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Monster Fucker - Redux Ch. 04

Story Info
A theft and an escape.
11.6k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/28/2020
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Author's note: This one was surprisingly faster to write. The Next chapter should hopefully be out by the end of the month. Anyways as always feedback is welcome.



Dominque La Vel, former guard captain and current expedition leader, grunted, hilting himself fully into the writhing and warm embrace of his servant girl's snatch. The dark-skinned native was a petite and lithe thing with slender limbs, perky tits, green almond-shaped eyes, and a mane of black hair, that framed her comely features. She was pretty as far as natives went and a better use of his time, given all the excess he had. But so was the issue with being assigned to a backwater expedition on a backwater continent. Why the mistress even took the Castillo contract was utterly ridiculous. The bloated pigs had left the hellhole in ruins when they'd abandoned the location, and the rampant and ravenously encroaching flora didn't make it any better. The place was a shitter by all definitions.

It was no wonder the area was dubbed the Devil's Cradle especially with all the vicious creatures, that stalked its perimeter and the string of accidents that plagued nearly everything they did. The entire venture was a bust as far as he was concerned, but he wasn't the one paying the bills and the mistress wanted this...

And in his experience it was best to just capitulate to the woman's whims, more so if he wanted to keep his cushy job when they returned to Tyre. He just wished he knew what she was looking for this time. It would make his life easier.

But nobles were nobles and vague and obscure requests were the norm. And the mistress was no different, when it came to that fact at least.

All things considered though, the job wasn't too bad, he was away from the humdrum of domestic life and he was finally putting his considerable experience to use in the field once more, though given the past few weeks most of it was spent quelling his lust. It also didn't help that his servant girl was an absolute tease, from her lyrical native tongue to her eagerness to learn and please to her nubile flesh. It was the perfect package, and with her pleasured whimpers, he wanted nothing but more of her.

Tightening his grip on her slender waist, he began thrusting in earnest. Each time stretching her tight and sodden cunt around his considerable girth. It was like fucking a virgin each time. It was no wonder the bastard Imperials wanted this backwater so badly.

"Master, master," she moaned each time his jewels met her taut ass with a resounding Thwack!

It was a beautiful sound and he wanted more.

Grunting he redoubled his pace, jiggling the apple-sized mounds that were her breasts with their oversized areolas and nipples.

It was mesmerizing and with sweat glistening on her cinnamon-colored skin and her moans turning from common to her native tongue...

He licked his lips, leaned forward, and engulfed a nipple between his lips, his pace never faltering. He suckled, rolling the teat between his pearly teeth.

She shuddered, her pussy spasming around his length as she tightened her grip upon his drenched bedsheets and cried out in a high-pitched keen.

It was music to his ears and more would be better. He was already so close. He bit down, she wailed. He was so...

Just a...

A knock.

"Master Dominque," a voice said, shattering the moment.

He groaned and sighed," what is it?"

"Sorry to interrupt master, but we found something."

He sighed, it was probably nothing just like it'd been for the last dozen or so times, but Dominque was nothing if not thorough.

Another sigh," give me a minute," he said, extricating himself from her submissive embrace.

She looked up at him with her large eyes, a question written in them. He smiled and shook his head," stay, I'll be back soon."

She nodded, her eyes darting towards the massive fur lined blanket he'd tossed onto his tent's single chair.

He snorted, amusement tugging at his lips and crinkling his freshly earned wrinkles as he nodded. A moment later she was snug within the beast's pelt, a cup of ginseng tea in hand, and a smile on her face.

Shaking his head at the sight and with his loose clothes and boots on he stepped out into the structured chaos, that was this expedition. Like always the ground was muddy and from the grey clouds threatening what little sunlight they received so deep within the valley, it was going to rain.

The area they were located in was once the far edge of the Castillo's failed attempt at a prison colony. The place was a mess of churned dirt, blasted rocks the size of wagons, tents, and workers.

"It's this way, master," Gideon Du'laq said, his voice as reedy as ever as he motioned towards their latest excavation with his gnarly fingers.

"I do not like being interrupted, Gideon," Dominque said, following the gangly man with his grey shirt and pants.

He nodded," I am aware, master," he said," but I believe this is what we came to this heathen continent for."

"Very well," Dominque said, attempting not to roll his gold-flecked eyes at his secretary's remark.

A pot calling the kettle black, he thought as they approached the hole at the edge of their encampment. It was a decent sized thing, and after nearly three days of raining it was far wider than he'd expected.

Standing at its edge, a meaty hand on his hip and the sight of his sweat and mud-spattered workers around him with their tired and nervous expressions.

He nodded, acknowledging their efforts for what it was worth before peering into the hole.

"Well I'll..."

"Yes, master."

A nod," looks like things might finally be turning our way."


The air stunk of salt, mud, fish, and the floor beneath Eliza's feet swayed with the motion of the Rio. They were back on the junk headed into the interior, and as much as she wanted to spend more time relaxing she was glad to be back on a job. It meant they'd be away from the chaos that was Shijin and having spent most of her life within the confines of Tyre's capital, she'd become a fan of the wilds and travel. Even though the old crone would prefer it otherwise and Lisa more or less would have spent her time arguing the minutiae of contracts. For a woman who grew up in a hamlet with barely 50 people, the buxom brunette loved city life more than anything. A thought that always made Eliza chuckle.

The sight of two fishing herons with their black and white feathers caught her eyes as she rested her elbows on the rail of their small, rented junk. It'd been about two days since Alex dropped back into their life and about a day since they left Shijin after for their delivery at Dawnspoint. A tiny outpost located in the Talons, though that was probably an overstatement, given the outpost was nothing more than a crumbling tower at the mouth of the true interior of the jungle. It was a far-out delivery, but as Lisa liked to put it," money was money," and besides, it was a guild delivery contract. And those always put Lisa in a good mood, which meant...

She shook her head. As if, she thought, seeing one of the herons pluck up a wriggling fish between its pointed beaks. They'd not done any delving since the first years of their friendship and Lisa had put it into more words than were probably necessary, that she hated it. Though thinking about it, Eliza couldn't fault her, delving was equal parts dangerous and costly. And for a woman who was more abacus than human at times, it was an entirely unprofitable gamble.

A point Eliza agreed with, but...

It'd still would be fun, she continued to muse, seeing a black heron land shakily on a rock in the distance . They'd made quite a few memories during those days and a nice bit of money all things considered, even though...

Eliza sighed, flicking a splinter, those particular memories were better left for drunken hazes and lonely nights. Even if certain parts of her body craved to experience them once more.

Another sigh, it was probably a good idea they'd stopped delving especially after Gorge's Deep. That one had been...

She shuddered, a mixture of dread and lust sparking in her body at the memory, though she barely remembered it save for the emotions and sensations. But from what she'd gathered from Eliza and the other few surviving members of their former delving party, it was probably for the best. A sentiment she both loved and hated in equal parts, but there was nothing to be done about it, besides, she wasn't really doing much to dig up more details about what happened. They'd made more than a few memories to make up for it as far as she was concerned, and there would be hopefully many more to come. And with a smile tugging at her lips she watched as they bobbed their way towards the Talons.

All things considered though; she needed a drink more than anything. Three days of nothing but tea, water, and ridiculously weak ale were making her feel contemplative. And she for one wasn't in the mood for it. And knowing Lisa, she probably had a bottle hidden in her pack; it was just a matter of finding it.

The sound of clumsy feet and a falling crate proceeded by an exasperated curse caught her attention. Looking over her shoulder at the mess now on the deck and the tired argument between the boat's captain and his son, Eliza smiled as an idea blossomed in her mind.

She'd get her bottle.


With a quill in hand and the bitter aftertaste of suppressed nausea on her tongue, Alex lay on the tiny cot that passed for a bed on their rented boat. She still wasn't a fan of boats, ships, and most anything that traversed water, given her condition. However, traveling by the Rio was the fastest way into the interior and seeing as she was now partnered with Eliza and Lisa, she supposed she'd better get used to it. At least she'd taken her water-root tonic this time and packed enough away to last at least three months if she were more than a little liberal with its consumption. The greenish fluid still tasted like ass and had an aftertaste that lingered longer than was strictly necessary, but it was better than spending her days flat on her back and throwing up constantly. All things considered though it was a small price for getting an opportunity to work with the pair and more importantly explore the interior with people who wouldn't be...

She sighed, putting the thought out of her mind, all that mattered was that she had the chance to do something she'd more or less wanted to do, when she first joined the Collegium and before James. And, looking over her first entry within her new journal she was reminded of it once more.

A Bestiary on the exotic and wild things of the Kantack by Alex de la Potsbottom.

The title was a bit much and her name was... well... It really didn't matter, all that mattered were the contents of the book, and she'd be damned if she weren't going to put everything into it. And it wasn't as if she'd not already started to do so given the bestiary's first entry.

Vine-lasher, also known as Gregory's folly, the Maiden's caress, and the Gift of the Mother, is a rare native of the Kantack Jungle. It is a quasi-plant that is known for the various alchemical extracts that can be made from its body. It is...

Musing over the first few lines of her first entry and the unbidden memories, that bubbled to the surface of her mind, Alex blushed. She wasn't a monsterphile or a monster fucker like those in less than pleasant company would say, but the...

Her blush deepened as an unbidden smile crept across her face. She'd spent more than a few nights alone after the trip trying to indulge in the pleasure she'd experienced enveloped within the tender ministrations of the lasher. How it'd plundered her depths and filled her like nothing before. How it'd teased her, bringing her to the brink, taking her over, and...

Her cock twitched, her ass puckered, and she bit her lower lip attempting to stifle the oncoming desire. Looking around the closet of a room she'd managed to get to herself with Eliza and Lisa sharing the other spare cabin, her eyes landed on her overstuffed pack. She'd brought it along for whatever reason, and it would only take...

Worrying her lower lip once more, she shook her head, now wasn't the time to be indulging. Someone could walk in on her then what'd she have to say.

"It's not like they haven't seen you naked before?" A voice at the back of her mind whispered.

She shook her head.

"It wouldn't be any worse than before," it cooed as the memory of her bum getting stretched out flashed across her mind.

She shuddered, feeling her dick throb.

It wouldn't be... maybe just a... She thought, but before she could take a step in either direction, a knock came to her door followed by Eliza's voice.


"You hungry?"

A gurgle and Alex sighed. She'd not eaten since they'd boarded the boat and as her stomach just reminded her, food was still a thing even though it stirred her stomach to no end on boats. At least the tonic would keep the food down.



The sun had set, and the stars twinkled in the cloudless sky like fireflies as the women sat on deck with bowls in hand and a conversation on their lips.

It was pleasant enough, though Lisa wasn't much of a fan of fish. But it was to be expected, they were after all on a fishing boat and in Shijin for all intents and purposes. And if one lived in Shijin you either ate fish or found yourself dead broke in days or starving. It was a reminder of some of the things she missed the most about the expanse and Tyre, but in the end it was a small price to pay for the opportunity that Shijin and the Kantack presented. If her projections panned out they'd be debt free in a shorter time period, especially if she could leverage their new contract with the guild. It would be...

"Lisa," Eliza said, snapping the brunette from her musings.

"Huh?" Lisa responded, a chopstick full of sticky rice and salted fish in her mouth.

Eliza chuckled.

"What?" Lisa started, realized she was talking between a mouthful of food, then rolled her eyes as she swallowed," so."

"nothing," Eliza replied, coming off her giggling fit," Alex was asking you something."

"Oh," Lisa said, turning her gaze to their new partner. The black-haired woman blushed, picking at her bowl. As somewhat rushed as their new contract with the plainly dressed woman was, Lisa was glad to have a third to their duo especially given the woman's expertise. In the long run it would increase their profits and accelerate the repayments of their debts and open up more opportunities for them. And all things given it was a pleasant surprise to see her out of her cabin especially after their first trip. The woman still looked pale and had barely eaten, but it was better than having her flat on her back, and there was only so much that water root could do.

"Will we be heading into the Talon proper?" Alex eventually asked.

Lisa quirked an eyebrow looking at Eliza, who just shook her head.

Lisa responded with another eyeroll and returned her attention to Alex, who set her bowl down and picked up what looked like a journal.

"Probably not," Lisa replied," Dawnspoint is only at the mouth of the Talons, so we most likely won't, unless the outpost suddenly moved."

"Oh," Alex said mutely.

Another questioning eyebrow was raised, and Eliza shrugged, returning to waffling down what looked like her second bowl. How the blonde managed to eat so fast always astonished Lisa, then again given the woman could drink a platoon of sailors under it really wasn't much to speak of.

"I was hoping we'd see some magna Verde my coria or..."

Lisa blinked," um."

Another chuckle.

Lisa sighed.

"You know Eliza."

"What?" Eliza replied with mock innocence.

"Whatever," Lisa said," can you put that into common?"

Alex blushed," sorry," she mumbled.

"It's fine, Eliza's just being an ass today."

""It's ash fungus, if we're heading into the talons I was..."

Lisa blinked," wait."

Alex blinked.

"Isn't that stuff used to make..." Lisa began, only to trail off as she realized the ship's captain was still on deck, sitting reclined on a crate and fishing idlily.

Alex nodded, her blush deepening as Eliza continued to attempt to stifle her giggles by stuffing her face with food.

Ash fungus or ash dust or its laundry list of other names was a drug that was equal parts aphrodisiac and hallucinogen. It was fairly expensive given how dangerous it was to collect, but since...

Her mind churned, quickly calculating the possible profits they could obtain from collecting the mushroom, along with the possible locations it could be given their destination. It was a semi-profitable venture and something they could possibly do along with Eliza's surprise. Then again, spore fever was a thing...

"you know it's a..." Lisa trailed off again, losing in her attempt to find an appropriate word.

Another nod," but it's not the only thing it's good for. If it's mixed with ginger root and aloe it makes a really good salve and painkiller."

Lisa arched an eyebrow at that.

Another nod," there are a bunch of other alchemical uses for the fungus, and if we're able to get dragon's root and herb, along with..." Alex trailed off, blushing as she realized she was rambling," sorry, I'm just a bit excited," she added, cupping her face," going into the Talons was a dream of mine and one of the reasons I joined the Collegium in the first place. The plant and animal life within the Kantack especially the Talons is astounding. There is just so much to, sorry, I'm doing it again," she continued, fiddling with the rim of her journal," I'm just excited,"

Lisa smiled, shaking her head," It's fine. It's something to look forward to and we might be able to."

Another nod.

"So, what's with the journal?" Eliza asked, after shuffling more food into her mouth.

"Oh," Alex said," it's my bestiary."

The pair quirked an eyebrow.

Another blush," I'm hoping to write my own bestiary for the Kantack."

"Oh," the pair said simultaneously.

"That's good," Lisa said.

"So, what's your first entry?" Eliza asked.

A fiddle and another blush," it's the vine-lasher."

"Oh," Eliza said, wriggling her eyebrow suggestively and turning the already blushing Alex practically beet red.

Lisa shook her head before flicking a piece of her fish from her bowl at Eliza and the woman's continued teasing.


Lisa snorted and Alex giggled, seeing the piece of fish plastered onto Eliza's forehead.

"And that's how you make Eliza stop teasing you."

Another giggle.

"Whatever," Eliza said, punctuating it with an eyeroll before smirking and leaning in to whisper conspiratorially into Alex's ear.

The petite woman's face and entire body seemed to flush from whatever she'd just heard.

"What did you tell her?"

Eliza smirked, smugness radiating from her freckled face," nothing, just about your..."

"You didn't."

"Do you really have...?" Alex whispered, fidgeting, and trying not to meet Lisa's eyes.

Lisa sighed, and not being in the mood to explain her collection, but before she could get started Eliza yawned loudly, drawing their attention.

"I'm heading to bed," she said, standing as she stretched her hands over her head.

Lisa gave her a questioning look and Eliza just shrugged," just tired and I wanna get as much rest before we reach the Talons."

Alex nodded and Lisa just grew more suspicious as her friend shuffled towards their cabin. Eliza wasn't much of a sleeper and knowing her partner, the woman was definitely up to something. And knowing Eliza, Lisa had a guess as to what the blonde was up to; it was confirmed a moment later as the deck hand and the captain's son stepped out from below, his face flushed and his eyes darting between Lisa and the floor.

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