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Mum Plays Nurse

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After breaking both arms, Matty gets help from his mom!
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I always remembered when I was a kid my dad once talking about motorbikes with the family in the front room of the house, debating how the great Barry Sheen was a rare breed after he'd come off his bike again braking his legs, and how they were death traps.

"Bloody dangerous if you ask me," dad said, "if you come of one of them you've got no metal between you and the road unlike a car." Watching the news report of Bazza being hauled into the back of the ambulance dad continued,

"And it's even worse for the person on the back!"

"Why?" I asked bemused,

"Because they always come off second best that's why, the ones riding pillion always get hurt more than the rider, if ever anyone, even one of your mates ask you' to go on the back of their bikes stay off you're safer that way son!"

Well of course I completely ignored what he said, what the hell does dad know. Let's face it at that age you just do things and to hell with the consequences and that was the case when nine years later at the age of 18 on a Tuesday summer evening after Sixth Form College on some open ground my friend Paul and his brother were riding around on their bike or as us locals called them 'chicken-chasers'. To say it was barely legal was doing it a favor, no tax, no insurance, sounding like a Sherman tank because of no muffle on the exhaust and blowing bluish like the Flying Scotsman as Ryan sped all over the waste ground with his brother on the back doing his best impression of a Hell's Angel.

"Wanna ride Mat?" Ryan said as his brother got off the back after being scared witless from his journey.

"Come on then!" egging Ryan on with bravado, making out I wasn't scared as I took Paul's helmet off him and placed onto my head for protection.

Sitting down on the back, Ryan revved the engine over and over again causing me to giggle as I put my arms around him to hang on waiting for the burst of g that was surely going to hit me as he sped off. "

"Hang on tight, ok!" Ryan shouted as we went off like our arse's were on fire all across the waste ground, my vision blurring from the trees, rubble and greenery flying past at breakneck speed.

That's all I remember until I woke up in hospital with a fractured shoulder and both arms broken and set in a pugilist's stance. From the shouting outside the room it dawned on me that it wasn't just me that went flying, the accusations started to fly also between my parents and sisters. Who was to blame, why wasn't the bike legal etc etc. To be fair, it was harsh blaming Ryan as he didn't force me to go on the bike, I did it on my own free will. As it started to quiet down mom then entered the room and gave a right old ear full about how stupid I'd been and how close I'd come to being killed.

After mom had calmed down the rest of the family entered the room as she explained what had happened, it appears that as Ryan and me went over a knoll on the waste ground we both fell off, he unbelievably just got a sprained ankle but like my dad had warned me earlier I came off worse, it was only the fact that I was wearing a crash helmet that saved me from more serious injury. She then carried on.

"Jesus Mat! what the hell was you thinking of?, you know this has screwed up your A Levels for the next eight weeks as you can't write or even go to class."

"Sorry mom!" I replied in agony from my fractures while my sisters giggled.

"The staff have said they're going to keep you in overnight in case you have concussion."

"Are you going to stop me from hanging around with Paul because of this?" I asked knowing mom was upset about what had happened.

"Of course not, let's be honest it wouldn't make much difference anyway, you'd still hang around with him." mom took a deep breath and finished by saying "I just want you to be a bit more careful, that's all."

With that they left the room leaving me to think about what had happened and how I was going to cope with both of my arms immobile. Dad then brought some light hearted relief to the proceedings though when as he exited the room and took the piss out of me because of the day's events and even started shouting "Bonsai!" like the Japanese Kamikaze pilots used to in WWII laughing out loud as he left the room to go home with mom and Diane and Claire.

After waking up the next day and having breakfast with the help of a nurse, who was a stern looking woman of around 45 years of age I found out that the doctor was going to give me a check up to see if I was well enough to go home. Not having gone to the toilet since the day before I told her that I needed to go and she obliged by helping me off the bed then pulling down my boxers and letting me shuffle over to a table with an urinal carton placed upon it. After a bit of a struggle while I swung my hips side to side I managed to put my cock I the end.

Standing there with my boxers around my ankles and arse cheeks in full view it took ages to relax knowing that the nurse was somewhere behind me watching.

"Sorry about this son, I've got to stay with you in case you fall over and hurt yourself."

Finally after looking straight at the blank wall for a few minutes I managed to empty myself, filling the carton to the rim. Having an empty bladder wasn't my only relief as I knew only too well that mom was on her way and it would've been almost unbearable for me to let mom to see me like this.

Mom was already there at 8 o'clock when he came round, and after a quick once over I was given the all clear to go. Mom then got a pair of p.j's and a housecoat out of a sports bag she had with her then said

"I've bought these and 3 other pairs which I've left for you at home love, it'll be easier than trying to continually get in and out of your jean's and t- shirts" then showed me the pair that she brought with her.

"Now! . . . let's get you dressed so we can go home"

Mom then proceeded to dress me in the clothes which she had brought, luckily for me I still had my boxers on from the previous day thus allowing me to keep my modesty. Mom escorted me to the car and helped me get in and then buckled me in for the 10 minute drive to the house. Starting the engine mom said

"When we get home I need to have a serious chat with you about how we're going to get through this as your arms broken and you're going to have to rely on me for help for the next few weeks"

"Ok!" I replied not really taking in the ramifications of what she had said. "What about College?" I asked.

"Don't worry! It's all sorted and they know everything, they're going to send some material around to the house every week so I can teach you a little so you don't lose too much in the way of schooling."

Now before I go on let me tell you about myself and my family. As you already know my name is Mathew or Mat to everyone else. I'm the youngest of 3 children and with the rest of my family who lived in a 3 bedroom house and at the time of the accident my sister Diane who was 15 then there was Claire who was 14. My dad who is named John worked in a local engineering works on and finally my mom whose name is Eileen.

Both mom and dad are tall, dad's 6ft 2in while mom's 5ft 11in which didn't make it surprising that at the age of 18 I was already over 6ft in height myself. Mom had a gorgeous hourglass figure with a size 16 dress size with sexy curvy hips and large tits which as you will read on I later found out to be double E cups. Due to her large tits mom always wore baggy shirts and jumpers to hide them. Her hair was blonde and wavy down to her shoulders, and despite having had 3 kids and being 37 she didn't look it. My dad was surely a lucky man to be married to her. I'm sure that's the reason since then that I've always gone for blonde haired woman, in fact my friends were all dead jealous and called her a 'yummy mummy'.

We pulled up into the driveway and mom helped me get out and into the house, along the hallway and into the front room, all the time mom being overprotective of me as she kept her hands on my hips for fear of me stumbling or falling over. Sitting down I could finally relax as mom then raced into the kitchen to make a pot of tea. After a while mom returned and put both cups of tea on the floor next to the sofa that I was sitting on and then she sat down next to me, her body and knees facing towards me so she could talk, it was now that I had a nervous feeling come over me which made my heart beat faster from the impending conversation mom had indicated to me earlier in the car. After helping me take a sip of tea mom got down to business.

"Now look Mat, we need to talk and sort some things out about what we are going to do with you." I listened intently to what mom had to say.

"Being that both of your arms are in plaster means that there are things that you're clearly unable to do for yourself like going to the toilet and taking a shower which means I'll have to get in there with you to help you wash" I became stunned as mom continued to explain how she was going to help me take a shower,

"Don't be offended when I get undressed in front of you, ok? But this is the only way we can do this, besides me and the rest of you lot used to take baths with me before when you were kids so it's not like you haven't done this before."

Dread came over me as I realized that mom would have to see me naked. Mom hadn't seen me in my birthday suite since I was around 5 and especially since going through puberty and now to cap it all I was expected to stand in a shower completely naked exposing myself to my own mom as she put her hands all over me while she was naked.

"Now as for you being naked in front of me I don't want you to get all stressed up about this because trust me I've seen it all before, I know that it's going to be embarrassing for you having me help you go to take a shower but I'm afraid that it can't be helped. There's no other way around this."Sheer terror started to get hold of me as mom continued

"The thing is that when I help you take a shower you know I'm going have to touch you between your legs don't you?" I ummed to acknowledge her, unable to speak.

"And when I do, I'm going have to touch the end of your cock, especially when I have to clean under your foreskin!" After taking a gulp of air and said

"Yes mom!" Mom then put one of her hands up to my face and put the palm on my cheek to comfort me then said

"Look!, I'm not naive and know what'll happen when I do this especially as I'm naked also so don't get upset or feel that you're doing something wrong when you get a hard-on in front of me, at the end of the day it's one of those things and a normal reaction of your body and I won't be offended in the slightest bit." "So when we shower together I want you to relax and not get embarrassed, upset or feel ashamed ok?"

Feeling stunned at the way mom casually talked about this subject and mom's language regarding saying the words cock and hard on I slowly became more at ease from mom's words of encouragement. I nodded in reply, then mom trying to break the tension in the air chuckled loudly while tapping my knee with her finger and said.

"Don't worry . . . we'll both get through this!"

As I sat there next to mom she again helped me drink some more tea then got up and put the TV on to entertain me while she went about her housework. While I awkwardly switched channels with my exposed fingertips with the remote resting on my lap I went over the things mom had said to me. It then dawned on me what a lucky situation I had found myself in. Sure! I'd be naked in front of mom and it would be of course embarrassing but after a while I'd get used to it. It was the fact that mom would have to touch me up every day in the shower, and not only that she'd be totally in the buff when doing it. A smile grew across my face when I realized that this was to all intents and purposes a teenager's greatest fantasy. The times me and the rest of my school friends had talked about how we all was trying to with various degrees of success to 'danger wank' in front of our mothers even getting them to catch us as we cum. If my friends could know about this they'd be kicking themselves with jealousy. My cock then started to get stiff thinking about this as I heard mom humming to herself in the kitchen.

Within a couple of hours I needed to use the toilet and called to mom who was by then in the front room with me watching TV.

"Mom, I need the loo!" I said as mom turned around and got off her chair.

"Ok, just let me get you up and then we can go." Carefully getting me off the sofa, mom stood behind me and put her hands on my hips as again she became overprotective, nervous that I might fall over while I walked slowly through the door, into the hallway and after nudging the half opened bathroom door with my knee we entered the room and walked up to the urinal and stopped.

"Right!, as I said earlier on don't be embarrassed by exposing yourself to me, I've seen it all before ok?"

"Ok mom" I replied to mom's reassuring words then let mom go about her business.

After leaning around me and lifting up the seat out of the way which 'clanked' against the cistern, mom got her fingers inside the elastic waist of my bottoms and with a quick pull yanked them down. As they travelled down past my waist the tightness abated allowing them to fall to me ankles on their own. I then took a deep breath as mom then moved to my boxers and again put her fingers inside and did likewise as before, again the boxers falling on their own after moving past my waist. Cold air from the bathroom hit my exposed arse cheeks and thighs as I then clenched my thighs together as modesty hit me knowing mom could see everything if she wanted too.

Putting her right hand back on my bare hip with her palm open fully she then with her left hand pulled my shirt tight so as not to let it hang down and piss over it, then again put her hand back on my left hip. Although she was only touching my hips I felt slightly erotic as I stood there trying to relax so I could relieve myself.

"Well love!" mom said while smiling, "that's a view I haven't seen in a few years!" then jokingly spanked my right arse cheek twice gently with her hand then put it back on my hip.

"Now don't rush, we've got all the time in the world ok?, just relax and you'll go" mom reassured me as she waited patiently behind me. A couple of minutes later, trickling echoed around the room as I finally relaxed enough to go. Mom moved forward and put her head the side of mine then spoke

"Oh!, by the way... about your showers, we're going to have them sometime in the

afternoon because after that I'll be busy cooking the tea for you lot before your dad comes home and I'd rather have a quiet night in than messing about with this, you ok with that?"

"Yes mom" I answered despite having no choice in the matter.

Finally finishing I tried to shake myself by moving my hips left to right quickly which creased mom up. Knowing full well what I was trying to do mom said

"Brace yourself . . . and don't worry . . . I'll do this for you."

I took another deep breath as I prepared for mom's touch. With her left hand mom gripped me halfway down the shaft of my cock which then she leant over and with her right hand grabbed some toilet roll from the spool that was on the wall next to me. After doing that she quickly wiped the end. I groaned "aaahhh! ... aaahhh! . . . aaahhh! as mom dried my cock with the toilet paper, causing me to clench and shudder and my legs to buckle slightly. Within a few seconds it was all over and mom let go of her new toy as I tried to get my breath back.

"See!, that wasn't too bad was it?" then she chuckled to herself. "Let's face it, it's been a few years since I've done that to a bloke!"

It was then I went red at mom's innuendo while waiting for my cock to go soft which took a few minutes. While mom redressed me I thought that although I hadn't cum if this was anything to go by then the next 8 weeks were going to be enjoyable, what I didn't know at the time was how enjoyable.

Sitting back down in the front room I eagerly counted down the time until I was due to have a shower, trying to keep myself occupied with things to do and watch on TV despite the time dragging on and suffering from a case of blue-balls. I even managed to have another encounter in the bathroom a couple of hours later on to take a piss which mom was only too happy to oblige, again going through the same routine as before.

Mom made me another cup of tea and with the time approaching 2 o'clock then went up the shops to get some produce for the evening tea as she'd been unable to go shopping with all the furor surrounding my accident. My balls twitched and ached as I waited there expectantly for my upcoming shower, evening feeling a few drops of pre cum entering my tip of my cock.

Half an hour later mom returned and walked into the front room then through to the kitchen with her bag of groceries and went about her chores. While I listened at her movements as she put the contents of the bag away then made herself a drink, my stomach started to turn over with excitement knowing in a sooner or later I would be with mom, naked in the shower together and able to ogle mom's naked body again. Suddenly mom came through the middle door that separated the kitchen and front room and said,

"Well!, it's about time with gotta move on . . . . you ready?"

"Yes mom" I replied trying to conceal my delight about what might happen to me in the next half hour or so. Again mom helped me to my feet and put her hands on my hips as in tandem we again walked into the bathroom as my heart beat at a hundred miles an hour.

"As I said before Mat, just relax and don't be ashamed of being naked in front of one another, I won't be the last woman you're going to be naked in front of and I won't be the last woman you're going to see naked. You'll see a lot worse when you're married ok?"

Mom then guided me to the center of the bathroom where while she was behind me then pulled my bottoms and boxers down in one go then got me to lift each leg at a time while she bent down and pulled the objects from my feet, her face just catching one of my arse cheeks as she did this from being a bit too close.

After completing that task she carefully removed my top and then let it drop to the floor thus allowing me to stand their naked in front of her. I clenched my thighs together, as if I could hide my cock and pubes as she did this, still not getting over my modesty as mom shouted "Woooooh!" to embarrass me from being exposed. Mom then moved around to the front of me and looked straight at my crotch to rub it in. Smiling as she did this and noticing my comfortableness mom said,

"I'm sorry love, I'm like every other mom, it's just that I'm thrilled to notice that my young boy's turning into a man that's all." Mom then started getting stripped off herself saying,

"Suppose it's my turn then!" as she did this.

First mom took her shirt off, opening her buttons one by one in quick succession exposing her bra' then her navel as the shirt flung open. With a quick tug, it slid down her arms and onto the floor letting me see her bra' which was white but thin enough for me to see her nipples and areole's underneath. Then it was the turn of her jeans, which she first unbuttoned then pulled down allowing me to look at her thighs which just like before were as sexy as hell. Her panties were also white and again very thin allowing the darkness of her thick hairy pubes to show through causing her crotch area to balloon out.

Mom smiled continuously as she did this noticing that I'd began to have a hard on from the show she was giving me. Stepping out of the legs to remove her jeans, one leg at a time she then laid them on the toilet, putting the lid down as did this so she could wear them later. Then it was the turn of her undies. Mom lent forward and put her hands behind her back to unclip her bra'. As she did this, her tits swung under her from the lack of support, giving me a tremendous view of her cleavage and nipples which started to go erect from the slightly chilled air in the bathroom.Standing upright and seeing that I was taking everything in, mom asked if I was ok

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