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Mum's Birthday Present

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A special present for Mum on her special birthday.
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Author's note:

This is an incest story with watersport as a significant element of the story. If that is not your thing, I would recommend giving it a miss. If it is your thing I hope you enjoy it.

This is a fictional story. Any similarity to other stories or people is completely coincidental.

Constructive feedback always welcomed, and if you like the story please remember to vote.

UK English terms used throughout.


Mum's Birthday Present

I was heading to Mum's to celebrate her 50th birthday it was Friday and I'd taken the following Monday and Tuesday off as holiday. I arrived after an uneventful drive and after spending about an hour having a drink and a quick catch up I unpacked in my old room. We spent the rest of the evening chatting and enjoying a couple of drinks together before deciding that due to the arrangements of the following day, a good night's sleep was a good idea. So off we went and we both slept soundly for the night.

Saturday was a quiet day with Mum going out to do some shopping ahead of the small get-together with her closest friends. She arrived home at about 3pm with a number of bags. She showed me her new dress and shoes which she was pleased with. There was one bag, unnamed, that she seemed to avoid. I asked her what was in it, pointing to the plain unopened bag and with a big grin on her face she said, "That's not for you." From that I assumed it was underwear.

We had a sandwich and she said that she was going upstairs to get ready.

I did the same using the main bathroom, while Mum used her en suite.

I was ready, in a navy suit and plain white silk shirt, when Mum came downstairs. She had her new electric blue dress and blue shoes on. The front was cut low showing ample cleavage and her legs were clad in very sheer stockings or tights.

"What do you think? Will I do?" she asked and did a twirl showing off a very low cut back to the dress.

I gave her a wolf whistle, "I think you'll do very nicely indeed. Hopefully you won't cause too much of a stir with the other men at the restaurant, paying more attention to you instead of their dates!"

"Get away with you." she said laughing, with her eyes twinkling with the compliment.

We waited for the taxi which arrived on time and it took us to the restaurant where we met up with her friends.

Let me describe my Mum, Angela. She will be 50 years old tomorrow. She has an athletic 5ft 9in frame, having spent a lot of her life playing sport. She still plays a lot of tennis, and swims regularly so most people would probably guess she is considerably younger than she really is. She wears her blonde hair just touching her shoulders, usually with a fringe, also emphasising a youthful look. The other thing about Mum was she really knew how to use her body to drive men to distraction. When younger, I was witness to many arguments between her and Dad about her "flaunting herself" in front of other men. Dad was terribly jealous and the longer they were together the worse he got. It seemed inevitable to me that it would end in divorce, which happened just over six years ago.

Mum was enjoying the evening. She was of course the centre of attention and revelled in the limelight. I caught her looking at me a couple of times when she gave me a warm smile. I think she knew I felt a little like a fifth wheel, not knowing her friends too well. But I had agreed to escort her this evening and indulged in small talk with her friends sitting either side of me.

It was approaching 11:30pm and the restaurant had slowly emptied apart from us. The waiters were now standing a polite distance away from our table but I became aware that they were keen to bring their evening to a close and go home. I wasn't the only one to notice this and one or two couples called waiters over asking them to call them a taxi. I got up and went over to Mum. As I leaned down to talk to her she put her arm around my hips and met my face with a tender kiss on my cheek.

"Shall I call a taxi? It looks like people are beginning to make a move." I asked.

"Yes please, Darling." she replied, with a slight squeeze of my hips.

I walked over to the head waiter and asked him to book a taxi and also settled the bill. Mum had agreed to pay for the evening, but it seemed silly to drag her away so I paid, and decided we would sort the money out later.

We'd all moved towards the front of the restaurant, getting coats and waiting for taxis to arrive. There were three couples left plus ourselves, when our taxi arrived. Mum insisted that we wait to see all our guests off before departing. After another 10 minutes the final couple got into their taxi and after I said a final thank you to the head waiter with another tip for him and his staff we left the restaurant and got into the taxi.

In the back of the car Mum chose to sit in the middle seat, directly next to me and cuddled in for the short journey home. It was a lovely warm feeling to be close to her, knowing she was also enjoying the physical closeness between us.

"Did you enjoy tonight?" I asked.

"Yes I really did. It was great to see everyone." she replied. She went on, "Did you enjoy yourself? You didn't really know my friends and I didn't want it to be too boring for you."

"I had a great time. It was nice that I wasn't expected to entertain or impress people, but just to enjoy the company and conversation. You seem to have a great set of friends there."

Mum smiled at me. "I made a decision about a year ago not to expect anything of anyone and just accept people for who they are. Most of my close friends I've got to know in the last year. They never disappoint me, are there for me if I need them, but give me the space I need to get on with my life as well." She adjusted herself to press into me a little more. "They also never judge me, and I no longer worry about them doing so."

"It's good to see you settled and a lot happier with your life in general Mum."

She kissed me warmly on the cheek and let her head rest against the top of my arm. We remained like that for the rest of the drive home.

As the taxi pulled away after dropping us at home Mum gave me her keys and I let us in to the house. While I got us both a nightcap Mum went upstairs and returned wearing a short negligee, but still seemed to have all her underwear on. We sat and spoke about what we would do tomorrow for her birthday before the conversation slowly drifted to nothing.

After a short time where we just sat and drank in silence, Mum looked at me with a bit of a naughty grin and said, "Tonight would have been perfect if it had finished with some sex."

I'm sure I blushed at this point, as she was always able to get me to do. "I'm afraid I'm not allowed to help you with that one." I said not able to look up at her face.

She got up and came over to me draining the last drops from her glass. She bent down and put her arm around my shoulders and squeezed me to her bosom, kissing me on the forehead. I looked up to her and as I did she kissed me on the lips. She kept her lips closed but lingered a little then whispered, "Thank you for being my date tonight, you were a perfect gentleman."

"It was a pleasure Mum."

With that she turned and left to go to bed.

I sat and finished my drink and pondered on why she had admitted that she wanted sex. Although she wasn't a prude or anything like that, she normally acted very properly, so it was a little out of character. It also reminded me that I hadn't had a good fuck for a couple of weeks.

Let me tell you a little about me. I work for a marketing company and travel a lot, particularly around the world. Having turned 30 a few months back I had never married but had a few women in my life dotted around the world with whom I share the delights of physical intimacy, but nobody who I would consider settling down with. I'm far too focused on my career at the moment and I'm close to getting a partnership with my company. I'm fit and athletic and not unattractive. I also enjoy tennis, and swim a lot, particularly when away in hotels, but spend most time playing golf, mainly with clients and as a requirement of my work.

Going back to this evening, I started to think back to Mum and despite her age, how beautiful she looked this evening. I hadn't thought of her as a woman before, but something had changed tonight that forced me to consider her as a woman, and not just Mum. After her comment about finishing the evening with sex, I took time to wonder what would have happened if I had offered to help her out. After losing myself in a fantasy for a while I realised that I had an erection which is something that had never happened before thinking about her. Eventually I snapped myself out of my fantasy and scolded myself for being a bit of a pervert.

I eventually finished my drink and took myself off to bed.


I woke up the following morning early and showered and shaved and got into some jogging bottoms and a tee-shirt. It was quiet, being a Sunday morning, and I slipped downstairs as quietly as possible. I collected up the cards and gifts that had arrived in the post and I'd been given last night and put them in a big bag.

Mum loved boiled eggs with toasted soldiers so I made that and with a coffee and buck's fizz I went upstairs and knocked on her bedroom door.

"Come in Darling." I heard from behind the door and entered with a breakfast tray.

"Happy birthday Mum." I said as I placed the tray on the small table by the window.

As I looked back towards her she had raised herself to a sitting position, letting the duvet slip down below her breasts, which were now on display. "Thank you Darling." she said beaming at me.

She had never been embarrassed about showing her body, so it occasionally happened that I found myself with Mum either semi or fully naked, particularly when living at home, but admittedly after leaving home, it was rare. It didn't go unnoticed how full her breasts were, even at 50 there was firmness that most 40 year olds would kill for. Her areolae and nipples were well proportioned and sat at the front of her breasts.

I picked up the tray and brought it and placed it on her lap. Along with breakfast, I'd added a pink rose, my card and my present to her.

"I don't know what to do first." she said grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"I'd eat your eggs before they go hard and get cold, if I were you."

"Thank you Sweetie." she said as she tucked into her eggs.

I sat at the bottom of the bed and watched as she enjoyed her breakfast. My attention wandered back to her breasts and then I was lost drinking in the sight of her beautiful orbs.

"Do they offend you?" Mum suddenly said with a look she used to give when I'd been a bit of a scamp.

"No. Sorry Mum." I quickly replied turning my eyes back to her smiling face.

She looked down at her breasts and with a big grin on her face she said, "Not bad for 50. I'll take the admiring looks as a compliment."

I blushed again and Mum said, "There's no need to be embarrassed, it's not like you haven't seen them before." Then she laughed out loud and finished her breakfast, with me making every effort to avoid staring at her breasts again.

When she'd finished I took the tray away leaving her with my card and gift. She opened the card and smiled as she read my comments. Then with the excitement of a little girl she slowly removed the wrapping to reveal a Cartier box. She gasped, looked at me questioningly, and then slowly opened the box to reveal a Ladies Roadster watch.

"Oh Jimmy, it's absolutely gorgeous, but you shouldn't have. It must have cost a fortune." she said, not really knowing how to react to my gift.

"Mum, I got it on my last trip to the Middle East and I didn't pay anything like the full price, but it is genuine and I can afford it. It's a small token of my thanks for the time and money you've spent on me over the years. You deserve it."

She put her arms out towards me and I got up and went into her embrace and she kissed me tenderly on the lips then hugged me for what seemed like an age. As we eventually broke the embrace she looked me in the eyes and said, "Thank you very much Darling. I shall treasure this always." she then kissed me again before letting go.

I got the bag I'd put her presents and cards into and lifted it onto her bed, then again she got this little girl look of wonder and excitement as I tipped the contents onto her lap. There were a couple of gifts that didn't have labels that I kept aside with their cards so Mum would know who sent them.

I sat and watched as she opened her gifts. By the time she'd finished she was grinning from ear to ear. "What a wonderful start to the day." she said, "But I'd better get dressed if we're going out this afternoon." With that she threw the duvet aside and shuffled to the edge of the bed and to her feet.

She completely ignored the fact that she was naked with her 30 year old son in the room, and went to her dresser and got a towel. As she passed me on the way to her en suite, she tapped me on the rear and said, "Not bad for 50 eh?"

"Very nice indeed." I said joining in with her playful mood.

I picked up all of the discarded wrapping and took it with me as I left her room. I disposed of the paper and then dressed, before going downstairs to wait for Mum. About an hour later she came down wearing a summer dress, with some tights and shoes with a small heel.

We left the house, getting into my car, and drove out into the country, with no real destination in mind. With a couple of stops to look at the scenery we came across a pub with a restaurant and had lunch. After nearly 2 hours we got back into the car and continued driving around the countryside,

It was a warm summer day and we had all the windows open to let the fresh air into the car. All of a sudden there was a gust of wind into the car and it lifted the hem of Mum's dress to reveal her legs, not encased in tights, but covered with shear stockings. I caught a glimpse of her upper thigh and the suspenders holding up her stockings. Mum quickly put her hands to her dress and lowered it to cover her legs. She also noticed that I'd seen her legs, and gave me a strange glance.

We stopped again, and getting out of the car we spent some time looking around the hills and enjoying the beauty of the landscape. After 10 minutes or so I went to the boot of the car and got my camera and took a few shots of the views. I also took a couple of shots of Mum and attaching my mini tripod even got a shot of us both using the timer. There were a few benches dotted around the roadside looking out over the valley and the more distant hills giving a fabulous view. We sat on one of the benches and took in the view.

We chatted idly about what we could see, and then after a short pause Mum shifted herself alongside mcuddling in and letting her head rest on my shoulder. We sat like that for a few minutes without talking. It was just nice sitting close to her seeing her enjoying the moment.

After a while I said, "You okay?"

"Mmmm." she replied, and then added, "It's lovely to get the chance to spend some time with my baby. I haven't seen you for a while and wasn't sure if work had dragged you away from thinking about your old Mum."

"You know that will never happen. Anyway we usually talk to each other every week at least once."

"Yes, I know, but it's almost three months since I last saw you."

"I know. I'm sorry, but work has been a bit hectic recently. I managed to bag a couple of big clients out in the Middle East which was important to the company. It might get me the partnership I've been after. Plus, it gave me the chance to get something special for a very special woman with a very special birthday."

She raised her left arm and admired the watch loosely attached to her wrist and said, "It is very extravagant though, but I'm very honoured that you thought I was worth it." she followed this with a little peck on my cheek.

After a short silence she suddenly asked, "When are you going to find a good woman and settle down?"

"My work takes up most of my time at the moment," I replied. "Besides, I already have a beautiful woman to look after me."

Mum feigned a frown then fairly seriously said, "There's only so much a mother can do. I'm sure there are times when you have more intimate needs; what do you do then?"

I thought about how I should reply to this as Mum only wants the best for me, but may not approve of my ladies. "Okay, I have three women, one in New York, one in Milan and one in Moscow, where I look after our biggest overseas clients. Whenever I'm with one of them we usually look after our physical needs. They're all professional women, who, like me, don't have time for emotional attachments. We refer to each other as our 'fuck buddies'."

Mum sat up and looked me straight in the eye, then laughed and repeated, "Fuck buddies?"

"Yes. There are no real emotional ties. We're all just very good friends who have all agreed to satisfy our sexual needs as well as just being friends."

"So, a girl in every port as they say." which she followed by a giggle and nudging me in the ribs.

I laughed, "Something like that. But they all know about each other and they have all met each other. There is no jealousy, because it's not an emotional attachment. We all quite often meet up at big marketing events. All the girls like each other."

Mum sat and took all this in for a few minutes then suddenly piped up with, "I need one of those."

"One of what?" I asked a little confused.

"A fuck buddy." she said with a big grin on her face. "I need someone who is happy to just be around from time to time who, as you say, can take care of my physical needs."

"Mum, you're incorrigible." I laughed, "You have plenty of friends. There must be a man somewhere you feel more for."

"Not really. My friends are either couples or divorced or widowed women. For no obvious reason I don't seem to collect any male friends."

"I'm sure it won't be long before you find someone."

"I've been looking for three years so it looks like it's taking a bit of a time. In the meantime, a fuck buddy would be nice."

At this Mum sort of descended into a fit of giggles. I joined in with her and we seemed to keep setting each other off. Eventually we calmed down and checking the time. I said, "If we're going to go out for dinner we'd better get back and change."

"Do you know what," she replied, "after last night and today, I'm pooped. Why don't we just go home and order a take away and have a quiet night in?"

"I'm okay with that if it's what the birthday girl would really like to do."

She smiled and nodded and then we got up from the bench and after a last look around I escorted her back to the car. I opened the door and she planted her behind onto the seat, but unusually she lifted her right leg and put it into the foot well leaving her left leg on the ground. This had the effect of raising her hem and giving me a glimpse of her bare thigh above her stockings. Then with an "Oops" and a naughty grin she lifted her left leg in and covered her legs.

I got into the car and she asked if we could close all the windows and just have the air conditioning on, which I did.

On the way back Mum was sat with the seat a fair way back and instead of having her feet in the foot well, she had moved them back, lifting her knees. As the journey home progressed, the bumps were gradually forcing the hem of her dress up her thighs revealing more and more of her legs.

By the time we'd arrived home the tops of her stockings were on show and there was no intention on Mum's part to hide them. I got out of the car and went around and opened the passenger door for her. She lifted her left leg and placed it on the ground outside the car. This raised her hem right up to the top of her legs and as she swivelled in the seat her white panties were clearly visible before eventually planting her right foot and raising herself from the car seat with the aid of my hand. I looked at her a little quizzically, almost as if to say "was that for my benefit", but all I got back was Mum lowering her face and I thought saw a grin. Boy was I confused. What was she up to?

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