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Mum, Sis and Bro. Pt. 08

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The twin's adventure continues.
10.6k words

Part 8 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/19/2020
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At last the sat nav said there was only 10 Km's to go to our hotel. I wasn't a very experienced driver, the last 200Kms had been torture. The motorway traffic had been horrendous, almost as soon as we crossed into France, our average speed had been less than 60Kph. Meaning a 5-hour journey had turned into almost 8. Turning left onto a small road, we almost collided with a Tractor as my tired brain forgot to drive on the right. At last the hotel came into sight, I was impressed, my sister had good taste. The hotel was a large old Château, perched on a rocky outcrop.

"Wow I am impressed sis, this must have cost a fortune though."

"Well I thought we could do with a chance to recharge our batteries, 300 Euro's for 2 night's, it includes breakfast and dinner. It will be nice to just go for walks, enjoy the facilities and each other's company. I really need to get off the carousel of non-stop sex and booze for a few days.

As we pulled up outside the entrance, I had to agree with her. My cock was sore, and my body ached, thinking about it, Beth had, had even more sex than I had. On the way down we had swapped stories of our adventure's. It seemed that Mabel was almost insatiable, Harrys cock had left Beth feeling battered and bruised. Although she did enjoy the feeling as his cock stretched her and reached further inside her, than anybody had before. As we got out of the car, Beth looked at me.

"Do you think we can go without sex for the next few days? I have cum so much in the last week, my stomach muscles ache and I had bad cramp last night, not to mention my pussy feels red raw."

Grinning, I assured her, that was not a problem as I was also suffering. Checking in, we wearily walked to our room. It was on the third floor and was a suite, opening the curtains in the small lounge, I saw we had a great view over the garden and valley. With a large river and mountains in the distance, looking at my watch I saw it was almost 8pm, going to the restaurant we enjoyed mussel salads, covered with an exquisite, fish and pepper sauce.

Going upstairs we looked at some local guides, we had picked up from the lobby. I was having trouble concentrating on the maps and text of the books as I could feel the exhaustion creeping over me. I was sound asleep by 10pm as Beth and I cuddled on the large bed.

Waking the next morning, I was alone, but could hear Beth's singing coming from the bathroom. Beth, maybe the nicest person you could meet, however she was not blessed with a singing voice. As she screeched her way through "Yellow brick road," I stumbled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. Laying in the tub, busily washing herself, she was oblivious to my presence.

Watching my sister was one of my favourite pass times, I just couldn't get enough of her natural beauty and grace. As I watched her wash her hair, she rinsed off, sliding down the tub and dipping her head under the water. This caused her bottom to rise, exposing the swelling of her mons, I knew we were on a sex break, my cock, however, didn't seem to care.

Noticing me, "Morning Mike, how long have you been there?"

Noticing my swollen cock, she shook her head in disbelief "Unbelievable, how can you want more?"

"I don't but like you I am not in control of all parts of my body" I answered, nodding towards her swollen nipples, standing proud on her tanned skin. Giggling she drew her arm up to cover her nipples "Must be a draft in here."

As I showered, my cock gradually went down, turning the shower off, I was drying myself as Beth came in.

"You know if you need sex, I was only joking about, the few days off. I am always here if you need me. I am still a little sore, but the sight of your hard cock, has got me soaking wet, well that and twiddling my clit, just a little," She grinned. Parting her legs, she moved a finger along her slot, showing me her wetness.

"Wow, sis you are a horny bitch, but no, lets, wait until tonight."

Hugging me, her eyes said it all, her pussy was still as uncomfortable as my cock had been as it stiffened, pulling my foreskin back over my tender bell end.

Realizing we were too late for breakfast we dressed in shorts and t shirts, facing me, Beth asked.

"Do I look ok, don't want to wear a bra, have put some tissue over my nipples as don't want men leering at me, really can't be bothered with makeup."

Assuring her she looked stunning, we held hands as we walked into the bright sunshine. Walking down to the river we kissed and put our arms round each other, behaving like the newlyweds we were, or soon would be. At the bottom of the hill, the river was directly in front of us, looking to our right we could see a road and separate foot bridge, that seemed to go into the centre of the small town.

Browsing the small shopping centre, we came across a jewellers, right in the centre of the window, was exactly what I wanted. Dragging Beth into the small shop, I asked the assistant, in my best schoolboy French, to get tray A1 from the window.

Smiling, she replied, "certainly sir", in perfect English.

The ring set I was looking at was a Diamond and Sapphire engagement ring, Sapphire is our birth stone. The beautifully crafted design on the wedding band, made my mind up. Tugging the old ring off Beth's finger I slipped the engagement and wedding band on, they fitted perfectly. We couldn't afford a proper ring when we got married, I explained to the assistant.

"Do you like them?" Beth threw her arms around my neck and wept.

"They are beautiful, thank you, so much," she whispered as tears ran down her cheeks.

The assistant offered me a matching wedding band, trying it on, it was too small.

"That is not a problem, our in-house Jeweller, who made the rings, will alter that for you, all done by tomorrow." The assistant said.

"Oh, we will be leaving early in the morning, as we still have a long way to go."

Asking us to wait she went out the back, coming back she smiled as she told us to come back at 5pm. Stepping into the street, Beth almost walked into a lamp post as she held her hand out admiring her rings.

"Oh Mike, they are fabulous, thank god Harry gave us that extra money, 750 euros is a lot, they are lovely though. I feel married and very happy, I have dreamed off this moment since we were children playing by the old green house. I hope I can make you as happy as you do me."

Assuring her I was very happy, we walked to the local Café for a delicious breakfast of eggs, bacon and waffles. Walking down to the river, we saw some hire boats, it was the end of the season, so the guy was pleased to see us, looking at a 5-metre day boat. That is normally 15 Euro's + fuel an hour, you can take it for the day for 50 Euro's.

Glancing at Beth's rings sparkling in the sunshine, "you are newlyweds?" As we nodded shyly, he said.

"OK, forget the fuel charge, It's my gift."

Happy that we could handle the boat, he gave us a small map, threw the morning line into the bow and pushed us off. Waving goodbye, we headed up the river, the 35 hp Mercury outboard, pushed the small boat along easily and quietly, against the current. When we were clear of the moorings, I pushed the throttle forwards a little as Beth snuggled into my shoulder.

The map showed that the large river split into 2, with a much smaller river leading off to the right. Turning into the small tributary, I slowed the boat as we meandered around some bends. After a mile or so, the river opened into a large mill pond, looking up Beth pointed to an old building at the top of the pond.

"Can we go and have a look, I like looking at old buildings."

Shrugging my shoulders, I headed for the small landing staithe, Pulling the ignition key, we went to look at the old mill. Walking around the front of the building we saw it had been made into a museum, a few of the outbuildings had been converted to shops. Paying the 5-euro entrance fee, we had a great couple of hours, practising our French as the guide did his best to explain how the mill worked.

Leaving the mill led us into the small shopping precinct, all the shops had end of season sales, I bought a light bomber style jacket, 2 pairs of trousers and 3 shirts, the ticket price was 370 euro's I paid 185. Beth was looking thoughtfully at a green and white dress, checking it was her size she took it to the changing room.

Coming out to show me, she took my breath away. The dress was a strapless summer design. Tight fitting at the top, it showed her breasts and tanned shoulders to perfection. Flowing over the swell of her hips the hem was about 5" above her knees. Her smile was dazzling as she looked in the full-length mirror, feeling my cock start to stir, I looked on with pride at my new wife. Seeing my look of approval, she said, she would keep it on. Spotting a pair of green shoe's, with 1.5" heel's that matched the dress, completed the outfit. A ticket price of nearly 120 euros were reduced to 80.

Happy with our purchases, we bought some filled rolls and a can of coke. Going back to the boat I helped Beth aboard as she was struggling with her new, slippery shoes and short dress. Putting my hands underneath her arm's I easily lifted her aboard. As we slowly cruised down the small river, we ate our roll's and glugged our cokes, as the sun blazed down on us.

Seeing a small landing staithe, we moored up, under a large tree. Enjoying the shade, we kissed and cuddled as we made plans to announce to the family, that we wanted to be considered Man and Wife. Standing up, Beth announced, that she wanted a swim. Lifting her dress over her head, she took her panties off and slipped into the water,

"Its lovely, really it is, nowhere near as cold as the lake."

Watching her swim around, pulling my shorts and t shirt off I joined her. The cold water was a bit of a shock, but it was great as it washed my sweaty body. Swimming after Beth, I knew I had no chance of catching her as she was a much better and faster swimmer than me. After 30 minutes of good fun, we hauled ourselves onto the boat, letting the sun dry and warm our skin. Falling asleep in each other's arms I woke with a start, glancing at my watch I saw it was 3.30, waking Beth, we dressed quickly.

Joining the main river, I pushed the throttle to the stops, arriving back at 4.45. Thanking the guy, we rushed to the jewellers. Giving the ring to Beth, she slid it on my finger, your mine now, she chuckled. Walking back up the steep hill, it was still very hot, by the time we walked into the lobby my t shirt was slick on my back.

Jumping into the shower, the hot water refreshed me as I washed the sweat from my skin. I was surprised at how dirty I was, I assume it was from our swim. As I finished my shower, Beth called to me.

"Come share my bath, it is luxurious and has a spa function."

As I walked towards the tub she was bent over the bath, swirling the water to mix in the bath oil. With her legs slightly apart, I couldn't help but admire her butt. Feeling my cock start to fill I watched as she leaned forward a little more, to reach a stubborn piece of the oil, stuck to the side of the bath.

Turning towards me she had a huge grin on her face, grinning back I realised I was being teased.

"Oh, Lady, you are going to suffer for that later"

Enjoying our bath, we started off facing each other, after a while, Beth moved and sat between my legs. We laughed and chattered until the water was nearly cold. Drying ourselves, I dressed in my new trousers and a shirt, Beth wore a black skirt, slit to her thigh with a cream blouse. Going to the dinning room we enjoyed a glass of wine as we waited for our starter's. As Beth's French was terrible, I ordered for us.

Giggling to myself I ordered rare steaks in a cheese sauce with Escargots and salad. Knowing Beth would freak out, I asked for them with shell in a champagne sauce. Remembering her reaction to a snail in the garden once, I snickered to myself, Payback time!

As our plates arrived, I saw that Beth's salad, covered most of her snails, looking at me grinning at her, she looked quizzically. As we ate, she commented on the superb steak, hardly able to contain myself I watched as she tucked into her salad. Letting out a shriek, she jumped up and backed away from the table, I nearly fell off my chair with laughter. Realising all the other diners were looking at her, she sat down. Saying through gritted teeth,

"I have fucking snails on my plate."

"Yes, I know, bloody delicious they are to," I said, as I picked one from her plate, picked it from the shell and stuck it in my mouth. The look of disbelief on her face, just increased my mirth." You should try one," I said, between giggles, they really are delicious, as I picked one from its shell and offered it to her. Expecting her to back away I was astounded as she took it into her mouth. Nodding her head in agreement she soon ate the rest with her salad.

Deciding neither of us wanted pudding, we opted to have a look around the hotel. Going down to the basement, we both wished we had costumes with us as we looked at the shimmering water of a swimming pool. As we prepared to leave, we saw 2 girls from the hotel staff, come into the pool area. Stopping by the edge of the pool, they started to undress. Putting their uniforms in a neat pile they stepped into the pool, sharing a kiss they started to swim laps of the pool. Having enjoyed the strip show, we watched, as the girls swam.

Reaching the shallow end, they stood up. The youngest girl's breasts were truly superb, large firm orbs, topped with large dark nipples. As they continued to kiss and fondle each other I could feel my cock swelling, Beth, was obviously as turned on as I was, sliding her hand under her skirt. Moving behind her I lifted her skirt over her arse, inhaling her musky scent, I pulled her thong to one side and guided my rock-hard cock to her pussy.

Plunging into her softness, I gently kissed her neck and nibbled her ear as we watched. The elder girl lifted the small blonde onto the side of the pool and licked her to a noisy orgasm. With my cock buried to the hilt, I felt Beth's pussy flex as she watched the girl in the throes of orgasmic pleasure. Reaching between her leg's Beth started to frig her clit, slowly and gently at 1st, her urgency increasing as her orgasm swept over her. Her pussy seemed to ripple along the entire length of my cock, as it squeezed and flexed. Burying her face into her arm to stifle her scream as she came, her pussy poured her nectar all over my bell end.

Slumping forward as she started to come down, I withdrew from her, Beth had obviously cum very hard and was still shaky as I guided her up the stairs, to the garden.

"Oh, fuck I have turned into a pervert, I had to frig myself, that was the most erotic thing I have ever seen! It was incredible, I like girl sex, but absolutely love watching it, especially when they don't know we are there, she gasped."

Holding her, she eventually relaxed and cuddled into my shoulders.

"Shall we go to bed, I really need you to shoot your load deep into my cunt, safe to say, our sex embargo has ended."

Beth never used the C word, so I knew she must be really uptight.

Going to the room, Beth was undoing her skirt and blouse as we got into the room, ripping her panties off, she grabbed me and pulled my head to her pussy. Taking my time, I started at her arse, slowly running my tongue up the outside of her pussy, across her clit and back down the other side, Beth moaned and bucked her hips as I reached her hole. Beth was incredibly wet, and her pussy was gaping open.

Flattening my tongue against her arsehole, I licked all the way up her slot, before sucking her swollen clit in between my lips The violence of her orgasm surprised me, squeezing her legs together as she squealed and shook, I felt my head being squashed between her soft thighs. Releasing me, she spread her legs wide, pulling me up her body I felt the heat from her pussy on my knob end. Sliding into her velvet softness, she bucked her hips, indicating she wanted fucking hard and fast.

Lifting her legs onto my shoulders, I banged her as hard as I could. I lost count of how many times she came before my I erupted deep inside her as my cock banged into her cervix. Rolling off, I snuggled into her and waited for her to calm down, gently stroking the small of her back. Hearing her breathing become regular, I realised she had fallen asleep. Shifting my arm slightly, I settled down and soon fell asleep.

In the morning, I woke as Beth's soft lips wrapped around my shaft, laying back I moaned with pleasure as my sister, best friend, lover and now my wife expertly sucked my cock rock hard. Reaching for her breast, she swatted my hand away as she straddled me. Just lay there and let me pleasure you, doing as I was told I laid back, luxuriating in the feeling as she slowly worked my cock into her tight pussy. After a few strokes, she turned around and I watched as my cock forced into her hole.

Pulling herself apart with her hands, so I could see everything she bounced up and down. Watching her pussy grip my cock as it slid in and out, was fantastic and soon I could feel my spunk rising. Timing it perfectly, Beth slammed down on me as I painted her insides with ropes of thick cum. Squeezing my cock with her powerful muscles it felt like she was milking me, draining my balls dry.

Flopping beside me, "Figured I owed you that, I was a little selfish last night.

Sharing the shower, we dressed and almost skipped downstairs for breakfast. Enjoying bacon on French toast, we excitedly chattered and planned the rest of our trip. We had booked the nudist camp for 3 days, then we planned to travel down to Spain and Portugal. Looking serious, Beth asked if I liked,

"Watching her with girls and other men. I know I said that my pussy was just for you, but I like watching you with other girls."

"Well I am getting used to it, have to admit I do feel a little, ok quite a lot of jealousy."

"Well so do I, but I also find it incredibly sexy, would it bother you if I filmed you having sex? Would love to secretly film us having a 3 or 4 some, to be honest I would like to try a gangbang as well." Beth said, looking a little shame faced.

"Well we will have to see what can be arranged," I said, hugging and kissing her.

Gathering our bags, we checked out and loaded the car up, the cavernous boot of the Citroen looking a lot fuller than when we had left Switzerland. Joining the motorway, I was relieved to see that traffic was a lot lighter, clicking the cruise control on at a 120 Kph we settled down into the large comfortable seats.

Apart from slowing at the toll booths for the Tag, that Harry had given us, to open the barrier, we hadn't dropped below 120 Kph in over 200 kms. Seeing some services, we pulled in, filled up with diesel and stretched our legs as we drank our coffee. Getting back on the motorway, the sat nav said we had about 290 kms to go, agreeing we would stop for lunch in a couple of hours, we chattered about everything and nothing as the miles rolled away. After a stop for lunch, we covered the last few miles to the naturist campsite.

Booking in, we were shown to our tent, it was a huge frame tent, not at all what I had imagined. Carefully explaining the rules of the site and nudist etiquette, wishing us a lovely holiday our host left. Exploring our home for the next 3 days and 4 night's I was impressed, It had 2 bedrooms a toilet and a shower, The lounge area had comfortable chairs and a settee, with a small kitchen to 1 side. Flopping on a chair I started to read the info book, struggling with French, I swore loudly, when I realised their was a whole section in English.

"What's up with you, heard you swear."

"Oh, sorry, nothing just my own stupidity."

Putting the book down, I turned to look at her. She was totally nude and looked a million dollars. Her hair was loose and spilled over her shoulders, it didn't seem to matter how many times I saw her nude, her body was fantastic. Her skin was flawless, her generous breasts topped with large dark pink nipples, her muscular, flat stomach. Dipping further my eyes took in her mons, with her legs slightly apart I could just see, the bulge of her long, pink sex lips. Her legs are sublime, long and shapely, her feet are small and dainty.

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