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Mom's So Hot! Pt. 08

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Conclusion: things have a way of working out.
5.7k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 10/06/2003
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To those who wrote to me asking when I was going to finish this story, I apologize for the long delay. A new job has kept me from finding the time to write, but I believe that will now change. I appreciate your support and feedback.

* * * * *

I awoke the next morning feeling slightly worn out, but curious as to what the day would bring. Incredibly the whole house had participated in some kind of sexual round robin and I was dying to see the results. I showered and put on some clothes before heading down stairs.

When I got there I found suitcases in the kitchen and Nan, Maggie and Brad talking outside. I crept to the screen door leading outdoors to hear what was going on. From what I could gather Maggie and Brad were getting set to leave, but the awkwardness of the conversation was making it difficult to get a clear message.

I opened the door and everyone turned towards me.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Uh..Brad and I are going home" Maggie replied sheepishly.

"Oh? Why?" I asked.

"Uh...we just feel like we need to get home..." Maggie said. I could figure out why, given the fact they cheated on one another last night and might be sharing a strong case of the guilts.

"Does Mom know?" I asked.

"Not yet." Nan replied. "She's sound asleep."

"Where's Jim?" I asked her.

"Asleep too." she answered. "Too many late nights watching tv." I knew that wasn't the case, but wasn't about to push it any further.

"Well, we should at least let Mom know." I said.

"Yea, I'll go wake her" Nan volunteered. Maggie, Brad and I stood there awkwardly, trying to make some kind of small talk. Finally Maggie couldn't take it anymore and said she was going to take one more look around to make sure they didn't forget anything. I stood there a few moments longer and then headed into the house.

I went through the kitchen and up to my room. As I entered I was surprised to see Maggie sitting on my bed. I quickly closed the door and sat down next to her.

"So what's going on?" I asked. "Is this about you and I last night?" "Uh...not directly." Maggie replied. "When we woke up this morning Brad told me he had been thinking and he doesn't know if our marriage works anymore. We talked for about an hour and I got really scared. I realized how much I love him, despite the fact he leaves me unsatisfied in some areas. I just want to make this work. So we both agreed it was time to go home and try and figure it all out."

I knew that Brad's little session with Nan probably provoked this, given he's such a boy scout. He probably was wrestling with the guilt and all and just wanted to do the right thing. Not my approach, but commendable just the same.

"I hope you don't hate me now." I said.

"No. Not at all." she replied. "This isn't about you, it's about the hole in my marriage and the need to try and work it out. I was sitting here waiting for you so I could tell you that."

I looked at her and smiled. Then I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss and a hug. I felt really bad for her and wanted to try and comfort her any way I could. We got up and went downstairs, where Mom, looking quite ragged, was talking with Nan and Brad. They explained that they needed to leave because of some personal business that needed taking care of back home. Within moments they were in their car and backing out of my driveway.

The three of us made our way back into the house where Mom announced she was going to take a quick shower.

"Mom, you look all worn out. Are you feeling ok?" Nan asked.

"Uh..yea...I'm..fine." Mom replied, guilt written all over her face. She quickly turned and went upstairs.

"What do you suppose is up with her?" Nan asked.

"Too much activity lately?" I suggested, knowing full well what was up.

It occurred to me that now that it was just the four of us, this thing with Jim and Mom was about to get real complicated and someone was likely to get hurt. I just wanted to try and make sure I was there for Nan when the shit hits the fan. Maybe I should go to Mom and Jim and tell them that I know and help them figure out a way to break it to Nan. I dismissed this idea, figuring that Mom could figure this out without my help, payback for leaving me for Pete and now choosing Jim over me.

The rest of the day was as awkward as hell, with the three of them acting real weird around each other. Nan couldn't look Jim in the eye due to her little fling with Brad, Jim avoiding her at all costs and Mom up in her room most of the day with some excuse about a migraine. We hung out at the pool all day, taking short dips and making small talk. It continued this way until dinner, where we all sat around and ate and had more real awkward chit chat. After supper I watched closely to see if Mom and Jim would try and sneak away, but they were as jumpy as a cat on a hot tin roof. Finally Mom said she was going to bed, her migraine killing her, while Jim mumbled something about going down stairs to watch tv. That left Nan and I upstairs in the living room.

We started watching a movie, yet it seemed that we were both distracted as we constantly shifted and turned on the couch. We were still in our bathing suits, with Nan covering the bottom half of her two piece with a short sarong. As we repositioned ourselves once again, we ended up side by side, shoulders pressed together. The feeling of Nan's silky, freckled covered skin on mine was nearly intoxicating. I pulled my arm out from beside her and placed it around her shoulder, pulling her closer towards me. She didn't resist as she shifted up against me, leaning in and resting her head against mine.

I couldn't even pretend to watch the movie anymore with Nan snuggled up so close to me. I stroked my fingers up and down her arm, caressing her. She stopped watching the movie and turned to look at me.

"Strange day, huh?" she asked.

"You could say that again." I replied. "What was going on with everyone?"

"Uh.. I don't know. Things have been a little weird between Jim and I lately." she said.

"Oh? How come?" I asked, knowing full well why.

"I...I'm not sure.." she replied, unconvincingly.

"And how about Mom?" I asked, continuing to probe about how much she knew.

"Yea. She is really not herself." Nan replied in a way that led me to believe she had no idea about Jim.

We sat there and looked into one another's eyes for a while.

"It's nice though, to know that we still have one another no matter what." she said as she brought her arms up and around my shoulders.

"Absolutely." I replied as I moved my arms around her waist.

Nan smiled at me and then moved her head forward until her lips met mine in a light but firm kiss. I immediately kissed her back, pressing my lips against hers as she sighed lightly. The feel of her soft, full lips never failed to arouse me and I wanted to prolong this moment as long as I could. She pulled back, her lips hovering mere inches from mine, her eyes closed. I waited, not making a move that might break the moment. She parted her lips and moved forward as I followed her lead, merging our parted lips in a deep, soulful kiss. In a moment I felt her tongue searching for mine and I replied. This set us off as our tongues danced against one another and the kiss deepened to one of unbridled passion. I squeezed her against me as she tightened her arms around my neck and our heads swayed in a long, withering kiss.

Finally Nan broke the kiss and placed her head on my shoulder, snuggling up close to me. I thought that we were just catching our breath for a moment and would go back to making out in a moment. But a short time later Nan said she was going to bed and said goodnight. I figured that this was all a way of feeling close to me and not some sexual come on.

Chapter 34

After watching tv for a while I figured I might as well hit the sack myself and went upstairs.

I had been sleeping for a while when a creaking sound woke me. I opened my eyes and saw the door to my room open and then close. A few seconds later I felt the side of my bed dip as someone sat down.

"Tom, are you awake?" Nan's voice whispered.

"Uh..yea..sure" I replied, pulling myself up.

She was sitting there in a silk robe, her face showing signs of confusion and sadness.

"What is it?" I asked, reaching out and caressing her arm.

"I...I don't know how to start..." she said.

"Well, just tell me why you look so ...troubled." I replied.

"Uh...well..recently....I had an experience that...kind of shook up my....foundation." she started. This sounded like counseling gooblegook to me. I needed her to talk to me in English.

"I...I don't know what you mean". I said.

"This is hard, Tom. I..I just don't feel comfortable telling you everything just yet. Let's just say I had an experience that made me see thinks in a different light." she said.

"OK." I replied. "The result of this was.....?"

"Well... I began questioning if Jim and I still belong together." she said.

This hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew immediately she was talking about her fling with Brad. I didn't know where this was going, but I was scared shitless that I wasn't going to like it.

"Oh, I see." I replied, not letting on I knew much more.

"I've come to the conclusion I need something different than what Jim gives me. I want and desperately need a softer, more compassionate touch. Someone less self centered." she stated.

I realized she must be talking about Brad and was telling me that she was leaving Jim for him.

"Uh...what about your kids?" I asked

"I..I haven't figured that part out yet. I just know what I need in order to be happy." she replied.

"I see. So...is there another guy you have in mind?" I asked not wanting to hear the answer.

"Yes." she replied.

"Do I know him?" I asked.

"Yes." she replied again. "This is the difficult part for me. I don't know how you're going to react when I tell you."

I felt the anxiety build in my chest. I didn't want to hear this, but I loved her and wanted her to be happy.

"We've been close all our lives. You know you can tell me anything." I said

"Well....this all really started the night we got here. When you and I were hanging pictures." she said.

Now I was really confused. What's that got to do with Brad?

"How so?" I asked.

"Well you remember what happened...with us kissing?" she said.

"Yea. You said it was just a result of me being lonely." I said.

"And then tonight?" she asked.

"You said it was the result of everything that happened today and you needing to feel close to me again." I replied.

"I...I lied. I think it's more than that. I think that there has always been a strong sexual link between us and it just bubbled to the surface." she said.

"Is this the experience you were talking about?" I asked, my hopes rising.

"No, not exactly. I think it may have led to it though." she replied.

"Oh." I said, disappointed.

"In any event, I came to the conclusion that I want someone different in my life. Someone more in sync with my feelings." she said. When you kissed me it caused me to face some uncomfortable truths about myself. It resulted in me allowing myself to test out those feelings. I came to a conclusion and finally found the guts to come in here to talk about it. I know what I want and I'm not afraid to try and get it" she said.

"Oh. Are you going to tell me who it is?" I asked.

"I...I just am so afraid of your reaction...." she murmured.

"Don't be. I love you and always will." I said

Instead of saying any more she stood up and faced me, her eyes searching mine. She looked down and grabbed the sash of her robe and slowly undid the tie and let it fall, causing her robe to part and exposing part of her naked form underneath!!! My dick lurched to attention as she grabbed the sides of her robe and pulled them off her shoulders and allowed it to fall to the floor. She stood before me, the moonlight illuminating her naked form, her soft, round tits tipped by erect nipples, her shapely hips framing her red bush leading down to those heavenly thighs and killer legs! I drank her in for a moment and then held out my hand for hers.

She looked at me for a moment and then cried out "OH, Tom!" clasping her hand in mine as I anxiously pulled her onto the bed with me.

Her arms went around my neck as mine encircled her waist and our parted lips met in a, deep, soulful kiss! We fell to the bed, me on top, as we were consumed by the fire of passion, holding onto one another in a tight clench. Our mouths were fused together, sliding against one another's. Our tongues touched and then slithered together, caressing and dancing in each other's mouths. My suddenly raging dick was resting on her quickly dampening bush as we continued to explore each other, hands wildly caressing each others body, fanning the flames of the white hot lust that threatened to carry us away. I knew I couldn't stand much of this before I was going to explode all over her.

I reached down and slid two fingers across her gash and they sank inside her, drenching them with her juices. She moaned into my mouth as I began playing with her clit with one finger, flicking at it gently. I quickly had her twitching with desire as I matched my strokes on her clit with the thrusts of my tongue into her mouth.

I lifted my hips and felt my cock head fall across her swollen pussy lips and into position at the entrance to her steaming channel! I gave a gentle shove and felt my dick make its way up the smooth walls of her tightly clasping cunt, bathing it in searing pussy juice, until I came to rest with my bloated balls slapping against her pivoting ass. Every nerve ending in my body came alive as I slowly began to pump my distended member in and out of her hot snatch, her body tossing under me, slipping and churning in a delirious spasm. I broke the kiss and attacked those glorious tits, alternating between the two, sucking the pointed nipples between my teeth and bathing the huge areolas with my tongue! This drove her to new heights as her cunt began sucking hungrily at my aching dick, convulsing tightly around my rapidly plunging hardness!

We began to moan in unison as the pores of her cunt continued clasping voraciously around me and massaged my cock to a flooding hardness that threatened to split her womb in two!

It was a wonder we didn't wake everyone in the house at this point with our loud moaning and groaning as our passion reached it pinnacle and I could feel the white hot cum building up inside my heated balls as they beat against her wildly gyrating ass! We both clutched one another tightly and I could feel my cock jerking wildly, stiffening even larger as it erupted, sending liquid fire ricocheting around her hotly convulsing vaginal walls! Nan's mouth hung open in a silent scream as her snapping pussy madly milked at my spewing dick, sending us both into a black hole of consciousness where all that mattered was the intense pleasure we were experiencing. Our orgasms hung on for several moments, as her insatiable cunt continued sucking at my dick, draining my balls dry! At last it was over and our mouths merged again in a deep, moving kiss. We stayed like that for quite some time, kissing and caressing in a wordless expression of love. Finally I rolled over on my side, both of us spent and laboring to breathe, as we languished in the afterglow of an incredible orgasm!

It was twenty minuets before either of us could speak and finally Nan looked at me and broke the silence.

Chapter 35

Nan and I talked about what the consequences of our actions were going to be.

"I still don't know how to tell Jim." she said.

I had to bite my tongue from telling her everything I know about him and Mom. But, I felt if I told her she may hate me from keeping it from her. So I decided to let it all play out.

"Would you mind if my kids live with us?" she asked.

"No. Not at all. I love them." I told her.

Nan looked deep in my eyes and then pulled my face towards hers, giving me a long, passionate kiss.

"I should probably get back to my own room before Jim comes looking for me." she said.

"I want you to stay here. Let him wonder where you are." I said.

Nan giggled at the suggestion, finding it amusing that he might have to look for her for a change.

"You're right. I don't want to leave after just making love to you." she replied.

With that she snuggled up into my arms and placed her head on my shoulders. It wasn't long before we were both sound asleep. During the night we would come out of a deep sleep and start caressing each other until it would ignite into passion and we would make love like the world was coming to an end. This happened twice during the night and I had no problems rising to the occasion. Being naked in bed with Nan had been a fantasy of mine and I wasn't about to miss a moment of it.

We finally awoke the next morning and gave each other a smile. We moved together, wrapping our arms around each other.

"Good morning, darling." Nan whispered.

"Good morning." I replied.

Our heads came together and our mouths merged in another deep, ardent kiss. My hands crawled down her back and grabbed her round, perfect ass, pulling her lower half tightly against me. We began to grind against one another as our kiss took on more urgency until we were once again in the throes of passion. Nan climbed over me and took my throbbing cock in her hand, lining it up with her weeping gash. In one smooth, quick movement she impaled herself on my rod, sending shivers up my spine. We began to move together, pumping in and out as we kissed fervently. Having made love all night long I felt I could hold out for a while. But the look of my beautiful sister on top of me in all her naked glory was pushing me towards a climax. Just then I could feel Nan's twat begin its clasping and gripping sensation, intensifying with every downward thrust.

"OHhhhhhhh Tommmmm!! I'm Gonnnna Cuuuuuummmmmm!!!!!" Nan moaned.

Her cunt muscles twitched and started making the most powerful sucking sensation I had ever felt over my throbbing cock. Within seconds I could feel my sperm racing up my cock.

"Ohhhhh Shhiiiiiittttttt!!!!!!! I moaned as my dick fired off its first round of white hot cream deep into Nan's canal.

"OOOHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh" she moaned as her orgasm overcame her and she slammed her groin down on mine, her cunt spasming and milking like crazy around my erupting shaft.

We twitched against each other for long moments, our orgasms sweeping over us. It took several more minuets before we could speak and then only in whispers. We lay together for a while, holding each other and reveling in the feelings running through us. Finally we knew it was time to get up and face the music.

Chapter 36

Nan and I showered and got dressed and she made her way down stairs. I lingered upstairs for a bit, curious to see where Jim and Mom were. I went down the hall and reached Jim and Nan's room first. Slowly turning the knob I could see Jim under the sheets, snoring away. I closed the door and figured Mom was in her room, so I went down stairs.

When I arrived in the kitchen Mom was sitting at the table looking like she hadn't slept in three days while Nan was making some coffee. I shot Nan a glance and she just shrugged her shoulders. Finally Mom spoke up.

"Nan....there is something you and I need to talk about as soon as Jim gets up." she said.

"Uh...sure Mom." Nan replied.

"I'll leave you guys alone then." I said as I started to leave the room.

"Uh...stay Tom." Nan said. "There is something we should address with everyone as well."

"Oh. Ok." I said and took a chair and sat down.

I knew what this was all going to be about and I was truly afraid it might split us all up for good. Soon Jim came sauntering down and into the kitchen. He looked a bit ragged himself as he looked around the room at all the faces staring at him.


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