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Mommy's Nymphomania Ch. 05

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How 18 year-old Ben became an incest addict.
12k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/09/2018
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For new readers (if you happened to aimlessly click on this story): Try chapter 1. I believe you'll be able to tell pretty quickly whether this story concept is for you. There's more substance in chapters 2-4, but the main thing I value in erotica is for the story to be...raunchy.

For existing fans: Thank you for sticking with me. I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the 10-11 months it has taken for me to post this new chapter. I've improved the grammar and readability of chapters 1-4...so if any of you want to do a crash course to refresh yourselves on the story, you can!

Upcoming plot: My goal with this is to do Ch. 1 justice. The vast majority of this chapter is meant to be a proper prequel to the entire story. I specifically wanted to take a deep dive into what Kristin had to do to make her son a motherfucker (in the most literal meaning of the word). I have touched upon this already, but I can do sooo much more. I've barely scratched the surface.

I start with post Ch. 4 stuff, but it only serves as a vehicle for me to do the flashback. Sorry in advance if you expected this story to be in chronological order all the way through...


*****Ch. 05*****

That night, Ben and Kaylee stayed up together until 3 am. They used it as an opportunity to catch up on each other's lives, for Kaylee had just gotten home from college earlier that day. Any words said between them though were simply meant to stall time until they both got horny again.

They didn't have to kid themselves after the first time, for the ultimate pandora's box was now open. The saying "too much of a good thing" wasn't a phrase that was in either's vernacular.

Their mother had even explicitly spelled that out to them during their informal family meeting earlier. if her children couldn't stop thinking about sex for the life of them, why inhibit their desires? If her son needed to unleash one of his thick gooey loads for example, why did it have to be in his room with the door closed? She wanted her children to exude confidence sexually. Masturbating shamelessly without a care in the world was one way. Another way was to gain a ton of experience having sex. If it just so happened you were practicing with an opposite sex parent and/or sibling that you found attractive (and the pleasure was mutual to say the least), what's the harm?

In Kristin's household, sexual gratification was paramount. Kristin loved being her son's pathetic fuck toy, Kaylee loved to be touched intimately, and Ben couldn't stop committing incest for the life of him.

This didn't mean that Ben wasn't completely spent at the day's end.

After what transpired in the morning and afternoon with his mother, Ben was sure he was going to wait until the next day to commit incest again. That was before his sister basically threw herself at him that night. Of course Ben was going to get an erection from watching his hot and bothered sister masturbate next to him. If she was going to act that indecent, that pathetic...then he was going to have no other choice BUT to give her a hard fuck. On no universe would Ben turn down a girl with a fit body and an unbelievable rack. If the girl happened to be his sister, that was even better as far as he was concerned.

Ben was hardly able to climax the third and final time he banged his sister that night. In fact, Kaylee had to suck Ben off the last time so that he could cum. As spent as Ben was, he appreciated that his sister wanted to service him until he was completely empty.

As Kaylee went to the bathroom before bed to brush her teeth, she figured there wasn't a guy on the planet who would lie about fucking their mother - never mind admit to fucking their mother. That's how she knew her brother was telling the truth. Now that Kaylee had a positive interpretation of incest, she imagined just how pleasurable it must be for Ben to fuck their mom. She thought, "that had to be why they were out for four hours earlier, right?"

Kaylee seldom introduced guys to her mom back in high school; reason being that she didn't want them to relay it to their friends that her mom was a total MILF. She didn't want to be known as the girl who "wasn't as hot as her mom." All this was before her mom decided to give herself massive tits. Kaylee would have felt quite inferior to say the least, if not for the fact that men were now gawking at her inexplicably huge bust size. Kaylee would have never thought this a couple months ago - but she was now proud that her tits were so big and slutty (for they were actually natural unlike her mother's).

All in all, Kaylee found that her mom was the sweetest woman on the planet. It was obvious to Kaylee why her mom and brother were an item. Kristin was warm and loving (like most good moms). The unusual part was that she also had the body of a porn star.

Considering that her mom and brother lived alone for the better part of eight months, Kaylee figured that they must've been fucking like bunnies for at least five of them (when in actuality, it was really only several days at this point). It made so much sense: Ben was a perpetually horny teenager, and Kristin was a lonely divorcee with a college-aged boy. Kaylee figured that her mom was heartsick at the fact that her only son would be leaving her in a few months. Sex must've been their way of making up for all of the inevitable lost family time.

Kaylee was thinking over a lot of things, but she nevertheless returned to the couch to lay on top of her brother. It just felt right. She then fell asleep immediately upon resting her head on his bare chest.

Ben also thought through a couple things before he drifted off to sleep. He took time to reflect on a lingering issue. The last few days were easily the most lust-filled of his young life, but there was still something missing in all of this. He hated that his family's secret had to stay between the three of them.

For example: Ben's senior prom was less than a week away. He was going with a prude girl from his high school. What Ben really wanted to do was blow her off to bring his sister. Ben imagined grinding on the dance floor with Kaylee all night. Hell, she'd probably blow him mid-way through prom. Ben HATED that It wasn't socially acceptable for brothers and sisters to be fuck buddies.


A week ago, Ben was sure that incest was worse than murder - even when consensual. Some taboos are well-deserving of a negative stigma (like pedophilia for one), but Ben just couldn't grasp why two horny family members couldn't fuck one another if they so pleased.

He was certainly aware of why it was illegal. If incest was legal, nobody would be able regulate the increase of sexual abuse and rape in families. It's just that Ben couldn't find anything morally wrong in the situation where a mom chose to become a cum dump for her horny, incest-crazed son.

Scientifically speaking, the only possible reason for incest's illegality is the long speculated "higher chance of a birth defect in event of a pregnancy."

However, Ben had looked into this fact long before he and his mom ever committed incest. Surfing the web, he was never able to find one turn-off that'd stop him from fucking his mom if given the opportunity. With the birth defect statistic, there were a couple reasons why Ben didn't put any stock into it. First and foremost, being the father to his mother's child wasn't even in the forefront of his mind. That would only be relevant in the dream scenario where he was having sex with his mother. Worst case scenario (if he ever did get his mom pregnant), it could be found out relatively early whether they shared the same harmful recessive gene that'd lead to a birth defect.

Ben only started doing research on this matter once he realized his browser history was 90% incest porn. For the longest time, he couldn't understand why he had developed a strong incest kink. He was convinced it was a phase; at worst, a harmless fantasy (one that didn't apply to his immediate situation). For example: most guys who get turned on by incest porn don't actually want to fuck their own mother and/or sister. Ben remembered a time in his life where he thought he was one of them.

The reason for this "phase" was really obvious, it's just that Ben couldn't admit it to himself. His interest in the genre only became apparent once his mom came home one day with significantly larger breasts.

Ben progressively became more addicted to incest porn overtime. At first, it was "different" or "a change of pace" to the porn he would usually watch. Soon enough however, it became his absolute go-to. There was something about a son fucking the absolute crap out of his mommy. Especially if the mom had an insane body and huge tits. At this point, Ben was way too oblivious to connect the dots.


None of this was by accident. Kristin wanted her son to be obsessed with incest. Her life had become so mundane and boring, that at one point she came up with a very inappropriate plan to add excitement into her life.

Long before any of this got underway, she'd often think about things she wasn't supposed to do - things she wasn't supposed to do as a mother. It may have been the non-FDA approved medication she had taken, but her taboo thoughts would primarily be sex-related. Since taking it, Kristin couldn't recall another time in her life where she had to masturbate so much.

It only made things worse that the few sexual encounters she had since finalizing her divorce were underwhelming. Kristin thought she'd be into meaningless hookups, but there was absolutely no passion to them. On the other hand, she was vehemently against another relationship where she'd be expected to accept another marriage proposal at some point. She already "settled down" once. It was horrible. She only married her first husband because she became pregnant with her first-born (Kaylee) out of wedlock.

Kristin's impossible criteria left her between a rock and a hard place. She didn't like meaningless hookups, but she hated run-of-the-mill relationships even more. This got her thinking creatively about taboos. She briefly considered having an affair with a married man her age...but based on what she went through herself, she couldn't do that to another woman. Plus, that would mean the guy was a total piece of shit (like her ex-husband).

Sometime afterward, she thought of becoming a cougar. She wanted to do it right though. She wouldn't fuck someone 10 years younger, for that would actually be socially acceptable. She wanted to fuck someone 20 years younger. Someone that was her son's age. Something Kristin picked up on was the fact that cougars (who were mothers) typically didn't go as far as fucking people the same age as their children. Maybe it was to avoid giving the "if you weren't my son, I'd probably fuck you" vibe.

After further contemplation, Kristin thought even this was too complicated. It would surely create a major rift in her relationship with her children if she put herself in the same dating field as them. Anyway, Kristin was hellbound on going through with a mid-life crisis. If she was going to do something crazy, she at least wanted her son's support (for he was the one who was actually going to live with her).

At some point during her thought process, she came up with the solution. "Oh my god, why didn't I think of this before...why couldn't my son just fuck me?!" After doing some "research" (her research consisted of pleasuring herself silly to incest porn), she became convinced this was the taboo she was looking for. It was ridiculous to her that there were real mothers out there that were committing incest with regularity - she found it even more ridiculous that she wasn't already one of them. It was so forbidden, so hot.

Kristin knew her son's brain would have to get completely rewired for him to start seeing her in a sexual way. That was of no concern to her, for she was very skilled and more than up for the task.

Her plan went:

1. Breast augmentation

The first step didn't require much - just a really good surgeon. Kristin wanted huge tits. But at the same time, nothing that looked totally fake. If her tits didn't look real, then it'd downgrade her whole appearance. She scoured every relevant doctor within 100 miles, until she found one who knew exactly what she was looking for.

When the surgery came and went, she knew that her long-term plan was going to be a success. Kristin absolutely loved looking at herself in the mirror now. She had a dangerously high sex-drive at this point, and was really proud of the fact that it now reflected in her external appearance. Her tits were so big, so slutty. This was going to get the ball rolling as far as the transformation of her son went.

2. Start talking to her son in the third person as "Mommy"

Kristin loved how regressive that word was. Her son had stopped calling her "Mommy" when he was six years-old. Kristin didn't care though. She was going to make that a thing again, even though her son was 18 now. Kristin could pull it off too, for she had a gentle but very sexy voice. She didn't refer to herself as "Mommy" in an embarrassing way like most did. She pronounced it the way it was meant to be said - like a porn star.

Early on, she'd never use the word in a dirty way. Kristin would say wholesome things to her son like, "when you get home, Mommy's gonna make you a grilled cheese." Or "that's okay, Mommy's gonna do all your laundry." She wanted her son to view her as the most innocent person on God's green earth before she really took it up a notch.

At this point in time, Ben was in-denial about the crush he was developing towards his mom (even though the writing was on the wall). It relaxed Ben tremendously whenever his mom would talk to him; so much that he sometimes got chills. On top of this, Ben's porn searches started to become awfully specific. A common theme in nearly all of them was the fact they'd include his new favorite word: "mommy." This was predictably all due to his own mother's shift in dialect.

Ben even asked her one day, "how come you never talk in the first person anymore? I notice that you're always saying Mommy this, Mommy that."

Kristin rarely changed form to reply, "oh, I'm sorry sweetie. I must be going insane. Your sister's in college...you're about to leave me in a few months...Mommy has been a wreck emotionally."

"You did it again."

"Crap. I promise I'll stop." She knew her son secretly loved it. She'd been doing it for the entirety of three weeks. He would have corrected her right away if he hated it.

"You don't have to stop. I kind of like it actually. This is going to sound really stupid, but do you mind if I start calling you 'Mommy' again?"

Kristin warmly answered, "Mommy would love that sweetie."

After a couple more weeks, Kristin decided that she could be doing a lot more to expedite this. Her son had been spending a lot of time with her. That wasn't a bad thing, but it was possibly too much time.

Kristin wanted Ben to spend a little less time with her, and a lot more time in his room. "He's a teenager," she thought. "He should be in his room. And he should be in his room masturbating." She theorized that he jerked off at least twice a day (probably every morning and night), but she wanted it to be a "problem." Kristin wanted her son to struggle in school because he spent all his time masturbating or thinking about sex. She wanted her son to run home from school everyday with the dire need to blast a fresh load into his sheets (or better yet into her lingerie). Kristin thought, "that'd be great if my baby would start jerking his cock 4-5 times a day..."

Kristin knew exactly how she was going to drive this necessary wedge between them. She was going to create an impossible level of sexual tension by dressing very inappropriately around the house.

3. Slutty new wardrobe

Kristin knew she had an amazing body, but it wasn't often that she was showcasing it. Her son certainly noticed that she now had huge breasts. To this point though, she hadn't worn an outfit around the house that suggested "hey Ben. Go ahead and think about Mommy whenever you pump your cock from now on."

Luckily enough, Spring was near. That meant Kristin would have all the excuse in the world to dress like an absolute whore. The only justification she would need was that it would soon be fair temperature outside.

The mother treated herself to an impromptu shopping spree. At the mall, she looked for anything that would show off her figure. That wasn't going to be hard because she had everything: sexy legs, a tight stomach, a heart-shaped ass, and enormous breasts. She wasn't going to buy modest clothes that were designed to make someone look "cute" or "pretty." The outfits she was going to wear would have one purpose: to make her son's cock throb. Ultimately, she wanted to look more like a fuck-doll than someone's mother.

She knew this was going to make Ben go absolutely crazy. Best case scenario, her son wouldn't even be able to make eye contact with her anymore. If her son couldn't make eye contact, that would mean he was thinking of extremely inappropriate things. Kristin knew her son was somewhat timid, but that didn't mean he couldn't be a dirty, incest-obsessed motherfucker.

Once Kristin returned home from shopping, she marveled at her new closet. She didn't hesitate to spend well over $1,500 on whore clothes. The price didn't matter because her ex-husband was arguably paying more money in child support now than when they were together.

First, she made sure to buy a few shirts with plunging necklines (so that her son wouldn't stand a chance). They were all snug on her body, to the point they were arguably a size too small. She abstained from buying any shirt that went lower than belly-button length, and any shirt that didn't show off a generous amount of cleavage (as much as her motherly instincts told her otherwise). To go with her slutty tops, Kristin bought several figure-hugging miniskirts. She wanted her son to get a good look at her strong, athletic legs. That way he'd eventually gravitate his mind to what was between them.

The last component to this particular kind of outfit was thong underwear. Kristin wanted to throw in some "wardrobe malfunctions" throughout the course of the day. For example: she could simply tug her thong a little too highly on her hip upon exiting the bathroom, etc. This way, her son would constantly be thinking about her slutty body.

Another thing Kristin valued was sexy, but comfortable workout attire. She was the neighborhood MILF without even trying, but she wanted leggings and yoga pants that really made her ass pop. She wanted to be a certified gym slut; the type that wanted to look sexy with the sole purpose of wanting to make every guy cream their pants. In this case though, Kristin's goal in this case was to only make one guy cream their pants: her son. Lastly, she bought several "fuck me" dresses. Their purpose was to serve as a second skin to her ridiculous body. She wanted her boy to worship every single detail about her physical appearance.

When Kristin started wearing these outfits around the house, that's when it all started clicking for Ben. He finally realized it. He finally realized that he was immensely attracted to his own mother. He now knew why all his porn searches were mother-son incest: he was vicariously living through the horny 18-year-olds who were lucky enough to fuck the living hell out of their slut-mommies.

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