relax since what happened with his dad; and not only had he lost his dad, she had also lost a husband, even though they were separated. Jay began to wonder was this date for him or was it actually for his mom; she seemed to be the one benefitting more from going out in public again.

The drink arrived and Barbie had no idea of Jay's concerns. To her she felt the date was finally progressing well and she attempted to get more in character as his date Barbie, she asked about Jay's tastes in music, about his truck, things he liked to do as if she didn't already know the answers to the questions. Even though Jay was still uncomfortable with the scenario he knew his mom was only playing the game of trying to be his date; so he decided to amuse her by answering in the same manner, as if she was Barbie and tonight was the first time they had met.

After a while he was pleasantly surprised to find his mom's game was more entertaining than he had thought would be; it was nice to take a break from reality, from the seriousness of life. Jay took the opportunity to assume the identity of someone else too; it felt good to be a normal twenty-one year old without the responsibilities of an adult; even if it was just role-playing. Their conversation was going so well he did not object when his mom ordered another drink, and then another one after that.

Briefly Jay was actually able to forget the woman sitting across from him was his mom and see her as his hot date Barbie. She was being flirtatious in ways a mom should never be with her son, twisting her finger in her hair laughing as they exchange questions about each other's lives. As Barbie waited for the next drink to arrive she went to the restroom returning with yet another button on her blouse unfastened; if not for the jacket pulled closed over her chest Jay felt her bra would be certainly be visible.

Now it was Jay's turn to go to the restroom, and when he returned he was surprised to find his mom's jacket draped over the back of the empty chair at their table, as he passed behind her he also noticed her skirt was pulled up exposing the lace at the top of her thigh highs. With her legs crossed the slit in the skirt was being forced open and the crotch of the light blue thong was visible between the split of the dark blue material of the skirt.

As Jay took his seat across from her Barbie tried to read his expression revealing his opinion of his date now. The alcohol was helping Barbie exaggerate the fantasy of being her son's sexy date, she was feeling flirtatious and wanted to make this would be a date Jay would not soon forget. Even though Barbie was attempting to seduce the handsome young man in front of her with her womanly charms and humorous wit, she of course had no intentions of actually seducing Jay, he was after all, her son. But, he was the splitting image of the sexy good-looking man she had been married too, the man that could make her wet between the legs by simply looking at her, and for some reason her body was having the same reaction to Jay looking at her that it did when Sam had looked at her.

Feeling she had achieved her goal of getting her son to loosen up, Barbie wanted to be the sexy date he deserved, but despite her efforts, for the most part Jay still acted as if he was on a date with his mom. What Barbie did not know was Jay had noticed every detail of the changes she had made to assume the role of a sexy date, he was seeing at his mom act in ways he had never witnessed before. But his thoughts were he did not want to embarrass his mom, or himself, by admitting to Barbie for the first time in his life he saw her as a sexual person rather than his mom.

Frustrated wondering what it would take for Jay to acknowledge the flesh she was exposing Barbie quickly finished the drink, and soon another was on its way; she purposely leaned back in her chair bringing the fabric of her top even tighter across her bosom. The remaining buttons strained to contain her large D-cup breasts, the pale blue lace of her bra was exposed above the material of his mom's open blouse, and Jay's eyes were instantly drawn to the roundness of Barbie's tits supported by the sexy lingerie. Sensing Jay's reluctance to comment on her blatant flirtations, she realized it was up to her to draw attention to the obvious, with assistance from the alcohol Barbie summoned the courage to blurt out the question.

"So Jay, do you think Barbie is sexy?" She was shocked that even though she had been thinking it most of the evening, as soon as she said the word containing s-e-x her pussy quivered and the vision of her screaming her son's name as she orgasmed earlier in the tub appeared vividly in her head. Was it because she was drunk or was it because Jay looked so much like his handsome dad that she was getting so horny?

At first Jay was taken aback by his mom's question, but then he took into consideration the amount of alcohol she'd had to drink, and it was not actually his mom talking, it was his intoxicated mother playing the role of Barbie. He obliged her with an unenthusiastic reply of...

"Oh yes Barbie, you are a very sexy woman."

Even though his words lack luster, hearing her son describe her as sexy brought another reaction from her cunt; she could feel the crotch of her thong becoming very moist. Despite her better judgment Barbie did not feel responsible for what she was saying, it was Barbie who was talking; and in her inebriated state she was being more explicit than a mom should be with her son. She wanted more, she wanted to know Jay truly found her sexy.

"What do you think of Barbie's tits Jay, do you like them?"

Now this was getting weird for Jay.

"Mom, I can't answer that, and I won't."

Slurring her words Barbie insisted Jay answer her question.

"Jay, this is Barbie talking; its ok, you can answer. Come on, the game has been fun so far, please play along just a little longer?"

He had to agree, the game had been more fun that he expected, but what she was asking him to say was inappropriate. Frustration evident in his voice Jay answered hoping the game would end soon.

"Ok... Barbie... yes, you have magnificent tits."

Jay could not believe what he just said, he told his mom her tits were magnificent; the night was definitely getting creepy. He hoped she would not take the game too far; but considering the intoxicated condition she was in there was no predicting where or when she would stop?

"Well, thank you Jay, they are pretty fantastic if I say so myself. How about my long sexy legs, do you like them too? I saw you checking me out in the car."

Even though he was embarrassed his mom had obviously seen him looking at her legs in her car, what could he say? She was telling the truth, he had been admiring at her legs on the way to the restaurant.

"Um, they're nice too."

"Just nice, is that all? I am taller than you in these heels, and you are at least 6' 1". You can't take your eyes off them can you?"

Becoming annoyed that Barbie was pushing the limits between a mother and her son Jay answered "No mom... I mean Barbie; I can't take my eyes off your long sexy legs. Are you happy now?"

Had it not been for knowing it had probably been almost a year since his mom had a reason to smile he would have called a halt to his mom little game right there, but seeing her being jovial even though this was not a conversation a son should be having with his mother he did not have the heart to bring an end to her playfulness. Jay saw the disappointment in her face after hearing the tone of voice he used to answer her question; reconsidering the way he spoke Jay answered again.

"Barbie, you have fantastic legs; they run all the way from the floor up to your butt."

He was relieved to see his mom giggle at his light-hearted comment; he had obviously given her an answer close to what she was hoping for. Seeing her smile Jay was surprised joking with Barbie rather than his mom was not as bad as he thought, he finally agreed with what Barbie had said previously, the flirtation was harmless and it was great to see his mom happy again. He would play along as long as it did not drift any further across the line of being taboo between a mother and her son.

"All the way up to my ass huh?"

Jay had not actually said ass, but whatever; it was splitting hairs for him to bring up the difference in terms describing a part of human anatomy. He smiled and laughed as he responded...

"Yes, all the way up to your ass."

"Speaking of my ass, I have seen the guys at college staring at my ass; you know I think they like my full round mature ass, what do you think of my ass Jay, do you think I have a sexy big ass?"

Well, her ass was not all the guys had stared at, they joked about his mom's big tits too; but they definitely liked the view of his mom from the rear as well as they liked the view from the front. They thought Jay could not hear them when they made their comments but he was actually proud to know the guys thought his mom was a MILF.

"Barbie, you have one of the best asses I have ever seen; all the guys talk about what a nice ass you have."

Jay wasn't lying, his mom had come to his school for different functions, and they did brag about what a fine ass his mom had. This comment made his mom blush; she hoped Jay was no longer just playing along; she hoped he was actually telling her what the guys at school had said about her and that he also thought she had a nice ass. She had to rub her thighs together to calm the excitement that was building between her legs.

The lack of sex was causing her to become aroused beyond control, and the visions of Jay bringing her to orgasm were occurring more and more frequently. Barbie was enjoying the compliments and attention from her son and she did not want it to stop; but she knew she had reign in her libido or she would say something that could bring the playful conversation to a screeching halt.

Just one more question and she would not ask anything else, but she had to know; the depression she had been in had completely destroyed her self-esteem, was she as attractive as Jay was saying or was he still just playing the game, was she sexually desirable?

"Jay, if I were not your mom, if I was really Barbie and you had just met me and I was willing, would you have sex with me?"

Uh-oh, by the expression on Jay's face she had crossed the line, he was unable separate his mom from Barbie and answer such an explicit sexual question about his mother; especially this early in rekindling their relationship.

With disgust in his voice Jay responded "Mom, I am not going to answer that question; I will not answer it; basically you're asking me if I would fuck my own mother!"

But rather than end it there Barbie asked again, hoping to resuscitate any self-esteem she had left she would not let it go.

"No Jay, seriously; I need to know. I no longer have your dad to assure me I am a desirable woman; I have really been down on myself this past year, I need to know for me. It's only hypothetical; I am not asking you to have sex with me. Picture me as some other woman you're on a date with; would you? Yes or no is all I ask."

Seeing his mom pleading with him, her voice expressing how bad she needed to hear an answer.

"Ok mom... if I was not your son and you were not my mother, the answer is yes; now the game is over, we're leaving!"

Barbie squealed with delight and ran over to Jay hugging him tight pressing his head between her big tits. She had not meant to do it but in her excitement she did not realize where his face ended up going. Her son had no idea how good he made his old mom feel; this was supposed to be a date to make Jay feel better but it had been very therapeutic for his mom.

Even though she knew she had crossed a line with Jay that should have never been crossed she didn't care, she felt they had made progress. She hoped from this point on their relationship could grow. She knew they would never have the mother and son closeness they had before; but perhaps they could at least be friends.

Barbie put her credit card in the folder containing the bill, Jay insisted if this was a date he should pay; but his mom insisted the night was on her, it was the least she could do after all he had done for her. She left him at the table instructing him to sign the bill; she needed to use the restroom before they left.

Jay was confused as well as angry at himself, he had played along with his mom that she was his date Barbie, he gave his mom the compliments she was so obviously seeking, he even entertained her questions as inappropriate as they were; then she had to cross the line by asking if he would have sex with her, why did she ask the question a son should never have to answer about his mom?

But, he had not just answered the questions telling his mom what she wanted to hear, everything he said was true; his mom was a MILF, she was by far more attractive than any of the other student's moms. She did have magnificent tits and fantastic long legs as well as a great ass; and after taking a moment to look at his mom as an anonymous female, he had to admit there was no question he would fuck her.

In the restroom Barbie was ecstatic at the conversation she'd had with her son; she felt closer to Jay than ever. Not as mother and son but as adult friends; like it or not her son was no longer a boy and she would of had to face this change in their relationship sooner or later. Unfortunately her stupidity and his dad's death caused the change to occur earlier than she had expected.

They had talked one adult to another, and she believed it to be true, her son had answered her questions as honestly as possible; she felt while he would never intentionally say something to hurt her he would not lie to her either, even it meant Jay telling her what she did not want to hear.

Barbie smiled, her adult son had said her tits were magnificent and her legs were fantastic, and he had admitted that not only did the guys at school like her full womanly ass; he also found her wide mature ass sexy. And last but certainly not least, even though she had pretty much forced him to answer, Jay admitted if she were not his mom he would have sex with her; it was without a doubt the best compliment she could receive from the person whose opinion she valued most.

After all the nice things Jay had said her thoughts drifted back to the times she'd had sex with Sam, but every time she fantasized of being in bed with her late husband Jay's face would replace Sam's. Was it normal for a mother to have sexual fantasies about her son? Barbie was not naïve, she had heard rumors that some moms, even some in their small town had actually seduced their sons but she never imagined it could be true; surely it was just gossip.

Years ago if someone had suggested to Barbara she would be fantasizing of having sex with her son she would have told them they were crazy, it would never happen! No, she would never seduce her son, it was not something she had ever thought of doing; sex with Jay had not been an option that had ever crossed her mind. But now she could not control the images that kept appearing in her head, surely they were just passing fantasies and not something she would ever actually do... or would she?

Confident she could control the inappropriate lustful thoughts she was having about her son, Barbie wanted to show her appreciation for how he had complimented her by continuing to tease him when she left the ladies room. If it had not been for the alcohol perhaps she would have thought differently, perhaps she would have remembered when she drinks it is difficult to constrain her sexual urges. But Barbie felt this was harmless fun, just innocent teasing to show appreciation for Jay being such a good sport going along with the game as long as he did; also he had made her feel like an attractive woman again, something she was in desperate need of, he deserved a little reward.


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