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Mother's Helping Hand Ch. 11


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His cock gave another lurch and dribbled even more precum in his shorts. God he'd love to stick his cock between those melons right now, he guessed he'd cum in about 5 seconds flat but he would still be hard and horny and would fuck both of them, probably twice. The perky girl saw him looking and smiled, Bobby smiled back and his cock gave her a salute from his shorts that she thankfully didn't see. He could feel the pre cum leaking onto his leg and guessed he would need to clean up when he got home, or rather his mom would have to do it, another lurch and more drooling as the thought of her hands on his cock flashed through his mind.

"Sorry I've been so long."

He looked up guiltily to see his mom approaching with some shopping bags.

"Uh, oh hi mom. That's ok, I was just chilling."

"Ok well I think that's everything. Now I know you don't like them but I've got you some underwear for tomorrow. Just for the flight."

"Ok mom."

"Well let's go."

As Bobby stood and they made to go Alison suddenly hissed at him.

"Bobby! Your shorts!"

He glanced down and could see a big damp patch had soaked through the front. Shit he knew he'd made a mess but he didn't know it was that bad.

"Stand next to me and take my arm, I'll hold my shopping bags in front of you."

Bobby did as she said and took her arm but his wrists were really starting to hurt and trying to hold onto his dick and take her arm was really painful.


"What's wrong?"

"It's my hands, they're really starting to hurt."

"Alright Bobby, you'd better let me... ."

He realised what she was offering to do and removed his hand feeling the relief in his wrist and his unrestrained cock straining against his shorts. She discreetly slipped her hand in his pocket, keeping her shopping bags in the way, and found his cock, delicately holding the bloated head through the wet pocket.

"Bobby you're soaked."

"Sorry mom, guess I've got a little worked up today."

"You haven't.... had an accident have you?"

"An acci.... no mom, you'd know if I had."

She could believe that, the amount he came it would be running down his leg she guessed.

"Alright, follow me Bobby."

He didn't have much of an option he figured, with her holding his cock so walked with her, arm in arm and hand in cock. They reached a drug store and she sat him on a bench arranging the bags on his lap while she went inside. A few minute later she came out looking very embarrassed and holding a small bag.

"Ok let's go."

Bobby was baffled as to what was going on but didn't complain as the adopted the same routine as before with Alison holding his throbbing hard on as they made they way past the unsuspecting shoppers. God what would these people think if they knew I was holding my son's erect penis right now she wondered? They would be horrified and think I was some sort of monster, a few hundred years ago they would probably hang me or burnt me at the stake. If they knew what I had in the bag they would be even more shocked.

They reached the restrooms and Alison spotted a disabled one and headed for it. She locked the door and undid Bobby's shorts dropping them to his knees. His cock was shiny with pre cum and she took some paper before gently wiping the liquid off. He groaned at her touch even though she was being as gentle as she could. She then reached into the bag she'd bought and pulled out a box, opening it and pulling out a foul sachet that looked somehow familiar. Bobby suddenly recognised it as a condom. His cock began jumping and drooling all over again. WTF??? What was she planning on doing? She tore the foil wrapper open and threw it in the trash before gently rolling the condom onto his cock.

"Errr, mom where's this going?"

"Not where you're thinking! Seeing as you refuse to wear underwear, and would probably make a mess through it anyway I thought this was the best solution."

With the condom in place she replaced his shorts and cock in hand, opened the door to make their way to the car. It felt odd to be making his way past shoppers while his mom had her hand in his pocket holding his condom covered cock. He saw a girl in a short skirt up ahead and couldn't help admiring her butt as it swayed, his cock gave a lurch in his shorts and dribbled precum into the condom. His mom gave no reaction to his cock lurching and at least he knew he was safe from making more of a mess.

They made it to the safety of the car and mom cranked the A/C and headed onto the freeway.

"Honestly Bobby, I'll be glad when tomorrow is over and you can start getting that thing back under control."

"Me too mom, it's not a lot of fun for me at the moment."

"I know Bobby, I'm sorry I know you are doing this to help me. Are you uncomfortable?"

"Well it would be nice to get a little air to it, if you know what I mean."

"Well, I suppose it won't do any harm."

Alison reached across and undid his pants with one hand releasing his cock which throbbed with its new found freedom.

"Do you want me to take this off?" she indicated the condom.

"Yes please mom, a little cool air would feel really good right now."

She gently rolled the condom up his dick and removed it, not sure what else to do with it she tossed it out of the car window when there were no other cars around. She reached across and gently held his balls.

"Poor dear, these are feeling rather heavy."

"Yeah, they are aching pretty bad."

"Well we fly out tomorrow morning and the casting is due to take place first thing Monday so it won't be too much longer. Once this has been preserved for posterity we can put you out of your misery. In the mean time would you like me to rub it better for you?" she gently stroked his cock as she said this and he groaned at the feel of her cool fingers. "I'm sorry, if it's too sensitive and you don't want me to.."

"No it's fine mom, just, you know, go easy on me." Even in his current state, or perhaps especially in his current state he was powerless to resist the opportunity to have his mother's hands caress his hard meat.

She was good to her word and gently, tenderly ran her fingers over his engorged cock. You could almost not call it a hand job at all she was being so delicate but he was so hard and excited, and she was so skilled with her touch that he felt his cock grow harder and ache more as she teased and caressed him. She let her fingers run over the swollen bulb of his cock head, tracing the outline of the ridge and letting her palm rub on the head before exploring the iron hard shaft crisscrossed with swollen veins in the smooth taut skin. His dick drooled precum and she delicately smeared it over the cock head lubricating it as she did. When she could see his cock was becoming too sensitive she would release it and gently play with his heavy balls, tenderly weighing and squeezing them. Bobby lay back and let his mom have her way with his cock, the bitter sweet pleasure of being teased and caressed was so intoxicating he was powerless to resist even though he knew it was merely serving to increase his frustration

When they arrived home Bobby requested some more pain meds at his wrists were genuinely hurting and added to the pain in his balls he needed some temporary relief. After his meds he watched his mom as she did her packing, it seemed a given that when they were home they were naked now apart from her panties that she still insisted on wearing to preserve her modesty. He couldn't really complain though, he was still getting a display of tits and ass that would have most guys in a strip bar emptying their wallets. Soon after dinner Bobby found himself dozing and they both decided to get an early night in preparation for the flight in the morning.

In the morning Alison found Bobby still asleep and couldn't resist leaning over him as she woke him. She let her heavy tits sway gently bumping his face and watched, amused as he sleepily attempted to swat them away. She shook her shoulders a little making her boobs swing and bump his face a little harder and Bobby groggily opened his eyes flying open. She couldn't help herself from chuckling as she saw his reaction.

"Hello sleepy head, time for a shower before the airport?" she swayed her boobs teasingly as she asked the question and Bobby simply groaned in response as he stared at her huge tits swinging above his face reaching up with his hands to cup her big heavy orbs. Before he could grab her she ducked out of range and headed for the shower. He followed her to the bathroom, his dick scything through the air and dribbling as he went. When he arrived she already had the water running and quickly fitted the bags over his wrists obviously not wanting to waste time.

He admired her magnificent body as she washed, her big rounded tits, her shapely ass her trim stomach, the neat bush between her legs. He noted her fingers seemed to linger a little longer between her legs as she washed than before. When she washed him there seemed a loving almost sensuous quality to her hands on his body that he hadn't noticed before and when she washed his cock and balls she didn't say anything but smiled as she tenderly cleaned his straining cock and heavy balls.

She helped him dress first taking the box of condoms and sliding one over his straining cock. He glanced at the label on the foil container as she dropped it in the trash.

"Is that a Magnum?"

She nodded not looking up.

"How did you know I use those?"

"Your father, um, needed to use these as well."

Shit, of course dad was packing as well wasn't he? Though Bobby remembered with a sick pride he was not as big as his son.

After she'd rolled the condom on she fetched the underwear she'd bought him.

"I know you don't want to put these but we'll never get you through airport security let alone to New York with this thing sticking out." She playfully patted his hard dick before taking out the underwear.

"Tightie Whities?"

"Well Bobby, boxer shorts weren't really going to be much use were they? Now it's only for the journey."

She slipped the pants up his legs and levered his cock into them as gently as she could. His hard on was help flat against his hip so that when she put him into a shirt and some loose fitting pants his bulge was relatively concealed.

"There, as long as they don't pat you down we should be ok."

"I'm more worried about pick pockets, that could cause a few questions."

"Bobby this is serious, if you got stopped at the airport, with me, well... it doesn't bear thinking about. I mean how would we explain this?"

"Well just tell them the truth, I'm Bobby Smith going for a moulding and I needed to wear the condom cause I was making a mess. I mean it's embarrassing but it's not against the law."

"But if they found out I was your mother?"

"Why would they? It's only a domestic flight, there's no immigration, so who's going to find out. Chillax mom!" he grinned his winning smile.

They made it to the airport in plenty of time and stopped in the restaurant for a bite of breakfast. Mom had a G&T to settle her nerves even though it was still early. Bobby checked out some of the hostesses and girls travelling, adding to his discomfort as his cock throbbed in the confines of his underwear.

They boarded the flight in plenty of time and Bobby noticed a cute dark haired girl sitting in an aisle seat, flashing her a smile as he drew level. Alison put their bags in the overhead locker and as she stretched her boobs looked like they were threatening to burst out of her blouse. She was struggling a little to reach and Bobby offered to help. She stepped back as he leaned up to push the bags in place delicately with his bandaged hands, as he did so the fabric of his trousers drew tight and outlined his hard on. Alison tried to think of some way to tell him without drawing attention but couldn't, she looked around to see if anyone else had noticed but was relieved to see they were all too busy finding their seats and stowing their bags. Then she noticed the young brunette sitting opposite, she was at eye level with Bobby's crotch and staring directly at the outline of his huge hard on. Alison wanted to stand in the way but there was no room in the confines of the aisle so she had to wait while the girl continued to get an eyeful of Bobby's dick.

When he finished with the bag the girl smiled up at him catching his eye and Bobby flashed her that grin that was sure to work his way into a million girls' hearts, and panties. Alison found herself flushing at the exchange and stepped back to allow Bobby access to their seats.

"Bobby why don't you take the window seat?"

"Um, ok thanks... Alison."

He slid into the seat and Alison sat next to him cutting him off from the brunette who went back to reading her book.

The rest of the flight went well, Alison began to relax and enjoy the trip now they were on their way. She ordered another Gin and Tonic from the flight attendant and a blanket that she spread over herself and Bobby. She sipped her drink and smiled at Bobby who returned her grin, happy to be going on a holiday and happier still his blue balls would be relieved before too much longer. Alison finished her drink and ordered another before raising the arm rest between herself and Bobby.

"How are you doing Bobby?"

"Um fine thanks." he said looking a little confused.

She slid her hand onto his thigh under the blanket and he looked surprised and a little nervous but as he looked around he could see no one was looking.

"How about now?"

"Better thanks."

She ran her fingers up his thigh until she reached his balls which she gently squeezed. He said nothing but just swallowed as she traced around the outline of his cock which stretched across his lap and hip. Through 2 layers of clothing and a condom he was desensitised enough that she could rub and squeeze his dick without too much risk of his cumming, all the same she could feel him swelling under her touch, the bulb of his cock head swelling and hardening till it was like a door knob.

She snuggled up to him resting her head on his shoulder and pulling the blanket over them as she continued to toy with his erection through his trousers. Since they were covered from the neck down and he couldn't get much more frustrated Bobby took the opportunity to slide his hand under the blanked and onto his mom's Blouse. She looked around nervously but all the other passengers were either dozing or chatting and no one could see what Bobby was doing under the blanket so she allowed him to continue. His hands explored her tits through her blouse, squeezing as much of the huge melons as he could before undoing a couple of the buttons so he could slip his hand inside.

"Bobby!" she hissed, but it was too late, his fingers were inside her blouse exploring her bra clad tits, caressing the exposed skin and squeezing them through their cups. How could she complain she thought, she had initiated things after all, her hand was still rubbing the huge column of meat in his pants as he squeezed her tits. He now slipped his fingers inside her bra groping the soft warm handful of breast that he could reach. Fortunately for Alison he wasn't able to reach her nipples as she wouldn't have trusted herself to control her excitement if he had, so he had to content himself with a handful of naked boob. They stayed like that, groping each other under the blanket until they dozed off, only waking with the captain's announcement that they were beginning their descent into New York and instructions to the passengers to fasten their seat belts and return their seats to the upright position. Alison hastily repaired her blouse and returned the blanket to the flight attendant as they looked out of the window and saw the skyscrapers of New York below.

They got a yellow cab from the airport to the hotel that had been provided and checked in, the receptionist checked their details and entered them into the computer.

"Ah yes room 406, a double with en suite."

"I'm sorry, a double?" Alison queried. The travel arrangements had been made by the clinic and they had obviously assumed Bobby and Alison were a couple, the idea she would be sleeping in the same room, let alone bed as her son hadn't occurred to her.

"Yes that's correct, is that not what you requested?"

"Well, I'd assumed we would have separate rooms."

"Um, no it appears the reservation was made for a double. Is that a problem?"

"Well, um... I'm not sure, is it possible to book separate rooms."

"Let me see...... Unfortunately not, we have a convention booked in this week and we have no vacancies at all I'm afraid."

"Well what about a twin room?"

"I'm afraid not, we really are full. If we have any cancellations I can let you know."

Bobby's dick gave a lurch in his pants, the weekend with his sexy mom just got a lot more interesting now he realised they would be in the same bed. They made their way up in the elevator and entered the room, neither of them said anything but the double bed was plain for them both to see.

After they unpacked Alison suggested they take a shower to freshen up, she helped him out of his clothes pulling down his pants before peeling off his condom, his cock had dribbled so much precum with any other man it would have looked like he'd cum. Alison tossed the rubber in the trash and gave his hard cock and couple of strokes.

"That feel so much better mom."

Good, but I think we'd better stick to Alison while we're here, especially as we're in a double room."

"Uh ok, Alison."

She stripped off and his cock saluted her voluptuous naked body as she made her way to the shower. It was a smaller cubicle than at home and they were virtually nose to nose as they washed, so much so Bobby's cock was constantly bumping up against her and she was knocking it with her hands every time she moved. For his part her boobs were bumping up against him so much he couldn't resist hefting them in his plastic bag covered hands.

"Bobby! I'm trying to wash."

"I'm just helping mom, um Alison." as he rubbed her soapy tits.

"I'm supposed to be the one helping you."

"Help away!" he said thrusting his cock at her so it rubbed against her belly as he continued to grab her tits.

"I think if your hands are strong enough to be doing that they are enough to wash yourself." She said as she soaped her hands before wrapping them round his cock and running them up and down it.

"Uhhhhh, oh it never feels that good when I wash it."

"Hmmmm." She smiled a wry smile.

She stroked and caressed his cock for a few more minutes, feeling it jump and lurch under her caresses. She kept her touch as gentle as she could tell he wasn't going to be able to take much, and sure enough after a few minutes of stroking she felt his balls begin to tighten and his cock begin to swell. She slowed her movements making them lighter and simply running her fingers around the hard veiny beast for a few minutes before lightly stroking again. As she gently pulled on his cock she could feel his excitement building and within a few minutes he was once again heading towards shuddering climax that was headed off at the last moment. After repeating the cycle another 2 times Bobby was groaning and in a daze and Alison knew tormenting him further was not fair so she rinsed them off before switching off the water and stepping out of the shower.

She dried them off before dressing them.

"Please don't make me wear the underwear again mom, it felt like my dick was going to break in two at the airport."

"Alright but you'll have to wear the condom then, otherwise you'll be making a mess before we're out of the hotel."

She dressed in a loose low cut top and thigh length skirt while Bobby stuck with t-shirt and shorts.

They decided to use their afternoon to do some sight seeing and shopping, as they left the room Alison slipped her hand into Bobby's pocket without asking and took hold of his cock, giving it an affectionate squeeze.


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