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Mr. & Mrs. X... Ch. 01

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Mr. X begins the story.
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The following story is a work of fiction and is my first attempt at writing erotic literature as such there will be more story than sex in this chapter, so if you are looking for a pure masturbation piece I suggest you look elsewhere.

The email address used in the story is created for this story and is not used by this author, someone else may be using that address, so contact me through Literotica.

This story will involve the following genres: incest, mind control (similar to what Advertising Companies use), group sex, exhibitionism, contractual domination/submission, and to some degree it is a how to of sorts.

There will be political and religious tangential rants from some character(s) as the character(s) of this story defend their actions to themselves and the reader.

Now onto the story...


For now, call me Mr. X. For reasons that will become clear I am a somewhat cautious person, given my profession.

This story started with a simple question my wife asked me when we were in our early 30's while in bed, simply "What is your deepest darkest sexual fantasy?"

My answer at the time (after some invasive answers) was "To have a harem of full service female professionals (doctors, lawyers, accountants, programmers, secretaries, cooks, maids, gardeners, etc...) that includes your sisters, my sisters and you; with you as the queen ruling over my harem of sexually available women".

That question and that answer has led me and my wife today where we are sitting here in the middle of Texas, nervously waiting to see which of the lawyers we recruited and screened will show up to complete the interview process.

My wife, who will be going by the name Mrs. X for this endeavor, is sitting in the middle office in a red outfit similar to the ones we purchased for each of the women and left in the packages we had delivered to their hotels. The outfit consists of leather knee high boots, stockings that stop just below her pussy, garter belt, open cup silk bra, opera gloves, choker, shear lace mini dress and sunglass goggles. Her pussy is clean shaved (having got the full body Brazilian wax, leaving her eyebrows and the hair on her head as the only remaining hair on her body) she is wearing a red wig and a solid red wrestling mask.

With her dressed in an identical pink outfit with a pink wig is her younger sister, Cathy. Cathy, who we will be calling Slut 1 tonight, will be moving to the outer most office when the first of the lawyer sluts arrive, she will then bring each back into the middle office for the first part of their interviews and stay until they are ushered in with me for the final parts of their interview where I will use each of their holes.

Downstairs in the Security office is Denise, my chief researcher, who tonight will be called Slut 2. She is wearing an identical grey outfit with a grey wig. Her job tonight is twofold. Make sure only the lawyers enter this building tonight and meet them in the garage and usher them to the elevators giving them almost no time to be sneaky.

As it is Halloween and close to midnight, their inhibitions for going out in a white costume, mask and wig that hides nothing but their face and hair in a town where they do not live should be enough for these lawyer sluts to get up the nerve to drive here for the final part of their interviews as a group of sexually exposed lawyer sluts.

As for me, I am sitting here at this rented desk in the inner most office waiting, looking over the 4 dossiers of the lawyer sluts who all have flown in, while I save my seed and stamina up for the final part of the interview. My outfit consists of black cowboy boots, black chaps, a black vest, black work gloves, a solid black wrestling mask, black sunglasses and a black cowboy hat.

Like my wife I got the full body Brazilian wax, only my arm hair, eyebrows and the hair on my head remain. When my wife gives me the signal I will take my Viagra pill with a bottle of water and then wait for the first lawyer slut to be brought in for me to fuck in each of her holes.

- -

I am a political commentator/campaign consultant to mostly Republican candidates and organizations, though I have helped Democrats get elected. My wife on the other hand is a public high school teacher, who teaches Civics and American History. Even though we are today both in our mid-30's we do not have children, both of us are workaholics. We are attractive and are taller than six feet. She is a natural curvy blond and I have brown hair and am built like a tight end.

I learned on one campaign of a Christian Coalition backed candidate that according to the researchers behind the Princeton Principles that the only consistently successful familial arrangements have been two: the monogamous couple and the polygamous family where the 1st wife rules the bedroom and home. Of course newer familial situations such as polyamorous and homosexual families are too new to have any conclusive results from the research.

However, if families are meant to raise children, then there has to be a male father figure and a female mother figure, in the lives of children for them to be successful, though the father and mother figures are not always immediate family members (i.e. coaches, teachers, pastors, neighbors, grandparents, etc...). I knew then as I know now that for me to engage in any other relationship outside of a monogamous relationship with my wife, those two authority roles with all the different responsibilities they have underneath them must be engrained in that alternative lifestyle.

After that first night, my wife kept bringing up the topic and we started discussing it more in depth, (we also screwed each other's brains out to the fantasy) over the weeks and months that followed about first whether we should, given our jobs and the fact that for show we still attended the local Baptist church where our parents and siblings still attend; not to mention about five percent of my clients and professional contacts. (To say this church is politically influential is an understatement and a reason why I have been successful in the campaign consultant/commentator business.)

The more we discussed it the more we both fell in love with the idea of taking this step as our sex life had become dull and this would definitely provide some spice to our sex life.

While I would not consider us closet atheists, humanists or even agnostics, we quite frankly have become Carnal Christians as we have not had time to be involved in the church or in Bible study. Yeah, we go to church a few times a month to keep up appearances, but we come home and either relax or go back to our jobs.

For those Carnal Christians, the only type to read erotic literature on Literotica, who are now praying for my soul, think of me as a prodigal son still living the high life. Those tempted to call me a hypocrite, please remember that we are all to one degree or another hypocrites, just some of us are most honest about that than others, even if we do have to hide behind pseudonyms for professional reasons.

So, yes fellow Carnal Christian, I know the Big Bang is in Genesis 1:1 and that Genesis chapter one is told from God's perspective, while the rest of the Bible is told from an earthly perspective. And that explains why we are living currently in day 6 from the heavenly perspective, while man has only existed on this earth several thousands of years. Which if you are familiar with the twins paradox explains why science says the universe is billions of years old, while the Bible seems to suggest a few thousand; in other words the universe has been in deceleration for millennia from the start of the Big Bang.

And yes fellow Carnal Christian, though Lee Strobel in his "The Case for.." books cannot completely close the door in affirming beyond a shadow of doubt what Biblical Christianity states as facts he does make a very compelling case.

Despite all of that I and my wife decided to at least look into exploring carnal pleasures. Remember Abraham, Jacob, David and Solomon are all considered Godly men, even though they had multiple wives and concubines. And it's not like polygamy or even incest is the unpardonable sin. Heck Cain, Seth, father Abraham and at least one of King David's sons had sex with their sisters. Though it is frowned against the prohibition against incest really traces back to the Middle Ages, when the inbred royal families started producing idiot and handicapped kings who could not maintain control over their kingdoms by themselves. Unless someone can point out directly from scripture where there is a prohibition against incest or polygamy, my wife and I will further explore this new lifestyle choice we have made.

According to the Baptists, the only unpardonable sin is not believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins; and furthermore not accepting the pardon from him; so yeah we are trading future pleasure in Heaven for present pleasure here on Earth.

Our main obstacles moving forward in pursuing this lifestyle was our careers rely on a certain public image we need to maintain our current income (she being a public school teacher and me a campaign consultant for mostly conservative and Republican politicians), the costs associated with properly hiding from particularly political opponents this new lifestyle choice, and last the logistics we would need to carry such a plan to fruition.

- -

Due to our careers, being open and honest concerning what we were going to seek to do was a non-starter. If we could not hide this new lifestyle then we would not move forward with it.

This left us with our next problem, how were we going to afford to do this?

In my occupation as a campaign consultant I first have to put together a game plan for victory, based on that game plan I then construct a budget and then based on that budget I work with a fundraiser to put together a fundraising plan. If we are unable to raise the necessary money before when we need it, then we pare back both the budget and the game plan.

Likewise, even though we really did not have a deadline, we still needed to construct a game plan, followed by a budget, then a fundraising plan as our careers by themselves did not generate the sort of revenue to allow us to live this new lifestyle on their own.

My combined game & fundraising plan can be best summarized as follows:

First, in order to keep our new lifestyle choice a secret from the prying eyes of the public we would need one or more secure locations to live, distant from prying eyes.

If we were to fund the purchase and construction of such a home or homes, we will need to hide the money links between our own investments and the actual purchase of these facilities; this requires lawyers and accountants who know how to set up trusts, foundations, corporations, etc... with staggered fiscal year ends who also know the banking system, including how to wire transfers of funds; in essence they know how to legally pull off a shell game with a fortune making money from someone disappear on paper, even though they still control that money.

Any employees exposed to or partaking in our activities should have as small of a reason to leave the sanctuary as possible, meaning hiring full families to join me and my wife. If they leave, it will have to be for only business reasons tied to maintaining this lifestyle choice.

In other words we would have to construct with our employees a new family composed of individual family groups brought together for sexual and professional reasons.

Second, in order to get the sort of female employees whose professions, expertise and experience match up with our needs, we will have to hire some researchers and private detectives to prescreen the women we approach. I already had some trusted contacts, mostly my chief researcher Denise who was always an adopted member of our family.

The professions where expertise and experience will most likely be most important will be lawyers, accountants, doctors/dentists, and programmers, as most of the other potentially necessary positions can either be trained or have skill levels that are not as rare amongst women.

So, we will look first for women in these rarer professions who do not have males in their living immediate or extended families and whose families do not have criminal pasts, as they are most likely to resort to blackmail or extortion at some future time.

We may have to even hire women currently working for the IRS and Justice Department and gamble tipping off the government that someone is seeking to hide money in exchange for having the expertise from the legal and accounting side to pull off what we need to pull off tactically and financially.

Third, we would have to figure out some way to maximize the self sufficiency of that sanctuary from a security standpoint, energy & electrical standpoint and food wise (i.e. fruits & grains and some sort of livestock). My wife's family if brought on board would have some knowledge as she and her sisters grew up on a farm.

Fourth, as Mr. and Mrs. X we will need to engage in lucrative business activities either replacing or in addition to our current chosen professions, that will easily fit into out chosen lifestyle in order to support ourselves, the staff and any children resulting from our sexual unions.

The least provocative is investing through the stock market, yet that activity exposes us to the greatest tax exposure amongst all of the potential activities given the paper trail required by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The activity requiring the most hands on work, that could also be the most lucrative, could be real estate, where with enough research concerning the market trends of certain areas and some elbow grease to repair and refurbish, a tidy profit might be had.

The most lucrative of the activities from a tax standpoint would be to engage both ourselves and our staff in pornographic activities. However we would all have to be masked or otherwise disguised. Aside from some promotional events that will have to be highly coordinated, most of the activities can be done over the internet and more importantly based outside of the tax authorities of many of the world's nations.

- -

As neither of us have the computer savvy to set up a website account that will not be traceable back to us and will last for more than 15 minutes, we decided to enter the stock market and real estate industries as investors.

From those endeavors we became millionaires in a little over 5 years, not enough to retire permanently (especially given the taxes), but enough to start really considering the pursuit of a polygamous lifestyle fitting our parameters.

Of course we gave to our church, which has ministries to the homeless and to battered women in our area and gave to other charitable organizations with low overhead costs, and we paid off the debts of our own family members meaning that they were less critical of us and turned more of a blind eye to our activities.

Any way our first act was to sit down and discuss our first move which we considered would be to hire the tax & corporate lawyers necessary to shield us to the maximum extent possible from tax, disclosure and any potential sexual harassment claims all of which could destroy everything we have worked to build. They could also start the process by which the extra money we currently earn from our real estate investments can be moved to start to fund our new lifestyle choice.

- -

Before we started down that path, I must let you know how Cathy, my wife's youngest sister became involved in our new lifestyle choice. One day she came over to use our pool and as she looks very similar to my wife and was using our shower, I stripped naked and snuck into the shower behind her. My wife has told me repeatedly, she loves to be taken from behind. So, I waited until Cathy, who I had thought to be my wife from behind bent over to wash her legs. I then stepped forward grabbed her hips and eased my cock into her pussy, pumping it in and out until both of us came, all while I called her by my wife's name and asked her how she enjoyed being taken like the slut she is. During that time she got excited and with her hands bracing her body on the wall in front of her, she pushed her hips back getting us into a fucking rhythm.

Well not only did my single sister-in-law enjoy the sex immensely, but my wife walked in on us hearing me talk dirty to Cathy using her name. Unknown to both of us, my wife took off the bikini (from Wicked Weasel) she was wearing and snuck into the shower behind us and as we were both cumming she reached around and started fondling her sister's clit and my balls. As we finished up she let us know she had caught us and her sister let me know that between the two of them they had set me up to create this scenario. After that all three of us dried off and proceeded to fuck on the bed in our master bedroom only getting up to eat dinner, before heading back to bed and fucking each other until after midnight.

The next day we conducted a private commitment ceremony, where we made a pact to be a polygamous threesome, with my wife as the chief wife having control over the house and bedroom activities. From there we began our ménage with my sister-in-law becoming the first woman to join my wife in my fledgling harem.

As an aside, Cathy does have a law degree, but she is a recent law school graduate with no job and no experience. While from behind she and my wife could be identical twins, they and their other 2 sisters could be quadruplets from behind. They and my two sisters regularly get together. As a recent grad from law school, she wanted some independence from her folks and given that my wife is her oldest sibling by about 10 years her moving in with us, particularly after our shower romp became inevitable.

My wife's other two sisters are Linda who is 3 years younger than my wife and is a divorcee with no children who is a pastry chef and Sharon who is 7 years younger and is the executive secretary to the female CEO of a home furnishings corporation. My sisters are Kim who is my wife's age and works as the librarian at my wife's school, and Lisa who is 2 years younger than my wife and works with me as a fundraiser and event coordinator. Needless to say I have fantasized having all 4 of the sisters and my 2 sisters in bed at the same time and it could still happen as I already have two of the six.

- -

Once Cathy was on board, I contacted Denise, a female researcher I have used on political campaigns, asking her to do a search for lawyers with backgrounds in tax, corporate, and/or real estate law who are single women whose families do not have a criminal background. Furthermore I would like a deep background check on them and a cursory background check on their families.

She asked me why single women, and I mentioned how given the amount of travel and the long hours I would put them through working, they could not do what I need them to do if they were married and as to why not a man, ask my wife who will be involved in the interview process. Given how thorough I am on research projects, my request and subsequent answer to Denise's question satisfied her.

A month later, Denise delivered 103 dossiers of lawyers fitting my parameters. She reminded me if I had any further parameters that would have saved me money. However, it would have also tip my hand as to the sexual nature of the job, these lawyer sluts would be recruited then interviewed for.

At that meeting we gave Denise our parameters for female accounting professionals we wished to interview. Namely those with a background handling tax issues with private foundations, trusts, corporations and a working knowledge of the banking industry including how to wire &/or transfer money between bank accounts; and again single women whose families do not have a criminal background. As with the lawyers, we would like a deep background check on them and a cursory background check on their families.

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