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Mother's Nude Day Nightmare Ch. 05

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Emma, Julie's sexy, promiscuous, bi-sexual mother visits.
6.7k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 05/10/2013
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Emma, Julie's sexy, promiscuous, bi-sexual mother comes for a visit.

A car drove slowly down the long graveled driveway and stopped at the front door. The long, high heeled, shapely leg of a woman wearing a short skirt stepped from the cab and walked to the door with her suitcase, purse, and overnight bag. Waiting to be admitted entry, 'entre-vous Madame,' a surprise visitor if ever there was one, Emma stood on the front door stoop with her luggage in hand after having rang the doorbell. She looked up at the big house and the manicure grounds and appeared impressed.

* * * * *

Excited that we had a surprise visitor at this early morning hour, as if we were the official, exhibitionistic greeting party running to the door together as one, I opened the front door with Julie on my left side and my mother on my right. Not knowing that she was coming so soon and unannounced, her standing on our front door stoop surprised us as much as we surprised her standing there in our skimpy bedroom attire. But for different reasons, in the way we stared at her in shocked disbelief that she was already here unannounced for her visit, Julie's mother stared at us in shocked surprise, no doubt, at all that we were showing and at all that she was seeing.

Even though I haven't met her, haven't even seen a photo of her, I knew who she was. Just as Julie looked like my mother, Julie looked even more like her mother. Nonetheless the difference in ages and the variations in makeup and hairstyles, the resemblance of the three of them were uncanny. As if living in a holler in Kentucky or Tennessee, we all could have been related. With her looking enough like me, Julie's mother, Emma, could have been my mother. My mother could have been Emma's sister and I could have been Julie's brother, we all looked that much alike. Weird. No matter if it was my mother, her mother, or her daughter, if I was attracted to one, for sure I'd be attracted to the others.

With the front door flung open wide and with us all standing there in the early morning bright sunlight, our exhibitionism and her voyeurism couldn't have been more perfectly premeditated had we intended it but it wasn't planned. It happened just by chance with her arriving early for her visit. Yet, now that I think about it, even if we knew she was coming, we would have greeted her in the same sexy, revealing way. With none of us wearing underwear when we're at home relaxing, unless we went out to shop at the market or the mall, my mother and wife lived in their sexy nightgowns and I lived in my pajama bottoms and tee shirt.

Willing and ready anytime of the day or night, we were a peeping show waiting to expose ourselves. The more we flashed the more we wanted to flash. Our addictive drug of choice, flashing our nearly naked bodies, along with the reaction of people seeing all that we were showing, was our intoxicant. The more unsuspecting visitors saw of us, the more we wanted to show. In the way that an alcoholic wants his next drink and a druggie needs another fix, we lived for exhibitionism and voyeurism.

"Mom," said Julie stepping forward to hug and kiss her mother on the lips.

With the two of them pressing their bodies tightly together, more than just a kiss between mother and daughter, I would have been surprised and suspected they were intimate had I not known their incestuous sexual background. Lasting longer than necessary with their eyes closed and Emma's arm draped around her daughter's shapely body, their kiss was more than just a hello. Obviously unable to let go of the forbidden love that they had for one another, perhaps one or the other, or both, hoped to rekindle their forbidden sexual relationship. Rather than a mother kissing her daughter or a daughter greeting her mother with a hello kiss, evidently the embers of mother and daughter, incestuous lust still smoldered. More than just a greeting and more than just a daughter kissing her mother and a mother responding in kind, their kiss was between ex-lovers.

It wasn't an unnecessarily long kiss but there was definitely some repressed passion behind their kiss. Perhaps, had my mother and I not been there watching and witnessing the incestuous lust that she still harbored for her mother, no doubt, Julie would have kissed her mother longer and perhaps with her tongue probing and her hands feeling but she didn't. After Julie told me that she's slept with her mother, I watched them kissing while imagining them in bed naked and making love. With Julie and her mother looking so much alike, as well as my mother looking so much like the two of them, having seen Julie and my mother naked, it was easy for me to imagine Emma naked too.

Naked, naked, naked, just as I had sexual relations with my mother, Julie had sexual relations with her mother too. Weird. What are the odds of my incestuous relationship with my mother being embraced by my wife? Moreover, not just hot for my mother, Julie had sexual relations with my mother too. I wondered if Julie having sex with my mother gave me license and the unspoken permission to have sex with her mother. After seeing Emma in the flesh, wanting to complete the incestuous circle, I'd do her mother if I had the chance.

"What are you doing soon? I thought you were arriving later in the month," said Julie.

"I had a change of plans and," she said with a wave of her hand as if she was a rich socialite, a spoiled celebrity, an actress playing her over the top part, or a diva who couldn't be bothered telephoning. "Rather than wasting time calling and planning my visit with endlessly unnecessary conversations back and forth, I just hopped in my car and viola, I'm here," she said. "You know me, I'm unpredictably impulsive."

* * * * *

A real drama queen in the way of a Broadway performer giving a one woman show, she raised her arm and pushed out her shapely hip as if she had just finished her dance on Dancing with the Stars. Just as beautiful as I imagined she'd look, Emma was true to her daughter's description. If I imagined a woman who was a swinger and a whore, it would be Emma. Not the shy type, I could see her controlling an audience of enamored, naked men. Not that she looked bad in the way of how some druggie whores look who had no teeth, conversely, Emma looked more like the call girl, Kim Basinger, Catherine Deneuve, or Grace Kelly type.

She was the type of woman that I'd look twice at before staring and making my way over to talk to and buy her a drink while hoping she'd say yes to me asking her to go home with me. Looking ten years younger than her age, looking as good if not better than my mother, women her age aren't supposed to look this good. I can only imagine what she looked like twenty years ago. Even though I had a good idea, I could only imagine what my mother-in-law looked like naked.

She wore a tight, short skirt that showed a lot of long, shapely leg that made me wish I could play an impromptu game of Twister with her. I could only imagine her standing over me while I peered up at her panties, that is, if she was even wearing any. My trained eyes didn't discern any panty line when she leaned forward to put down her suitcase. With Nirvana just a mere few inches away, I imagined sticking my hand up my mother-in-law's short skirt for her to know my sexual intentions. Instead, in the process of relieving herself of her luggage, she rewarded me with a down blouse view of her beautiful, bra clad, C cup breasts.

Leaving little to the imagination, she wore a revealing low cut, tight blouse that pushed her breasts closer together to exaggerate her long, sexy line of cleavage. Her blouse hid little of the tops of her full, round breasts and, as if periods highlighted in bold after imprinting the imagined images of her tits in my head, the impressions of her erect, nickel sized nipples punctuated what was inside of her bra and blouse. My kind of woman, in the revealing way she was dressed that suggested she was an exhibitionist too, she fit right in with our little incestuous, sex crazed group.

Normally an eye opening experience, a game we all enjoyed playing being that we're all exhibitionists, my mother, Julie, and I, opening the front door was our way for the three of us to flash our nearly nude bodies to someone unexpectedly. The fun was in the shocked surprise of the expressive faces of the unsuspecting visitors. Just as no man expected my wife and/or my mother to open the front door in her all revealing nightgown, no woman expected me to open my front door with my erection so obvious in my pajama bottoms. Showing so much more than they'd ever hoped to see and/or expected to see of our bodies at first glance, especially at this early morning hour, it's always fun to watch the look on men's faces to seeing my mother and/or my wife standing there in the morning light in their transparent, sexy nightgowns.

If it's a woman at the front door, it's exciting fun to watch her eyes dart down to my erection that always tented my pajama bottoms before she looked up at me with embarrassment and/or sexual excitement. Standing there as if I didn't know I had an erection, whenever I'd look away during our brief meeting while continuing our conversation without missing a beat, able to see her with my peripheral vision, the surprised woman would look down again at my bulging cock. Hoping for while imagining the feel of her hand or the warmth of her mouth and/or pussy, my erection was my invitation to the woman at my door that I was ready, willing, and available for sex.

'Use me. Abuse me. Suck me. Fuck me. Take me. I'm yours,' I thought to myself, no matter what woman was at my door. Young, old, tall, short, obese, or thin, so long as she was female, I wanted her. After having had incestuous sex with my mother, after watching my mother having sex with my wife, and now with me wanting to have sex with my swinging whore of a mother-in-law, forever doomed, I was lost in the Devil's playground of decadence, degeneracy, depravity, and debauchery.

* * * * *

Apparently, if only judging them by their leering stares when looking at me as if I was a CFNM dancer about to strip naked and solicit them to suck me, I've come to learn that women are as much voyeurs as are men. If solely based upon how women inappropriately behave at a CFNM party, in the way that most men are, women can be pigs too. Hiding behind their feigned veneers of innocence while pretending to be too embarrassed to look, just as most men are whore mongers, in the right situations, most women are sluts.

How dare they judge me because I'm a man when some women are just as bad as I am. Because they're a woman doesn't give them any special immunity. With all of us human, we all have the same needs and sexual appetites. Only, men are more openly honest about what they want and when they want it while woman, still stuck in the Victorian days, enjoy playing hard to get. In the way that some men need to be hit over the head to get their attention, some women need to be dragged by the hair, stripped naked, and fucked into submission. Once their phony masks of the not so virginal and respectable women are gone, so long as they're with the right man, they'd prefer getting down and dirty and being their sexy, slutty selves.

Definitely, without a doubt, women want to be seduced before being taken. A fine line from being taken to being raped, even though women want sex and have to have sex, women want to be seemingly forced to have sex for them to enjoy having sex. Their excuse to always remain virtuously virginal, even when they showed that their sluts deep down inside. Unlike men who normally don't care how others perceive them as the animals that they are, needing an excuse to preserve their reputations, women want the blame for their sexual passion to fall upon the men's shoulders and not upon their own.

Men don't require mood lighting, music, wine, and romance. Apparently, even though much of my exhibitionism is planned in advance, just as men do, women enjoy seeing something forbidden and naughty that they shouldn't see, especially something unexpected and not preplanned. Even though I flash intentionally, it's more arousing for the voyeur to see something that they think they're seeing accidently and not deliberately. Oops! I was just as sexually excited by showing women my erection and/or cock as I was with them looking and seeing my erection and/or cock.

The masters of making flashes appear accidental instead of intentional, women know all about flashing their bodies to unsuspecting men. Only, in their effort to maintain their modesty and morals, they put the onus on the man for dare looking at all that they're deliberately showing. It's all a game that we all play before marriage, children, maturity, and aging interferes with all of our fun. If only we knew all that we know now about women, men, exhibitionists, and voyeurs, hoping to score, we would have grabbed for more of the gusto by taking more risks.

We would have approached that tall, busty, blonde beauty or made ourselves sexually available to that handsome man. Who knows, maybe now instead of fantasizing about it, we would have had sex with our mothers, sisters, mother-in-laws, fathers, brothers, and/or father-in-laws. At the time, not knowing all that we know now, we just didn't know any better. We just didn't know that they all wanted us as much as we all wanted them. Who knew? Go figure.

* * * * *

Sometimes, when hoping for more of a reaction, depending upon who was standing on our front door stoop, the horniness of our mood, and our sexual intentions, more than just passively posing, we'd actively and more aggressively give whomever was standing there a real, sexy show. Before opening the front door, as wicked as they are teasingly fun, my Mom and/or my wife would further pull down the front of their already low cut nightgowns to expose even more of their breasts, even as much as their areolas and/or nipples. In an acting role worthy of an Oscar nomination and in their way to prolong their exhibitionism, pretending that they're unaware they're so exposed, continuing their exhibitionistic show, they'd engage the unexpected visitor in mindlessly extraneous conversation and drivel.

Then, bending to pick up the newspaper or purposely dropping something that they were holding in their hand, depending which way they were facing, they'd either give the visitor a down nightgown flash of their breasts or an up nightgown flash of their pussy and/or ass. Sometimes, depending upon their mood and who they're flashing, they'd give them both a view of their tits and/or their asses and pussies. Being the voyeur that I am, it was always fun to watch my wife and/or my mother flashing men what most men all hoped to see.

Before opening the front door, depending who was at the door, a stranger, a neighbor, a friend, or a relative, a daring move on my part, sometimes when I was horny enough, I'd answer the door with my flaccid cock dangling from my pajama bottoms. A rare occasion for me to totally expose my cock, I only did that when I knew the woman at the door would be receptive to seeing my prick and not call the police to have me arrested.

Being that it wouldn't take me long for me to get an erection when being so excitedly exposed, I copied the acting lessons learned from my wife and mother in pretending that I didn't know that I was so uncovered. With their eyes trying not to stare, the fun part was in watching the expressions on her faces. Most times, enough to get the reactions that I needed without having to pull my cock completely out of my pajama, I answered the door with an erection tenting my pajama bottoms.

Whether seeing my erect bulging pole or my flaccid cock before seeing my erect cock, some women immediately became red-faced embarrassed. No doubt, while some women wanted to see, touch, and feel more, when keeping my erection hidden in my pajamas, it was more fun showing less than more. Whether receptive, responsive, rejected, or embarrassed, the reaction was what inspired the three of us to continue to flash our nearly naked bodies to unsuspecting visitors. Just as I didn't mind other men seeing my wife and my mother nearly naked, I was lucky to have a wife and mother who didn't mind other women seeing my bulging erection and/or prick. Later that night while having hot sex, we used our flashing as sexy pillow talk.

Yet, this time, excited by our early caller and not taking the time to look out to window to see who was there, as we always do, with the three of us caught by surprised by an unexpected visitor, we just opened the front door. Expecting a delivery man, someone trying to sell us something, the Avon lady, a neighbor, someone lost and asking directions, or a utility repairman, it was Julie's mother. Just as, no doubt, Emma was surprised to see so much of the three of us, we were surprised to see Emma standing there holding her suitcases.

We were expecting Julie's mother to visit, or course, but not so soon and not unannounced. We didn't know she was coming now instead of arriving later. Without notice of her visit and without even confirming her invitation, catching us all off guard, she arrived without even an e-mail or a phone call heralding her unscheduled trip. Figuring she'd be visiting some week next month, she didn't firm up the date when she'd be arriving; she just appeared at our front door.

Typical of other reactions we've received but with Emma obviously more receptive to our flashing, along with her being a swinger and an incestuous whore, her reaction was priceless. She never removed her eyes from all that she was seeing. As if her eyes were X-ray laser beams, she looked from her daughter, Julie, standing there in her sheer, sexy nightgown, to me, standing there in my pajama bottoms, and then to my mother standing there in her sheer, sexy, nightgown too. With the three of us lit up in the morning light as if we were the headline entertainment on a stripper's stage, obviously Emma could see her daughter's and my mother's breasts, nipples, and patch of blonde public hair through the sheer, thin material of their nightgowns as if they were naked.

She didn't need to see through my pajamas to know the dimensions of my nearly stiff cock that grew harder the longer she stared at my stiffening member. An unfair advantage for women over men, in the way that women secretly get wet when lusting over a man, a man gets noticeably hard when lusting over a woman. Yet, over and beyond my erection, now wanting to be less obvious, in the way that I seduced my mother, I hoped to make my sexual feelings known for my mother-in-law in more subtle ways too. As if it has its own brain and apparently it does, as my cock had done many times before, any second now, the head of my penis would pop out of my pajama bottoms to say hello.

* * * * *

"Hello," I said to my mother-in-law with a smile.

"Hello," said Emma taking to my cock.

As if my personal window to my sexual attraction to my mother-in-law, with the pee-hole opening of my pajama bottom pushed forward enough my by erection, I knew that she could clearly see the side of my cock.

"Hello," said my mother to Julie's mother.

As if begging Emma to suck them, my mother's nipples were already making their hard, erect appearance through the thin material of her sheer nightgown.

"Hello," said Emma talking to my mother's tits.

Whether fortunately for me or unfortunately for them, with the doorbell signaling the start of my flashing, my exposing myself happened on more than one occasion. Whether while giving directions to a female tourist with her friend, a female real estate agent making a name for herself in the neighborhood, a petitioner asking me to sign her petition, or a Jehovah's witness ringing my doorbell, it was fun to watch their reactions when my erection made an unannounced appearance. Most women stared, some laughed nervously, and only a few pointed to my cock to tell me that I was so exposed while using that opportunity to ogle my erection longer. Maybe it was my imagination being that she was a swinger and a whore, according to her daughter's description of her mother, but Emma looked hungry when seeing all that her daughter, my mother, and I were showing.


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