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Mom Suffers from Sexsomnia Ch. 03

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Final Chapter on sexmonia.
5.2k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/24/2023
Created 06/24/2023
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In my hope to continue to tell a story of the pain from a sexual disability, I hope to add some fun. The story continues with my (Doug Chap 1 Sorry) sick mom, my father and six women that just love being with me.

As promised, I arrived at the hospital. I was sent to see Dana's new help, someone with more training for Mary's sleep disorder.

"Dale, I'm Dr. Carol Santorum. I am here to help Dr. Abrams with helping your wife and you. Thank you for saying you would come."

"Dr. in the last few days I have been shown things I never heard of or seen. I have never watched Porn or looked at it. Sex was just a simple matter of having an orgasm and going to bed. But I saw Mary, Jenny and Betty do things that rocked all my beliefs. So, if I can learn more maybe it help our marriage."

"Dale, this must have been hard to admit, and I agree with sexual therapy in the future it may help you two understand how to improve your sex life. Right now, my goal is to help Mary from waking up in the middle of the night and seeking out sexual partners."

From there I talked to Dr. Abrams and her nurse. I was set up in a room next to the room Mary will be in.

"Dale, you sure you are ready for this, from learning your background, it could be traumatic for you."

"Dana, seeing Mary having sex with our son and then having sex with your two friends I have been traumatized. But I have to admit I had fun with Jenny, something about her."

"Jenny is a Master in her martial arts style, she is very good with people also. But you broke through to her sexual side, just as your son did. She is now back to her home meditating."

"I am sorry to hear she is feeling bad over what happened."

"She will be okay; you are the one we need to help." Dana smiled and we had a great afternoon talking and lunch. She left me to Carols nurse Angie.

"Dale, Mary has been in several tests today and she is eating now and requested to go to sleep when she is done. I have to tell you we have two cameras set up, one over to the right and one to the left of the bed. They will only be watched by Dr. Santorum. She wishes to focus on your wife."

"I understand, what am I to do?"

"She would like you to pretend to be asleep and not get involved if possible. She would like to learn what Mary is up to. Also, to warn you not to stand in front of the camera." Angie laughed as I looked up. "I put evening clothing on the bed for you, please wear these so the Dr. learns how Mary prepares you."

"That sounds almost cruel."

"It's hard, but she is very good at this and if anyone can figure this out it is Dr. Santorum."

"Thank you, Angie."

There was a knock on the door and Angie went to answer it. She closed the door and turned. "Mary has entered her room and is getting ready for bed, you may wish to do the same, remember no TV. You can look at your phone but put it down the moment she enters the room, if she does."

Angie left and I looked around and felt very frustrated. I wish I could see her, hold her. I undressed and climbed into bed. I just laid there and waited.

I called Dana to find out how Dad and Mom were doing?

"Hi Dale, they have both had a long day of test and questions with Carol. They both just went to bed, so we should know soon if the days counseling helped any. How are you doing?"

"Claire made me a nice dinner after dad left and Betty went home. She will be back in the morning. The pain has gotten much better, so I hope to sleep well myself."

"Claire, is staying the night and you think you will get sleep?"

"Dana, you know I will take good care of Dale. He needs a lot of attention."

"Claire if he survives the next few days, it would be a miracle."

"Well, then he will die happy" I heard laughter, then Dana had to go.

"So, my dear Dale, what can I do to help you sleep tonight?"

She crawled up on the bed and sat up. She started to disrobe very slowly, her arm covering her naked breast. Then she unsnapped her skirt, pulling it away and she was not wearing panties and she had shaved herself bald. Then she moved her arm away from her breast and I smiled when I saw her large nipples.

"See anything you would like to explore tonight, or would you like me to just lay down and let you sleep?"

"I definitely wish to see how close a shave you did."

She laughed and stood as she walked over me her legs spread then she started to lower herself, stopping just inches away from my mouth.

"No hands Dale, just look then just your tongue for now."

"I love what I am seeing Claire, nicely shaven, so smooth looking. I wonder if you could possibly taste better?"

"You would like to know I bet."

"Yes, I would." She bent her knees touching my lips. "You're very wet, I wonder why Claire?" I licked her bald skin and I saw goose bumps right away, I laughed and continued to lick. She spread a little more and she opened the doors to the beautiful fountain of hers. I couldn't stop licking and biting her lips.

"Dale, fingers if you wish." She looked down watching me. Her bald pussy was sweating, the goose bumps were larger, and she was dripping now. I teased her with my finger. Touching her clit very tenderly. Her smile changed as she bit her lip. Her eyes glazed over, and I then entered her with just one finger. Her pussy got very tight, and she looked down as she came.

"I definitely enjoy the taste of your hairless pussy, but Claire it tastes the same, delicious."

"Dale, take me with your fingers, bring me to a wonderful orgasm."

"I'll see what I can do for you." She gave me a look that could kill. I added fingers as she increased her shaking. She finally caves and her pussy is covering my mouth. She cries, "Dale." She blasts me with her love juices. I couldn't move her; I was going to drown if she didn't move. She falls to my side laughing as I'm spitting out her cum.

"Damn woman, you trying to kill me?"

"I love you, why would I kill you?"

I held her tight, and she mounted me. I grunted and held my side.

"Sorry Dale, I'll just have to take care of this another way."

It's been an hour, and I haven't heard a word from Mary. I felt my eyes finally closing. Then I fell asleep. I wasn't sure what time it was, but the door opened, and it startled me. I stood still, and there she was. I felt anger at first, she isn't getting any better.

Mary stood next to me, she was naked, and so beautiful. I had to look at her in full. Her beautiful long hair, breasts that filled my hands and her dark bush, never trimmed. I couldn't believe I was actually looking at her and wanting to enjoy her beauty. I felt shame for never doing that since our honeymoon. But why was she just standing there?

Mary turned and looked at me, then she moved the sheet as she had before. She smiles when she sees my cock. Then she just sits on the bed.

I wait to see what happens. She lays beside me and lays her arm over me.

"I love you husband."

"I love you wife."

She closes her eyes and I smile. I am soon asleep. I awake and Carol is sitting on the bed smiling at me.

"Last night was a great sign, Mary stayed with you until she got up to use the bathroom. Then she entered her shower and Mary covered herself and called me for food. We talked for a few minutes; she doesn't remember sleeping with you. Then she asked me how much longer it would take before she could go home."

"That is good right?"

"Well, why don't you get dressed and let's have breakfast. I have questions for you." As she stood, I uncovered and stood next to her. It was then I realized I was naked.

"Dale, maybe you should have waited for me to leave."

She left smiling, she got a good look at me, and I felt embarrassed again.

I showered and dressed, then I met her in a sitting area.

"Carol, please forgive me, I didn't intentionally stand, I am just in a hurry to see Mary."

"Think nothing of it. But I do have questions for you. Mary shared with me that she was a very loose teenager, she had teens pay to see her squirt. She stopped when she met you. She broke down in tears when she told me you never showed interest in her needs. She has held back for years, she soon found herself bringing herself to a squirting orgasm. She hoped you would help her, maybe engage in sexual acts with her."

"How can a man such as myself be the man she needs, I have lived my life with little desire for a woman, Mary was just a wife, one I would protect and love. But sex was sex."

"When Jenny and Betty had sex with you, you showed some enjoyment with them didn't you?"

"I can't say I didn't, they were young and strong, maybe just different, than I thought a woman should be, but I was the one just sitting or lying there."

"Last night when Mary lay with you, I saw you smile. You laid naked with her. Allowing her to be at your side."

"Yes, but I did as I was asked, I did nothing to her, and I wanted to."

"Did you want to please her, or did you wish to please yourself?"

"I don't think I was awake long enough to find out."

"Maybe not, but you were aroused for at least twenty minutes, I wonder if we had set you up for a sleep study would we have found you were dreaming, and if so, was it of Mary, Jenny or Betty?"

"I don't dream of women that I remember. Sex was just not a big conversation in my family."

"Did your mother ever complain about sex, or let you see her naked?"

"I don't think I have ever seen her naked, Mary was the only woman I have seen naked until Jenny and Betty, oh and I caught a glimpse of Claire, my son's girlfriend. She thought it was him calling."

"How did you respond to seeing Claire."

I bowed my head in shame, I couldn't tell her I enjoyed her flirting with me, or could I?

"Dale, you became very quiet and turned a little pale, you also had movement in your pants. As a counselor and Doctor, I would say you enjoyed seeing her, maybe as a way to get even, or to make your son upset?"

"No, that isn't it. I don't feel Dale deserves any blame for Mary's indiscretion."

"Now we are getting somewhere, you are mad at your wife."

I felt anger towards the doctor now, but she was right, I did have an erection, I did enjoy seeing Claire.

"Dale, talk to me."

"I did just get an erection when you mentioned Claire and I am not able to say why, other than she reminded me." I stopped talking, I felt as if a light went on in my head.

"I've seen a picture of Claire thanks to Doctor Abrams, she is remarkably similar to Mary, isn't she?"

I wanted to cry, I felt so much pain, so much anger. "Yes, she does."

"Carol smiled, Dale. I think that is enough for now. Why don't you go take a break."

"I have a question if I may. How can a man like me change and learn to please Mary, to help her stop searching out others?"

"Dale, has this happened before?"

I felt completely defeated. "Yes, many times in our marriage. Friends would tell me that Mary would visit them when they slept over after a poker game. I refused to believe it. I lost a lot of friends, and I would probably not believe it if Dale hadn't have called me and asked for my help."

Carol stood and excused herself, her nurse came in and took me back to my room.

"Dale, this is Doctor Santorum, may I ask you a question?"

"Sure Doctor."

"You videoed your mom having sex with you, do you remember if she complained about your father?"

"No, she kept talking to me as if I was him."

"Thank you, hope I didn't wake you." She went right over to see Dana.

"Dana, I think I know what is going on with Dale and Mary."


"Yes, there are two things, one being Dale being uneducated about the proper way to treat a woman. His father never treated his mother as an equal, he says he never watched porn, but I don't believe him on that, because he talks about seeking his own pleasure, even with Jenny and Betty. But when he saw your friend Claire he had a difficult time, because she sparked something in him. I believe it is because Claire may look very much like a younger Mary. Now Mary is very different, I think she is suffering two fold first being angry that Dale doesn't care to please her, and persistent sexual arousal syndrome."

"That makes a lot of sense, but do you think she still has sexsomnia?"

"Yes, she has the sleepwalking, and the talking while having sex, which I would bet is new. With her son being so close in size to her husband's penis."

"I have seen the videos; Dale Sr. is wider than his son. I bet Mary does believe her husband has changed."

"I need to share my findings with my colleagues if they agree I will call you. We may put Mary on some depression medication, and then recommend sex therapy for them both. If you feel uncomfortable, please find a good therapist for them. It may take some time. Tomorrow I will be talking to Mary, please join me."

"Thank you so much for all your help. This has been a hard time for this family, I would love to see them together again happy."

"They need to make that choice, Dale needs to move out of their home also before they return, which could be in a few days."

"I'll see you in the morning Carol, I have some calls to make."

It's been two weeks now and I'm up on my feet. It still hurts, but not as much. The visit's from the girls have calmed down, Claire told me she told them to. Thou she herself insist on giving me a blow job every night, I never argue. I start working on Monday. That should be a great relief. My house will also be done tomorrow. Right now, I'm waiting for Carol to call and give me an update.

The phone rings and it is Claire, she is crying.

"Claire what happened are you okay?"

"No Dale, I'm calling to tell you I'm being relocated. Bill wants me to take over the Colorado branch."

"Claire that's good news, I'll come work for you."

"You can't, he named you the new manager of our office. He's stepping down."

"I don't have to accept it."

"Dale, there is no position for you in Colorado, and I can't lose my job. Bill told me I would if I don't go to Colorado."

"Bill, our Bill said that?"

"Yes, I leave on Sunday."

"Sunday, Clair my house is done, I was hoping you would move in with me."

"I can't now. Dale, I have to go I'm so sorry."

She hung up and I just fell to the floor. This just isn't possible. I called Bill and got no answer, I called the office, no answer. I was about to call Dana, but she called me first.

"Dale, are you okay?"

"No. Claire just told me she is leaving Sunday."

"Dale I'm a mile away, stay in bed okay, I need to talk to you. But you need to protect those ribs, or I'll kick you again."

She made me laugh, and I got up and went back to my room. But Dana didn't show up when I thought she would, instead she showed up two hours later. She walked in with a bloody nose and scratches on her. She was crying.

She crawled into bed and asked me to hold her. Ten minutes later, Jenny, Betty, Alice, and Henry were in my room, they were crying.

They all hugged each other, then Dana told them not to hug me.

"Dale, you will get a call soon. I don't want to say anything until you do."

"Dana, what is going on?"

"Dale, please wait."

Just as she said I got a phone call. Dana was wanted by the police for assault and battery. I was asked if I had seen her. I told them no but asked if this had anything to do with my parents. The officer hesitated and said he knew nothing of my parents. Dana had an altercation with Claire and Bill. Bill was in Bed with Claire. She put them both in the hospital. Bill left his wife, sold his company and was leaving in the morning with Claire. I hung up the phone, I started to breathe hard. Dana ran to me and held me.

"Dale slow down your breathing. If you don't you will be hospitalized yourself."

Each of the girls were holding my arm or legs. All of them with their eyes closed. I felt something, relaxing. They smiled and told me to lay back.

"Dale, I called Claire right after I told you I was coming to see you. So, I asked her to be here. She became very strange, like she was breathing heavily, which for us is normal. But I heard Bills voice. So, I went to talk to Claire, she would never sleep with her boss. I was wrong, she has been for some time. Bill was fucking her when I walked in, so I listened, They talked about their plans and how bad they felt about you losing your job, and how Bill didn't have the courage to tell you. You will receive a registered letter in the morning. I jumped on the bed and started kicking the shit out of them. Claire was so caught off guard she couldn't get Bill off her fast enough to protect herself. I beat her badly, but she got up and she hit me a couple times. That's when Jenny came in and Claire didn't stand a chance. But no one can know about Jenny. I'm turning myself in to the police tomorrow."

"Wrong Dana, we all are."

Dana turned. "What?"

"We all are taking the blame for this. See if Claire and Bill can talk their way out of this. We are going to tell them Claire bragged about what they had done and all five of us went there to confront her. We caught her in bed with Bill, she pushed him away and we beat the shit out of her." Jenny smiled, as did the others.

I started to laugh, and they all looked at me, they thought I was having a breakdown. But I stopped and looked at them all. "Don't you all see it?"

"See what?"

"See why Claire was so excited to share you with me?"

"While you were with me, she was with Bill."

Betty stood, "That may be true as far as her reasons, but Dale, we truly enjoyed being with you, each of us got excited when we came here. I am still sorry I got involved with your dad, but it was me being selfish. I still wanted you. The nice thing, we never fought over you, we all agreed we wanted to be with you, but now I see why Claire wasn't against it, and why she flirted with your father."

"Claire did what?" Dana stood, "I have to call Carol."

"You all really enjoyed being with me?"

"Not just for sex, but for the fun, companionship. We loved talking to you, and most important dancing, god how many men would actually dance with us like you do?" Alice hugged me gently, then each one did.

Dana came in and told me Carol already knew about Claire flirting with my dad. We all talked and agreed to go together to the police station. When the woman at the front counter saw us, she thought I was wounded and called for help.

"Officer, I'm okay, I have broken ribs, and I came with my friends, they wish to turn themselves in."

"I'm sorry they wish to do what?"

"They had an altercation with my Boss and my girlfriend tonight."

"One moment please, I need to contact the detective for this case, could you all help him to the waiting area, he looks like he should be laying down."

Two minutes later a big, tall man in a suit walks into the waiting room with a smile and sits down.

"Would I be right in guessing one of you is Dr. Dana Abrams?"

"That is me Detective."

"I have been looking for you, we have a complaint that you assaulted a couple while they were having sex?"

"That is partially true, we all did."

"That is interesting, because the couple only mentions your name not the other ladies here."

"We don't think she saw much of anything with the screaming she was doing while her boss was banging her." April chimed.

He held back a laugh. "Ladies, would you give me one minute?"

Dana was so nervous, I held her hand and it was obvious she was the one, because none of the others had scratches on them.

Then I saw Bills wife walk in, I went to stand but she ran to me and fell at my feet. She was covered with bruises. I held her to me, and she cried.

The Detective returned with the Chief of Detectives. "I see you know Mrs. Derkson."

"She is my bosses wife."

"Ex wife the dumb shit."

She stood and asked for something to clean her bruises.


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