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Mum’s Flower Show Prizes

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Gardening never was so rewarding!
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One of the most pleasing things about living in the country is that I have a nice big garden -- well, massive really. Now I know that not everybody enjoys gardening but I find it a wonderfully relaxing way to pass the time and to get to know the world of nature -- and with a two acre 'spread' there's room enough to do just what I like.

And so, in my garden, I have a bit of everything -- a relaxing pond, a broad patio, sweeping lawns and meandering flower beds, right down to a decent sized vegetable patch. Not to mention an assortment of sheds and a good sized greenhouse. And here, even the climate is good -- generally mild with enough rain to keep things green and enough sun to make them grow well.

And then, to add to the pleasure of country living, there's the Village Flower Show every summer. Well, it isn't just flowers; inevitably it really covers everything and anything that can be made or grown or otherwise produced at home, and I need hardly add, I love to enter as many categories as I can.

And in that, I now have a rival -- my mother!

So this is where I explain how the situation came about.....

I'm Steve and I make a living writing -- mainly science articles and educational study books, and I lecture part-time at a local college. I'm 26 and I'm already divorced with no children, thank heavens, because I'd have felt really sorry for any kids being brought up by two warring parents.

Actually when it came to the crunch, we split up quite easily, despite our fighting.

My wife and I had been living apart -- she moved out some six months or so ago and she soon came across a new love interest who happened to be loaded. So she let me keep everything, much to my relief, because I'd worked hard to be able to buy my lovely country bungalow down here in the southwest of England and I'd have fought tooth and nail to keep it.

So, back to me -- I'm 6'1"; I weigh in at near enough 170 pounds; I'm healthy and fit (all that gardening!) and I'm always horny! My light brown hair is kept cut short; I've got deep-set blue eyes; I work out with my own mini gym ....and what else -- oh yes, I've got an eight inch cock. Honestly. Thought you might ask about that!

Back to the story.....with a three bedroom bungalow to myself, I really rattled in it -- it felt empty. Some of the time I did enjoy the peace, but it was a lonely peace on the whole.

And then my dad went and got himself killed. The police told the coroner that he must have fallen asleep at the wheel and driven straight into the back of the truck by the road -- instant death; that even his nearly new Mercedes couldn't save him from.

Dad, in his late 40s, was a very successful Sales Director in a thriving company -- and needless to say therefore, he was well insured. Their mortgage was paid off; there was enough for a new car for mum (really important -- hers was doing it's best to fall apart!) and still plenty more in the bank. What I also discovered was that my father held a goodly portfolio of shares; often in speculative companies, I soon realised. However, through his risky but ultimately wise investment, they were almost all booming companies and the shares were now worth a hell of a lot more than he'd paid for them. Mum decided that they should be cashed in while they were doing well and the money put into a Trust fund -- and that was all left to the accountants and other financial advisers.

Mum and dad had downsized from a large family house into a roomy bungalow some years ago, but I always got the impression that she wasn't all that happy there. Perhaps it was because it was near to dad's office so he could be on call more easily -- perhaps it was just the overall location but something wasn't entirely right. But they were adults so I left it to them to sort their own problems out.

After dad was killed, Mum was at first distraught and then, remarkably quickly, composed and sensible. Naturally I visited her as often as I could in the months after dad's death and I was very proud of her ability to stand up to adversity so well, but once things had settled down, I left mum to it....she needed her own space as much as I did.

One thing that quickly became apparent though -- mum had no intention of remaining celibate for long!

"Never realised there were so many good looking young men around!" she said one day on the phone, "I'm getting to like the thought of finding a toy boy!"

I was pleased that she'd been able to ride through her bereavement and actually felt proud of her good humour under the circumstances.

Unfortunately, as our homes were some 120 miles apart, despite us being good friends, we didn't get to see a lot of each other so we just chatted on the phone and internet quite a lot.

But eventually I talked mum into coming down to stay with me for an extended 'holiday' as I thought the break would do her good.

So, once the summer kicked in, mum drove down for her visit. I saw her car pull into my driveway and I hurried out to greet her -- and stopped dead in my tracks as she got out of the car.

"Bloody hell mum!" I exclaimed heartily and with a whistle of approval, "Don't you look good!"

Mum stretched herself and then did a slow pirouette, showing off all her radiant charms. She'd gone back in time, in more ways than one. She was wearing a light sixties-style floral summery dress that was so thin it was almost see-through, with a nicely scooped neckline that showed off the tops of her ample breasts and which was short enough to show her finely tanned and shapely legs almost up to her knees.

"Gosh, you look so young too!" I exclaimed as I continued to look her over.

Her hair was loose but fell in waves behind her; auburn waves that glowed with life and warmth. Mum's eyes were dark hazel, unlike mine which matched dad's blue eyes -- and they were so warm and friendly..... I managed to get my mind back to reality.

"Wow! And you've lost so much weight, mum," I said, somewhat unnecessarily (but knowing that women enjoy a bit of praise!) and was answered with a quick nodding of the head and a huge grin.

"Came off so easily," she purred, "got rid of almost two stone. Change of diet and some good work at the health club, that's all."

"You -- health club?" I said, somewhat surprised, "But then, why not?"

"It's lovely!" she said, "It's all so luxurious....and my instructor -- phew! Isn't he something!"

"Muuuuum!" I said, never really having heard her showing an interest in other men, "Behave!"

"I have, worst luck!" she chuckled, "But I think he's gay, so I can look but it's a waste of time touching. Pity -- I'd love to have my own toy boy!"

"Haven't you found one yet?" I teased her, now remembering our phone conversation.

"Still looking at the produce!" she said with a big wink.

I shook my head as I grabbed her bags and we walked up to the house. Mum was all eyes -- she'd not seen my house and garden for some years and I'd spent plenty on it and done a lot to it in that time.

"Oh darling, isn't that lovely!" she said as she saw the patio which led to the landscaped pond with its little fountain. She laid her hand on my arm and her fingers squeezed me happily.

"Oh and look at those flowers!" she said pointing, "Aren't they gorgeous! Oh, and you've got a sweet little rose arbour!"

Mum was ecstatic -- turning round and around and enjoying all the fruits of my labours.

"Even the grass looks so green!" she said, kicking off her shoes and dancing bare-footed across the lawn.

"Oh gosh -- and just look at your vegetables too!" she gasped excitedly, "Oh Steve, it all looks so lovely -- so productive -- so well looked after....oh you clever boy!"

Praise indeed and I was glowing with pride as I watched her enjoyment.

Still prancing around, mum bounced over to me and gave me a big kiss -- right on the lips.

Now mum and I have always been close and whenever we've kissed hello or goodbye, we've always kissed lips -- but this was different. This time mum had almost flung herself at me to kiss me and with her bags in my hands I was defenceless. So when she came to kiss me, her body had sort of crushed against me and as she stretched upwards I felt her heavenly curves squash against my chest and even as she pulled away her stomach pushed intimately against my abdomen.

Quickly I span round -- because in those few seconds, my cock had been awakened by that ripe female body and had sprung into almost full erection! Unless I could distract her, mum couldn't help but see my condition, so I started off for the house.

"Come on mum -- lots of time for a look around. Let me get rid of your bags," I said, to distract both my mind and my mum, "then we can sit out here with a drink. Fancy something?"

"Love something cold," she said following me, her eyes still wandering around my domain, "Vodka and something with plenty of ice would be great."

My bungalow, on which I'd had some alterations made when I first bought it, was laid out with a wide central hall leading from the front door with the three big bedrooms on the left and the lounge, diner and kitchen on the right. The bathroom and toilet were off the end of the house in a designed extension that also held a laundry room. Off the lounge, to the side, there was a large double-glazed conservatory which in turn opened onto the patio, and it was through that that we made our way into the house.

By the time we got to her room therefore, mum had seen most of the house and she was beaming with pleasure and obvious satisfaction.

I opened the door to the guest bedroom and plonked mum's bags down. I waved my arm around the room, bowing low as I did so.

"Good enough for madam?" I said in my best 'posh' voice.

The guest bedroom had been huge, so I'd had a section of it enclosed and had a shower installed along with a toilet and wash basin and it now made a very comfy mini-suite for guests -- not that I'd had many.

"Wonderful darling -- it's lovely!"

She came and kissed me again and this time my arms were free, so I wrapped them round her. Together we hugged and swayed as loads of emotions rose almost to the surface. I leaned down and kissed mum again -- she responded, hard.

'No -- no -- we mustn't!' I thought as I felt my body reacting again, 'None of that!'

I let her go and mum sort of shrank back as if reluctantly.

"I'll let you change, mum, then come and join me," I said, leaving her to unpack and freshen up.

By the time I'd composed myself and fixed some drinks I was just in time to meet mum as she left her room to join me and the sight almost made me drop the drinks. My 'new' mum was one long surprise and intentionally or otherwise, she had shocked me to the core!

It was a lovely warm summer's early afternoon and mum was obviously intending to make the most of it. She was wearing a powder blue cropped towelling top without a bra and matching tiny shorts with just flip-flops and sunglasses as her accessories. I wondered if she was even wearing knickers but then thrust that thought aside quickly. There was now a lot more exposed flesh than before and I couldn't help but stare at her. Her legs seemed endlessly long -- toned and tanned and delicious -- not that I'm even a leg man!

Her trim tanned middle was exposed, revealing a piercing at her navel with a blue stone pendant.

But it was her breasts that stood out -- literally! Now that she's dispensed with the floral flounces of her dress and was only clad in towelling material, her charms were more than evident! Mum had always been well 'stacked' -- I gathered that she'd been size 40D when she'd been nursing me, and she was probably still at least a 38C. But you needed to add a couple of inches for her nipples! They stood out so prominently that quite frankly I was surprised at mum's audacity at wearing what she did.

I couldn't help but stare and mum caught me! She smiled broadly and did another one of her slow twirls, this time showing off her pert derriere to its best advantage!

"So how do I look?" she said, shaking her nipple-pointed breasts at me. "Lost all that weight and most of it's gone from down below. No fat here," she slapped her bum and thighs, "and it's left my boobs looking even better, don't you think?"

Ummm, yeahhhh," I stumbled, "Definitely!"

"Hmmm -- is that all the praise I get for all my efforts?" she said, wrapping her arm round my waist as we walked outside into the sun.

"Well, what am I suppose to say, mum?" I answered as we reached the patio and the sun loungers. "If I say you look hot I'll be in trouble and if I just say you look good, I won't have said enough, it seems."

I put the drinks down and sat down but mum remained standing. She leaned forward over me and braced herself; her hands on her thighs, so that her breasts were scant inches from my face. She looked down at her breasts and then back to my face.

"Stevie darling," she said, "I don't like to say this but your dad spent too much time working and not enough time on me. I know I can't really complain because he did so well for himself, but I got left behind. And now he's gone I've decided that I want to catch up the first thing I've done is to get into shape again. So tell me -- how do I really look? And be honest!"

I put my hands up on the sides of mum's face, stretched up and kissed her -- she responded generously. I pushed her away but held my hands in place, gently cupping her pretty face.

"Mum -- you look better than I've seen you in years -- you look so much younger -- you look a million dollars -- and if you were mine, I'd be so proud of you," I said, "And I bet dad was too. But I suppose that's where people need to find a balance, isn't it, that dad didn't. Work or play!"

"Play!" said mum with a 'hmmmph'! "I'm not play -- I'm for real, not a trophy wife. And I was now, while I'm still not too old, I'm going to catch up."

'Hmmmm!' I thought, my eyes dropping to her cleavage again, 'If you weren't my mum, I wouldn't mind a bit of play with you!'

I pushed her upright -- mum was steaming a bit and needed to cool down.

"Mum -- sit down, relax," I said, rising up and then pushing mum down onto the other lounger. "Here -- here's your drink. Now calm down. Unwind."

I squatted beside her lounger as she leaned back. I'd set the loungers with the top ends raised so they were almost chair-shaped and mum was sitting, reclining somewhat now.

"Listen mum," I started, "I'll try to be honest. When I first saw you today I could hardly believe you were even old enough to be my mum -- you look so young and fresh. And your figure is absolutely hot -- no question. And as a bloke, you set everything racing and I mean everything....but you're my mum, for God's sake, so I can't really say all that. But I have -- so please forgive me and try to understand my situation. But as my mum, I'd love you even if you looked like a sack of spuds!"

"Arsehole!" mum answered, laughing. "Take that last bit back.....but thanks for the rest. I love you Stevie."

"And I love you too," I replied, settling back onto my lounger. I reached out and we could just about touch fingers across the gap. I promptly got up and slid my lounger quite a bit closer.

"Better?" I said as I touched her shoulder from my position.

"Much" said mum softly and giving me a big beaming smile.

For a while we just leaned back and enjoyed the early afternoon sun -- which for Britain was being remarkably warm and enjoyable. We occasionally supped our drinks and we chatted and every so often I got up and replenished them and eventually mum had relaxed while the heat had begun to ease off too.

"Come on then; time to do something. Let me see the rest of your estate," said mum eventually, so I prised myself from my lounger and together we set off for a look around.

Together we admired the pond, bedecked with waterlilies and occasional dragonflies; with the fountain gently splashing water around and with goldfish slurping at the food we threw on the surface -- and went on to look at the borders of flowers and shrubs that my mother was so fond of. We watched the butterflies and bees as they danced and wove over the flowers.

The trees were in full leaf, casting inviting waving shadows here and there and the warm scent of summer was in the air.

"Oh darling," she said, holding my arm, "Where on earth did you learn to make it look so good?"

"From you, mum," I said, "You taught me, even if you didn't know it. I watched you and learned from you -- and now I'm delighted to be able to emulate you."

Mum pulled me to her and her strong arm squeezed me against her assets.

"Oh sweetheart -- that's lovely," she said as she gave me another kiss, "I never really knew."

Hopefully she'd never know what her squeezing had done either! Because once again my cock had immediately risen as she squeezed me and I was fast finding out that a penis has no concerns about incest or any other sexual deviations!

Gradually we worked our way round what my mother had called my 'estate' and eventually we reached my 'prize' garden, as I called it -- the area I'd set aside and nurtured to produce my best for the Flower Show entries.

Alongside it was my greenhouse, which seemed to be stuffed full of greenery as well.

Mum looked at me quizzically as we explored.

"What's all this then?" she asked, driven by curiosity but bristling a bit. So I told her.....about my efforts and successes at the local flower show.

"WHAT!" she almost screamed, "I WIN at flower shows -- so what do you think you're up to?"

"Hey -- it's not a God-given right for you to win, you know" I answered, a bit peeved.

"But I'M the one in the family who's won cups for my produce and flowers," she said.

"You WERE the only one but now I win them too!" I said happily.

I explained to her that it was she who'd led me to try to garden better than others and that now I'd got the finances to do things properly, I was enjoying getting the best from my garden and getting something back for my efforts.

But mum was bouncing again -- I mean bouncing with tension or something! She just didn't know what to say! So I tried to take over.

"Mum," I started, "Firstly I didn't know you still entered shows and secondly, what's wrong with me trying to keep up with you then?"

"Nothing, well, nothing really," said mum cooling somewhat, "It's just....well, you've beaten me.....!"

And she seemed to deflate -- so I quickly turned and held her, almost supported her as we clung together.

"What's the matter mum," I asked.

She unwound and seemingly realising that she'd become too tense, she leaned in to me, her firm breasts pushing against my arm.

"Oh darling," she said, getting herself a bit emotional again, "At our old home everything was right and I always won cups and awards as you well know, but since your dad and I moved, things haven't been right at all. I've tried to win prizes at our flower show but I seldom can. I haven't won anything for ages. The soil isn't good enough where we are and it's too far north for my liking and your dad wouldn't let me have a greenhouse. Waste of money, he said -- and now here you are, doing so much better than I've been able to do. I know inside that I'm really quite a good gardener, but I've had no chance for years and it just annoys me to see you doing so well. So I'm sorry and all that."

I just gave mum a warm squeeze and let the matter drop rather than let her get in a bad mood. She'd opened up to me but she didn't need reminding just how well I'd been doing while she'd been unable to compete.

And anyway, my mind was now tumbling over itself -- full of ideas as we moved round the garden and back to the loungers. I'd had a thought that seemed to be a good idea.....

We sat back down.

"Mum," I started, "This is just an idea.... But why don't you and I combine our efforts? Couldn't you come and live here? With me -- together. We could either work together to win everything -- or we could compete. Be fun to try.....wouldn't you like to, because I think I'd love to have you here."

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