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Moms & Lovers

Story Info
Daring Widows & Sons, romance, seduction, incest.
11.3k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/11/2016
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Revised: 8-5-2016

Jean Ryan lives next door to her close friend Barb Olson and was over to spend some pool time with her best friend on this hot summer Friday afternoon. Both friends wore only their bikinis for a private swim when Jean went into Barb's kitchen to get lemonade. As she stood at Barb's kitchen sink fixing the lemonade, Barb's son, Ricky, came up beside her and asked:

"Mrs. Ryan, do you ever miss your husband? You know, like his closeness or affection or even his touch? I know it's personal, but my mom misses my dad a lot in that way. Not just that he fixed things around the house and pool, but he paid attention to her in a physical way. I know I'm running on, but I don't know how to ask. I just ..."

"Ricky, I've known your family for more than fifteen years. Why don't you just ask what's on your mind?"

"Well, since dad died, mom has been really lonely. She doesn't date or anything and ..."

Jean interrupts Ricky again, "Ricky, ask your question!"

"Okay, is it all right if I ask your son, Ronnie, to have sex with my mom?"

"Wow, I didn't see that coming!"

"Look Mrs. Ryan, I'm sorry, but I just think my mom would like the attention and she likes Ronnie and I thought since he is so close and not involved with another woman right now. I ..."

"Ricky, let me think this over for a while. I'll talk to Ronnie about this. I should warn you, though, I will conspire with your mom to do more than just talk."

Barb and Jean lost their husbands to cancer about the same time three years ago. They shared their grief becoming very close during that time.

"First, let me say that when my husband passed away your mother and I did a bit of therapy together. Give me a day or two. Your twenty-fourth birthday is coming up in a few weeks, isn't it? We could have a really interesting party."

"You remember my birthday? I am surprised!"

"Well, Ronnie is only about a year or so older than you, single, straight and between girlfriends. Aren't you single again?"

"Yes, Cindy and I never got married. She just seemed so immature."

"I'll get back to you, Ricky. Right now, I have to take this lemonade out to your mom. I'd make myself scarce if I were you. I am going to talk to you mom right now!"

When Barb and Jean lost their husbands they grew close. They shared a number of bottles of wine consoling each other since then. Neither Barb nor Jean have dated to any degree and have shared their disappointment over the prospects of ever getting laid again. See, they both are past fifty and not what you could remotely call trim. While Barb is very attractive with medium length brown hair, her full figure could be a turn off for guys who want a 'skinny-minnie'. Jean could never understand why a real man would want a woman with no curves. Jean's own desire for a relationship has been pushed so far back that she would not know where to begin. Jean is a bit thinner than Barb, but, in her words 'could still stand to lose a few pounds.' Jean's long red hair isn't as lustrous as it had been when my husband used to brush it for her. She figured that she just needed someone to pay attention to her. When Barb's son broached his concerns for his mom's emotional well-being, Jean started to hatch a plan. Now, all she had to do was figure out how to present this to Barb to guarantee her participation.

Jean stepped out to the pool carrying two glasses of lemonade and approached Barb who was sitting on her deck chair.

"I have a proposition to run past you."

"Okay Jean, let's hear it."

"Your son just approached me in the kitchen and asked if he could ask my Ronnie to have sex with you."

"Holy shit, Jean, I'm sorry! I'll have to speak to Ricky about this. He really shouldn't have approached you about such a thing. What was he thinking?"

"No, wait Barb! This really got me thinking and I have a plan that could make us both very happy. Are you willing to listen?"

"Let's hear it, but I must say this is not what I expected."

Jean sat next to Barb and began to lay out her plan for mutual satisfaction.

"I have seen my son looking at you when you are both in the pool and I know he fantasizes about you and taking you right there in the pool. Your bikinis don't hide much, you know. Face it, Barb, you have a really great body and don't mind showing it off. Am I right about that?"

"How do you know he's looking at me? Do you think he really looks at me that way? You know your bikini isn't much better at hiding your figure? I am pretty sure that my Ricky watches you when you are sunbathing, too."

"I know Ronnie thinks of you in that way. I do his laundry. Barb, I am not trying to encourage you to have sex with my Ronnie, but I am proposing that, maybe, we could swap sons for sex."

Barb said nothing at this point. The look on her face was a mixture of thought and anticipation. She looked into Jean's eyes.

"What do you have on your mind, Jean?"

"Honestly, I want to feel Ricky's dick in my pussy. There I said it. I want to have sex with your son. I have wanted to do that for quite some time, but was afraid it would really complicate our friendship. Look, we could be really discrete and we wouldn't have to be in the same bedroom or anything. I just thought I would broach this since your son brought it up."

"Jean, I am so not ready to jump into bed or the pool with Ronnie. You know I should probably lose about ten pounds first."

"Do you think our sons really care how much we weigh? Barb, they don't care about that. We both have nice boobs that haven't been firm in years. Our butts are really nice and I have caught both boys staring at them. My hair hasn't been my real color in years and, dammit, I need a good fucking. What's it going to take to make this happen?"

"At least you're being honest. I agree that we are not going to attract every man out there, but our sons? Look, let me think about this. I am not saying this will come to pass, but we never talked about this before. Jean, I want to talk to Ricky about this and I want you to talk to Ronnie about this, too. You know, secretly, I have thought about how to seduce Ronnie."

"I'll talk to Ronnie tonight after dinner and get back to you later."

Ronnie and Jean try to have dinner together every night since he moved back from Milwaukee. He and his live in girlfriend had a really big fight when he lost his job in mortgages causing him to move home to be with his mom. His new job at the bank has nothing to do with mortgages and he is home most evenings. Their dinners give them a chance to talk out their days. Since Jean's husband died, she has been working at the hospital and prepares dinner every night for the two of them.

"Ronnie, we need to talk."

"Shoot mom, what's wrong?"

"Barb next door and I have been talking. You know her son Ricky? Well, Ricky came to me today and asked if he could ask you to have sex with his mom."

"Wow, Mrs. Olson wants to have sex with me?"

"That's not what I said! After Ricky came to me with his request, I went to Barb with a proposal and here it is. You know that Barb and I lost your dads about the same time and have not dated since. Well, bluntly, we could both use a good fucking! So, I proposed that Barb and I trade sons for just that purpose. I know we are not the skinny young chicks you and Ricky are used to, but we do have great bodies and juicy pussies. To be quite honest, we might be just the best girlfriends you two have ever had. We won't get pregnant, we aren't possessive and you know you can score. I just want to feel a rock hard cock in my pussy and damn soon. So, go talk to Ricky and get this thing planned out!"

"I've never heard you talk like this! Refreshing and right to the point. I don't have to talk to Rick, mom. Rick and I have talked about this before. It was either we were going to swap moms or I was going to fuck you myself."

Ronnie stood up, planted a kiss on his mother's lips and gently squeezed her left breast with his right hand. He started for his room to call Ricky when his mother stopped him.

"Holy shit. You kiss me like that, squeeze my tit and try to run away? Get back here and give me a proper kiss, young man."

Jean stood up and no surprise, he did just that. Ronnie embraced his mother head to toe, kissing her deeply, passionately and gently pushing his tongue into his mother's mouth. Jean's tongue explored her son's mouth and abruptly pushed him on his way.

"Now go! That's all you get for now, at least from me."

Barb felt confident in her plan to approach her son with Jean's plan. Any apprehension would give way to reaching her goal of intimacy with young Ronnie.

"Ricky, we need to talk."

"Okay, what's on your mind?"

"Jean and I were talking by the pool earlier today. I am not exactly sure how to put this, but here goes. When we lost our husbands we went through some therapy together and promised to share our deepest feelings with one another. So, after she told me that you asked her to speak to Ronnie about having sex with me, we came up with a plan. I know now that Ronnie has been eyeballing me through his sunglasses when he has been in the pool with us this summer. Jean tells me he has been doing that since he was a teenager, is that true? Never mind, whether he has or not is not important. Secretly, I have been doing some gazing myself since your dad died. Ronnie is fairly well built and about your size from what I see. I suppose the fact that I have dried off from a dip in the pool and waved my butt in his direction is a tease. Also, when I accidentally dropped the top of my bikini exposing my boobs last weekend wasn't too obvious was it? I heard Barb giggle and saw her flash her tits at you at the same time. That was not as innocent as you may have thought. Anyway, I want to fuck Ronnie and I want you to fuck Jean. There it is, what do you think?


"What do you mean, okay?"

"Okay, Ron and I have talked about how we could arrange to swap moms for years and have not had the nerve to actually broach the subject to either of you. Mom, I think Mrs. Ryan has the most delicious butt I have ever seen. Her bikini bottoms don't hide her sexiness. So, okay, Ronnie and I would love to swap moms and do it repeatedly. He has said that if I don't do his mom, he just might. Mom, we both find our moms to be incredibly attractive and sexy. How do we go about doing this? I don't suppose I can go next door and jump Mrs. Ryan bones right now. Would it be okay if I jumped yours right now?"

"Wow, young man, give me until tomorrow after I talk to Jean and I'll let you know what we decide."

"Okay, by the way mom, I would make love to you in a heartbeat if I could."

Ricky kissed his mom square on the lips. Barb calls Jean on the phone.

"Jean, we need to talk right now, tonight. I will see you by the pool at 11:00. Wear a swimming suit and a robe."

"Barb, I have good news to share. but I will not be wearing a swim suit, but I will have on my robe."

At 11:00 Barb and Jean sat on deck chairs by the pool. The night air was warm and humid with clear skies and a light breeze. Barb produced a bottle of red wine and two glasses. She poured a healthy portion into each glass and raised he glass to toast.

"Here's to us and our glorious plan!"

"Barb, we have been had! Tell you what I think. Our sons have put together this not-so-elaborate plan to have sex with us. From what Ronnie tells me, they have wanted to have sex with us for years."

"I had the same feeling. Ricky kissed me square on the lips after I told him about our plan. He also told me that he would make love to me in an instant if he could. Honestly, Jean, I just might like that as immoral as that sounds. What did Ronnie say?"

"Wow, after Ronnie kissed me on the lips and the little shit squeezed my boob and tweaked my nipple just before he ran off. I scolded him and made him come back for a proper kiss. Barb, he slipped me the tongue and I liked it. Then I sent him off to call Ricky."

"Nice, I wish someone would squeeze my tits. Enough of that. We came to talk in the pool. It's warm, it's dark and I am not going to wear a swim suit while my vagina is pulsating like a jackhammer in anticipation of feeling your son's dick in me. Oh, am I too explicit?"

"When you told me you were not wearing a suit, I left mine in the laundry to dry and came au-natural under this old thing."

Jean stood and dropped her robe on the pool deck. Jean was still physically attractive even with a bit of extra weight. Her breasts were full and nicely shaped for her age. Simply stated, she was a knock out at fifty. It was dark except for a partial moon softly lighting Barb's yard and pool. When Barb dropped her robe onto her chair, her full figured glory brought an appreciate whistle from Jean. Barb slipped into the pool and sidled up next to Jean. This end of the pool was about four feet deep and both ladies whispered in the dark.

Appreciatively, Jean remarked: "Barb, I can understand why the boys are anxious to bed you. You still got it and I must say you look delicious. Ronnie said as much to me."

"Why thank you ma'am, you aren't so bad yourself. Let's have a look at those magnificent boobs in the moonlight."

Barb turned to face Jean. Barb gave Jean an appreciative smile and asked:

"Do you mind?"

"Go for it."

Barb cupped Jean's breasts lifting them slightly out of the water and using her thumbs to stroke her Jean's nipples.

"I have never had another woman touch my boobs and I am not sure how to feel about it.

"Well, sweetie, I haven't either and am curious how it feels. Do mine, but let my nipples know you're serious."

Jean lifted Barb's breasts as Barb had done to her. Jean's caress was followed by her not too gently pinching Barb's already erect nipples.

"Barb, you have really nice tits. Do your nipples always get this hard when fondled?"

"I don't remember, but this is really getting my juices flowing. Enough of this, I want your son to do this and, maybe, not so gently. I tell you what, I can feel my pussy fluttering just thinking about it. What about you?"

"I had given this a lot of thought and had to retire to my bedroom to deal with the really slippery pussy that my thoughts inspired. Barb, how can we get this to work and when can we get started? I think the boys would only need about sixty seconds notice to provide the stiffy I really need."

"Stiffy? I like that. I wasn't going to tell you that I had to retire to the shower after my son kissed me. I have this really interesting device in my vanity drawer. It looks like a penis and feels pretty much like one as well. Just saying, I had a really enjoyable shower. So much for secrets among girlfriends."

"Am I really your girlfriend? I know we are close and even closer now. Will this destroy our happy friendship or make it stronger?"

"Jean, I feel closer to you than to my sister and this will make us even stronger. Kiss on it?"

Barb moved closer to Jean, wrapped her arms around her best friend and kissed her square on the lips. Jean responded with arms around Barb and gently poked her tongue between Barb's lips. Each exploring the other's mouth for a long moment. As Barb pulled away she saw tears in Jean's eyes. Crying herself, Barb gently touched Jean's face with both hands.

"Honey, I have a love for you that is not so much sexual but of devotion. You have always been by my side and now we are about to take our sisterhood to a really new and wonderful place."

Tears now flowing freely.

"I am so happy you are my best friend. I won't let you down."

Both women climbed out of the pool and donned their robes to sit in the chairs facing each other. Their next series of moves would guarantee their happiness and satisfaction. Emotional and sexual gratification on a long term basis was in the planning stage.

"Since Ricky blurted out his plan earlier today, I have been preoccupied with this. I am not just going to lay down and spread my legs."

"Okay, but that would have been all right with me. What's on your mind?"

"Well, tomorrow being Saturday and I am off at the hospital, let's get a manicure and pedicure, my treat, and shop for some really sexy dresses for a date. I am telling you that our sons are going to take us to a really nice restaurant and pick up the tab. What we do after that will depend directly upon how we are treated. I expect the Ronnie and Ricky will go overboard if we tell them what we expect."

"Go on, I like this so far."

"Tomorrow morning I am going to tell Ronnie that he is going to make reservations for four at Mi Amore Ristorante for seven tomorrow night. He will inform Rickie they are going on the best double date in history and to dress in their best suit. I will encourage them to buy corsages for their dates and rent a limo. They both have the money and could certainly afford to splurge on their fabulous dates."

"Do we have time to get our hair done, too?"

"You bet, but I need time to go to Secrets to get some new lingerie. Oh hell, I really need some lacy panties and a revealing bra to go with the dress I am planning to buy. You know, as tall as our sons are, maybe high heels, a garter belt and stockings are in order."

"What time do you want to start? It's already after midnight and I need to visit my pussy with a razor. I want to be really smooth and inviting."

"Call you at eight."

It was just after midnight when Jean got up and lightly kissed her best friend, Barb, on the lips and turned to walk home. Jean walked through the gate that adjoins Barb's pool and Jean's house next door. The smile on her face turned to a broad grin as she spotted her son in his darkened window overlooking Barb's pool. She didn't acknowledge his peeping as she was certain he was transfixed at seeing the loves of his life embracing and touching.

Before heading off to bed Jean called Ronnie to her bedroom. He almost came running. Jean kept her robe tightly around her.

"Here is what you are going to do, my son. You will treat me and Barb as the most important women in your life. You and Ricky will be going on a double date tonight. You are going to make a reservation a Mi Amore Ristorante for seven, rent a limo to pick up your dates together, present yourselves as well dressed young men, bring a corsage for each of your dates, be extremely polite and be clean. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am. What should I expect?"

"Nothing but the very best time you have ever had in your life. My best friend and I are going out tomorrow to get our nails done, our hair coiffed and to buy some new clothes for our special date. You will see Barb and me in a different light and you two will be in awe of our beauty."

"I already adore you, mom."

"Next, you and Ricky will be here getting ready at our house. Barb and I will be getting ready at her house. You will come by for us at six twenty sharp and be especially polite."

"Can I have a preview of what you'll be wearing?"

"Not tonight, but you can bet it will knock your socks off. If you think my dress will be a knock-out, just wait until you see your date. Barb is absolutely yummy, you know. Go to bed after you call Ricky with what is expected."

Jean lightly kissed her son on the lips and sent him off to his room down the hall. She closed her door and headed for her bathroom. She showered letting the water jets massage her nipples into becoming bright red. Redheads are like that you know. Jean lathered her pussy feeling the silkiness of her pubic hair soften. She applied her razor gently to remove every vestige of stubble and lathered a second time. After razoring her now aching pussy to the smoothest she had ever been, she began to explore her openings with eager fingers. No stubble here and everything is really smooth she thought and now for a little clean fun. Jean reached outside the glass shower door to encounter her open vanity drawer to withdraw her hair brush. The handle is almost the right size and shape she needed. She placed her right foot on the edge of the tub as she slowly inserted the handle into her aching pussy.

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