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Mrs Blackwell and the First Milking

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Mrs Black, a brush with the law, her sons ride to her rescue.
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Mrs Penelope Blackwell, known to her friends as 'Penny Black', divorced over a year previously, lay face down on the massage table, suitably modified, it allowed her breasts to dangle down over the bowls, strategically placed to capture her breastmilk.

(The massage table was based on a design from her fellow lactator Elizabeth, built by her son Lemuel, they had recently returned to town after a period working in a closed down winter holiday camp.)

She was feeling dreamy, weightless waiting for her twin sons to start the "Saturday Morning Milk Race", it was a ritual which all three enjoyed.

She mused to herself, how did it come to this she thought, being fucked, almost daily by her sons.

She blamed her husband, his insistence that the family go to a naturist club for a holiday every year, abandoning clothes when at home whenever possible, she wasn't agreeable at first but gradually accepted that there was nothing wrong with the naked human body, and being the only female in a household of four made her feel special. The three males always paid extra attention to her, her sons asked about her breasts and what were they for, she would express milk for them explaining that bodies needed it for them to grow healthy.

She would see them stare at her vulva, then look down at their penises, a puzzled look on their faces. Sometimes looking at her with a slight expression of sympathy.

She gave a deep sigh of happiness, tensed her thighs, her labia already moist, ready and waiting, looking forward to the race and what followed.

The Beginning, some time ago.

It was a typical Saturday morning, Penny had lain in bed longer than usual, her twin's, Lenny and Benny, named after their grandfathers, had risen before her, were playing a computer game.

It was a gift, given to them on their eighteenth birthday, six months earlier

On hearing her cell phone ring, she sat up and answered it, reaching for a lilac satin gown, she wrapped it around her and grasped it closed, she'd misplaced the belt ages ago.

'Hi Penny, it's me Sue, have you heard? The medical technician at the maternity hospital has been selling the milk that we donate for the babies to old, rich men, at very high prices!' Her voice rose in anguish.

Penny caught her breath, as chairwomen and founder of the local "La Leche" group she felt betrayed, especially on behalf of the ladies who'd joined at her behest. Sue was not normally so easy to understand, her habit of starting in the middle of a story didn't help. But this time she was crystal clear.

'Are you sure?' Despair in her voice.

'Oh yes, the hospital director admitted it.'

'Has anyone spoke to him?'

'Well, er, I'm not sure, Sue, the other Sue, told me all about it.'

The other Sue was not one to spread gossip, and she worked at the hospital, 'I'll phone Sue then, and see what this is all about.'

There was no answer, 'damn, I'm going to have to call the Director,' she was reluctant as she'd have preferred to speak to someone with the necessary information and the "other Sue" at least worked at the hospital.

'Maternity hospital, who do you wish to speak to?'

'Director Hughes, please.'

'He's left I'm afraid, I assume you want the chest feeding department?'

'No, the breast-feeding department, I'm Mrs Black of La Leche, the chair lady.'

'We've changed some of our wording, it's chairperson and chest instead of breast.' The receptionist sounded as though it was the most natural thing in the world. Penny hid her exasperation very well.

'The Director speaking, how can I help.'

Penny introduced herself and once again met with the woke rewording of her title and function.

'I've heard a rumour that your medical technician has been selling donated breast milk to er, grown adult males?'

If you want woke, I'll give you woke, she thought.

'Yes, hospital policy, better than throwing it away.'

'Wouldn't it be best to give it to babies?'

'No need, thanks to your excellent organisation, we have more than we need.'

'How much of the money earned are you donating to our organisation?'

'Huh, er, we haven't included that in our budget, every dollar is already accounted for.'

Penny politely finished the conversation, she donated milk but also sold hers to old men with money who believed all sorts of myths about breastmilk, well she'd have more to sell now she was not donating to the hospital.

Penny walked into the kitchen and opened a cupboard, her breast pumps weren't there, then the games room, 'did you hear my conversation just then?'

Lenny answered, 'yeah, what are you going to do about it?'

She told them her plan, she'd make more money, simple, 'I just need to find my breast pumps, have you guys moved them?'

'Yeah, we borrowed the batteries out of them, for our computer game.'


'Er, they went flat, but we did put them on charge.' Benny answered.


'When we heard your conversation. Let's face it you normally visit the hospital on a Saturday so we figured you wouldn't need them.'

Sure enough they were flat.

'What are you going to do? Lenny asked, eyes downcast, knowing they were in trouble.

Penny was angry, not just at her sons but at the world in general, she was stiff with anger, shoulders tensing and untensing.

'Mum,' Benny spoke, 'you're starting to leak,' he pointed to her breasts.

She gave a deep sigh then reached a decision, 'that's it then, you two are going to do something useful for once, follow me.'

Lenny and Benny looked at each other quizzically, Lenny gave a shrug and let's go, gesture.

She lay in the middle of the bed, she'd opened her gown, breasts large, prominent, and full of milk.

'One either side come on, we're doing things the old-fashioned way.'

'What, but we're grown-ups we don't need breast milk, what if we're ill,' spluttered Lenny, 'Mum, I've forgotten how to do it.' Benny anxiety in his voice.

'I happen to know you've both got girlfriends, don't tell me you don't know how to suck on a tit.' She was still angry.

They reluctantly lay beside her, 'the beds not big enough,' moaned Benny.

'Lenny, move over,' she placed an arm around each of them pulling them towards her, and stopping them from slipping off.

'Well, what are you waiting for, starting sucking,' realising they had no choice and being used to their mother's eccentricities they placed their mouths around her breasts.

'Lips behind the nipple, slight pressure, now start sucking,' she ordered.

The trouble was that she hadn't had sex for well over a year, she was too prominent a personality to have casual flings. she began to doubt if her course of action was the right one, and more importantly, she had never had the attention of two men at the same time. It was like an electric shock, small spasms were racing through her body, she couldn't help moan, and her body shuddering, involuntarily.

Benny looked up from his tit to see his twin brother smiling, not easy with a mouthful of tit, Benny understood what was happening to his mother, she was losing control, next moment she lifted her legs over theirs, telling herself it was to keep them securely in position on the bed.

Lenny, it was always Lenny allowed his hand to stray to her inner thigh, high up.

This was answered by another shudder and a full groan of pleasure, emboldening Lenny.

When his fingers stroked, her pussy lips, it was too late, she could not resist when after a few moments she felt them inveigle there way between her labia and into her vagina.

She couldn't understand why all of a sudden, they were gone, had Lenny had a change of heart, but no, he was guiding Benny's hand and together they inserted six fingers into her, sometimes they worked in unison, six in, six out and when they lost the rhythm, three going in and three out, the sensation was incredible, they were also inadvertently making contact with her long lost clitoris. She had a series of orgasms each growing less until her body relaxed and she sank back on the bed, thoroughly sated, even with six fingers exploring inside her.

What the hell happened there she thought, how is this going to end, she didn't have to wonder for long.

Lenny removed his fingers and Benny followed suit, she still had her arms around them, pinned to the bed. Lenny raised himself, she sensed rather than saw he was taking his penis out, 'hold mom's legs up Benny,' he ordered.

Penny didn't know what to say, argue that this was wrong?

Lenny got on top of her, he could see she was apprehensive, normally so dominant, she was speechless.

'You know it's only fair,' he said, staring into her wide-open eyes, she gave a slight nod of agreement and that was enough. Lenny went straight inside her, it was a surprise, over a year without a penis and yet it slid in, quick and easy. "I suppose six fingers helped" she thought.

Lenny knew she'd orgasmed but nevertheless tried to provide another for her, her legs waving in the air,

Benny looked on bewildered at the speed of events, nursing his erection.

Lenny did his best to get as far up her as he could, coming copiously, the first sex with a woman in over two weeks. Thrusting, 'oh god, I'm coming, I'm coming,' finally emptied of cum he reluctantly and slowly pulled out.

He looked at Benny, 'have a go, sloppy seconds, nice and wet, and warm, add some more.'

Benny looked at his mother, letting go of her legs, 'you've got to Benny,' she instructed, she had to treat them both the same, she took hold of his penis.

Benny took his brother's place, he too, got it up, at the first time, her response told him she was enjoying this, he took his time, watching her move her head from side to side, eyes closed, frowning, then he too released his cum, between them they made a considerable amount of noise, finally subsiding into heavy breathing, gasps and gulps of air.

Lenny had left her bedroom, she wondered if he was regretting what they'd done?

Benny pulled out, supporting himself above her, staring at her still open labia, cum, probably his, as he'd gone second was just peeking out from between her labia.

Lenny came bursting into the room, 'we were wondering where you'd gone, thought you were feeling remorseful after fucking your mother.' She told him.

It was the first time they'd heard her swear, except in anger, he was taken aback. 'Er, no, Sheriff Carver's at the gate, he's demanding to come in, he's waving some paper in the air, looks official,' all this in one breath.

'Okay, we don't let him in, the county line is on the other side of our property, go and wash your penises and, your hands, I'll go wash and get dressed.

When she arrived in the large front room, they had climbed over the gate and were stood on the veranda.

'Sheriff Carver, you're trespassing, go back and climb over that gate, you can shout what your grievance is from there, and remember, your authority is on the other side of that gate.'

'Sorry Mrs Blackwell, no can do, we're here to arrest your sons, Lenny and Barney for statutory rape.'

'It's Leonard and Benjamin, Lenny and Benny are their nicknames, even then you only got one right.'

The Sheriff looked down at his paperwork, he hit his deputy over the head with it, it brushed off his hat, 'damn, I gave you a simple task and you even screwed that up.' Visibly angry.

'That's what you get for employing your relatives, Sheriff, half a brain between you and it's all yours.'

'Anyway, what statue have they supposed to have raped?' Penny couldn't help but take the "Michael" out of Sheriff Carter, even though she felt she was on shaky ground.

My nieces, the twins, Genny and Jenny Carver, their names are spelt different they just sound the same,' he added almost apologetic for the stupidity of the names.

'Nothing like variety, anyway, you can't rape them two, everyone in town knows they too willing, and they're old enough to consent so it isn't rape, statutory or otherwise.'

Sheriff Carver looked on, apoplectic features glowing red.

'You're only making it worse, I can add "resisting arrest" to the charges.'

'So, tell me who fucked who, did Lenny fuck Genny or did he fuck Jenny, or did my other son BARNEY fuck Genny or Jenny?'

'We've got DNA sperm samples, that'll tell us.'

'Only if you test half the town, the male half that is, anyway identical twins have identical DNA, the only difference is their fingerprints, have you dusted down your two nieces for fingerprints, again you'll have to fingerprint half the town.'

Penny could see a car approaching in the distance, 'listen you two, it might be a good idea to take off through the back door, it looks like reinforcements.'

'Hope not it should be our solicitor, I called him the minute I'd washed my hands.'

Penny looked at Lenny, respect and admiration on her features

After a ten-minute conversation between the sheriff and Penny's solicitor, the sheriff and his deputy drove off.

She hugged old Mr. Trust-Love, the family solicitor, with his quaint double-barrelled name.

The sheriff won't be back, I phoned the parents and asked them if they intended to press these ridiculous charges, I think one or both of the girls are pregnant, they chose you because you're the richest family around here, and you've two young men, there'll be no more from them.

It was a sense of relief that Penny sat, totally relaxed, in the quiet of the afternoon, sunning herself by the pool, totally naked. As usual.

She heard someone approaching, her eyes remained shut, that of course was a measure of how safe she felt. 'Hi Mom,' it was Lenny.

'I thought you were playing soccer.'

'I was, but then the referee gave me a red card.' He didn't sound too aggrieved.

'Tell me what happened.'

'Well, this guy did an illegal high kick and hit Benny on the head, they took Benny to the hospital,' Penny sat up straight her breasts swinging. 'Now don't get all anxious, it was just for a checkup, they don't want you suing them for lack of care, okay.'

This mollified Penny to some degree, so how come you got sent off?'

'Oh me, I decked the guy, it's not the first time he's had a go at Benny and the referees rarely punish anyone if the game is less than ten minutes old, so I administered justice.' Lenny spoke with great pride. 'Anyway, that's why I'm home early.'

Penny went to get up when she saw a car coming down the road, she quickly stepped into her bikini briefs and then the top. It was Benny being dropped off home.

They relived the story all over again, this time from Benny's point of view, satisfied that he was alright, they once again relaxed by the pool, all three of them naked.

'After a glass of wine and a few snacks, they went into the pool to cool off, Penny went in backwards, hanging on to the ladder, her sons looked at her pussy as she descended. They had a good look at her labia, amazed that something so straightforwardly simple could be so precious.

Penny swam to the middle of the pool, the water up to her nipples, 'you're looking good, mom.'

'Thanks Benny, I keep myself in shape, well you've got to when you go without clothes,' she smiled, 'I keep thinking, it's been one hell of a day, you two could be in a cell by now if it wasn't for old Mr Trust-Love.'

'That and the fact we 're innocent.' Lenny insisted, 'how about we have a swim race, all three of us?'

'No chance, I'd be a very poor third, and anyway, I'd need to referee, especially between you two,'

'No, what I had in mind was a handicap race, you have a two-yard start and we must swim underwater, you go in the middle, and we stay either side so there's no cheating.'

Benny agreed, 'yeah, it'll help our lung capacity for when we play soccer, come on mom, don't be a spoilsport.'

'Just the one then, and after that we relax, okay?'

Lenny and Benny took up their separate stations, 'you start, and as soon as we put our goggles on, we start after you.' Lenny spoke and Benny agreed.

Penny couldn't help but feel she was being hunted but having no further arguments reluctantly took her place in the middle of the 20yard pool, 'two lengths only. Hold your goggles in your outstretched arm and when I see them, I'll set off.'

Penny set off at a genteel pace, doing a ladylike breaststroke, the twins put their goggles on, and Lenny signalled to Benny to go slow, 'see her legs opening and closing, we'll have a great view of pussy.' Benny nodded and in a flurry of air bubbles submerged and followed their mother.

Sure enough, there ahead of them was display of their mother's labia, labia opening and closing with each sweep of her legs.

Penny reached the far end and thought for a moment she was the only one in the race but as she turned, she saw them coming up fast, they must be running out of breath soon she thought. Swimming slowly and keeping her head above, she didn't want to wet her hair, she swam elegantly onwards.

She stood in the shallow end of the pool turning to see them both appear at the same time, gasping for breath.

'Who come second?' They asked.

'Are you talking about this morning she asked, jokingly, if not then the race was a dead heat.'

Her sons were happy with this, memories of her opening and closing her legs giving them erections.

Lenny placed ear plugs in and lay flat in the water, 'look mom, I'm a submarine,' and just then released his penis, which he'd held between his thighs, to spring up, 'there's my periscope.'

'And mine,' said Benny, 'what about you, mom, what are you?'

'A lady with dry hair, that's what.

'You could be our base,' Benny enthused, 'mountains, your flat stomach could be the flat land and you've got a natural harbour for submarines.'

'Well for their periscopes anyway,' Lenny added. They both laughed.

She swam around for a short while and was deciding to get out when Lenny came up behind her, his hands on her shoulders, leaning forward and kissing her neck, his thumbs kneading her muscles, relaxing her until, she felt his erection against her lower back.

'Er, Lenny what are you doing?'

'I figure we should celebrate?'

'And how do you recommend we celebrate?'

'Well, this pool is kind of private, just the three of us.'

'You want to have sex again?'

'Yes, mom, what a great idea, let's face it, it worked for everyone this morning and you enjoyed it, as we did, also, the genie's out the bottle, no-one can put it back in,' he added hastily. 'I was thinking of us having a vote, democracy in action, hold your right hand up if you agree with my proposition,' both their hands went up, all those against, carried by two votes to one.'

'Not so quick,' Penny interjected, 'I have a veto, it's called keeping my underwear on.'

'Only valid if it wasn't for the fact, you're naked.'

Penny felt she was losing the battle, 'and how do you expect to make love in a swimming pool?'

Needless to say, Lenny had an answer and explained it to the three of them, 'mom, you stand with your back to the wall, arms on the edge, legs wide apart, whoever is going first won't have a problem supporting your weight, he places his arms underneath your thighs and it's,' he paused for a second, 'and it's torpedoes away.'

They were silent, their mother slowly pondering what she'd just heard, a deep sigh, 'okay Benny went second this morning, so he goes first. But if he can't make it work it stops there.'

Lenny turned to them both, 'Benny I have every confidence in you, right let's get organised.'

Penny decided the best place for her to place her arms and taking her weight she raised her legs. 'Lenny, what are you doing?'

He had goggles and a snorkel on, 'I'm not going to miss this, also I can hold your pussy lips apart to help Benny get it up.'

Penny just looked to the heavens, 'so be it, let's start Benny.'

Benny was very close to insertion, but the water seemed to remove her natural lubricant, Penny felt fingers on her labia, Lenny was submerged, and Benny was holding her legs, Lenny was obviously holding her outer labia apart when next thing she felt Benny enter her, she raised her legs higher, allowing him more room to thrust, his penis had felt cold at first but was now warming up. Whether it was the situation or the urgency of youth, but he came very quickly, his sperm felt warm. She held him to her with her legs around his waist, he was breathing heavily.


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