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Mom's Nude Beach Gangbang


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Look.. if you have a chance to explore them a little Honey, I'm sure you will see there is nothing to be afraid of. Breasts are completely ordinary" She added in a gentler tone.

"and... if that really is your objection, I'll have the towel over my face the whole time. Pretend I'm just some random girl on the beach who's asked you to apply lotion to her chest area." With that, my mom dropped the lifted corner of the towel back over her face so she was completely obscured.

Some of my friend's started snickering, but my mom quickly put an end to that.

"No laughing boys! this is serious, you all had your healing moment earlier, now let me help my son with his issue." She chided them. "Come here Son, rub the lotion into my breasts" My mom instructed me, not realizing what she was actually asking me to do.

As Ben pushed me again towards my mother, I felt hot-headed and my vision narrowed into what felt like pinpricks focused on Mom's cum splattered rack. As I sank to my knees next to her I was greeted with an even closer view of the mess my friends had made.

Carl's load was still the largest collection of manjuice perfectly pooled in a substantial boot-shaped glob. Somehow Carl's load was still balancing on the white creamy plateau of my mother's upheld left breast, occasionally sliding around as Mom adjusted her grip.

When she had moved her right hand to adjust her face towel covering, Mom had let her right breast slide to the side, which allowed all the spunk that was hanging on, as she presented them to my friends, slink down between her tits like a small river.

Her sagging right breast now rested, hanging sideways toward her armpit. Sitting directly beside Mom looking down, I had crystal clear vision, seeing the how the cum had gathered in a creamy line thick that ran all the way from her cleavage to the underside of her boobs.

It had only taken about five minutes for Troy to construct his elaborate lie, get all the guys to back him up, and now convince my mother to make me rub in the sunscreen. I could just hear the jokes now. "Hey Steven, don't forget to put on some cum-screen" my friends would probably say every time we went to the beach from now on.

"Hey bro just let me know if you run out... I can squeeze some more out of my bottle for you" followed by laughter. They would haunt me with constant inuendo's referring to the time they jerked off all over my innocent mom, never letting me forget that I just sat there and watched.

And then the cherry on the cake! This final ultimate humiliation.

"What's taking so long Son?" asked my mother "put your hands on my breasts already, don't be afraid they won't bite you"

"no need to be afraid Steven, reinforced Troy in a sickly sweet tone, "we all support you, getting over your issue"

In a daze of disbelief that his was actually happening, I lowered my hands onto my moms wet glistening breasts, and felt the combined cum of my friends slick on my palms, as I slowly squeezed Mom's funbags, some of their creamy goo started to squelch out between my fingers, I almost gagged as my Mom's soft bussom slithered through my hands lubed with the nut from eight teenagers

Ohh..Ohhh My GOODNESS! this sunscreen has such a different consistency from the other one, It almost feels wetter... slicker" Probed my mother. And sure enough, my friends jizz felt nothing like sunscreen as I rubbed it into her chest

I stopped unable to continue, but then glanced up and saw Ben looking threateningly at me, conveying with his frown that he considered me objecting again, as messing this up for him. Ben's hostile voice replayed in my head, as he threated to share the nude pictures of my mother with my school bully. Reminded of what was at stake, I continued to massage my mother's slick breasts.

"Yea Sharon it's a different brand than your sunscreen, this one is organic, all natural" Ben offered none of us missed the extra emphasis on "organic". The guys all looked at each mouth's gaping in silent laughter at his double meaning.

"Ohh I love organic" chimed in my mom cluelessly "There's far to many chemicals in products these days." She conversated with Ben as I defeatedly rubbed their cum around her chest, feeling my moms slick wrinkly sacks slide around in my hands as I tried to work it in.

I was so humiliated, sitting over my mother, my hands coated in my friends baby batter, most of them just looked on and made faces of disgust, probably in equal disbelief that this was actually happening. But this was the only way to cover up their little bukkake from earlier, and none of my friends wanted to take my place.

While some of the guys were disgusted, I know at least that asshole Troy was enjoying himself immensely. I glanced up to see him smirking at me. He slowly lifted his arm and pointed his finger at me, and then proceeded to give me a series of silent Ha Ha Ha's, not in response to anything funny, but just because he wanted me to know he found this hilarious. Just to taunt me with his smug face, as if to say "ha ha I'm better than you, weak bitch!"

I tore my gaze away from Troy mocking me, and continued to spread their wet cum all over Mom's rack in abject shame.

"Now remember what I said Steven "my mom paused in her conversation with Ben to address me "Make sure you take your time, examine and feel my breasts thoroughly, I want you to be comfortable around women with big breasts. We are going to put this odd aversion you have to bed once and for all, just don't be afraid to fully explore Mommy's breasts"

My Mom tittered, "Oops, that right I'm not supposed to be your Mom! Sorry Honey just keep pretending I'm someone else"

But I couldn't as I groped her soft bags, despite her covered face I knew with certainty that I had my hands on my mothers aged breasts. Mom's big pear shaped floppies slipped and writhed in my hands as I desperately tried to rub in the cum.

My friends had just left too much of their juice on Mom. it wasn't soaking in and was instead just working up to a creamy lather, smeared over her tits. Frantically, I rubbed the spunk into her malleable knockers, but only succeeded in bathing her magnificent rack in a sticky white white film.

My mom paused her conversation with Ben again reminded me to get the sides

"Yea bro don't forget the sides, said my best friend Tony subtly taunting me.

At this point the cum had turned sticky and made sickening suctioning noises as I ran my palms up and down my mother's breasts. My friends creamy baby batter had gathered in foaming lines along the edges of my hands and between my fingers, The excess amount that had refused to soak into my mother's skin now making its home on me.

I submitted to Mom's request, sliding my hands around the side of her boobs to lift them upright on her chest. Her knockers wobbled uncertainly as I held them together. Mom's large cream covered areolas and soft nipples stared up at me. Her sandwiched mounds started to bob in lurching fits, as I hastily tried to spread the creamy residue all over the sides.

I looked around the circle of my friends as I struggled with Mom's boobs. That's when I saw Carl recording the whole thing on his phone. He saw me look over at him as he filmed, and gave me a little wave. He had a self-satisfied expression on his face as if he were saying "Yea I got that on camera bro and we are never going to let you live it down"

My moment of wretched shame immortalized on film, forced to lather my friends seed onto my Mom's jubilies. I didn't know how long Carl had been recording but I could only assume that every second of my humiliation had been captured.

As more of the thick cream streaks started to disappear and soak in completely, My Mom must have thought I had learned my lesson, because she asked "Okay Steven do you think you've got that out of your system? Did rubbing lotion onto mommy's boobs help with your little aversion?"

"Uhh yea mom" I conceded just wanting this to be over as soon as possible. "Thanks for helping" I said through clenched teeth trying to make it more believable. "I definitely feel more comfortable around breasts now"

Mom lifted the towel covering her face and studied me. "I knew that was just what you needed Honey. You have to remember, I'm your mother and you can talk to me. After all, I've learned a thing or two in my years, I know how to help."

I smiled weakly and said "Gee thanks mom" I held up my hands to show her, still smeared with a thick residual paste on my palms and creamy white foam between my fingers. It was now of course almost indistinguishable from what a thick sunscreen might look like.

"I'm just going to go wash the sunscreen off my hands" I reeled away from the group and stumbled down to the water dipping my hands and scrubbing furiously, tying to clean the disgusting slimy feeling of my friends jizz from my skin. I didn't know how I was going to go back and face them, just sit there with everyone and pretend like nothing happened.

I bolstered my courage as I stood back up, both hands finally clean. It can't get any worse I told myself. That was about as humiliating as it get. I resolved to try and go back and have a good time. As I returned to the beach blanket I saw Carl pass another joint to my naked mother who was now sitting back up. She coughed as she took a hit looking a bit glassy eyed. We continued to drink, the atmosphere loosening up a bit. Ricky even managed to hold a conversation with me as if the events from earlier never happened.

After a while my Mom stood up "I need to use the ladies room boys, I'll be back soon"

My friends watched my mom's naked ass bounce as she walked away down the beach towards the public restrooms.

As soon as she was safely out of earshot, all my friends jumped up roaring and high fiving.

"Can you belive that just fucking happened guys" Hooted my best friend Tony.

"Hell YEAH it did" cheered Ben pounding him on the back.

Carl was standing next to me and he gave me a kind of awkward sidelong glance

"Sorry dude... he started off, sounding almost sincere "but we bukkaked your fucking Mom! His voice rose in excitement as he finished. "

"FUCK Yea we did!" Ben shouted looking ecstatic. "We fucking did it boys, a dream come true!"

The teens continued to holler and jump around until they died down a bit, settling themselves with reminiscing and making the occasional rude comment about my mothers private parts.

Tony announced he also had to use the restroom, and strode off down the beach. Now on my fifth beer, I started to feel natures call and announced I was going to the washroom but none of my friends even glanced at me. I could have just pissed in the bushes, but I was tired of hearing them celebrate over what they did to my mom anyways. I quickly walked away in a brooding stride.

It was about a 20 minute walk to the restroom so it helped clear my head a bit from the booze. Once again the reality of my situation sank in as I brooded over what had happened. Images kept flashing through my mind, of my friends ejaculating on my unsuspecting mom. Followed by a nauseating sensation as I recalled how warm and slippery their combined jizz had felt as I grasped at my mother's melons.

I finished at the washroom and started on my way back. I resigned myself to at least try and get through the rest of today pretending like nothing happened. About three quarters of my trek back I heard Mom's voice drifting out from in the woods off the beach. Curious I drew closer and Toms unmistakable voice resolved itself as well.

"Thanks Sharon for agreeing to walk back with me. I kind of need to get something off my chest and was hoping that I would have a chance to talk to you alone" I heard Tony say.

"Of course Tony, you are my Son's best friend, you can come to me with anything" reassured my mom.

"Well Sharon" its kind of embarrassing and I'm afraid you will judge me for it.

My mom objected "Oh I would never Tony, I promise I won't judge you can talk to me about your feelings.

I had drawn closer to their voices through the trees and a sense of unease was forming. I wasn't sure if I was interrupting a legitimately vulnerable moment, or if my best friend had planned something more nefarious.

As I came around a cluster of trees I saw my still nude mom standing across from Tony in a small clearing surrounded by thick bushes. I circled around trying to get a clear view, their voices lowered to a murmur and I had to sneak up through the foliage to hear what Tony was saying.

I was now only 6 feet away from them in the bushes, with an unobstructed view of their little clearing.

"Well Sharon, you know how, when you let us feel your breasts... how none of that was sexual for for the other boys." Tony confided in her, his voice wavering uncertainly "It kind of was sexual for me" he blurted out. "I'm sorry Sharon it's just that I've had a crush on you since grade school, I can't help it you're the women of my dreams"

"Tony I'm flattered that you would be interested in an old woman like me, but you should be going after girls your own age" said Mom

Tony looked crestfallen "it's just, that I'm so short, I get made fun of by all the guys for it, none of the girls my age want to be with a short guy... also. He flushed a bit in the face as he gestured to his crotch "I'm not exactly packing in the size department"

"When you're older, I promise women will appreciate you for more than your height." My mom reassured him with a sympathetic gaze. "The girls your age are just too immature to see how special you really are"

"I'm sorry Sharon I shouldn't have said anything, it's just been driving me crazy seeing you naked all day, I feel like I'm going to explode" Tony said fidgeting nervously.

"You should have said something earlier Tony, I had no idea that today has been such a torture for you" said my mom apologetically.

I chuckled to myself. I didn't know what Tony had been expecting to happen after he professed his attraction to my Mom. I laughed to myself again, As if she would be romantically interested in a teenage boy. I knew my Mom would let him down gently, trying not to hurt his feelings but to be honest I was looking forward to seeing his expression as he tried to cope with the rejection.

"Your my Son's best friend Tony. I'm flattered that I'm your teenage crush, but I'm also more than twice your age"

"ahh.... Sorry Sharon... like I said I shouldn't have said anything" Tony squawked out awkwardly red in the face.

As Tony turned to leave his, shoulders hunched in defeat, I saw a wistful expression flicker across my mom's face.

"Wait Tony!" my mom called out to him. He turned back to my naked mother "I have to say... I feel partially responsible for your predicament" she said as she gestured down towards his crotch.

There was a pause of silence as a sequence of indistinguishable emotions flickered across her face.

Mom's voice was a little uncertain and shaky "I think know how to help fix the way you're feeling... come here Tony and stand in front of me" my mother beckoned.

Of course, my mother wouldn't just let him leave feeling dejected. She was too much of a kind-hearted person, to let my friend walk away mortified. I wondered if she was going to give him a shoulder massage or some other petty consolation prize as she continued to soothe his wounded self-esteem.

As my best friend move to face her, Mom steadily descended to her knees, the twigs and leaves of the forest floor giving off a faint crunch as she sank down. Mom looked up into Tony's eyes as she grabbed his trunks and began to slide them down his legs.

Her mature hands drew his waistband down exposing his stark white pecker to the forest air. Tony's modest manhood sprang free of it's constraints, as his shorts puddled around his ankles.

My best friend's cock was already hard, standing just over three inches, Tony's little pecker waivered in front of my mom's face as she look up at him.

"It's not that small Tony" My mother said kindly "You will find the girl for you... one day. I understand that at your age, girls are into older and taller men. So I can help you out this time, but you need to promise, to never tell my son about this."

"I won't tell Steven, I promise Sharon" Tony replied in a daze. As he looked down at my mom he was treated to a view of his small cock hovering over her upturned face.

With that, Mom slowly lowered her mouth around my best friend's tiny flagpole.

"Oh my god... Sharon!" Tony groaned as she fully enveloped him. Fitting and holding his entire penis in her mouth, her lips pressed against his curly blonde pubic hair, my mom kept eye contact with Tony, as she just held his cock in her piehole.

I watched Mom's cheeks pucker as she unhurriedly constricted her mouth around my best friend's dick in suctioning movements. She tenderly worked Tony's manhood, his cock was tiny enough that Mom was easily able to keep his modest length fully engulfed.

I looked up at the expression of euphoria on my best friend's face, as my mother blew him. I felt betrayed by Tony. He was supposed to be my best friend. But how could I blame him, this was his dream come true. He's had a crush on Mom for longer than I can remember.

I was more upset with my mom! I mean how could she do this to me? Sucking off my best friend in the forest like some kind of hippie slut. I could have never imaged, my sweet innocent mom would do something like this. I mean... he's less than half her age, just a teenage boy. I didn't know how I would ever hold a conversation with Tony again. I felt like from now on, every time I saw my friend, I would just see the image of my mom on her knees pleasuring him.

I was afraid to move. In my overzealousness to witness Tony's rejection, I had crept too close, in the underbrush, and couldn't shift without giving myself away. I played the scenario of confronting them through my head... but didn't want the confrontation. I felt like It would change my relationship with my mother forever, not to mention my best friend.

As I anxiously resolved to wait, I was mesmerized in dread, by the sight of my sweet innocent mother on her knees.

"Sharon, I can't believe this is actually happening!" Tony gasped as Mom continued to hold eye contact with him. His teenage cock was still entirely engulfed, in her wet orifice, as she made gentle gagging motions.

Mom compressed her lips around his trunk and started to draw back on my friend's prick. Sensually slurping from the deepthroat position she had held, up his shaft, until his saliva covered head popped out of her mouth with a kissing sound.

"Remember, you can never tell my Son about this." my Mom reaffirmed as she grazed his wet head along her lips.

"I promise, not a word" Tony said seriously. At this my mom gave a small nod and seemed to relax a fraction more.

"Tell me what you like Tony? Since this is your biggest fantasy I want to make it perfect" She asked him

"Sharon it's so good already.... but there is one thing" said Tony nervously "could you... could you talk dirty to me?"

"Tony!" my mom exclaimed "You're such a bad boy! Talk dirty to you? I wouldn't have imaged you to be so sexually advanced at your age" she said in a sultry voice.

"I would really appreciate it Sharon... it's a big turn on for me" Tony said still a little uncertain. "There's another thing, but it's kind of weird..." He flushed as he tried to work up the courage to tell her what he wanted.

"There's no need to be ashamed of your sexuality, you can tell me what you like, I promise I won't be judgemental" My mother comforted him, as she teased the tip of his penis with her tongue.

"Well.... It would really turn me on if you referred to yourself.... as Steven's mom" Tony requested, still tense despite her assurances.


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