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Mother & Son Celebrate Christmas Ch. 03

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"Are you ticklish Mom? Tickle, tickle, tickle..."
6.2k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 12/01/2013
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Mother & Son Celebrate Christmas 3

"Are you ticklish Mom? Tickle, tickle, tickle... Tickle, tickle, tickle..."

Still a man's world even though women smashed through the glass ceiling years ago, Janice always believed that her sexual life was over once she turned fifty-years-old. With more women surviving men, a smaller pool of men to fish in, what man would want her then, when she's even older than she is now? An age filled with menopause, wrinkles, aches, pains, and medication, she wasn't looking forward to aging. The sad reality is that many older men don't want a woman their age and/or older. They want younger women.

As evidenced by the evening news where women giving the news, especially the weather, are younger and more attractive than their older, male counterparts, men in the public are always older and not as sexually appealing. Especially when it comes to sex, love, romance, and marriage, most men want younger women over older women. Female movie stars, celebrities, and singers get younger and more beautiful while Robert De Nero still acts, Jay Leno still entertains, and Tony Bennett still sings. There are still exceptions to the rule of older females still working with Diane Sawyer still reading the nightly news, Barbara Walters still interviewing celebrities, and Judy Dench still acting. Yet wishing they'd just fade away and die, the unspoken rule is that men want young and beautiful chicks and not old and wrinkled women.

Her last hurrah as a sexually, desirable woman, Janice turns fifty next year, coincidentally, the same age as Cynthia. Unless the man is very young and looking to have sex with his mother, men prefer young, firm bodies over old, wrinkled ones. Before her son met Cynthia, Janice was the only woman in his life. Because of the attention he always gave her and compliments that he routinely paid her, she felt so sexy and so femininely important in his life. Then, when Jerry unexpectedly married her physical clone, something to assuage her sadness and relieve her high anxiety, she enjoyed the sexual fantasy that her son still lusted over her, his mother, instead of his soon to be bride.

Comparatively speaking, with Cynthia a distant second, as far as Janice was concerned, she wondered if Jerry was vicariously wanting to have sex with his mother in the way that she wanted to have sex with her son. Wouldn't that be a hoot if he was wanting to have sex with her all this time and he didn't know it, couldn't admit it to himself, or was unable to make that first move to cross the incestuous line? Nevertheless his inability to show her the incestuous love that he had for her, a telling sign of his sexual attraction to her, why else would he chose a woman who looked so much like her?

Still healthy enough and good looking enough to pass herself off as ten years younger, with her son looking ten years older, and with them meeting somewhere in the middle, she wondered if her son was as sexually attracted to her as she was to him. She wouldn't mind experiencing a young, hard bodied man in her bed sexually, even if it's her son, especially if it's her son. Surrounded by men with big, beer bellies, bad backs, bad attitudes, bad comb overs, and taking Viagra for their erectile dysfunctions, it was refreshing as it was sexually exciting to have her twenty-eight-year-old son want her in such a forbidden way. So happy that he called her and so thrilled that he divorced that bitch, instead of spending the Christmas holidays alone, she'll have him to flirt with, to tease, and perhaps even to seduce should he be open to her sexual advances.

Unable to stop herself from sexually thinking about Jerry, she hoped he'd flash her his cock during their time home alone together, for however long that was. She couldn't wait to innocently albeit voyeuristically bring him fresh towels when he's in the shower. She couldn't wait to wake him up in the morning when he had a big boner hiding beneath his pajamas and covers to reveal to her as soon as he got up out of bed. Repeating the sexy games they used to play, she couldn't wait to deliberately flash him peeks of her body with up skirts, up nightgowns, down blouses, and down nightgowns. Passively declaring his sexual interest in her, as opposed to the aggressive way that she showed her sexual interest in him by continually flashing him, he was always looking whenever she was showing.

In the way that Bryan Brown gave Mimi Rogers a full body, naked massage in the movie aptly named, Full Body Massage, lying stark naked on her bed but for just a tiny towel, she couldn't wait for her son to give her a full body massage. She couldn't wait to accidentally on purpose drop her towel to show him her naked body. In innocently massaging her and with him touching her in all of those forbidden places to relieve her pain while increasing her lust for him, she hoped he'd feel more of her than he should on the pretense that he was eliminating her aches, stiffness, and soreness. Never thinking of herself as a cougar until Cynthia came along and stole the one she so wanted and so loved, she thought more of herself as a kind and caring mother, albeit a mother who loved her son a little too much.

As a mother who's sexually attracted to her son, she told him not to marry Cynthia. As a mother who wanted her son all to herself, she told him that marrying Cynthia was a mistake and, with them divorcing after only five years, it turns out that she was right. As a mother filled with forbidden, lustful, sexual desire for her son, she told him it was wrong to marry a woman who's nearly twice his age, while wishing he'd show his sexual interest in her instead. As his mother, after meeting Cynthia, she was shocked that he was sexually attracted to that woman who looked so much like her. Now understanding why he'd want to marry a woman nearly twice his age, she wanted to tell him that he was marrying her because he wanted his mother but she didn't dare tell him that for fear that he'd think it was her who wanted him. A fine line to cross and a difficult balancing act to master, for fear that she'd confess her secret agenda to him, she couldn't tell him the truth for fear that she'd ruin whatever future relationship they've have.

Yet, now that he's home with her again and with her armed with the insightful knowledge that she's gained by meeting the woman he married, they were back to square one with mother and son sexually teasing one another while incestuously lusting over one another. Maybe this time, she can subtly coerce him and not so subtly convince him to take up with her instead of taking up with another clone of a cougar who doesn't appreciate him in the way that she loves him. Maybe this time they can have sex, sex, and more sex. Cloaking themselves within a sexual fantasy, instead of facing the reality that they're mother and son and forbidden by society to copulate and have coitus, maybe this time they can pretend that they're someone else.

Her incestuous thoughts for her son were always a continued backdrop in her conscious and sub-conscious mind. Nonetheless her sexual feelings for him, other than flashing him, allowing him to freely tickle her while she was topless, and feeling her naked breasts without her voicing serious complaint, but for her naughty thoughts, she's yet to do anything deemed inappropriate with her son. Nevertheless, after missing him for so long and with him with her now, she's unable to control herself. Willing to do anything to keep him by her side, she was finally ready to take the next sexual step with him, that is, if he was willing and ready to finally take the next sexual step with her.

More than just a mother and son sexual relationship, being that they were so much alike and had so much in common, in the same way that she was with her husband, David, they were best friends after all. Besides, after he's already married and divorced a woman who looked so much like her, what man and what son would turn down a woman who looked like her for sex, even if that woman was his mother, especially if that woman was his mother? With all things happening for a reason, maybe the reason why her son returned home was for them to finish what they started when he was getting married on Christmas Day five Christmas ago.

* * * * *

On of all days, his wedding day, a daring move on her part, with romantic delusions and ulterior motives filling her horny mind while hoping to inspire him, she asked him to help her get dressed. When he was barely 22-years-old and she was 43-years-old and with her knowing better, it was then that their teasing finally came to a head while alone with her son in her bedroom. Having never asked for his help in dressing herself before, she asked her son for his help on the pretense that her nails were wet, even though they weren't. Hoping he'd leave Cynthia standing at the altar as a jilted bride, her asking for his help was a last chance, desperate move on her part to seduce her son and to change his mind about marrying that woman. That woman, that predatory cougar of a woman, she hated that woman for taking her son away from her and for ruining her life.

How dare she take her son away from her? Who is she to do that to her? Cynthia doesn't love her son in the way that Janice loves her son. She'd to anything for her son. She'd sacrifice everything for her son. She'd willingly and sexually go where no mother should ever go with her son for him to stay with her.

With timing everything in successfully, sexually teasing and/or seducing her son, she hoped he'd knock on her bedroom door and enter when she was standing in front of her mirror while dressed only in her low cut bra and sheer, bikini panties. An erotic sexual fantasy to have, in was one that she masturbated over a countless number of times. Wanting to give him an erotic show of her nearly naked body, him seeing her in her sexy bra and nearly see-through panty showed him a lot of skin. Perhaps seeing her in her sexy underwear would give him the motivation that he needed to change his mind and not marry Cynthia. Perhaps seeing her in her sexy lingerie would make him want his mother over his soon to be wife. Perhaps seeing her in her bra and panty will make him realize what he's leaving behind at home in Massachusetts to go with Cynthia to California.

"Jerry, I'm going to need your help in zipping my dress and picking out my jewelry later. My nails are still wet," she said shaking and blowing on her fingers while closing her bedroom door with her foot.

Hoping he'd be standing outside her bedroom door while waiting for the right opportunity to knock on her bedroom door, but for her bikini panties, she was naked. How hot would that be for him to catch her topless now? She'd love to flash him her tits. She wondered if he'd stare, look away, or just leave and close the door behind him.

"Okay Mom. No problem," he said from his room down the hall.

Something she's voyeuristically done with him plenty of times before while hoping to catch him dressing, undressing, and/or masturbating, even in her wildest, exhibitionistic, sexual fantasies, she didn't know he'd enter her bedroom without knocking first. She stood facing her closed bedroom door while fixing her hair in her full length mirror and while dressed only in her white, sheer, bikini panties. Mindlessly imagining Jerry catching her in her sexy underwear, not even given the chance to put on her bra and/or to react to him being in her room with her, she was topless when he flung open her bedroom door without knocking.

Never expecting he'd barge in her bedroom but always hoping he would, he surprised even her by his boldness in opening her bedroom door without knocking. Moreover, she surprised even herself by her reaction of remaining frozen in place for him to see her nearly naked body. As sexually aroused as she was shocked, she stood there facing him with her arms by her sides and her naked breasts in full display of his horny eyes. Proud of her breasts, her naked breasts were something she's always wanted to show him and something she always wanted him to see. Whether deliberately or mindlessly in her reaction or lack thereof, she took a long moment to react to her son standing there staring at her big tits and quickly erecting nipples.

"Jerry! You could have knocked," she said feigning embarrassment.

She let out a nervous albeit a sexually excited laugh while attempting to cover her big boobs with her hands and forearms. Unable to cover all of her breasts with her hands and standing there while wishing he'd cover her breasts with his horny hands instead, she waited to see what he'd do. Obviously by his stare, he stood there as if he was a man staring at stripper's deliberately exposed tits instead of a son staring at his mother's surprised, naked breasts.

If he wasn't interested in seeing her big boobs, surely he would have looked away. If he wasn't hoping or expecting something to happen sexually between them, he would have left her room and closed her door behind him with his deepest and sincerest apologies. Seemingly by his horny leer and interested stare, he was as sexually excited as she was. Feeling so vulnerably exposed, if he was going to make a move, this was his chance and the perfect time for him to do it before he said the two words required to marry that other woman.

"Sorry Mom but it's nothing that I haven't seen before," he said with a laugh, a shrug, and with obvious feigned indifference while never removing his eyes from her exposed breasts.

With her never being as sexually excited as she was now, she stared at him staring at her.

"Oh, Jerry, I'm so embarrassed," she said lying in answer to his lie.

Obviously lying that seeing her naked breasts was nothing he hasn't seen before, if he wasn't so sexually excited seeing his mother's tits, then he could have fooled her. If it was no big deal seeing her tits, then why didn't he leave her room and close her door behind him? In the way that he was staring and leering at her, he ogled her as if he's never seen naked breasts before. As if analyzing her while inspecting her tits to make his comparative affirmation, he paused before speaking.

"Right down to her having the same areolas, nipples, and symmetrically shaped breasts as you, Cynthia has the exact, same body as you do," he said encompassing all of her with a sexy leer.

It was even more sexually arousing when he not only acknowledged seeing her breasts but also when he took the time to compare her breasts to those of his bride to be. Instead of leaving her bedroom and closing her door behind him, as he should have done in common decency and respectful courtesy, he stood there staring at his mother's breasts. Instead of her asking him to leave, with her taking full advantage of her son catching her topless, enjoying the sexual attention that he was paying her, she stood there staring at him in the way that he stared at her. A son staring at his nearly naked mother was just as wicked as a nearly naked mother allowing her son to stare. Then, he did what she never expected he'd do and what no son should ever do with his mother. Instead of leaving her room to give her the privacy that she required to get dressed, he stepped closer to her.

When he stepped closer to her, she thought that he was going to take her in his arms and kiss her. When he stepped closer to her, she thought that he was going to touch her, feel her, and fondle her big tits. Thinking that he was going to tell her that he loved her and wanted her over Cynthia, instead of kissing her and/or touching her and feeling her, he ticked her. Something she never thought he'd do, she couldn't believe that he was tickling her. Hoping that something more would happen than just tickling, she only wished he had tickled her long before.

Feeling his horny fingers touching her ribs while parts of his hand and forearm touched her tits, she couldn't believe it when he started tickling her while feeling her. All so very erotic, touching her and feeling her breasts without deliberately touching and feeling her breasts was so very sensuous. Never knowing when his hand and arm would brush by her naked breasts teased her to higher levels of sexual excitement. Expectedly waiting for him to touch her breasts, feel her breasts, and caress her breasts while fingering her nipples, she was putty in his big hands.

Tickling and tickling her, he tickled her as if they were pre-teenagers. With him copping inadvertent and/or deliberate cheap feels of her tits while tickling her, she couldn't believe her mature, adult son was tickling his topless mother as if she was fully dressed. Even more unbelievably, with her the more mature adult and with both of them playing a dangerous game of tickle and tease incest, she couldn't believe that she was allowing her son to tickle her as she teased him while topless.

Instead of teasing her by brushing his hand and fingers by her breasts, she wished he'd grab whole handfuls of her naked breasts. She wished he'd finger her nipples. Pulling them, turning them, and twisting them between his fingers, she wished he'd have his wicked way with her tits and nipples. Allowing him to sexually assault her in the way that no son should ever sexually assault his mother, anything for him not to marry Cynthia, she'd allow him to touch and feel her tits while fingering her nipples.

If there was anyone else in the room with her when she was so indisposed with her son, especially if she was with another woman, she would have been embarrassed in front of the woman but not in front of her son. Shameless in her desire to show her son her naked breasts, yet in protection of her reputation, she would have reluctantly asked her son to leave. If there had been another woman helping her to dress, not allowing her son to see any part of her naked body, she would have modestly covered herself with clothing. As witness to their incestuous lust for one another, she wished Cynthia was there to catch them together and to see what they were doing and/or about to do.

With no one else there in the room with them to judge their inappropriate actions, they were alone to play their game of tickle and tease. Wondering how far he'd go in feeling her while ticking her, willing to do anything for him not to marry Cynthia, she'd allow him to go all the way with her body if only he so wanted. Too excited that he was seeing all of her that she obviously wanted him to see of her, she was too sexually excited to stop him from tickling her while staring at and feeling her breasts.

"Jerry don't," she said laughing while turning her body away from him, her only defense, as he tickled her.

As if encouraging his tickling and she was, the more she laughed, the more he tickled her. The more he tickled her, the more his hand brushed by her breasts and his fingers felt her tits. A win/win situation for both of them, she wished he had walked in her room without knocking, caught her nearly naked, and tickled her years ago. If only he knew how much she wanted him to touch her and feel her. If tickling her was his only way to express how he incestuously felt and forbiddingly wanted his mother, then she was willing to be tickled to death to win his sexual affection.

"Ticklish Mom?" He tickled her some more. "Tickle, tickle, tickle... Tickle, tickle, Tickle..."

"Jerry stop," she said laughing while moving away from him.

Backing her into the corner of her bedroom, when she turned her body from him, she felt him press himself against her. A long time since she felt one poking her in her ass, she could immediately feel that he had an erection. Wishing that she could, while wondering what he'd do if she did, she so wanted to fall to her knees, unzip him, and take him in her mouth before taking him in her pussy. Only, tickling his mother was one thing and her sucking and fucking her son was something else. Although with one leading to the other, but with him getting married, she wished they had more time alone together before his looming and impending marriage ceremony happened later that day.


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