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Mommy's Throat

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Mother and son help each other out after a rough day.
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A little bit about me and my family. My name is Eric, I am 24, 6'1, 210 pounds with an athletic body. My family consists of a younger brother. My mother, Cynthia, is 47, 5'2, 120 pounds, 36D breasts, with a perfect peach shaped ass. Last, my dad and his flabby beer gut. My dad is on the lower end of upper management for a nationwide furniture store, so he makes good enough money to not be completely useless to the family. My mom is a typical trophy wife, she jogs every morning and works out in our garage every evening to keep herself looking good.

Living at home has its benefits while I am finishing up my bachelor's degree for graphic design. But on a few occasions, while my girlfriend and I were having our "fun time", my mother may have walked in and seen something that mothers shouldn't see from their sons. My girlfriend, being submissive and all, likes to be roughly dominated more often than not. So, my mother has walked in on me showing my girlfriend a side of me that my mother wasn't used to seeing from her little boy.

Eight months later, I finished school with my bachelor's degree and started working for Amazon. I moved out and got my own apartment less than 2 miles away from my parents' house. I was newly single since my girlfriend and I broke up because her parents wanted her to be with someone of her own race, which is normal for Asians from what I'm told. Some weekend mornings, my mom will jog over to my apartment and we'll catch up on what happened during the week with my brother and my dad. Oftentimes, I'll make us breakfast and coffee while we sit and talk.

Last week was the first time she talked to me like an adult, and explained to me the situation that her and my father have been going through.

"I just don't know what to do anymore. Your father hasn't touched me or even looked at me in almost 6 months. I know that he's a good man and a good provider, but a woman has needs."

I was pretty uncomfortable about the conversation we were having, but I didn't want to upset her while she was opening up to me. So, I said the only thing that came to mind.

"It'll be alright mom. I'm sure when his work slows down, he will make time for you. And when he retires in a few years, I am sure that y'all will go traveling and see the country. I know how excited you are when you talk about him retiring."

"I know and we've talked about it a few times. But even that hasn't come up in the last 4 months. He's pretty much shut me out completely. I haven't gotten anything from him physically in 6 months or so, and nothing emotionally for almost 4 months. I just don't know how much longer I can last in this marriage." She started to cry.

Putting my hand on her back, I attempted to change the subject.

"How about we go check out my apartment gym? I am sure it's a bit better than the gym you have set up in the garage."

She got a little excited, thinking about her spending more time with her firstborn. She wiped her tears and said, "Let me just use the restroom before we go."

She was in a little bit of a better mood. We joked and laughed on our way up to the gym on the top floor. I told her that she could jog over and I would go to the gym with her on the weekends, and after work during the week if she wanted. That put a smile on her face as she threw her arms around my neck trying to hug me. Her boobs almost spilled out of her sports bra, that looked to be one size too small.

"My, my how my little boy has grown. I can barely even hug you because you are almost a foot taller than me. I feel like I am just hugging that rock you call a stomach," she said.

Of course, after her squishing her boobs against my chest, I was starting to show a little excitement in my workout shorts. To draw the attention away from my arousal, I started pointing out the different exercise machines that my apartment gym had. Hoping that she wouldn't notice my cock growing pretty quickly. It worked for a little while, until it became uncomfortable and I had to reach down to adjust it. She saw the reflection from one of the many mirrors in the gym and decided to call me out on it.

"Damn Eric, is that a baseball bat in your pants or are you just happy to see me? Hahaha"

My face went flush with red as I turned away, embarrassed that I was getting excited by my own mother's body.

"Don't be embarrassed kiddo, it's nothing I haven't seen before." She said, trying to make it less awkward for me.

"That was a long time ago mom, I'm not a baby anymore who needs you to give me baths."

She responded, "A few months isn't that long ago. It's not my fault you and your girlfriend didn't know how to keep it down during your sexy time. All the times that I walked in on you two, I got more than just a few eyefuls."

"Mooooom. TMI! You should've respected my privacy, especially when I had her over." I said slightly annoyed with the conversation.

Almost in a depressed tone, she said. "It's not my fault that I was barely getting 20 minutes of action once a week. Walking in on you was the closest thing I had to sex at that time. Lord knows, your brother hasn't gotten any since he dated that weird girl in high school."

"Have you ever thought about stepping out on dad? I'm sure I still have a few friends from high school who still live close by and I know for a fact would love to help you out in that department."

"I don't think I could do that. I am quite picky when it comes to who I have relations with. If I could pick up a stranger off the street, who met my specific qualifications, then I would. But it's rather hard to find what I'm looking for."

Looking at her just a little bit curious but mostly confused, I decided to ask "What would these specific qualifications be? You're not looking for that dark meat, are you?"

She started to laugh, "Ha ha Ha, no I'm not specifically looking for dark meat, but sometimes the dark meat has what I'm looking for."

Being even more confused now, I decided to let it go. We walked back down to my apartment and I gave her a bottle of water for her jog home. Before leaving, she told me she would text me about whether or not she was going to come over to go to the gym with me after I got off work.

Over the next couple of days, I hadn't heard from her. I had all but forgot the conversation we had Saturday. I was at work on Wednesday when she texted me.

Text from mom: Hey kiddo... You up for working out this evening?

Text from me: sure. What time did you want to come over?

Text from mom: What time is good for you? I don't want to impose if you have a hot date.

Text from me: as soon as you let me know what time you're coming over, I will have my hot date set LOL

Text from mom: 6PM and it's a date, since you meet the qualifications for what I'm looking for in a "date"

I didn't know how to respond to that, so I just planned for her to come over at 6. But I couldn't help thinking about the conversation we had Saturday. Still confused, I went home and took my pre-workout supplements and changed into my workout clothes and waited.

At ten minutes until six she's knocked on my door. I opened the door to let her in without really paying attention. She walked in and by the time I saw her, my eyes almost popped out of my head. Dressed way different from the normal workout attire I've seen her in so far. She's wearing short yoga shorts that don't even fully cover the cheeks of her ass. With an even lower cut sports bra that looks at least a size too small, so her boobs look like they'll pop right out if she jumps too high. I instantly felt my boxers get tighter, but luckily for me I was wearing my compression work out boxers.

We started walking up to the gym, she's happy and skipping and holding my arm, saying things like "I can't believe I'm on a workout date with my handsome boy" and "I can't wait to find out what rough workouts my date has planned for me this evening" my mind instantly went to a sexual place. It's been over 2 months that I've been single and I haven't masturbated since I last saw her on Saturday when I masturbated to the memory of her boobs pressed up against my abs.

We get up to the gym and I am about half hard from looking at her and the comments she made. So, I try to focus on the work out and not think about her being a hot, sexy, cock hungry woman who hasn't been laid in over six months. She jumps right into the nearest leg machine until she notices me starting to stretch.

"That's a great idea Eric, I wouldn't want to jump right in and pull a muscle," she says as she walks in front of me and starts bending over to touch her toes. Almost instantly, my cock wants to jump out of my shorts.

"I'm going to use the restroom real quick and I'll be back." was the only thing I could come up with to excuse myself from the situation.

"I'll go with you, I forgot my water bottle at home, and I sure could use a tall drink of water." She says, while shooting me a wink.

While she's bending over the water fountain my eyes couldn't help but go straight to her ass. Watching her already short shorts rise up even more to where I could almost see my own mother's pussy lips. The large piece of meat hanging between my legs in my shorts was going crazy. So, I rushed off into the restroom and just stood by the door until my cock calmed down.

After about eight minutes of stretching in the restroom, I decide I'm OK enough to go back into the gym. I walk in all stretched out already, ready for my workout.

"Did you have fun taking care of yourself in there?" She says as she lets out a little giggle.

"I wasn't taking care of myself in there, I was just washing off my face because I had a bit of a rough day at work and I didn't want that to mess with our gym time."

She looks at me a little concerned

"We don't have to work out today if you're not feeling up to it. We can go down to the apartment and just talk about our days. Your dad and I have also been arguing this week, so I have stuff to share too." She said.

"I'm OK... really. Don't you worry about me, I just have a deadline due at work and this girl Ashley on my team is really frustrating." I try to reassure her.

"Maybe she's just giving her strong and handsome coworker a hard time so you'll have to be firm and rough with her to get her to do what you want." She laughs. "You know some women like a strong man who can manhandle a woman so she'll do what he wants her to do." Said with a sly wink...

I thought about that for a while at the gym during my workout. Maybe she was right. Maybe Ashley just needed to be taught a lesson. And I had plenty of pent up stress and frustration to really teach her a lesson if that's what she wanted from me.

I decided to tell my mom "I think you might be right about her. I have noticed her flirting with me every now and then. And I'm pretty sure she bumped into me on purpose when she passes me in the hall."

"Flirting, physical touch, annoying and frustrating you on purpose, dressing provocatively. All signs that she wants to be taken by you. Sometimes a woman just wants to be used, but she doesn't know how to let you know." My mom kind of stared off into space. It looked like she was thinking about something.

After a short silence, she spoke "I remember when your dad and I were just married. He would come home from a rough day at work, and he would walk throughout the whole house looking for me. And when he found me, I'll never forget the look in his eyes. Pure lust and frustration, and I knew that I was the only person who could get rid of that for him."

"And then what happened?" Was all I could say. Curious to know what my sweet, innocent, newlywed mother had to do to cure my dad's rough day at work. Hoping he didn't beat her.

With a twinkle in her eye, almost looking like a tear from a past life that she was desperate to feel again. She said with a half-hearted but hopeful smile "How about I show you instead of telling you?"

After very short thought about it, and seeing the pain and hopefulness that my mom was expressing, I said "OK, but how do you expect to show me?"

"Well first, I think we should head down to the apartment. And I will instruct you from there." She said with just a hint of happiness.

While walking down to the apartment, she doesn't look at me. She looks down at the ground watching her feet walk, and says "I think it'll be easier for both of us if you just act like I am that Ashley girl who is frustrating you at work. And I will act like you are your dad back when we first got married. Does that work for you?"

Still slightly confused and not completely positive about what happened between my parents when they first got married, I responded with "Sure. So, is this like a role-playing exercise? Because we had those as part of our team building when the team was first made up."

"Sure kiddo. You could say that it's a role-playing exercise." She chuckled at my complete ignorance of what was about to happen.

We finally get to my door and I get my keys out to open it, but she stops me.

"If we are going to do this, we are going to do it right. I am going to go in first, you are going to count to 30, and then head in after me. Remember, you are playing the role of your dad for me, and I am playing the role of your teammate for you. Remember what I said, your dad would come home and search the whole house just to find me."

The only questions that were on my mind was. "What happens when I find you? What am I supposed to do?"

"I said I will instruct you as we go," She said as she gave me a little wink and went inside.

So, I counted to 30. The whole time, hoping that I wasn't going to have to beat my own mother once I found her. Then her "specific qualifications" talk popped into my head. And I suddenly remembered that this was a "date". Which made me even more uncomfortable, nervous, and confused.

I nervously walked into my apartment, half expecting for my mom to jump out from behind the door and scare me. Half expecting that it's a game of hide and go seek. Walking into my living room, I called out "oh mother, where art thou?" No answer. But a little quiet giggle came from my bathroom. I walked in and called out again "mommy?" Having not called her that in 15+ years, I had hoped that she would respond. But, still no answer from her.

Walking through my restroom towards my dimly lit walk in closet, I saw the vague outline of my mother.

"Mom, what are..."

"No no. I'm Ashley, remember." she corrects me.

She walked over to me and grabbed my hand while closing the door until there was just a small crack of light shining through.

Grabbing my crotch, she said. "Now as hard as your day was today, I expect this cock to be just as hard. And as rough as today was on you, I expect you to be just as rough on me."

My mind was going in 1000 different directions. But my cock had only one thought, that it needed to be emptied.

Grabbing my hands, she brought them up to her boobs. Feeling her bare skin, I found that she had taken off her sports bra.

She spoke in a very low but sultry voice. "You can be as rough as you want with these. They really like to take a beating. You can pinch them, claw at them, bite them, anything to show how rough your day was sweetie!"

Thinking back on what she had said about my dad not touching her in 6 months, I decided that we both needed this. So, I started gently massaging them, lifting them up and letting them fall, and lightly pinching her hard and erect nipples.

Still rubbing my cock through my shorts, she started getting more aggressive. "What happened to the dominant man I walked in on with Brittney? Don't be gentle with me, we aren't making love here."

"But mo— but Ashley, I don't want to hurt you." Genuinely concerned that I would take it too far with my own mother.

Breaking character for a quick second, she responded. "Listen to your mother and follow my instructions." Almost angrily saying. "Now rough me up!"

Before she even finished her sentence, I pulled on her nipples while pinching them almost as hard as I could. She let out a soft moan. "Now that's more like it, baby!"

She pulled down my shorts and boxers in one motion. My cock jumped out at full attention, poking her in the stomach. I don't think she expected it to be quite as big as it is, because after about 10 seconds of stroking it she kind of pulled away surprised.

"Oh my God Eric! It's huge!"

"You should know, as many times as you walked in on me and Brittney. I assumed that I got it from dad." I responded while still going hard on her boobs. Roughly grabbing at her boob and rubbing and pinching her nipples with every handful.

"It's true that your dad is pretty well above average, but you have a monster in your pants. How big is it exactly?"

"I've never measured it exactly, but maybe 10 inches long."

Touching and stroking it, as if trying to feel how long it is with her hands. "It's at least 10 inches long. Your father is nine inches long and four inches thick, and you are easily longer than him by a couple of inches and thicker than him by at least an inch."

She was in awe over its size. She kept rubbing, stroking, circling around the tip. I decided that it was time to stop fooling around. Remembering how I used to act with Brittney, I put my hands on my mother's shoulders and applied a little bit of pressure. Mom took the hint and without letting go of my cock, she dropped down to a squat.

Slapping her cheek with my rock-hard cock, she told me the rest of what my dad did to her that helped get over his rough days.

"So, when your dad came home from a rough hard day at work, he would come find me no matter where I was in the house. He would force me down to my knees and slap his meat all over my face like this." She said while slapping my cock on her cheeks, nose, forehead, and tongue.

A soft moan escaped my lips, followed by a. "Holy fuck, mom!"

"Then he'd have me lick all the way from the base to the tip and lightly suck the tip until he was ready." Which she did to me, making sure I felt everything he had felt.

"Then, when he was good and ready, he would roughly grab my hair in both of his big strong hands and shove his magnificent dick all the way down my throat in one quick thrust." After that sentence, she gave the tip one last suck with a pop sound. Gave it two more strokes, and impaled herself almost all the way to the base. She held herself there for what seemed like forever, but was probably more like 30 seconds, using her throat muscles to massage my cock.

I was so surprised that I almost fell back from the force. But she wrapped her arms around my ass and pulled me as far into her throat as she could take me. My head flung back purely from the sensation. Instinctively, one hand landed on a wall for support, and the other hand went straight to the back of her head trying to shove my cock in deeper and hold her head there longer like I often did with Brittney.

When she started gagging, I let go of her head thinking that I might have hurt her. But she decided to gag on my cock for a few more seconds before coming up for air. Trying to catch her breath, "I don't know if you are just super long... or if I have lost my touch. But I won't give up until I can take all of it." A few more breaths and she impaled herself on my cock again.

It was different this time though. This time she impaled herself as far as she could and then immediately withdrew until just the tip was left in her mouth. Then she slammed down again, trying to get her nose buried in my shortly trimmed pubic region. Understanding what she was trying to do, I grabbed 2 fistfuls of her hair and started fucking her throat. Trying to get more of my cock in her throat with each thrust. That went on for a solid 10 minutes, my mom's mouth was open as wide as she could get it to open. Just so she could try to accept the throat pounding I was giving her.


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