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Mum and Dad's New Hobby Pt.03

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Family and Fiona's friend go to a nudist retreat.
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Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/30/2022
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It was a beautiful warm evening, and it was lovely sitting on the sunlounges, naked, enjoying a beer.

Dad had his eyes closed, but he was not asleep. His cock was laying soft across his thigh. Even soft, it was an impressive piece of equipment. Mum was sitting reading emails on her phone, a leg straddled either side of the sunlounge, affording me an uninterrupted view of her neat, shaved pussy. I took a deep breath and marveled at the deep satisfaction that I was getting out of the new found openness in our family situation.

Dad opened his eyes and looked across to me.

"Your mother and I are going back to River Island on the weekend. We were wondering if you and James would like to come along with us," he said.

My immediate reaction was an enthusiastic yes. The prospect of spending a whole weekend naked with my parents at a nudist retreat sounded very appealing. Never having been to one, I was curious to know what it would be like. But I would have to consider what James would think about it. My first thoughts were that he would be fine with it. In reality, he was a bit of a nature boy, who loved nuding up. Only last weekend with mum and dad away, we spent most of the time naked.

"Mmmm dad, I reckon that would be great, but I'm not sure how James will feel about it. I mean, he has no problem being naked around me, but I'm not sure how he would go around other people, especially you and mum. I'll ask him tonight. I'm sure that I can talk him into it, "I replied confidently.

After dinner I was on the phone to James.

"Fi, how are you babe?" cried James bubbly as he answered my call.

"Never better Jimbo," I replied using my affectionate name for him.

We chatted idly for a few minutes, then it came time to broach the subject of the weekend away. At this stage James had no idea that my parents had become confirmed nudists and that I had joined them in their new "hobby." He also had no idea that the last few times that they had been away, they had been to a nudist retreat. This was going to be a delicate operation.

"Hey Jimbo, how would you like to spend next weekend away with me and the folks?" I enquired.

This was a bit of a sneaky question, as I knew James got on famously with mum and dad and he would have had no problem spending a few days with them. He and dad would talk sport and drink beer and he loved helping mum with the cooking. My parents would have me married to him in a heartbeat.

"Sure thing," said James "so like going away somewhere?"

"Yes," I answered "they want to go back to the place that they were at last weekend. They have been going there a few times lately and they absolutely love it. They reckon that we would too."

"Cool, what's it like, is it posh, do I have to pack nice clothes? James enquired.

I nearly cracked up. What a perfect segue. "As a matter of fact, you don't have to bring any clothes. The place is called River Island Nature Retreat and it's a nudist resort," I answered.

There was a long pause. "Jimbo....Jimbo.....are you still there?"

"A what?' James finally replied. "Are you kidding me? We're going to be naked in front of your parents. And they are going to be naked too? And all these other people?"

"Pretty much, "I replied nonchalantly. "When they came home Sunday night, they told me where they had been. They told me that they want to embrace the nudist lifestyle. They asked me if I was OK with it. I said I was, in fact, I have joined in with them and we have been naked around the house ever since."

There was another long pause on the other end of the phone as James digested what I had just told him.

"I'm really keen to go James," I said, breaking the silence. "You love running around naked so I thought you would be on board."

"Yeah, I do, but around your parents, I mean wow," stammered James, "like, your mum is hot and your dad, well, do I have to look at his cock? I mean I will, I mean I guess I have to, and he will be looking at mine and...."

"Jimbo, Jimbo, take a breath babe," I interrupted "you're overthinking it. Just relax and go with the flow, it will all be fine."

There was another long pause. "Sorry Fi, I was just a bit shocked. You're right, I went a bit crazy. I guess it will be OK. A nudist resort eh. Always wondered what one would be like. Looks like I'm going to find out." James resolved.

"Yahhhh babe, I knew you would be up for it, but what's this, you think my mum is hot, you perve?" I quizzed.

"Not as hot as you, hon." James replied to my somewhat satisfaction. I was torn between being a bit miffed and excited that he saw my mum sexually.

"Ok I'll let you off," I laughed. "Love you, speak to you later but see you Friday afternoon. Pack light."

The week went quickly and come Friday; James duly arrived with a small bag for his clothes as advised but with an Esky full of alcohol. I could see a weekend coming up with a lot of drinking. I had my own stash and mum and dad never went there without plenty of wine and the makings for margueritas.

"G'day Greg, Jane," said James as he greeted mum and dad in the kitchen. My parents insisted that he call them by their first names, as he was a young man now, no longer a boy.

"James, good to see you," cried mum as she moved to give him a big hug. Dad extended his hand and they shook enthusiastically.

"So James, did you pack the sunscreen? You are going to need it," teased mum.

James blushed slightly. "Bought a new bottle, just in case."

We all laughed and started to pack the car. We had food and grog and not much else, so soon we were on our way. In an hour and a half, we would be there, and the plan was to use their bbq facilities to cook dinner then spend the rest of the night relaxing by the pool with a few drinks. I was very excited but a little apprehensive about how James would handle it all. I had not divulged to him that there had been a heavy sexual overtone to our new found nudist lifestyle and I was unsure how it would play out over the weekend. Best I thought to just play it by ear and see what eventuates.

Leaving the sealed road, there was 5 kilometres of dirt to the resort. There was a real sense of being away from the hustle and bustle and we were surrounded by bush and delightfully, three kangaroos crossed our path as we made our way to the reception area.

We parked the car and went in.

Behind the counter was, I found out later, one of the owners, a woman possibly in her late 50s, small in stature and I suppose, not unexpectedly, totally naked.

"Greg, Jane," Katrina gushed "so nice to see you again so soon. And this must be your daughter and son in law."

No one corrected her on the sudden elevation of James into the family. "Nice to meet you too. I hope you enjoy your stay here," she added.

"I'm sure we will, "I answered truthfully as I was terribly excited about the weekend ahead.

"Here is your key, "said Katrina, "It's bungalow 5 which is right next door to your usual one. It has the two bedrooms of course."

Formalities over, we drove the short distance to the bungalow and unpacked the car. Each bedroom had a queen-sized bed and an ensuite so there was no fighting over who got what. I was pleasantly surprised by the very comfortable appointments. There was a kitchen /dining area, a lounge room with a large screen TV. There was a spacious deck with a bbq and very comfortable lounging furniture. It was a real home away from home, and I anticipated that we were going to have a very comfortable stay.

"OK, first things first, let's get out of these clothes," said dad, as he and mum headed to their bedroom. The moment of truth had arrived. I took James by the hand and walked to our room.

"How are you going Jimbo?" I asked with a hint of trepidation.

"I think I am going to be fine," said James reassuredly "no turning back now." With that, James started to undress. As it turned out, this was not going to take long. As it was hot and he wanted to be comfortable for the trip down, he was only wearing a T-shirt and shorts. And I stress only, as he was not even wearing underpants. I was equally under-dressed as I only had on a light sundress, also dispensing with the need for underwear. Naked, we took a deep breath and holding hands, ventured out into the living area.

"Beer?" asked dad as he stood naked by the fridge. Mum was standing by the bench preparing a plate of nibblies to have with the drinks. Dad got out three beers and poured a glass of white wine for mum.

I held James' hand tightly. I could see, quite naturally that he was running his eyes over the naked bodies of my parents before him. My mind caste itself back to our conversation earlier in the week when he called my mum "hot", and I had to suppress a giggle. As men are wont to do, I'm sure that he was comparing his own penis with dad's. I had discovered that dad when erect was bigger than James, not that it mattered, but with them both in a flaccid state there was no discernible difference. It was with a sense of relief that they both weren't hard. I knew dad would be on his best behaviour, to ease James into the new environment, but I was uncertain whether James would have the self-control, not to get excited in front of two naked women. So far so good.

We took our drinks out onto the deck and settled in.

"Cheers," cried mum and we raised our glasses. "Here's to a fun weekend."

"Hear, hear," we responded in unison. The weather was superb, warm with a light breeze and the sun was just setting, casting a soft orange glow. Birds flittered in and out of the magnolia tree that grew on the edge of the deck. I could sense that we had all entered that state of relaxation brought on by knowing that you had left the cares of the world behind you.

Mum got up and offered the snacks around. I could see James eyes follow her as she did so. As she bent down to offer James his turn, her breasts swayed seductively close to his face. He took some cheese and biscuits, and mum turned her back to him and returned the food to the table, bending over as she did so, affording James a glance of her firm rear and a hint of her pussy. Who could blame a man for looking and I detected just the slightest swelling of his cock.

"I had better get the steaks on," said dad. "Give me a hand James."

They made their way to the fridge and returned with the meat. In the tradition of male bonding, they stood and chatted and drank as they cooked the steaks. Mum and I went inside to prepare a salad.

"Things are going well Fiona," mum volunteered. "James has taken to it like a duck to water. I'm pleased and relieved."

"I thought he would,' I replied. "He has never had a problem with nudity around me." In fact, he will nude up at a drop of a hat and he doesn't mind ogling naked women." Mum laughed at this, perhaps unaware that James rather enjoyed checking her out when she was handing around the snacks.

Soon the food was ready, and we sat down to eat. The empty bottles were lining up on the bench. Already there were six empty beer bottles, one bottle of white wine had been finished and there were two bottles of red wine opened on the table. Who doesn't like a drink when on holidays?

With dinner finished we returned to the comfortable deck chairs. We were all drinking the red wine at this stage and dad filled up the glasses. I could see that he was getting a little drunk and James was matching him drink for drink, which was a bit of a worry as James was something of a lightweight in the drinking stakes.

"Well James, how are you enjoying your nudie getaway, Jane and I were a bit concerned that you might freak out," dad enquired.

"I'm loving it to be honest Greg," James replied." I can see why you and Jane are so keen on it. It is beautiful here and I have never been so relaxed. Which is a bit surprising as I was a bit scared how I would react being naked around you all."

"That was our concern too," said mum, "many people see nudity as some sort of sex charged environment. But it's just people doing what they do anywhere, just without clothes on."

"I have to admit,' said James "that I read up a bit about nude resorts this week and a lot of guys worry about getting erections and what happens if they do."

My heart skipped a beat, thinking that this might be dangerous territory for a conversation.

"Oh, you don't see a lot of that really," said mum "up at the pool area around other people, you can just jump into the water or roll on to your stomach or cover it with your towel until it goes away. People understand it is very natural. So long as you don't go waving it around no one cares. Around your own bungalow it's no one's business."

"Mum!" I squealed, "too much information."

Dad and James just laughed. Perhaps James was somewhat relieved with this advice.

"I was a bit worried about getting a hard on. Thought they might chuck me out," James confessed.

"You are safe here James," mum reassured. "Greg should know, he doesn't have to exercise any self-control here.

Well, my fears were well founded. The conversations had turned to erections and there was no going back now. I looked across to dad and I could see that his cock was growing, and he was making no effort to hide it, in fact he got up from his seat and went around to each of us filling up our wine glasses. By the time he got to me he had a full hard on, his cock only inches from my glass. Then he moved to James, whose jaw had dropped, taken aback somewhat by dad's state of excitement.

James looked across to me to gauge my reaction to the developing scenario. I simply gave James a resigned shrug of my shoulders and took another sip of wine, indicating that I was not overly concerned with the turn of events. James then glanced down to his own cock, which was also now growing to a state of excitement.

"Don't worry James," said mum "sit back and relax and enjoy it, no one is worried about it. It's perfectly natural and good that you don't have to worry about hiding it here."

James turned to me. "Is that right? I can sit here like this?"

"Fine by me," I said "as mum said, perfectly natural and we are on our deck and there is no one else around. "

James did not seem one hundred percent convinced but he took a sip of his red wine and settled back into his seat. Dad also sat there, his hard cock pointing skywards, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. I was relishing the sight of the two men in my life sitting comfortably with their cocks proudly on display.

"Fiona, you didn't tell us that James has such a nice cock," said mum disarmingly.

"Well mum, it never really came up as a topic of discussion around the dinner table. You never told me dad had such a nice cock until I found out for myself." I replied defensively. At least I was pleased that mum had praised James' cock as he was smaller than dad, but to be honest, on closer examination the difference wasn't all that great.

"She's a lucky girl, isn't she Greg,' said mum. She was sitting between dad and James. Without another word, she reached across and wrapped her hand around James' cock. It was as if bolt of electricity had coursed through his body. He sat upright in his seat and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. He looked across to me to see if I was outraged at all by her actions. Shocked, yes, outraged no, but I was surprised at how forward she was. No doubt the copious amount of wine that she had drunk had loosened all her inhibitions. I did feel that I should intervene. Feigning indignation, I said "Unhand that man, he is mine." Mum laughed and unleashed her grip. I'm sure she was well aware that another opportunity would present itself sometime over the weekend.

Mum shifted her position and turned towards dad. She took a firm hold of his cock and with a steady rhythm pumped it up and down. James looked on transfixed. I thought that I should follow mum's lead, but on second thoughts, it would be better to allow James to take in the sight without any distractions. So, we both watched on as mum got to work.

Expertly, she manipulated his rock-hard dick. With both hands she rubbed the length of his impressive member. Then deftly, she replaced her hands with her mouth and her head bobbed up and down, taking dad's cock right up to his balls. Then she would draw back, her tongue flicking dad's purple swollen glans. I thought it was now time to reward James. I leaned over and took his cock into my hot mouth. Slowly I traced the length of it with my tongue.

Mum was on her knees with her arse only inches away from James' hand. He stretched out and placed a finger into her steaming pussy. Then another. Slowly he motioned back and forth as I greedily sucked on his rod like cock.

I looked up at dad and I could see that he was close to cumming. "Yes, yes," he murmured softly as mum cupped his balls, squeezing them gently yet firmly to heighten his pleasure. "Yessssss," he cried as he exploded into mum's mouth. Still, she sucked hard and was never going to spill a drop. As dad slumped in his seat she lapped at his cock until he softened in her mouth.

I could sense that James was on the verge of his own orgasm. His cock was throbbing in my mouth, and I could feel a tension overtake him. Like mum, I was not going to waste a drop and I latched tightly onto his pulsating cock as he too unleashed a massive load of delicious, salty cum. James had his eyes closed and I certainly would have given a penny for his thoughts.

"Greg let's take our drinks to our room," said mum. "We will see you kids in the morning." With that they disappeared into their bedroom, without bothering, I might add, to close the door behind them.

I looked lovingly across to James. He smiled back at me. "Well that certainly was different," he gushed.

I grabbed his hand and led him to our room. We had some unfinished business to attend to, and we needed a good night's sleep as I was sure we had a big day in front of us.

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sweetannacupsweetannacupabout 1 year ago

so far so good my pussy was so hot and wet through the first 3 stories looking to read more

morbiusrgmorbiusrgover 1 year ago

5 stars again! Love the flow of your narrative.

dan2play19dan2play19over 1 year ago

I hope you continue this thing. great job so far

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