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Mom's Backseat Boy

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A bumpy ride leads to some bump and grind for mother & son.
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As Madison Thorne knelt before her son, about to commit the incestuous act of taking his massive manhood into her mouth for the first time, she paused for a moment to think back on just how she'd wound up here on her knees before him.

It had started with a road trip to pick Billy up from college. Or, more specifically, the long ride home.

A ride complicated by the fact that her husband Lou had insisted on stopping at a yard sale on the way back to purchase an electric power jack, and further complicated by the fact that the only way to fit the contraption in their already cramped car was to fold down the front passenger seat and lay it across, leaving both Madison and Billy no option other than to ride together in the backseat, already overfilled with Billy's bags and belongings.

"Look," Lou had insisted when Madison objected, "it's only a ninety minute drive. It won't be that bad. But I couldn't pass that jack up, not at that price!"

And so with little choice, she'd squeezed into the car and situated herself on her son's lap.

Billy, to his credit, handled it with his usual, good natured charm. "Come on, Mom, it won't be that bad. I used to ride on your lap all the time as a kid. Now it's your turn I guess."

Inwardly she groaned, but offered what she hoped sounded like a lighthearted reply. "I suppose you're right. Just hope I'm not crushing you too much."

"Not at all," Billy grinned. "You're light as a feather."

"Oh, you're sweet," Madison laughed, "but I doubt that very much."

Madison was still in amazing shape for her age, it was true. Daily power walks and yoga had seen to that.

Still, she had trouble fitting her long, slender legs into the tight quarters, finally settling on positioning them wide to either side, causing the skirt of her short summer dress to ride up further than she was comfortable with.

With nowhere else for his arms to go, Billy wrapped them around her waist as she tried to maneuver her well rounded bottom into a comfortable position over him. It wasn't easy.

Madison tried to object one last time. "Lou, I don't know about this. Can't we strap that thing to the roof or something?"

"Oh, quit your bitching," Lou grumbled, "we'll be home before ya know it."

Forty minutes later, Madison was regretting not objecting more forcefully. Her legs were cramped, and every bump, every pothole, increased her discomfort.

But what was even more discomforting, and disconcerting, was the bump she felt beneath her.

Billy had dozed off about twenty minutes earlier. Madison still had to marvel at his ability to sleep during car rides, even in the most uncomfortable positions.

One part of him, however, was awake. And quite lively. And by the feel of it, quite huge.

Madison flushed as she felt it press up against her bum. She tried to shift herself off, but only made things worse as it wedged itself right into her ass crack.

"Of all the times for him to get a hardon," Madison thought. She couldn't spend the rest of the trip like this, not with that thing throbbing against her the whole time.

"Lou, my legs are cramped and I really need to pee. Can we pull over somewhere, please?"

"Oh, don't get your panties in a bunch, hun. There's a rest stop ten minutes up the road, we can stop there."

It wasn't her panties bunching up on her she was worried about. What bothered her was the moisture she felt forming in them. Because despite herself, the pressure from her son's raging erection combined with the vibrations of the car over the road was waking up her own sex organs.

Things escalated quickly when they hit a pothole. Madison bounced roughly, and as her butt dropped back down on her sleeping son, she was mortified to find his cock now nestled directly between her legs, pressed snug against her vulva.

Madison involuntarily shivered as her clit ground against it. She bit her lip to stifle her moan. "Jesus, this is so wrong. But my God, that feels good."

Turning as best she could, she checked on Billy. He still appeared fast asleep, his head lolling to one side.

Despite every instinct screaming at her about what a bad idea this was, Madison could not control herself. Her hips rocked slowly, subtlety, over his massive member, pushing her own throbbing sex downwards, her panties absorbing her drippings as she stimulated herself.

Madison fought to control her breathing; she wanted to moan, to squeal, to cry out in pleasure, but of course she could not.

Instead she pushed harder, her panties now deep inside her, the flesh of her outer labia parted and folded over the girth of her son like a hotdog bun.

Madison gritted her teeth as she felt the waves building inside her, but just before she crossed the threshold, Lou swung the car over to the offramp and pulled into the rest station.

Billy stirred beneath her. Throwing open the door, she scrambled to get out before he noticed the inappropriate position they were currently in.

With a quick tug at her skirt, Madison made a dash for the restroom.

In the stall, she yanked down her panties. She did indeed have to pee, but that wasn't the reason her panties were drenched. Her pussy was hot, swollen, dripping. Her piss came in a hard stream. The relief of her aching bladder was short-lived, however, because even the act of wiping herself clean sent shockwaves rippling through her.

Her fingers found her sex and quickly set about the task of relieving her pent up tension.

She came hard and fast, biting her lip to stifle her cries.

It wasn't enough. Her pussy still throbbed with unsatisfied need.

"This is nuts.I don't have time for this!" Madison started to pull up her panties but paused. They were drenched and sticky, and putting them back on over her already overstimulated pussy would be irritating and uncomfortable.

Pulling them off, she stuffed them in her purse, washed up and, with a deep breath to compose herself, exited the bathroom.


Billy sat alone in the car, waiting for his parents to return. His mind raced with a multitude of conflicting thoughts.

He'd dozed off at some point during their ride home, but had woken up when the car hit a pothole, only to find, to his shock and horror, that he had a massive erection.

And his mother was sitting right on it!

Not just sitting on it, but grinding! Billy could feel her warm, soft, feminine flesh moving over him despite the layers of clothing between them. She was trying to be discreet, subtle, and yet her hips rocked steadily, making his cock throb and twitch beneath her.

Billy couldn't believe what was happening. He thought for a moment perhaps he was dreaming. But as her pace increased and her motions became more urgent, he realized this was no mere daydream.

His mother was actually dry humping him. And it felt fucking incredible.

Peeking out through his mostly closed eyelids, Billy watched the sway of her wide hips as she moved, enjoying just the hint of the creamy skin of her full, firm ass revealed from beneath her skirt as it rode up higher with her movements.

"Fuck, she's hot," Billy thought. "If she keeps this up much longer, she's gonna make me..."

His thoughts were interrupted as his dad swung the car off the highway into the rest stop parking lot.

Closing his eyes, he pretended to just be waking up as she jumped off his lap and out of the car.

Now he sat, his erection only slightly deflated and with a wet spot of precum staining his loose fitting gym shorts, wondering how he could possibly continue to hide from his mother that he was aware of what she'd been doing.

And how he could get her to continue.

Because as wrong as he knew it was, he wanted more.


Madison arrived back at the car to find Billy still inside. Lou was still in the store, apparently purchasing snacks.

"Hey," she began tentatively, "didn't need to stretch your legs? I'm sure you must have been uncomfortable with me sitting on you all that time."

"Nah, I'm... I'm good." Billy blushed. "Fine. It wasn't uncomfortable. Barely noticed, really."

"I guess not, you slept like a log." Madison immediately regretted her choice of words as Billy's already crimson face flushed deeper. "Look, hun, if you want, maybe we can switch..."

She was interrupted as Lou rejoined them. "Alright, everyone's bladder empty? Let's get this show back on the road, still have a way to go and I wanna be home in time for the ballgame."

Reluctantly, Madison maneuvered herself back inside the car and onto her son's lap. His erection was less prominent at least, but she could still feel it there under her.

Back on the road, Madison did her best not to move as the car cruised along the highway. But every bump, every pothole, felt more pronounced, and soon enough her pussy was again aching with need.

Billy sat beneath her, every shift of her weight making him throb. Horrified, he felt himself stiffening to full erection.

Madison could ignore it no longer. Turning, she met her son's wide, frightened eyes.

"It's okay," she whispered, soft enough not to be heard by her husband, who had the radio playing, "it's not your fault. I know you can't help it."

Billy gulped but managed a smile. Facing forward, Madison shifted her hips and parted her legs slightly, freeing his swollen shaft enough to again press directly against her now bare cleft.

Billy felt her warm wetness already seeping into his cotton shorts. Emboldened by his mother's approval, he took her hips and helped guide her as she slid along his lengthy shaft.

"This is crazy," Madison thought wildly. "It was one thing to do this while he was sleeping, But now he's not only aware of what's going on, but actively participating! He's so fucking hard! I don't know how much more of this I can take! I need more!"

As if reading her mind, Billy slid one hand from her hip down to her thigh, caressing it for several long moments before slowly moving upwards under her skirt.

Madison stopped him just shy of the Promised Land. Turning to him, her eyes pleaded silently. "Don't do this."

Billy lowered his head in shame, pulling his hand back. Madison felt her own shame, not at what they'd been doing, but that he was obviously so eager to please her, and disappointed that she'd stopped him.

Madison caught his eye again. With a wicked grin, she lifted a finger to her lips. "Shhh."

Reaching between her legs, Madison found his shaft. Tugging at his loose fitting shorts, she freed it from the side leg hole.

His cock immediately sprung to full attention, now pressed directly against her naked feminine flesh.

"God, his cock is so hot, so hard, so fucking thick!" Madison felt the soft folds of her outer labia part over his girth, enveloping his shaft in a warm, sticky embrace.

Taking her hips, Billy again helped guide her as she slid along him, both now struggling to contain their moans. Fortunately, Lou had turned the radio up and was now singing along to some shitkicking country tune about girls and trucks and beer or some such nonsense.

Madison tensed as a short, sharp orgasm shook her, slicking her son's fat cock in yet more of her creamy juices.

The car bounced over another bump and suddenly she felt Billy's cock head poised right at the entrance to her now sopping wet cunt.

Madison froze. It would now take only the slightest movement to cross a boundary no mother should ever cross with her son.

Turning her head, she again gazed at her adoring son, so handsome, so desperately needy, his eyes wild with desire for her. A look she hadn't seen from her husband in many years.

"He wants this so badly. And frankly, so do I. But can I go through with it?"

The decision was made for her when the car took yet another bounce, and in that split second, his tip parted her swollen pussy lips and plunged inside.

Madison could not contain her cry of shock and pleasure.

"You okay back there?" Lou called over his shoulder. "Goddamn potholes! All the taxes I pay and they can't fix the fucking roads!"

"I'm... I'm fine," Madison managed. "Just a... leg cramp."

"Sorry, Mads," Lou chuckled, "hang in there, we'll be home soon enough."

The ride seemed to go on forever, although neither Madison nor Billy felt the discomfort of their awkward position anymore, far too absorbed in the forbidden pleasure of their secret coupling.

Wiggling her hips, Madison took more of him, slowly working his thick cock into her inch by abundant inch.

She wanted to ride it, to buck up and down on her son's cock like a cowgirl at a rodeo, but that would be far too obvious, and so she contented herself with swiveling her hips, grinding herself over it, feeling him pulse and throb against her vaginal walls.

Billy's grip tightened on her hips as she moved, his own body doing its best to meet her movements and push as deep as he could inside her.

She was so warm, so wet, so impossibly tight. His cock ached to release.

And then, with only a hint of a warning, it happened. Madison felt him swell up within her and ceased her movements, trying to stall it.

Billy clenched his groin muscles tight, trying in vain to hold it back. But it was far too late. Madison felt the rhythmic pulsing as Billy expelled his load, flooding her insides even as her silken walls clamped tightly over his shaft, now rippling with their own tremors as another orgasm raced through her.

Mother and son sat, trapped in a lover's vice, fighting every instinct to moan, to squeal, to cry out in ecstasy; struggling with all their strength not to move, not to thrust, not to rock the car any worse than it already was on its badly worn shocks.

Drained dry, Billy's cock refused to wilt inside her. Madison could feel his spunk oozing and clamped down tight against the leakage while covertly digging some wet wipes from her purse to stem the flow of damning evidence that could destroy her marriage and, potentially, her life if discovered.

Flushed, Madison turned to her son. Billy's eyes were wide with embarrassment and terror. His lips moved, forming silent words. "I'm so sorry, Mom."

Madison's heart hurt for him at that moment. He couldn't help his erection. But she certainly could have prevented what just happened instead of indulging her carnal desires.

Offering a comforting smile, she lay a finger across his lips. "Shush."

Billy relaxed at that, managing his own shy smile.

Grabbing a handful of wipes, Madison held them between her legs as she slipped Billy's finally deflated cock from her, catching the runoff with one hand while maneuvering his still thick, meaty organ back under his shorts.

They sat in awkward silence the rest of the trip, Lou oblivious to it all as he drove on, tapping out the rhythm to song after shitty song on the steering wheel.

Finally home, Madison dashed out of the car, not waiting for either of the men.

"Jesus, and I thought my bladder was bad," Lou grumbled as she departed. "Looks like it's just you and me, sport. Help your Old Man get this damn thing out of the car, will ya?"

Billy snapped out of his haze. "Huh? Oh, right. Sure thing, Dad."


Finally alone, locked in the bathroom, Madison sat and wept.

"What have I done? I fucked my own son! My own flesh and blood! What kind of monster am I?"

Her spiraling thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Mom? That you? You okay in there? I heard you running up the stairs."

It was her daughter, Jenny. They'd left her home, knowing they'd need space in the car for Billy and his things, and she'd been more than happy not to have to take the trip anyway.

"I'm... I'm fine," Madison answered. "Just... It was a really long drive. I'll be out in a few, dear."

Composing herself, Madison stood and took a long, hard look at herself in the mirror. "I'm not a monster," she told herself. "Just a woman. A lonely, needy woman who made a mistake, that's all."

After giving herself a good wipe down to wash away the remains of her son's seed, Madison exited the bathroom and made her way to the bedroom. There, she changed her dress and put on a fresh pair of panties.

Again, she looked in the mirror. "It's fine. Everything will be fine. I'll have a little talk with Billy later. Explain to him what happened. Explain it'll never happen again; that we both need to forget about it and move on."

Steeling herself, she left the bedroom to head downstairs and rejoin her family. She was sure they were hungry and would be wanting dinner soon.

"Everything will be just fine."


Later that evening, Madison crept quietly to Billy's door.

Lou was downstairs in the "Man Cave," with a twelve pack of Schlitz and a bag of pork rinds, watching the game. So she knew he wouldn't be heard from in at least a few hours.

Jenny, however, was in the bedroom next door. And Madison didn't want her aware of the visit to her son's room.

She knocked softly. "Billy? Can I come in, hun?"

"One minute, Mom!" Her son's surprise and nervousness was obvious. She could hear the sounds of the bed squeak as he apparently struggled with something, then silence.

"Um, okay, you can come in," he called.

Billy sat on his bed, blankets pulled up over his legs and lap, looking both frightened and guilty as she entered the room.

Closing the door behind her, Madison sat at the foot of the bed. "We need to talk."

Billy blushed bright red, his already wide, fearful eyes now welling up with tears. "Mom, I'm so sorry about... I didn't mean for..."

"Hush," she said softly. "It's okay, hun. It wasn't your fault. If anything, I should be the one apologizing to you. Because I'm your mother. And I should know better. I should have stopped it. Instead, I encouraged it. So the blame falls squarely on me. I just hope..."

Her voice trailed off, catching in her throat. "I just hope you don't hate me," she finally managed to croak.

"Oh, Mom, no! I could never hate you!" Billy moved forward to comfort her. Doing so shifted the blanket that had covered him, however, revealing what he'd been up to just before his mother had knocked.

Madison's heart fluttered when she saw his erection jutting out beneath his shorts. "Billy," she sighed, "that's really inappropriate. I should really..."

Billy rested a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Mom. But I can't help it. I've been thinking about it... about YOU... ever since we got home. I can still smell you on me, and it's been driving me crazy. I know it's wrong, but you just felt SO good!"

"It felt good for me too, hun," Madison admitted with a blush. "But you have to understand it was a mistake, right? That we can never do that again?"

Billy hung his head, dejected. "I understand. Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it."

"Oh, Billy, I'm so sorry, I never meant to put you in such a state." Madison put her arms around him, hugging him close.

Billy returned her hug, his arms finding their way around her lower back. Pulling her to him, her breasts crushed against his chest.

"Billy, I..." Madison couldn't finish her words. Instead, their lips met, and she was pushing him back on the bed.

Billy was already pulling at her top. Madison helped by pulling it up and over her head in one swift yank.

The bra came off next, her luscious breasts spilling free with a bounce. Billy's hands found them eagerly, her nipples already hard and swollen.

The screams of Madison's conscience became muted whispers, drowned out by her inner cry of pure lust.

A lust inflamed by the throbbing bulge she felt beneath her as she straddled her son, a bulge she set free with a tug at his shorts.


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