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Mum's Assistance is Required

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Mum's assistance is required after a work accident.
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Thank you so much for reading my story, I hope that you enjoy it. I love to receive feedback and hear what you liked or didn't. xx Mica

As always, everyone is over 18

Josh, my son, had an accident at work. Nearly serious, but bad enough. I was waiting at Casualty to collect him and take him to his home. We could then pick up the things he needed, and then take him back to our house, he would have to stay with us until his stitches were out in about ten days' time, then, depending on how it went, he would either stay with us a bit longer or go back to his.

"Hi mum." Josh walked out through the automatic doors to the waiting area where I was.

"How are the hands?"

"Numb mum, they are full of local anaesthetic, which reminds me, we have to go to the hospital pharmacy to pick up my meds. They said it was to the left out of A&E."

I looked at the signage over the door, and yes, it was that way.

"Right then baby, lets go. Have you go everything? Do you need to go to work and pick stuff up?"

"No mum, but my car is there, I need to collect that before I can get mobile again. Everything else I need is at home."

"Okay, well me and your dad will sort your car out later, let's get your meds."

There was an irritatingly long wait at the Pharmacy whilst they sorted out his drugs. He also had a letter to give to the GP, and an instruction to make an appointment with them when we got home. Whilst we waited Josh explained what had happened. He had been in the warehouse walking up an aisle and he heard a creak. Looking up he saw the shelving moving. He managed to jump back as it all came crashing down.

"Luckily, I heard it move, otherwise it would have landed on my head and that would have been game over. I doubt the hard hat would have saved me."

"You are very, very lucky."

"Yes mum. Something also cut my chest, again, easily could have gone in and done damage."

"I suspect the Health and Safety people are going to have something to say."

"Probably mum. We will see what happens, I hope I don't lose my job over this."

"Well, if you do, you can sue them for damages."

When we finally got home after a diversion to pick up some of his clothes, I got the bloody and torn shirt off, no messing, I just cut it off with the kitchen scissors. I might hang on to it in case there is a court case. A tight waterproof dressing covered a cut on his left breast. Close to his heart. Yes, it could have been much worse.

"Right then. This is going to be awkward as you can't do anything."

"What do you mean mum, I am okay. Just got bandaged hands is all."

"Okay. How are you going to go to the loo?"

"Well, I'll... I see what you mean."

"I have a solution. Wait here."

I went to our wardrobe and sorted out one of Phil's nightshirts.

"Right then Josh. You can wear this, it is your dad's nightshirt. No need for anything else, it keeps everything covered. When you want the loo, you can use your bandaged hands to pull your nightshirt up, sit on the loo, and do what you need."

"A nightie mum? Really?"


"Dad actually wears a nightie?" He laughed.

"Stop it. It is either that or you are naked. How will that make you feel?"

"Yes mum. Er, mum, what about if I poo?"

"Just call me and I will wipe your bottom. You can lean forward and I can just use a wet wipe. It will be fine. Let's just avoid curries for a while."

"Okay mum. I suppose."

I put the nightshirt over his head, we managed to get his bandaged hands through the sleeves, and then it was time for the rest of his clothes.

"Sit on the edge of the bed, I'll get your socks and shoes."

He sat and I undid the laces on his trainers and pulled them off, and then his socks.

"Right, stand up, let's get the rest off. You turn away from me and hold your night shirt up, I will reach around and undo your trousers and pull them down."

"God this is so annoying mum."

"Maybe, but you are alive to be annoyed." I reached around, undid the belt, then the waistband, grabbed his trousers and pants and pulled them down in one movement. He stepped out of them.

"Right. You are decently covered. You can do much for yourself. Your dad or me will have to feed you. Cold drinks and a straw will be okay. You can use Alexa to control the TV and lights, so, pretty much we should be okay. I can liquidise your food and give you a big straw if you prefer."

"God no mum, I'm not a baby."

Getting a doctor's appointment proved impossible. Since the pandemic they hardly ever saw anyone face to face. They gave me an appointment to see the nurse in a weeks time to change his dressings and check his stitches. If Josh started having issues then I could phone back and they would re-evaluate. The health service in this country had gone to the dogs I decided, although the hospital did a fine job looking after Josh.

Josh's boss phoned me, she said he absolutely had nothing to worry about, one hundred percent not his fault. They would keep paying his full salary whilst he was off, they were all so pleased that he had not been more seriously hurt. They were investigating the causes and would implement whatever to make sure it couldn't happen again.

Life went on slow for a few days. Josh's medication made him quite sleepy, and Paul and I took it in turns to help him eat, the toilet situation was not an issue, I had to use the wet wipes once and it was just methodical.

Some girls from his office popped in to see him, I left them to it in the front room, there was a degree of giggling and what sounded a bit like banter. My mum came over and sat with him for a while, I took that opportunity to nip to the supermarket and get some much needed food. I got minced meats, I could do easy things to eat like Cottage pie, Shepherds pie, Spaghetti Bolognese, that sort of thing, easy to spoon up and feed Josh with.

Paul had checked in with Josh, "he wants a chat with you about something, no idea what." Paul had said as he ate his toast before going into the office.

"Fair enough. I'll take him a flask of coffee up when you've gone, he can talk to me then if he wants."

With much trial and effort, I had discovered a drinks flask that we could make work. It had a top that popped up, and he could open that with his chin or nose. It then revealed a drinking spout, Josh could grip the flask with his arms and get himself a hot drink. He could shut it again with his chin. It gave him a warm drink throughout the morning. In the afternoons he preferred cold drinks.

I gave Paul a kiss and a cuddle and he went off to work. I made Paul his flask and took it into him, I would go and get showered and dressed later, but first I wanted to know what he wanted to see me about.

"I have a problem mum. A real problem."

"Okay, well, tell me."

"It is difficult mum, honestly I have been wanting to say something for days, but, I can't. It is too embarrassing mum."

"Don't be silly Josh, I am your mum, you can say anything to me, and your dad. Anything, to either of us."

"God mum, no, not dad, not this."

I was getting worried, what could it possibly be that he needed to talk to me about rather than his dad.

"Okay Josh. It's okay. Tell me what the issue is."

Using his wrists he pulled the quilt off him. Ah, there it was. He had an erection.

"I usually deal with it everyday mum, but I can't, not with my hands like this."

"Okay." I paused, unsure how to move forward. Obviously as a young man he would masturbate frequently, most men do, Paul does, perhaps not as frequently as Josh, but still. When I have my period, I sometimes masturbate Paul. I don't enjoy it, it is tiring, I prefer to use my mouth, but that is just me.

"What do you mean 'okay' mum?"

"Well, I mean I can obviously see the issue, but I am not sure how I can help."

"Oh God mum this is so embarrassing."

He paused and then looked me in the eye.

"Mum, can you, you know, use your hand? Please? I need relief."

Oh my. I had not expected that.

"Oh. Is there no other way, a girlfriend, I could make sure that you have privacy."

"Mum, I don't have a girlfriend that I am intimate with at the moment, you are my only hope."

He made it sound like a life and death situation.

"Josh, I am not sure, I mean I don't think anyone ever died from lack of masturbating."

"It's not a joke mum, it is serious, my balls hurt so much, my cock is pretty much fully hard all the time. I need, I mean really need, relief."

"Wait." I went into my bedroom and got my eye mask and some hand cream. If I was going to do this, he wasn't going to watch.

Back in his bedroom I put the eye mask on him.

"You're not going to watch. This is medical, this is not for you to get your jollies."

"Oh God, thank you mum." I could see him physically relax. I pulled the night shirt up to reveal his penis.

It was, as I already knew, hard. Pointing up almost vertically and leaning slightly to the left. His foreskin had retracted down a little, such was his arousal. He was around the same size as his dad, and then I chided myself for doing a comparison. I should just get on with it.

I squirted some cream onto the palm of my right hand and leant forward and took a hold of his penis. My Lord it was hard, really hard. It twitched as I held it and I started to masturbate my son. I moved my hand up and down, pushing his foreskin down as far as it would go, the end of his penis revealing itself as I pushed the skin right down, and then hiding itself again behind the wrinkle of skin as I pulled back up.

Josh was mumbling and I could see his bandaged hands pushing down into the mattress. I began to go a little faster, I squeezed his penis a little harder and I could feel his pulse in my hand. I never knew a man had a pulse in his penis.

It seemed to take forever, but was probably only four or five minutes, but I was really tiring. Josh suddenly screamed a 'yes', and he ejaculated, his semen arcing in the air. I kept going a little but slowed down and then stopped after the third eruption. This would take a fair few baby wipes to clean up.

"God, mum, thank you, oh my God, that felt so good."

"Well, Josh, this is not something a mum should do, you must make sure you never, ever tell anyone. Ever."

"God no mum, what am I going to say? My mum wanked me? Anyone I could tell would just laugh at me and call me a mummies boy."

"Just as long as we understand each other. Wait whilst I clean up." I took some baby wipes and cleaned him up as best as I could, then I took the eye mask off. His eyes were gleaming and his face was smiling.

"Seriously mum, thank you."

"Okay, right, I am going to get a shower."

Leaving him to it I went to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I noticed that some of his semen had spilled onto my nightie, oh well, a quick wash and it would be fine. I stripped and got into the shower and let the water fall over me.

I was standing there trying very hard not to think of Josh's penis when he walked in, lifted his nightshirt and sat on the loo.

"Josh, I am showering, couldn't you wait, I don't like to be exposed in front of my son."

"God, mum, you are fantastic, wow."

"Josh, inappropriate."

"No I couldn't wait, and you have seen me naked, you look bloody hot mum, seriously."

"Not what you should be thinking Josh, not about your mum, really, that is wrong."

"Mum, I can't help it. If you weren't my mum, I would make you my girlfriend. Mum, you are gorgeous."

"Stop it Josh, now hurry up and leave me to my shower."

He left, and I stood there thinking about what Josh had said. Obviously it was because I had just masturbated him, and my God, how wrong was that? That is why he saw me as a sexual object. I am nothing special, I mean, I keep myself trim, I don't really have a mum tum, I do shave my groin, so that is a bit 'out there', and my boobs are nothing to shout about. C cup with largish nipples. Just ordinary.

"What did Josh want to talk to you about?" Paul asked after he got back.

"Oh, nothing really love, just wanted to chat, I think he is bored."

"Okay. Cottage pie for tea?"

"Yes, do want to ask Josh if he is coming down or if he wants it up there?"

That night Paul and I made love, not our usual full-on sex that had me screaming as I orgasmed, just quiet gentle lovemaking. Josh is in the house, and I had suddenly become self-conscious. I wondered if I could get my mum to come and be with Josh for a while, and Paul and I sneak off to a hotel for a wild session.

After Paul went to work Josh said he could do with a shower. Right. Okay. How to do that I wondered.

"I could tape plastic bags to your hands to keep your dressings dry," I said. "The one on your chest is waterproof."

"But then what mum? I can't exactly wash myself."

"No. Look, I'll put a bikini on and wash you."

"You don't need to put a bikini on mum, I have already seen everything."

"Yes I do."

I took a couple of freezer bags and put them over Josh's hands, then a quick roll of tape around to hold them in place.

"Come on, into the shower. I'll be through in a minute."

I went into my room, dug out a bikini, stripped and dressed in the bikini. My modesty was restored, much to Josh's chagrin I expected.

Josh was standing next to the shower.

"Right then, let's do this." I said as I turned on the water and gave it a moment to stabilise. "In you get and try to keep your hands out of the main flow. I will wash your back first, so face the wall."

He got in under the flow. I poured gel onto the scrunchie and gave his back a good rubbing, and then down between his buttocks and behind up to his testicles.

"Right, turn round, I will do your hair next, and then your front."

I poured hair lotion on his head and gave it a good rubbing, eventually it started to run clear, and I started on his chest. After scrubbing his chest and his armpits I moved down to the more difficult area of his groin. He had, of course, an erection. Oh well, easier to clean I supposed. I soaped and rinsed.

"Right, that's you done, off you pop, I just need to rinse myself."


"Yes Josh."

"Could I have another of your special medical procedures, only you will have seen I am in need."

Oh my goodness. Really?

"Face the wall." I reached around him and put my hand around his penis and squeezed. Back and forth, faster, squeezing harder. I wondered if this is how boys do it to themselves, or do they lay down and do it, should I ask him?

This was getting painful.

"Does it always take this long, only I thought you had a problem and needed relief, nothing seems to be happening."

"Oh, it is mum, believe me. It would be better if I could see you."

Yes, I bet it would. I squeezed a little tighter and went a little faster. At least I couldn't see anything. My arm was getting sore, there must be a better way. I stopped and let go. I really only had two options. And I didn't fancy kneeling on the shower floor, that left only one option. Oh boy. The things we do.

"Lets try something else. Swap places."

I moved in front of him, his erection sliding across my hip as I squeezed past. I took a deep breath and pulled my bikini bottoms down and stepped out of them.

"You know what to do, and don't you ever say a word of this."

I leant forward resting my tired arms on the shower wall. I felt Josh step up behind me, his penis pressing at my bottom.

"Not there Josh, lower down." That was not an option, that, for me, is a one way street. I leant a little further, my bottom pushing further back. I felt Josh's penis at my entrance, and I felt him ease forward, his penis pushing inside, edging forward, filling me. He started his movement.

At first I just leant forward, trying not to think about it, chiding myself for letting it get to this, I should have just make him wait until his bandages and dressings were off and he could deal with his problem himself, only, it didn't work out like that.

I could feel his penis as it slid along my vagina. I could feel his foreskin furl and unfurl, I could feel his testicles as they bounced off me, and I am not an unfeeling robot. My vagina started to squeeze him as he moved, my body began to warm and tense, I felt him as he reached my depth, bottoming out, dabbing me deep inside, and I began my moment.

"Oh God no," I gasped.

"What mum, are you okay?" Josh asked.

"Yes fine Josh, just, you know, do what you have to" I said, 'and don't stop' I thought.

His movements became frenetic, he was pushing harder and impossibly deeper, and I was squeezing, clamping, tightening and my breath seemed to catch in my throat, and then stop. I tensed and as I did so, I pushed back and he pushed forward and he froze and I felt it. He ejaculated deep inside me, filling my womb, flooding down the side of my vagina, and my vagina clamped hard as my orgasm ripped through me.

"Oh shit, oh shit," I gasped as I got my breath back, shards of electricity flowing from my groin to my nipples, to my toes, and to my fingertips. I sagged at my knees. I felt utterly done in. I had orgasmed as my son had used my vagina for relief. I had no words, everything was wrong. I had to gain control.

"Right let me clean you up, then you get out of the shower and go to the bedroom. I need to clean myself, and I don't need you gawping at me as I do." I turned around and using a flannel I cleaned his penis, wiping away his semen and my emissions.

"Go, go," I shooed him out and proceeded to clean myself, douching and getting his semen out of me, it would never do for Paul to see that.

"How was your day?" Paul asked.

"Well, yes, not that good. I had to shower Josh."

"How did you do that without getting soaked?"

"I put a swim suit on to protect my modesty and washed him all over."

"All over?"

"Yes Paul, all over, and yes he reacted, and yes I washed him there." It's not easy, perhaps you can wash him next time."

"Okay, only I doubt he wants a man to wash him."

"And being his mum makes it easier how?"

"It just does."

I harrumphed and carried on dishing out our tea. Spaghetti Bolognese with short chopped spaghetti, easier to get on a spoon for feeding to Josh.

"This is delicious mum, and thanks for the shower earlier, I feel so much better."

I was glad he hadn't tried to be clever with what he said, Paul is no idiot and would have picked up on any innuendo that Josh would make.

"Good, hopefully you won't need one for a few days,"

"No, suppose not mum."

The next two days were the weekend and Paul was home from work. I let him care for Josh as much as I could, I needed my distance, I was in a quandary having orgasmed as my son used my vagina for his relief. I couldn't rationalise it as what it was, intercourse. Paul fed Josh his meals, wiped his backside on the one occasion it was required, and generally kept him company when he wasn't watching TV.

Monday morning. Paul kissed me and went off to work, we hadn't made love over the weekend, the moment just not happening. We had kissed and cuddled, but not gone any further. We cuddled in bed, but that was it. I spent Sunday night sleeping with Paul but with Josh making love to me in my dreams, I awoke hot, wet and aroused.

I made some toast for Josh and took it up with a cup of tea.

"Thank you mum."

"It's only toast love," I said.

"Yes, but I didn't mean that, thank you for the shower."

"Well, you needed to get clean, you were a little high."

"I didn't mean that mum, you know I didn't."

"No. I know."

"I can't believe that you did that, I mean never in my wildest dreams."

Oh, so he dreams about me, does he?

"You have wild dreams about me? That seems a little, er, inappropriate."

"Of course I do mum, you are gorgeous and so yes, I fantasize about you an awful lot, your body is to die for mum."

"Well, you only saw it for the first time the other day, so this must be a recent fantasy."


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