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Mother's Love


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"Now push it in gently, brother," Megan said softly, patting him on the rump. Matt pressed down, and moaned loudly as his cock slipped in his mother's pussy. He could feel her pussy walls tightening around his shaft. As soon as he was fully buried inside her mother, Megan got up, and said, "He's all the way in, Mom."

Mary gave out a cry of passion, and jerked her hips against Matt's buried cock. "Fuck me now, son. Pound your cock in me. It's been a long time. Fuck me hard. Make me come with your cock. It feels so good."

Matt started moving by instinct. Soon he was pounding his mother as if he had been doing it all along, the natural instinct taking over, as his inexperienced cock plunged in and out of his mother's slippery cunt. He was so aroused that he could not sustain the moment much longer. He felt the familiar churning in his balls, and blurted out, "I can't hold it, Mom. I am coming. Shall I pull out?"

"No, don't pull out. Let it come. I want to feel your sperm in my womb." Mary gasped and clutched him with her legs, wrapping them around his waist.

Matt grunted loudly and plunged, gritting his teeth as his cock erupted, splashing his hot sticky fluid deep inside his mother's pussy. Mary screamed at the same time, as her son's eruption triggered her own explosion. Matt could feel the clutching grip of her cunt muscles around his shaft as she gasped and shuddered with the tremors of her orgasm. They continued to pound each other repeatedly, as the intensity of their orgasms subsided slowly. Finally, Matt collapsed on top of his mother, their bodies drenched in perspiration.

Megan had been watching her brother as his cock slipped in and out of her mother's pussy in repeated strokes. The sight was so erotic for her that she found herself keeping pace with her brother, and reached her own orgasm without even touching herself. She moaned loudly as Matt collapsed on his mother, and shuddered. She could feel the orgasmic fluids drip out of her aroused pussy. She fell on top of her brother, and grinding her pussy on his buttock, drenched him in her love juices. She put her arms around them, and rested on top, her face buried in Matt's neck.

Part 8

Nearly thirty minutes passed before anyone stirred. At last, Mary opened her eyes, and saw that her son and daughter were lying on top of her, breathing softly with eyes closed. She wiggled and tried to squirm out from under them, her body still tingling from the powerful orgasm she had experienced several minutes earlier.

Her movement awoke Matt and Megan, and they rolled off her. They picked up their clothes and put them on. Mary also got dressed, and with the help of her daughter, made her way to the bedroom. She sat down on the bed, and looked at Megan.

Megan kissed her on the cheek, and said, "Did you enjoy it, Mom?"

Mary just nodded, and motioned her daughter to sit down next to her. Megan sat close to her mother, and turned to face her.

"What is it, Mom?"

"I had no idea there was so much suppressed sexual desire in me, darling. When Matt entered me, I just lost control of myself. But now I feel so terrible. He is my son, and I should not have allowed this to happen."

"Don't blame yourself, Mom. May be what you say is right, but think of it this way. This was a much safer outlet for you, and as for Matt, he couldn't have received his first sexual experience from a better lover."

"But we are not lovers, Megan. I am his mother."

"Oh, Mom. Don't go on a guilt trip after the fact. Even if it was a terribly wrong thing to do, it cannot be undone now. But if you let yourself be burdened by guilt, think of how Matt will feel for the rest of his life. You don't want him to go through life feeling guilty or disgusted at himself because of this, do you?"

"No, but...."

"No buts, Mom. Think of the positive side of it. Was he good? Did he give you what you wanted to experience? Do you feel closer to him now than before? If the answer is yes, then that is what you should focus on. May be you need not repeat this experience with him again if you feel that way, but don't ruin the beautiful experience for yourself and for him."

Mary looked at her daughter, and thought about her words. She realized that her guilt was really not going to change anything, except to make her more and more miserable. She pulled Megan into her arms, and kissed her.

"Since when did you get so much wisdom and maturity, sweetheart? You are right. I can't ruin a beautiful moment with Matt, just because he is my son. I love him very much, and he has filled a void in my life after your father died. Now he has finished the job by giving me the one thing I was lacking. Tell me, darling. You watched him. How did he do?"

"He is a fast learner, Mom. At first he was nervous and a bit awkward. But once he entered you all the way, his natural mating instinct must have taken over, because he got into the rhythm of it right away. It was such an erotic sight to see, that I came just watching him."

Mary laughed, and said, "Really? I must have passed out, because I don't remember you getting an orgasm."

"You did. And I didn't even touch myself. As soon as he had shot his juice, he collapsed on top of you. And then, I couldn't control myself, and I fell on top of him, and rubbed my pussy on his butt and came. God, that was something. He looked so beautiful pounding your pussy. And Mom, you looked so sexy that I would have fucked you if I was a man. I still can't get over how erotic you looked lying under him. You are so beautiful, Mom."

Megan hugged her mother, and they kissed. Mary instinctively opened her mouth, and let Megan push her tongue deep inside her mouth. They kissed deeply for several minutes, drinking each other's sweetness. Their kiss was broken when Matt walked into the bedroom.

"There you are, Meg. I was looking for you."

Megan turned and opened her arms to him. Matt came closer. Megan hugged him, and said, "Why were you looking for me?"

"Well, I thought that perhaps you also would like to make love."

Megan started laughing. She turned to her mother, and said, "See what we have done now? Matt can't get enough pussy." She looked at Matt, and said, "Thanks, brother, for thinking of me. That's so sweet of you. But I came just watching you and Mom. That is enough for me for now."

"Does that mean we can do it some other time? Is that okay, Mom?"

Mary looked at her daughter, recalling their earlier conversation. She reached out to Matt, and pulled him closer. She made him sit next to her on the other side. Then she turned to him and said, "Just before you came in, Megan and I were talking about what we have done. You were wonderful, sweetheart, and you gave me so much pleasure that I couldn't bear it. I want you to know and understand that I loved every moment of our intimacy tonight. But this relationship - between you and me, as well as between you and your sister - is really not proper. Please don't feel guilty about what happened, because it was beautiful. But it should not become a routine, and none of us should take such intimacy for granted. Do you understand what I am saying?"

Matt nodded, and said, "Yes, Mom. I do understand. I know that by some standards and customs, it is wrong. But is it not a way to show how much we love each other, and care about each other? Why does sex have to have such heavy moral burden?"

"Only because sex is for creating progeny, and sex between close blood relatives is harmful to the child born out of such a relationship. That is why religions and societies all over the world consider such relations taboo, and strongly condemn them." She raised her hand, and said, "I know what you are going to say. Even if we were to take precautions for preventing pregnancy, the psychological effects of such relationships are not healthy in the long run."

Matt looked at his mother, and then at his sister. He was clearly disappointed. Megan got up and sat down next to him. She put her arm around him and said, "Mom is right, darling. But I also feel the same way as you do. If genuine love is the prime motive, and not lust, then occasional intimacy among siblings or kin is not harmful. I may be wrong about this, but that is how I feel."

Mary looked at her children, and said, "Matt, Megan. I know how powerful the sexual energy is. I have much more experience with this than you two. Sex is the most beautiful expression of love, and to that extent, it is also sacred. That is why I convinced myself that it was okay to seduce my own son, or be seduced by my own daughter. But we live in a society in which such relationships are just not acceptable."

Megan looked at her mother, and said, "So there is no need to advertise it, Mom. But please don't deny yourself your true feelings, and don't stop Matt and me from expressing ours. If we are genuinely attracted to each other out of true love, let it be. Don't suppress it."

"I know that I am not going to convince you, darling. I have to first convince myself, and right now I am not strong enough to do that. I don't want you to feel I am judging how you feel about each other, or what you should do. You are both adults, and I know how much you love each other, and how much you love me. Just be careful that you don't become selfish about your physical needs and misuse the power of love and sex."

Megan and Matt hugged their mother, and kissed her on the cheek. Matt said, "Thanks, Mom, for trusting us, and giving us a choice. I do understand what you are saying, and I promise you that I will not cheapen my love for you and Megan by taking it for granted." He turned to his sister, and said, "Sis, I promise you that I will not take advantage of you, and I will respect your relationship with Roger. Unless you also want it, I won't press you about making love."

Megan hugged her brother, and said, "You are so sweet, Matt. Thanks for mentioning Roger. I do love him, and want to be true to him. But what we have is not the same in my heart and mind. You are special, and everything we do together is special. If sex is a part of it once in a while, I don't think it is inappropriate because the motive is different. I feel the same way about you, Mom."

"What do you mean, darling?", Mary asked.

"What I mean is that I sometimes feel a strong urge to get physically intimate with you, because I feel so much love for you, and that is one of the ways I like to express it. I also want to show you some new things about sex that you missed out on, Mom. Like your G-spot. Wasn't that out of this world?"

Mary shuddered at the memory of the mind-blowing orgasm she had experienced when Megan had stimulated her G-spot, and nodded. "I had no idea that orgasms could be so powerful. I almost died."

"So we understand each other, right?" Matt asked.

"I think so, darling," Mary said, caressing his cheek, "I love you. Thanks for a wonderful experience."

"Any time, Mom. Now I know a little bit about it. And Megan will teach me the rest. Right, Sis?"

"You bet. I want to feel your cock in me, brother. It is so gorgeous."

"But what about Roger? Won't he get upset if he found out what you are doing?" Mary asked, still struggling with the thought of their relationship.

"He doesn't have to know. This is not his concern, Mom. Matt is my brother. We have shared the same womb, and we have shared our whole life with each other. Besides, I know Roger isn't going to bother about how I feel when he is with his sister."

"What? Does he also do it with his sister?" Mary was incredulous.

"You have no idea what goes on in families, Mom. If I told you all the things my girl friends talk about, it will curl your toes."

"Did Roger tell you about him and his sister?"

"No, but once she was visiting him at school, and she stayed with him. He has only one bed in his apartment, and I know they slept together in it. Knowing Roger, and how he gets turned on by a female body, I will bet anything they were pretty intimate with each other."

"But you don't know for sure," Matt said.

"Well, I didn't actually see them having sex, if that is what you are saying. But it is not difficult to figure out how close a boy and a girl is if you pay close attention to their interactions. Look, don't worry about it. Roger is my problem. I'll take care of him. Let's not ruin what we have by thinking about him."

"Okay. Let's hit the sack. I am sleepy," Matt said. He kissed his mother, and turned to kiss his sister. Megan smiled sweetly at him, and said, "Do I get a special kiss, brother?"

"Sure. What's a special kiss?"

"Like this," Megan said, and hugging him tightly, she pressed herself into him. Opening her mouth, she kissed him hard on the lips, and at the same time, squeezed his buttocks. Matt responded to her intimacy, and reached for her breasts, even as his cock hardened against the pressure of her pelvis. They kissed hard, fondling each other through their clothes, oblivious to the fact that their mother was watching them.

Mary was surprised by Megan's initiative, and found herself getting aroused watching them. She said nothing, but her breathing became faster. She could feel her nipples harden and felt the tingle in her loins. Without realizing it, she reached for her breasts and began massaging them.

Matt finally broke the kiss and pushed his sister away. "Wow, Sis. That was some kiss. You know how to turn on a guy."

Megan smiled and winked at him. She looked at her mother, and saw her massaging her breasts. "Good night, Matt. I want to spend some time with Mom, and then I will come and tuck you in."

Matt laughed, and said, "I am not a baby anymore, Megan."

"We'll see about that. Now go and wait for me."

As soon as Matt left, Megan turned to her mother. "Would you like me to sleep with you tonight, Mom?"

Mary didn't know what to say. She was torn between her physical needs and her motherly responsibility towards her children. Megan sensed her discomfort, and took her hands in hers.

"Mom, it's all right to feel this way. You are a sexy woman, and your needs are nothing to feel ashamed about. Please don't be so miserable. Let me show you how beautiful love between two women can be. I am not a lesbian, but I know how to please a woman. Let me show you tonight. I promise you that you will enjoy it, and not feel guilty. If it becomes uncomfortable for you, just tell me, and I will stop."

Mary nodded, and said, "I know, sweetheart. I know how it feels to be loved by a woman. I had such an experience once when you were just a baby. Your aunt was visiting us once, and she made love to me one night when your dad was out of town on business."

"You did it with Aunt Sheila?"


"Wow. She is so sexy. Last year when we visited her, I was so attracted to her."

Mary laughed, and said, "She has that effect on everyone. She came to my bed that night, and we slept together. She was just wonderful. So I know how it feels."

Megan smiled. "You know a whole lot more than you are letting on, Mom. What else do you know that you haven't told me?" Megan closed the bedroom door, and took off her dress. She climbed into bed and pulled her mother down next to her. Mary hugged her and said, "Well, there are a few things."

"Tell me, Mom."

"Okay, but promise me you will not say anything about it to anyone. Especially aunt Sheila. She made me promise not to tell anyone about it."

"I promise. How about Matt?"

"I wouldn't. At least not until the right moment comes. Let me get ready for bed, and then we'll talk."

Megan stretched her lissome body, twisting herself in a provocative manner, watching her mother get undressed. Mary joined her in bed, and they embraced each other. Megan caressed her mother's naked body, enjoying the love and warmth of her mother, and the erotic feel of her naked flesh. Mary let her caress and fondle her body, enjoying the intimacy. She reached for her daughter, and kissed her, caressing her firm breasts, and squeezing the flesh.

"You are very sexy, sweetheart," Mary said, "You have a nice body."

"I get it from you, Mom. You are still so sexy and beautiful. I love to touch you everywhere, especially here," Megan put her hand on Mary's bush, and gently rubbed her palm on the silky soft hair.

Mary pulled her daughter closer, caressing her butt. "I never thought I would feel this way, sweetheart, but tonight I want to make love to you. Ever since you were a little girl, I used to imagine how beautiful you would be when you became a young woman, and now you are a young woman, beautiful beyond my imagination. Let me make love to you, and show you that your mother is not entirely ignorant about how to please another woman."

"Okay, Mom. I can't wait. Love me all night, and make me come. Oh, I love you so much," Megan hugged her mother, kissing her deeply as Mary began fondling her daughter.

Part 9

Matt turned in his sleep, and was suddenly awake. He encountered the warm, naked body of his sister sleeping next to him, and immediately his cock began to harden. He put his arm around Megan who was sleeping with his back to him, and found her breast. Gently caressing the firm flesh, he pressed forward, and pushed his cock in the crevice between her buttocks. Megan moaned in her sleep, and turned to face him. She kissed him on the mouth, and reached for his cock, encircling it in her fist.

"Hi, brother. Did you just wake up?"

"Yes. When did you come here? I waited for you for a couple of hours, and then I fell asleep."

"A little while ago. I was talking to Mom, and we slept together for a while. It felt so good being naked next to her body. Mom is so sexy."

"Now you know why I get such a hard-on when I look at her," Matt said, squeezing Megan's breast.

"I know. We made love. She is so wonderful, Matt. She doesn't let it on, but she knows how to make love."

"Of course she knows. She made us, didn't she?"

"Yes, but I mean that she knows some neat tricks, which even I didn't know."

"Really? Like what?"

"Like how to prolong your orgasm by pressing along the spine, and how to rub our clits together such that we are actually fucking each other. Oh, she made me come so hard, it was heavenly."

"Did she tell you anything about how to fuck a man?"

"No, but I think she will teach you that some time. Now shut up and let's fuck. I want to feel your cock in my pussy."

"I thought you'd never ask, Megan. Do you realize how long you made me wait?"

"Then stop talking and do it, brother. That is why I am here." Megan pulled her brother in her arms and kissed him hard on the lips. At the same time, she lifted her leg, and guided his stiff cock towards her pussy lips. She rubbed the tip on her clitoris, and moaned as the friction sent shivers of pleasure down her spine. Matt grabbed her buttocks and jerked his hips forward, pushing his cock at the entrance of her pussy.

Megan rolled on her back, and gasped, "Mount me, brother. Come on top, and shove your cock in me."

Matt rolled on top of her, and settled down between her legs. Megan opened them wider, and guided his cock, pushing the swollen tip past the wet lips of her aroused pussy. Matt grunted, and with one swift push, buried his cock all the way in his sister's pussy. Megan let out a loud moan, and clasped her legs around his waist.

"Oh, that feels so good, Matt. I can feel your cock pressing on my cervix. It's so long, brother. Fuck me now. Pound my pussy. Make me come."

Matt was getting increasingly aroused by his sister's lewd talk, and he plunged hard, slapping his pelvis against her mound, as he rammed his throbbing cock deep in her cunt. Soon he was fucking her with a steady rhythm, his heavy balls slapping against her cunt lips.

Megan pulled him down and kissed him hard. Matt returned her kiss, sucking her tongue and lips, and savoring the exotic sweetness of his beautiful sister. He cupped her breasts in his hands as he continued to plunge in and out of her pussy, kneading her flesh, and pinching her hard nipples. He realized that his sister's body was much more muscular than his mother's. He could feel the iron grip of Megan's pussy lips around his inflamed cock as he repeatedly pounded her pussy.

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