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Mom, Sis, Aunt & Cuz Naked Ch. 01

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Demonstrating Nude Day naked instead of celebrating it.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/26/2017
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There are no underage characters in this story. All characters in this story are over the age of 18-years-old.


Instead of celebrating Nude Day by getting naked, four beautiful and sexy women demonstrate Nude Day by getting naked.

Feminists Susan, her daughter, Christine, Susan's sister, Elizabeth, and Elizabeth's daughter, Julie, planned a naked, Nude Day demonstration instead of a naked, Nude Day celebration on Nude Day, Friday, July 14th.

With them all having stories to tell of their emotional, physical, and/or sexual abuse experiences, the four women were tired of how men treat, take advantage of, and subject women to abuses whether when they're dressed or naked. Agreeing to their plan in advance, they thought that Nude Day would be a good backdrop for their politically peaceful, albeit naked demonstration. Removing their clothes more for reasons of political protests than just to have random sex, they believed that their nudity would highlight their message of the emotional, physical, and sexual abuses of women.

Convoluted in thought at best, once seeing the four women naked in public, there would be those who would unfairly judge them. There would be those who would think that Susan, her sister, her daughter, and her niece were exhibitionists at best and whores at worst. No doubt thinking that they were having incestuous, lesbian orgies behind closed, bedroom doors, there would be those who would think that Susan was sexually intimate with not only her daughter but also her sister and her niece. Hoping to attract the sexual attention of a man, there would be those who would think that the four women just wanted to flaunt their naked bodies in feigned demonstration of Nude Day without fear of arrest.

How dare people think that about them? Making their peaceful protest for the protection of not only the safety of women but also for the equal rights of women, being naked had nothing to do with sex, or did it? Even though being naked had much to do with their protest, sex was the furthest thing from their minds, or was it? Although the intent of their protest was pure, reasonable, and just, the way that they went about getting a man to aid in their peaceful protest was not. Alas, after all, sex as much as nudity was the premise of this Nude Day story.

Author's aside:

What's your take on a Nude Day demonstration? What do you think? Do you think that the four women were exhibitionists who got off on getting naked in public? Do you think the four women were whores hoping men would pick them up for sex later? Or do you think that these four women were sincere in their Nude Day demonstration while hoping to make a change in the fair and just treatment of women by getting naked on Nude Day?

* * * * *

"Nude Day, Nude Day, what do you say? Better treatment of women today. Nude Day, Nude Day, what do you say? Better treatment of women today," chanted the four women after making up their slogan in readiness for their Nude Day, naked demonstration.

A bold plan, the four women envisioned themselves standing on the busiest, downtown corner while holding picket signs and protesting the unjust, unfair, and abusive treatment of women while naked on Nude Day. They even hoped that other women would join their cause and participate in their protest by shedding their clothes right there on the spot. Just in case their sisters of rebellion and in revolution wanted to stand with them, they made extra placards for them to carry. As long as the news photographers photographed them from the neck up, they hoped to make the front page of the local newspaper along with the evening news.

They hoped their protest would inspire other women to strip off their clothes in protest of Nude Day next year. They hoped that their little protest would evolve in a statewide protest before taking hold of women throughout the country. In the way that Nude Day is celebrated worldwide, they hoped that their Nude Day demonstration would go viral and be protested worldwide too. How awesome would that be to have a naked, national movement of women against men for better treatment of women, for women's rights, and for equal pay?

'How awesome that would be if they made the newspaper and even evening news,' thought Susan? 'How awesome would that be if we made the national news with a segment on CNN? How awesome would that be if we were invited on Good Morning America and/or Ellen DeGeneres to talk about our nude protest? How awesome would that be if the First Lady invited us to have tea at the White House while voicing our cause and concerns.'

### SusanJillParker 01 -- Planning the Nude Day Demonstration ###

Instead of celebrating Nude Day, Susan, her daughter, Christine, her sister, Elizabeth, and her daughter, Julie, planned on demonstrating the unjust, unfair, and abusive treatment of women on Nude Day.

* * * * *

"Our pickets are made and we all know what we'll be wearing," said Susan with a smug laugh. She paused to look around the room at her sister, Elizabeth, her daughter, Christine, and her niece, Julie. "Nothing. We'll all be wearing nothing, absolutely nothing. We'll all be naked. You'll be naked," she said pointing to her daughter. "You'll be naked," she said pointing to her sister. "You'll be naked," she said pointing to her niece. "I'll be naked," she said pointing to herself. "Naked, naked, naked, naked, we'll all be naked," she said with a sexy laugh and a naughty smile.

Christine looked from her mother with second thoughts to look at her cousin, Julie, with obvious trepidation. Now that their plan was in place, the picket signs were made, and their slogan was developed, with this Nude Day demonstration more of a certainty than a pipe dream, she looked nervous. No longer just a fantasy, this Nude Day demonstration with them getting naked in public was a soon-to-be reality. Just as it's not easy for most women to strip naked in public, naked, embarrassed, and afraid, it obviously wasn't easy for 25-year-old Christine to imagine herself standing on a busy, downtown, street corner without her clothes.

"Oh, God, I was caught up in the spirit of the protest," she said softly while wringing her hands with consternation. "I thought that I was doing the right thing by raising my voice while shedding my clothes," said Christine under her breath. "Why did I volunteer to protest naked on Nude Day?"

Already looking embarrassed even when she was fully dressed, Julie rolled her eyes and sighed. Just as her cousin, Christine, looked nervous, Julie did too. A first time for everything, never had she done anything like this in her 24-year-old life before.

"I can't believe I agreed to strip naked in public. I hope we don't get arrested," whispered Julie to her cousin. "I can't imagine being handcuffed and sitting in a police car naked while two cops touch, feel, fondle, and grope me everywhere."

Elizabeth looked at her daughter and niece to give them a wink.

"In that case, I hope I get arrested," she said with a dirty laugh. "I'd be willing to do whatever to the arresting officers for them to let me go."

Julie had an embarrassed look on her face.

"Mom, really. Sometimes you're such a whore," she said slowing shaking her head side-to-side.

Directing her question to them, Susan looked at both her daughter and her niece. As if getting arrested was no big deal, as if getting arrested was part of their peaceful protest and Nude Day demonstration, she made a face and rolled her eyes. She sighed out her impatience with her daughter and niece's sudden reluctance.

"You two are getting way ahead of yourselves. Does anyone have a problem with getting naked on Nude Day to demonstrate the sexist treatment of women? Along with equal pay and equal rights, Nude Day is just another day that men emotionally, physically, and sexually abuse women. Instead of celebrating Nude Day by getting naked on Nude Day, we need to demonstrate Nude Day by getting naked for all women. How better to do that than to get naked ourselves? Freedom from oppression, my sisters," she said standing and raising her arm as if she was a Black Panther from the 60's reinvented as a modern-day woman in the new millennium.

The four women looked around the room at one another. Obviously, Susan had motivated them to action. As if singing their demonstration song, led by Susan, they began chanting.

"Nude Day, Nude Day, what do you say? Better treatment of women today. Nude Day, Nude Day, what do you say? Better treatment of women today."

* * * * *

Forty-four-year-old Elizabeth gave her forty-six-year-old sister, Susan, a warm smile.

"You know me, a total slut, I'm an exhibitionist. I love going nude in public without my clothes," said Elizabeth with a sexy laugh. "Nude Day is just another excuse for me to get naked," she said with a shrug. "Parading around downtown will be just like going to a nude beach but without the water, the salty air, the hot sun, and all that sand between my toes and everywhere else that sand shouldn't be," she said with another laugh.

Susan held her hand up high while leaning towards her sister.

"That's the spirit," she said. "Slap me a high five, Sis."

Elizabeth slapped Susan a high five. Then Elizabeth and Susan chanted their Nude Day slogan together.

"Nude Day, Nude Day, what do you say? Better treatment of women today. Nude Day, Nude Day, what do you say? Better treatment of women today."

Elizabeth slapped her sister another high five.

"Besides, I'm not about to stand on a street corner totally nude, I plan on wearing a thong with my flip flops. With my luck a dog will pee on me or some homeless bum will try and fuck me in my ass," said Elizabeth with a laugh. "Besides, I don't want to provoke the nudity laws by stripping totally naked and get myself arrested nor do I want to get glass in my feet and God knows what else in other places. With the four of us arrested, who would help to release us on bail? My ex-husbands? If it was up to them, they'd leave me to rot behind bars," she said with a laugh.

Julie looked at her mother and laughed.

"I can just imagine some hardened criminal hitting on you in jail, Mom," said Julie, Elizabeth's 24-year-old daughter, with a laugh. "What are you in for, doll? First degree murder? Armed robbery? Aggravated assault? And you replying, public nudity," said Julie with another laugh. "You'd be stripped naked and raped right there by a gang of crazed, incarcerated lesbians."

Elizabeth laughed, too.

"Hey, don't knock lesbianism until you've tried it. After two failed marriages and going out on dates with more unemployed, loser men who still live at home with their mothers, I may discover in jail that women are better lovers than men," said Elizabeth with another laugh.

Christine, Susan's 25-year-old daughter, looked at her mother with apprehension.

"I have no problem with getting naked in public Mother, especially for the good cause of demonstrating how men treat women not only on Nude Day but also every day. Only, I hope that no one that I know sees me naked. I'd be so embarrassed for someone from school or from work to see me without my clothes," said Christine. "In this climate of men thinking that women are either prudish virgins or wicked whores and with no grey areas in between, they'd think me a wicked whore."

Julie looked at her mother and aunt with reservation.

"I agree with Christine," said Julie. "I don't mind getting naked on Nude Day. I just hope that no one I know sees me naked," she said. "It's one thing to be naked in front of strangers, people I'll never see again, but it's something else to be seen naked by my friends, my neighbors, my classmates, my co-workers, and my acquaintances. I'd be so embarrassed."

Susan smiled at her family and was glad that they all agreed to demonstrate naked on Nude Day with her. Instead of having to demonstrate alone, there was always safety in numbers. In addition to enlisting the help of her daughter, her sister, and her niece, she hoped to enlist a few of her friends too. Unfortunately, with all her friends married with children, husbands generally don't share their wives desire to strip naked in public in protest of Nude Day.

They'd have no problem with their wives stripping naked to celebrate Nude Day but not to protest it. Moreover, many of her friends had adult sons who, no doubt, would love to see their mothers, their sisters, their aunts, their cousins, and their mother's friends and daughters, without their clothes. Instead of joining their protest of Nude Day, they'd stare, leer, and gawk at the naked women while wanting to have sex with them.

* * * * *

"Only, we need a volunteer," said Susan looking around the room. "As a symbolic gesture of solidarity of the sexes, we need a man who's willing to demonstrate naked with us while we're all naked too. Who can we ask?" Susan looked from her sister to look at her daughter and her niece. "Who can we ask? Does anyone know a man who'd agree to get naked and demonstrate with us?"

While waiting for someone to respond, Susan looked from her sister to look at her daughter before looking at her niece again. Susan's daughter and niece avoided making eye contact with her. Having already volunteered to strip naked, obviously, they weren't about to volunteer the support of some man that they knew for him to see them naked too. Elizabeth raised her hand to speak as if she was in school instead of in the informal setting of her sister's living room.

"It may prove more difficult to find a man willing to strip naked to protest with us than it is to find a woman willing to remove her clothes. It's not the invasively and modestly same for men to strip naked as it is for women. That's not the issue. Men don't care about showing their cocks and asses in the way that women are embarrassed to show their asses, tits, and pussies," said Susan's sister. "The real issue is, more than likely, a man showing his penis will be arrested over a woman showing her ass and tits, and even her pussy. For a man to strip naked, we'd have to agree to pay his bail to get him out of jail," said Elizabeth.

Susan nodded her head.

"That's a good point," said Susan. "We could pass around a hat to collect for anticipated bail money from all the men gawking at our naked bodies."

Obviously knowing what her mother was about to ask her, Christine looked at her mother and made a sour face while already shaking her head no.

"Oh, no," said Christine waving her hands like two mini stop signs. "It's enough that I agreed to get naked with you, Mother, in demonstration of Nude Day and the sexist treatment of women. Sorry, but I refuse to ask one of the men from my college or from work to get naked with me too while demonstrating. If I asked someone that I know to get naked with me, they'd think that I'm sexually interested in them. Besides, no one wants an arrest record for lewd and lascivious behavior from indecent exposure on their employment or graduate school record," said Christine.

Elizabeth nodded her head to give a sad smile.

"Sorry but the only men that I know have erectile dysfunction and small dicks," said Liz with a laugh and an apologetic shrug. "In the way that I married my first husband, Walter, and my second husband, Charlie, I must have a Daddy complex because I routinely date and marry men who are old enough to be my father," she said with another laugh.

Julie, Elizabeth's 24-year-old daughter, looked from her mother to look at her aunt Susan and her cousin Christine.

"As it is, I can't believe I agreed to strip naked in demonstration of Nude Day," said Julie. "I don't want to ask any man that I know to strip naked with me too. I don't want to advertise that I'll be demonstrating naked on Nude Day. I don't want anyone that I know to see me naked," she said again as if to reiterate that she was concerned about her reputation and to double down on what her cousin said. "Difficult as it is putting up with the sexual harassment, I don't want to face these people in work and in school later with the image of my naked body implanted in their dirty minds."

Susan smiled at her daughter, her sister, and her niece.

"I understand your feelings, Christine, as well as your feelings, Julie. Yet, instead of feeling embarrassed that we'll all be naked in public on Nude Day, the one day that is somewhat legal for us to be naked, we should feel proud that we're taking a stand on behalf of all women. One day, when we tell our grandchildren, we'll all look back and will be glad that we demonstrated on Nude Day in the nude," said Susan smiling at her daughter.

Christine made a face and dropped her head and shoulders as if she had just been shot.

"Grandchildren? I don't even have a steady boyfriend," she said with a laugh. "The last thing that I want to do with my life is to give you a grandchild to spoil. Even if I ever get married, I have a mind not to have any children," said Christine.

Susan shrugged.

"Hopefully, we will make a difference in how men perceive and treat women. Hopefully, by stripping ourselves naked on Nude Day, we'll get enough exposure, literally and figuratively, to make men think twice about abusing women," she said looking around the room again. "All we need is one naked man to symbolize all men," said Susan. "If it will make you feel any better about being naked, we can wear pink pasties on our nipples and nude thongs to cover what might get us arrested," said Susan. "If you'd be too embarrassed or uncomfortable to be naked in public downtown, we can wear nude body stockings."

Elizabeth gave her sister a sexy smile.

"I'd rather be naked," said Elizabeth with a dirty laugh. "Being naked is a freeing experience," she said raising her arms and throwing back her head as if she was already naked.

Julie looked at her mother aghast.

"A nude body stocking is a good idea. I may do that instead of wearing pasties and a thong," said Julie. "The last thing that I want are men masturbating later over all that they saw and all that I showed them of me. Eww. Gross."

Christine looked at her mother, rolled her eyes, and sighed.

"It can't be that difficult to find a man, Mother. Any man we ask would jump at the chance of demonstrating naked with you, me, your sister, and my cousin," said Christine. "With all the men in your past, surely, you must know someone to ask," she said looking from her mother to look at her aunt. "You must know a man who would demonstrate naked with us."

Susan nodded her head in agreement.

"Obviously, that's why we can't use just any man, especially any man that I know. We need to find someone who isn't eager to get naked with us but who is reluctant to get naked with us. We need to find a man who would be embarrassed to be seen naked with us. The last thing we want is a man protesting with an erection," said Susan with a dirty laugh. "The last thing we want is some guy thinking we're easy because we're naked. The last thing we want is some horny man hitting on us in public while we're all naked."

Elizabeth gave her sister a dirty look.

"Speak for yourself. That depends on who the man is hitting on me," said Elizabeth laughing. "Having not seen a man with an erection in two marriages, I'd love to protest with a man showing his sexual interest in my naked body."

Julie rolled her eyes at her mother and Christine lambasted her aunt's sentiments.

"Aunt Elizabeth, really. Defeating our protest, the last thing we want is some man groping us in public. We don't want a man to act like the men we are protesting against," said Christine. "We need to find one, special man who isn't sexually attracted to us. Only, a paradox, unless he's sexually attracted to us, he'd never agree to strip naked with us," she said. "It's quite the conundrum."


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