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Mom Named Barbie Ch. 04

Story Info
Mom toys with the taboo line between mother and son.
4.9k words

Part 4 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/28/2016
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Chapter 04 - Mom toys with the taboo line between mother and son

The next morning Jay woke to the smell of bacon, when he walked into the kitchen his mom was standing at the stove barefoot wearing his dad's white dress shirt preparing breakfast; her hair was wet indicating she had just gotten out of the shower. Mom or not, in the man's shirt Jay could not deny she was a walking, talking sexual fantasy.

Hearing foot steps behind her Barbara turned around.

"Good morning honey, the eggs will be ready in a few minutes. I found juice in the fridge; I will pour you a glass if you will sit in here with me."

Where Jay was sitting at the table he was close to where his mom was standing, he could not detect any sign of panties through the white material of the shirt, and with the shirt was unbuttoned well below her cleavage about halfway down her flat stomach Barbara revealed she did not have a bra on when she turned to say hi. Even though he had seen her dressed this way before, it was not until now that he wondered if she had always been naked underneath the shirts; of course when he had seen her in Sam's shirts before his dad had been there too.

Jay never imagined he would be alone with his mother with her wearing so little clothing, but he was not sure why he found it so unusual, he had seen his mom in a bikini and the shirt covered more than any of her swimsuits. Perhaps it was thinking the only thing between him and his mom's nude body was thin white pieces of cloth; pieces of cloth sewn into a shirt that was seductively hanging off one of her shoulders and only two buttons holding it closed in front. Or could it be that a woman wearing a man's dress shirt was so stereotypical sexy that a popular brand of men's clothing used the same fantasy in their advertisements to sell their shirts; only this time the woman in the erotic fantasy was his mom.

"Mom, why are you wearing dad's shirt?"

"Jay, I had to put something on after I showered; you don't expect me to run around naked do you? It was in the closet, I didn't think you would mind; I used to wear them all the time."

After their date the night before Jay saw his Barbara different light, not only was she his mother she was also a beautiful sexy woman, so Barbara running around naked did not sound like such a bad idea.

"I was just surprised to see you in dad's shirt, that's all."

"Oh Jay, I am so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking; I shouldn't have gone in the closet without asking you first, and especially not took the liberty of wearing one of your dad's shirts without asking you. This is your house, I am a guest, I will put it back; but you will have to get me something to wear, I don't have any clothes here other than what I had on last night."

Barbara was still trying to be respectful of Jay's space, and her late husband's wishes that everything belonged to Jay now.

"No mom, it's ok, really. I couldn't bear to get rid of any of dad's stuff."

"I will help you go through his things if you want; when you're ready. I understand about you holding on to his things, I couldn't have gotten rid of anything either."

"Thanks mom, I appreciate that; I'm just not ready yet."

"Well, when you're ready let me know, there are some things I would like to have if it's ok with you."

"I will let you know mom, we can go through dad's things together. Mom, why are you up so early? And how could you not have a hangover, you had quite a bit to drink last night; allow me to correct myself, you had a lot to drink last night?"

"I always get up early, its habit; and you're right about the hangover, my head is killing me."

"Then why are you up fixing breakfast?"

"I wanted to make us breakfast Jay, no matter how bad I feel."

Jay insisted he take over after pouring his mom a fresh cup of coffee, he helped her into the chair where he had been sitting; she still was not steady on her legs. Barbara truly did feel bad, she was not sure how much she had to drink the night before but the way she felt she knew it was more than she had drank in a long time. Going back to bed would have been nice but she did not want to miss spending time with her son.

Living alone bacon and eggs were something Jay had gotten good at, he finished making breakfast for the two of them and they sat at the table eating.

"Mom, how much do you remember about last night?"

"Not much, I woke up this morning still wearing my skirt, blouse and stockings. By the way, thank you for taking care of me last night. I assume it was you who took my shoes off and put me in bed. It felt good to sleep in my... I mean in that bed again."

Truth was Barbara might not remember exactly how many drinks she had but most everything else she recalled very well. She remembered practically flashing her tits and ass to her son and whoever else was sitting in the restaurant; but the strange thing was, while she wished she had not flashed the other patrons she had no regrets about her son seeing so much of her naked body. She saw so much of Sam in Jay it was almost like she was being playful with her husband last night rather than her son, but she knew it was not Sam who seen her ass and tits last night, it was her wonderful handsome son.

Barbara faked her lack of memory about the night before, not because she felt guilty about being so open sexually with Jay, she feared she had embarrassed him with what she said and did. She surprisingly remembered almost everything she had asked Jay while they were on their date, but before she miraculously regained her memory Barbara hoped to find out Jay's thoughts on her conduct the night before. She talked with Jay about his date with Barbie as if she had not been there.

"So Jay, how did your date go with Barbie last night?"

Jay found it strange his mom was asking about Barbie in the third person; especially since his mom was Barbie last night. She knew how the date went, she was there.

"It went ok, better than I expected."

"What about Barbie, what did you think of her?"

What was his mom getting at; was she still playing the game from the night before?

"She was nice."

"How did you like Barbie? Was she pretty? Did you enjoy spending time with her?"

Knowing his mom well Jay quickly caught on to why she was asking about his date with Barbie in the manner she was; she was fishing for his reaction to Barbie and her conduct without confessing it was her she was asking about. Jay was willing to play along if this was how she wanted to discuss last night; but two could play this game, he would see how much his mother wanted to hear about what he thought of Barbie. Last night he had found out how fragile his mother's self-esteem was as well as how she responded to compliments. He would toy with her using praises and flattery to find out just how much she actually remembers; she might be reluctant to reveal how much she actually remembers about the date but her reaction would tell him what he wanted to know.

"Barbie was fun, I liked her a lot; and she was very pretty, she made a normal professional skirt-suit look really, really sexy."

Barbara blushed at his comment, but she also smiled.

Jackpot, Jay had found what his mother was fishing for, she was not really interested in what he thought about her alter-ego Barbie at all; she wanted to know what he thought about her personally.

"She wasn't too wild? She didn't say anything that offended you?"

"Barbie definitely was not too wild even though there were a few things she said that made me feel uncomfortable, but we worked it out" as he looked at his mom and winked.

Barbara was pleased to hear Jay say he felt they had solved any issues about the things she had said; she was afraid she possibly said too much and had done irreparable damage to their fragile relationship. She felt his wink and playfulness let her know he was ok with what she did on their date; but what was this about Barbie not being too wild. Barbara thought she pushed the boundaries of mother and son with her conduct last night, how could that not be perceived as being too wild; what exactly did Jay mean by his comment.

"Not too wild huh; well maybe if you went out with Barbie again you might find out just how wild she can be."

Not that she knew how to be any wilder with her son, and then she realized what she had she said, she was practically suggesting they go out again with her being Barbie again instead of his mom. Barbara was not entirely put off by the idea, she actually enjoyed being someone else other than his mom on the date; but she had insinuated that if Jay went out with Barbie again she would be even wilder than she was on his birthday.

What could she do, what would she do to top Barbie's sexual innuendos, flirtations and exhibitionist attitude, the fact remained she would still be going out with her son even if she did go as Barbie. Anything more extreme would certainly be crossing a line that could not be uncrossed.

When Jay did not immediately answer his silence was a reason for concern, not that she had intended to suggest a second date; but now that she had what was Jay's thoughts on a second date with Barbie? Did he not enjoy their time together as much as he was saying? She was worried, was he just being nice to his mother saying he had a good time with Barbie, but his true opinion about the date was very different from what he had actually said?

"Oh, so you wouldn't go out with Barbie again? You didn't have as much fun as you said?"

When she pressed him Jay gave her an answer.

Jay smiled and winked again "I had fun, that's for sure; as for a second date; maybe, I will have to think about it."

That was an answer, not very informative but she would drop it for now.

To be honest, Jay would like to go out with Barbie again, he enjoyed her playfulness, she was fun to be around; the problem was Barbie is really mom and he felt uncomfortable being flirtatious and playful with his mother. The date had turned weird when Barbie started asking sexually explicit questions about his mom. If it was possible to go on a second date without the awkwardness of being mother and son he was definitely interested in going out with Barbie again.

They finished breakfast and like the gentleman he is Jay took care of the dishes so his mom would not have too. Barbara's headache had gotten worse, she suggested they go get Jay's truck and she go home to her apartment, she needed to lay down in hopes the effects of the hangover would subside. She did not want to overstay her welcome; after all this was the first time she had been in what used to be her home with her son in over a year and a half.

"Mom, how's your headache? Don't lie, tell me the truth."

Jay was talking to her like he was the adult and she was the child, perhaps he was more the adult last night; he was not the one whom had drank too much and he was not the one suffering from a terrible hangover this morning.

"It still hurts really bad. I need to lie down; that's why we need go get your truck so I can get back to my apartment and go back to bed."

She was surprised at what Jay said next, she did not expect it; her joy was greater than any pain she was feeling in her head.

"Mom, you don't have to go yet, I will get you something for your head and you can lie down here until you feel better."

But Barbara was puzzled, how could Jay continue to be so kind to her knowing his feelings about her part in his dad's death? Maybe, just maybe he was starting to forgive her.

Jay brought his mom a tall glass of water and a bottle of pain medicine from the bathroom cabinet, she recognized the container as the one she had bought before she moved out. His caring ways had Barbara feeling better already even though her head was still pounding; she did not want to go to the bed, she wanted to be with Jay but she desperately needed to lie down.

"Jay, if I lie down on the couch will you sit with me? Being close to you will help the pain; you can turn on the TV and I will close my eyes. Please Jay I want to be near you?"

Thankfully Jay agreed, his mom did not give him an opportunity to change out of his boxers and t-shirt, she took her son's hand and led him to the large soft couch but rather than have him sit beside her Barbara lay with her head in Jay's lap. She had forgotten she had on the shirt and nothing else as she closed her eyes feeling the warmth of her son's body on her face.

Jay was softly stroking his mom's throbbing head running his fingers through her long hair; his gentle touch was quickly easing the pain. All felt right in Barbara's world, even though it was most likely only temporary, she felt close with her son again as he lovingly caressed her aching head; she was soon fast asleep.

As Jay clicked through the channels on TV he petted his mom hoping she was feeling better; he looked down her body as she lay asleep on the couch. His mom was not only beautiful she was easily the sexiest woman in their small town; Jay was impressed by her long toned muscular legs, they looked like a wonderful tan pathway to heaven. He stroked the smooth skin of her face; she looked much younger than she actually was, there no wrinkles to give away her true age. He put a hand on her side to feel her breathing; his mom looked peaceful as she slept.

The more Jay caressed his mother the closer she snuggled to him pressing the side of her face harder into his crotch, Barbara's forehead rubbing against his cock, and at his age of course his member reacted just as it was designed to do. He tried to think of something other than the attractive woman asleep in his lap but his cock had a mind of its own, soon he had a full-fledged erection pressing against his mother's face.

Thankfully she was asleep and did not know only the thin material of his boxers separated her face from his hard dick, Jay wanted to move her head away, but he feared he might wake her then how would he explain his condition to his mom? He chose not to disturb her hoping the swelling would go down before she woke up.

Jay turned his attention to a football game on TV hoping if he ignored his physical problem it would go away. He instinctively continued to run his fingers through his mom's hair massaging her aching head and soon, just as he hoped, the TV took his mind off what was going on between his legs; but his dick returning to a flaccid state would be short lived.

Barbara was resting comfortably next to her son, she felt safe, she felt loved, a feeling she had not experienced in a long time. She began to dream she was lying on the couch just as she was but her head was in Sam's lap instead of her son's. In the dream she erotically rubbed her face against her husband's cock hoping to get him ready so they could make love; in the dream Sam's cock grew rigid from her stimulation, her husband's hot erection felt wonderful pressing against her forehead. She had to touch it; she needed to feel her husband's hard cock with her hand.

Jay was startled back to reality when he felt his mom's hand grab his penis through his boxers; what the hell was she doing? Was she dreaming or was his mom putting her hand on his dick on purpose? For Barbara it was all a dream until she felt Jay's body jerk; not sure where she was or what was happening she remained motionless with her eyes closed, it took her a moment to realize where her hand was and what she was holding.

Barbara thought 'OMG, she had her hand on her son's penis. OMG! OMG! What was she going to do now?' If she quickly pulled her hand back Jay would know she was awake, but how could she continue to keep her hand where it was? Barbara chose to carry on with the ruse that she was asleep as she struggled for a plan to remedy herself of the precarious situation.

The longer she held her son's dick the more familiar she became with it; Barbara could feel the girth, Jay's cock was at least as big around as his dad's, maybe more. Completely awake now she was fully aware of what she was doing, but despite knowing she should pull her hand away she continued to explore her son's manhood; Barbara hoped her son still believed she was asleep.

She slid her fingers along the length of Jay's cock; 'impressive'! Barbara was not sure but he was at least seven-plus inches, maybe eight. She felt a stirring between her legs, it might be her son's penis she had in her hand but to her pussy it was simply a hard dick and it had been a long time since one had been inside her. With her concentration on the cock in her hand Barbara did not realize she was twisting her body and parting her legs, all she knew was the cool air felt good on her hot moistening sex.

Jay felt his mother moving, looking down he noticed she had caused the front of the shirt to part beneath the last button; he did not intend to stare at his mom's smooth shaven vagina but with the bottom of the shirt open there was no way he could avoid seeing her bare cunt.

The longer he admired Barbara's wonderful vagina he swore he could actually see beads of lubrication forming on the large lips. Jay started to wake her but he did not know who would be embarrassed more, his mom or him; he would be embarrassed for his mom to know he had an erection while her head was lying in his lap, and his mom would be equally embarrassed if not more so to wake with her hand caressing her son's cock. However, he could not deny his mother's hand felt good stroking his dick.

Jay did not move, hoping his mom would wake soon and move her hand away; but while he was waiting for the surreal scene to end his eyes were continuing to be drawn to her succulent smooth cunt. Jay was no virgin but he had only seen the vagina of a mature woman on the Internet, unlike the girls in college the flesh of his mom's pussy was darker than that of the surrounding skin. Her lips were thick and fleshy lying like wide thin slabs of meat covering her crotch; Jay didn't know how much longer he could stand the predicament he was in, having a beautiful woman stroking his erection while staring at her delicious moist pussy would have him cumming soon.

Barbara had no idea her bare pussy was on display being carefully examined by her son; all of her attention was on the hard cock in her hand, with it having been so long since feeling a real cock she did not want to pull away even though she knew she should. She thought to herself 'just a few more minutes, the damage had already been done, her hand was already on her son's cock; why not enjoy it'.

Even though Barbara was constantly horny, since Sam's death she had resisted finding a man to simply satisfy her desires, especially considering the huge price her promiscuity had already cost her and her son; but she had needs and now she had a real cock in her hand. Yes, just a little while longer and she would stop; how long would it be before she had the opportunity to feel a hard cock again? She knew it was wrong but something also felt very right about caressing the penis of the only man she had left her life, the only man she wanted to be part of her life and the man she loved more than anyone else.

Cupping her hand around Jay's cock giving it a gentle squeeze Barbara could feel the heat on her palm through his boxers. She wanted to pull her hand off Jay's penis, she really did but she just could not find the strength to do it, her son's prick just felt too good to let go; perhaps if she continued to act as if she was dreaming she could extend and expand the forbidden play.

But she was not faking the reaction between her legs, it was real, her pussy was dripping wet aching to be filled with a hard cock. A low moan escaped her lips as she twisted her hips again, she was not aware her movements were causing the shirt to ride further up her body, she was now naked from the waist down, and considering how low the shirt was unbuttoned she might as well had been lying on the couch nude.


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