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I'll swap you mine if you swap me yours.
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My name is Lenny Kosnowski. I've been sitting on this exact same stool in this exact same bar almost every evening since I turned twenty-one last April. Sitting next to me is Andy Squiggman. He's been sitting there longer than I've been sitting here. He turned twenty-one last March and reserved this stool for a month for me before my birthday so I could join him.

The bartender, Darlene, an attractive, fifties something, brunette with overlarge boobs stuffed into an undersized push-up bra, calls Andy "Squiggy" for some reason. Andy tells me she started calling him that when she first learned of his last name. I think it has something to do with the condition of his cock during intercourse. Squiggy denies both the condition and ever being in the situation where Darlene could know about the condition of his cock during intercourse or any other time.

Sitting on bar stools most evenings is what we do. It's what most of the men, and some of the women, in our neighborhood do, at least until they get married or find meaningful employment. It's a large neighborhood and there are lots of bars so finding a stool isn't a problem.

So we sit here most evenings, watching the game, shooting the shit and drinking some cheap, lite beer until its time to go home to our moms. That's right, Andy and I both still live with our mothers and that's the story I'm about to tell you.

Andy and I have known each other since kindergarten, over sixteen years. It seems impossible that we would learn something new about each other after all that time, but Andy surprised me about six months ago.

We were in our usual places just having meaningless conversation. The crowd was light that evening since there was only replays of NFL games on the tube. Darlene was hanging around with us adding her two cents to the dialogue when she could. I mean she was hanging out. More than usual.

Andy seemed mesmerized. While Darlene was attending to another customer, he dropped a comment on her condition. "God, I'd love to nuzzle between those monsters," he said.

I must have been focusing more on Darlene than Andy as I processed his comment. She noticed and, as soon as she could, she came back in front of us. "Okay," she said, "you guys are up to something. Spit it out."

Andy hesitated for a moment so I spoke up. "Andy, here, was just admiring your most prominent attributes," I said.

"You mean these babies?" Darlene asked as she lifted her breasts, one in each hand, and placed them on the bar in front of us.

Andy choked, or coughed, or something. "Those are not 'babies'," I responded.

"True. They have many stories to tell." She focused on Andy as she said, "You have something to say to them?" she asked.

Andy turned a mild shade of pink. His coughing must have made him speechless and his breathing seemed a little unusual. I looked at him. Darlene looked at him. Andy looked down at the floor in front of his bar stool.

"Until he can tell me himself, these babies stay right where they are," Darlene said as she backed up, slid her breasts off the bar and departed to attend to another patron.

After Andy recovered his voice, the conversation, of course, turned to sex. I was bemoaning the virtual absence of it while Andy was unusually quiet. We both had encounters with the occasional, slightly lit, slightly hooker, female bar patron, but neither of us considered them meaningful. About four beers later, Andy got philosophical. "I believe that frequent sex is essential for health."

"Go on," I said.

"That's it," he said. "Good sex, good health."

Later he postulated, "You know, we're surrounded by beautiful women. I don't see why having frequent sex is so difficult."

"You don't?" I asked. "Give me one example."

"Sure. Have looked closely at your mother lately?"

"What the hell are you talking about and you better be careful when you talk about my mother?"

"Whoa. I'm not saying anything bad about your mother. In fact, I've only great things to say about her and nothing you haven't already thought about."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Your mother. You can't tell me you've never noticed how hot she is."

"She's my mother."

"She is and she's also a beautiful woman."

"You're very close to the edge here."

"If she wasn't your mother how would you rate her?"

"She IS my mother."

"For a minute, pretend she isn't. Look at her as if she was sitting next to you at the bar and tell me what you think."

I sat very still for several minutes and closed my eyes. I was trying to pretend that my mother was sitting next to me and look at her as just another beautiful woman. "I see your point. She is attractive for an older woman."

"She's not that old and she's more than attractive. Look at how her hair flows over her shoulders and down to her breasts. Wouldn't you love to run your fingers through her hair and squeeze those breasts? I would."

That broke my fantasy. "Andy," I said. "That's my mother you're talking about."

"Close your eyes again and imagine her as someone else."

"Like your mother?" I asked.

"Whoa again. You've been looking at my mother?"

"I have. You haven't? She's drop dead gorgeous."

"I have," he admitted. "I noticed her right after we graduated."

"So, imagining your mother as a woman isn't new to you?"

"No, it isn't," he admitted. "But we're talking about your mother and you imagining her as a woman."

"Can I rightly assume that you've also imagined my mother as a woman?"

Andy looked a little hesitant when he responded, "I admit it. I have."

"Tell me more."

"You sure you want to hear this?" he asked.

"I can handle it now that I see what you're seeing."

"Well, I imagine us, your mother and me, in all kinds of physical activities."


"Most of them involve taking off our clothes first. Honestly, I wouldn't hesitate if I had the opportunity to screw her."

"Nice image but I've got it. Now I have to tell you something."


"I've had similar thoughts about your mother."

"Really. How far have they gone?"

"Not past my right hand."

"So you'd screw her if you had the chance?"

"I'd probably be a little more genteel than that but yes I would."

"I might be able to make that happen," he said confidently.

"What? What did you just say?"

"I said ..."

"I know what you said. Let me think a minute."

"When did you say you first imagined your mother as a sexual object?" I asked at length.

"Just after graduation," he repeated.

"And now you say you might be able to offer me the pleasure of a fling with your mother."

"I'm not sure I put it that way but, essentially, yes."

"There's only one way I can imagine you being able to make that offer and I think it means you're already having sex with your mother."

"Keep your voice down. You want to broadcast the news to everyone?"

"So, I'm right, aren't I?"

"Have you ever seen me more healthy?" he bragged.

"So, how do you propose to make it happen?"

"Whoa Lenny. I didn't say I could, or would, make it happen. I said I 'might' be able to make it happen. There's a huge difference."

"Okay but what's your plan?"

"I don't have one. However, there's only one way I can see me setting you up to screw my mother."

"What's that?"

"That's if I was screwing your mother at the same time."

"That's not going to happen."

"Why not?"

"Look," I said. "I see how, if you been having sex with your mother for a while, how you might be able to convince her to have sex with someone else but I don't have a similar relationship with my mother. The topic, or opportunity, has never come up and I've never, ever, had a hint of it ever surfacing. In other words, I don't think my mother is interested in sex with anyone, let alone me or you."

A couple of weeks later, I stopped by Andy's house ostensively looking for him. His mother, Edna, answered the door and told me Andy wasn't home. I knew that already. I was hoping to spend some time talking to Edna and possibly picking up some hints about her that Andy noticed and parlayed into a relationship. I thought that I might be able to use something similar to progress my relationship with my mother, as it seemed it was the only path to a relationship with Edna herself.

I stood on the doorstep wondering what to say to get an invitation to come inside. Unknown to me at the time, Andy and his mother had a close relationship beyond their physical relationship. Andy had shared the basics of our discussion and goal in the bar. Edna understood her son's desires and was determined to help him achieve them even if it was having sex with Zofia, my mother and her best friend.

Before I could speak, Edna spoke up. "I don't know how long Andy will be gone but you could come inside to wait for him if you'd like."

Her tone was unusually calm but I accepted her invitation instantly and walked into her living room. As she closed the door, she turned on the outside sconce light next to the door. Something else I learned later, Lenny knew not to come home when the light was on.

Edna followed me into her living room and offered me a seat on the sofa. "I'll get us some refreshments," she said as she continued through the room to the kitchen. She returned with two tall glasses of a citrus beverage and ice. She handed one to me and sat next to me on the sofa. I hadn't sat in the center of the sofa so there was more room on one side than the other. Edna sat on the smaller side, closer to me.

I should have known then what was happening but I never considered it as a possibility. If Edna was a feline then I was an avine, more intent on my goal than on hers. I sipped the frosty drink. "Wow. What is this?" I asked.

"Grapefruit juice. I put some vodka in it. Did I put in too much?"

"No. I just didn't expect it."

Edna and I spent the next ninety minutes just catching up on Andy's and my relationship. We had been together for over sixteen years. Andy had shared much of our history over time with his mother and I filled in some of the blanks as she remembered one incident after another.

During the second drink, Edna initiated a conversation of a more personal nature. She began to ask questions about Andy's relationship with girls and segued into a conversation about mine as well. She was rubbing my thigh gently as she asked her questions. I answered them all in detail. I felt unusually comfortable in her presence and trusted her. Her rubbing my leg was an incentive to keep her nearby and I was beginning to think of the possibilities. I actually thought it would be nice if Andy were late coming home.

Edna turned more to face me when she told me she knew what I had shared with Andy weeks ago in the bar. I wasn't sure what she meant but with her rubbing the inside of my thigh, I didn't care.

"I was very pleased about your comments," she said.

I looked at her face. She was smiling and her eyes glowed with pleasure. "I meant every word," I said although I wasn't sure which words I was confirming.

Edna leaned in toward me and rubbed higher on my thigh until her hand was centered on my jewels. When she closed her eyes I leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips. I don't know why I did it. Maybe it was the vodka. Maybe it was the mood. Maybe it was Edna. Maybe I just wanted to do it.

Edna hummed quietly, opened her mouth and licked my lips with her tongue. I opened my mouth and allowed her tongue to enter my mouth. Simultaneously, her hand gripped my cock. My cock became an erection in record time and she stroked it through my pants as we kissed.

When she twisted her body and put her right arm around my neck to pull me into the kiss tighter, I reached up and cupped her left breast. She squeezed my erection and I squeezed her breast. In that moment I knew where we were going and I was agreeable. In that moment, Andy's mother was a beautiful, desirable woman who wanted me and I wanted her. In that moment, she was somebody's mother but not Andy's.

We tore down the barriers of our age difference and our relationship but we didn't tear off each other's clothes. I unbuttoned her blouse and pulled the tails from the waistband of her skirt. She unbuttoned my slacks and unzipped the fly. I reached in to caress her breast in her bra. She reached in to hold me firmly through my Fruit-of-the-Looms. She broke the kiss, shed her blouse behind her, reached up her back, unhooked her bra and discarded it in the direction of her blouse.

Her breasts were magnificent. They sat high on her chest with a slight droop. I had imagined them with huge nipples. Instead her nipples were perfect round brown erections on the front of her breasts with almost no areola. When I reached for one of them, she pulled my head down on her chest until my mouth was filled with her nipple and surrounding flesh. I ran my tongue around the nub of her nipple and then pulled on it with my lips. I began to suck on it like a hungry baby.

She sighed deeply and began to pull up the back of my shirt. I think she intended to pull over my head and remove it without unbuttoning it. When I leaned back somewhat she was successful and my shirt and t-shirt joined her blouse and bra.

I leaned back in and began to fondle and suck on her other breast. She ran her hand down the front of my torso, under the waist of my underwear and through my pubic hair until she had a firm grip on my erection. Meanwhile, my right hand was moving up the inside of her thigh until I was rubbing the gusset of her nylon panties. They were very wet and I pressed the center of the spot until I was rubbing the nylon between the lips of her vagina.

She pulled me away from her and stood me up in front of her. She pulled down my trousers and shorts in one pull, held my erection in one hand, leaned in and began to suck and almost swallow my erection. It felt incredible. She had oral skills I hadn't experienced. Soon she had me on the brink.

"Edna," I cautioned. "If you continue much longer I can guarantee I'll unload everything I've got."

She paused for a moment. "It's okay. You'll last longer later," she said and returned to sucking my cock.

I was true to my word and I blasted a half-dozen shots of pent up semen into her mouth. It didn't faze her. She swallowed repeatedly and continued sucking until my erection was no more.

She sat back and looked at me. "That was amazing," she said.

"You can say that again," I said.

"That was amazing," she repeated and we both laughed.

Edna turned me around, pushed me down on the sofa and removed my sneakers, socks and both pair of pants. She then stood in front of me and unzipped the side zipper on her skirt.

I put my hand on hers and said, "Let me do it."

I pushed her skirt down over her hips and calves. She lifted one leg so I could slide it off. I noticed she wasn't wearing shoes. That seemed important but I didn't know why. I moved the skirt off the other leg and tossed it somewhere.

She stood in front of me wearing modestly cut panties. I could see the triangle of her pubic hair hazily through the material in front. I put my hands on her hips and rotated her counterclockwise. I stopped when her buttocks came into view. I caressed both cheeks with my palms, feeling their delightful firmness.

Satisfied with how her ass felt, I hooked my index fingers into the waistband of her panties and began to pull them down her legs. When I reached her calves, she bent over to remove them from her legs one foot at a time. The view of her swollen labia from the rear was irresistible. I leaned in and sucked one lip into my mouth.

Edna gasped as I pressed her pussy lips between my lips. She remained bent over with her hands on her knees as I explored her with my fingers. Soon I had two fingers moving inside her and my tongue circling the sphincter of her rectum.

Edna took a deep breath. "Come with me," she whispered.

She led me by the hand, through the living room, down a short hall and into a very feminine bedroom. She pulled the covers off the bed along with the top sheet. She climbed up on the bed and lay back. "Come up her with me," she whispered.

Lying along side her, I kissed her gently and then more feverishly. She returned the kiss energetically. We swapped tongues and spit for several minutes before she started to push me down her body. I obeyed her and slid down her slender body. I paused for several minutes to nuzzle and kiss her breasts and those wonderful nipples. When she pushed on the top of my head, I continued kissing down, past her navel and through her pubic hair until my lips found her very erect, very hard clitoris.

Edna spread her legs as I moved down her body. I lay between her legs with my face buried in her pussy. Her aroma was like a damp, humid day in a summer forest. She tasted like a gourmand appetizer in the finest French restaurant and she was drenched in a most delicate sauce.

I reveled in the space between her legs. I used my lips, mouth, tongue, teeth and fingers to explore. When I discovered a sensitive area, I focused on it until I was sure she was about to explode and then moved on. With her clit between my lips and two fingers curled inside her against the back of her clit, I explored the tiny sphincter closer to the bed.

"Yes, yes, do that," she half moaned.

I gathered lubrication on one finger and began to push it into her ass.

"That's good," she said. "Don't stop. Push harder."

I did and my finger slid in to the second knuckle. With tongue and fingers moving rhythmically, she began to quiver and shake. This time I didn't stop. Her shaking threatened to throw me off her so I used my head and free hand to hold her firmly in place and doubled my efforts. Her orgasm was spectacular. I sucked and swallowed ounces of hot liquid as she stiffened, twisted and yelled something unintelligible. The second time she almost threw us off the bed and cried, "Stop. Please stop."

I did and I crawled up on the bed alongside and held her gently with her head on my chest until her breathing returned to normal.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"For what?" I asked.

"I couldn't take it anymore. I yelled at you to stop."

"Nothing to be sorry about. It was my pleasure to take you there and again to stop when you asked. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Edna reached down and discovered my semi-hard cock. She began to stroke it and it responded quickly. "Do you think you could do it again only this time with this?" she asked as she fondled my erection.

"No promises. It will be different but I hope satisfying."

"I can live with that," she said as she slid down, put one leg over my hips and settled down on my erection.

"That feels really good," she said.

"It certainly does," I echoed.

Edna bounced up and down on my erection. I slid up on the bed, taking her with me, until I could sit up against the headboard. In that position, I could kiss both her breasts and her lips. The kisses became more passionate over time until I could tell she was tiring.

"Turn around and get on your knees," I suggested.

Edna nodded and turned around. I tossed her a pillow for her head and moved on my knees behind her. I reentered her and began to stroke my full length in and out of her. A few minutes and about a hundred stokes later, I rediscovered her rectum and began to play with it with my fingers.

This time she didn't' say anything. She didn't have to. The way she wiggled her backside told me everything I needed to know. I continued to pump into her while pushing, first one finger and then two, into her ass. Her response was similar to her earlier response and I could feel her vaginal muscles on my erection and my fingers as they rippled in response to my effort.

I couldn't hold it any longer and I came inside her. She climaxed just after me.

I sat against the headboard of the bed. Edna lay against me on her back hugging my arm tight against her and between her breasts. With my other hand, I stroked her hair gently. "We can't tell anyone about this, especially Andy," she said.

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