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Mum's Hotel Ch. 01

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Well endowed young man goes to work in his mothers hotel.
6.3k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 05/02/2024
Created 02/28/2024
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All people having sexual activity in this story are eighteen and over.

Ian, many thanks for the email I replied but the email address with bob 069 is disabled. Look forward to hearing from you again.      

Many thanks to MLJ for the wonderful suggestion that in real-life incest between a mother and son, it is the mother who guides the progression of sexual interaction, this consensual leadership is key to the consensual incest that follows. We also have this quote, "Treat a whore like a lady and a lady like a whore" from Wilson Misner, but what do you do if you are not sure what category the woman falls into?  

In this story, Barry, her well-endowed son, is having fun with lots of mature women. Barry has no sexual thoughts of his mum Babs, a lady in every way with grace, warmth, and dignity. Her friends are all pillars of society, Babs does so much Church and Charity work. Babs's marriage breaks down her husband files for divorce. She asks Barry if she can stay in his apartment until she finds an apartment of her own. This is when doubt comes in to Barry's thoughts, he doesn't know which way to go. In this story there is a lot of mother and daughter sessions. 


Tom is Babs' father and Barry's granddad, but throughout Barry's life he's only called him Tom. Tom is a very wealthy entrepreneur who had a wonderful one hundred and twenty bedroomed Spa hotel with a ballroom capable of seating over one thousand two hundred diners, there was over four hundred staff employed in the hotel.  

I had worked in the hotel since I was ten years old. I was now eighteen and if my grades were good in my exams, I would go to university to study law in September. In my teens I had stayed in Tom's Penthouse apartment close to the hotel during the school term I stayed with mum and dad but dad was never at home he was Sales Director with a national food producing company who produced food for the British Armed Forces the quality, pricing of their products made them very popular in all the major supermarkets throughout the country, my dad Peter, made a lot of money.   

I was much closer to mum than I was with dad as his job involved considerable traveling. He was never at home.  

I had sat my final exams I felt good about them I was about to go to Tom's for the eight weeks of my summer holidays at eleven o'clock at night Jo, the General Manager of the hotel, phoned mum to say that Tom had a massive heart attack he was in intensive care in the University hospital.  

Mum was crying when she came to my bedroom to tell me I told her I'd drive her to the hospital. She went to change as I got dressed. We arrived at the hospital ten minutes later. They had stabilised Tom, but he didn't look good as I glimpsed him lying in a private room with tubes everywhere on his body. A nurse told us we were now sitting in a room with Jo, who was also crying, that the doctor would be with us shortly.  

Several minutes later, the doctor came into the room, the first thing he said was, "Are you Barry? Your grandfather would like to speak with you. Let him do the talking as he hasn't long."  

Mum and Jo looked surprised as the doctor led me out of the waiting room, he left me in Tom's private room; he closed the door behind him as Tom smiled when he saw me; he patted the side of the bed showing he wanted me to sit there, which I did.  

"Barry, your birthday is very important, 19.03.06 is the combination numbers of my safe 19 to the right, 03 to the left and 06 to the right. You'll have access to my safe, you'll now be the man of the family. You have met frequently John, my lawyer also Bill, my accountant, you can trust both these men. John has more than enough evidence to get Babs a divorce from your father, a man I've no time for, when the time comes, John is prepared for everything."  

"You and your mother will be both financially secure I know that you'll go to university in September, I would like you to go into the hotel to run it with Jo, Jo's a great number 2 but she needs someone to guide her as she lacks the ability to be a number one. I'm leaving you with a great general manager. The managers of each department in the hotel are all good. The hotel runs like clockwork but it needs a member of the family whose heart is in it. Finally, Jill, Jo's daughter, is a girl I'm very fond of. She'll graduate as an accountant next year. I've spoken to Bill about her and he'll take her into his firm if you can help Jill and Jo, please do that for me, I wish you every success now I'd like to speak with Babs and Jo, the two women in my life. Barry, I've left you a letter in my safe. Please don't read it until after I've gone."  

I stood up I kissed Tom on the cheek and said, "Tom, I will do everything you've asked of me."  

I had tears in my eyes when I told mum and Jo that Tom wanted to see them. Sitting in the waiting room, my mind running in overdrive trying to work out what Tom had said to me; I loved the hotel. I loved working there. I didn't look at it as work but a way of life, mum had me when she was eighteen. She was now thirty-six, but she knew nothing about the running of the hotel.   

I wondered about what Tom had said about mum divorcing dad and the evidence John had; I knew mum and dad argued a lot when dad was home and that wasn't often I'd seen many pictures of mum when she was younger she was a beautiful, tall, voluptuous woman, dad had used Tom's hotel for meetings he had met mum there he asked her out, I was sure that mum saw him as a rich, handsome man, mum had got pregnant, they'd got married then I was born. In my teens I saw a change in mum she was always happy when she was around me but she wasn't paying any attention to her appearance, she hardly used any makeup and she wore dowdy old clothes that did nothing for her, I couldn't remember the last time we as a family went out for a meal, it never happened as dad was never here to take us out.  

I looked at Jo; she had Jill when she was sixteen, Jill was now twenty-one, three years older than me, Jo was thirty-six too. The difference between mum and Jo was incredible Jo dressed well, she showed her gorgeous curvy body to perfection. Jill had the same body as her mum, but she kept her distance from the male members of staff in the hotel. Jill worked part time in the hotel as a food or bar waitress, I got on well with her as neither of us smoked, which was rare with the staff in the hotel; I had wanted to ask Jill out on a date, but I'd never asked her as yet.  

Mum and Jo came back into the waiting room, mum said, "Tom's now sleeping. Jo came here in the ambulance with Tom. We'll give her a lift back home."  

It was now half-past twelve, Jo said, "I was duty manager tonight, thank God I was there. Could you take me to the hotel as I still need to run end of day?"  

Before I could answer, mum's phone rang. She looked so solemn as she answered it, she listened, not saying a word, then said, "Thank you for letting me know, I'll attend to that in the morning."  

Mum came off the phone and said, "He's gone."  

Jo said, "Oh no."  

I said, "Jo, would you like me to help you run end of day?"  

"Barry, my head is so scrambled now maybe you could check things. I'll get the night porter to make us some coffee."  

I was so surprised when mum said, "Fuck the coffee. I need a glass of wine."  

It was the first time in my life I'd heard mum use the F word when she said it; it sounded so good.   

We got out of the car in the hotel car park I took mum in my arms we cuddled I felt the full weight of mum's massive melons on my chest I pulled her closer, she didn't resist I whispered before I kissed her on the cheek, "Mum, I'll look after you now."  

She whispered back, "You and Tom were the only men in my life now Tom's gone I've only you."  

She pulled me close and kissed me on the cheek. Her tits were squashing against my chest, it felt good.  

I broke away and cuddled Jo as I put my arms around her, I said, "Tom asked me to forgo university but to go into the hotel and work with Jo, mum and Jo I'll be looking after you both now I'll also be keeping an eye on Jill."  

Jo felt so good as I pulled her close to me. Her massive, juicy breasts felt so good on my chest. I couldn't tell whose we're the biggest. It was so close, as there wasn't a lot in it. I kissed Jo on the cheek as she was pulling me close to her, she was also giving me a subtle dry ride on my cock her hips were pushing forward with a gentle circular motion, Jo whispered, "Barry, I'm happy you're coming to work in the hotel, I'll work hard for you, we'll make a great team."  

I had the feeling Jo was letting me know she was available. I had no problem with this. Just feeling her gorgeous body close to me was making me hard.  

We got into the hotel, Tom, the night porter, was on duty. He was visibly upset when Jo told him that Tom had passed away. Jo and I went into the office behind the reception desk Tom brought us a glass of chilled white wine as Jo started the end of day routine on the computer I checked where mum was, she was chatting with Tom in the lobby of the hotel Jo asked me to check the numbers I leaned over as she sat at the computer my arm brushed against her massive left breast she didn't move but she was pushing her breast against my arm, "Barry, it's all looking good I'm hating the thought of going home and telling Jill that Tom has passed away, that feels so good what you're doing to my breast they haven't been played with for a long time."  

"That's a waste, when's your next shift?"  

"Tomorrow morning I'm not looking for to it."  

"Jo, I'll do it for you. That'll give you time to come to terms with things, everything is wonderful here, we can print it out now."   

"Barry, you're a darling. I appreciate you doing this. I haven't your mobile number, can you give it to me so we can keep in touch?"  

She ran the program as I gave her my phone number as it was printing; she stood up and took me in her arms, our mouths met and our tongues were dancing in each other's mouths, I felt her massive tits they were so big and juicy. Jo moved her hand to my groin she found my stiff monster cock as she stroked it she broke off from the kiss she whispered, "I hope I've made you hard as you've made me so wet, you are very well endowed, I've felt nothing as big in my life I now want to get to know him intimately."  

Jo filed all the papers of the end of day report mum was still sitting in the lobby Tom was on his mobile to his wife Susan telling her about Tom's passing he handed me his phone saying Susan would like a word with you, I took his phone, "Hi Susan, today is a sad day."  

"Barry, I'm so sorry to hear about Tom please pass my condolences to your mother the hotel will be different without Tom, I'm working breakfast tomorrow morning would you like me to bring you a cappuccino to the office at eleven-thirty I'll give you some relief before I start on lunches?"  

"Susan, thank you so much for thinking about me. I'll certainly pass your condolences on to mum, I'm working tomorrow morning, I look forward to seeing you."  

Tom looked so proud when I mentioned the condolences to mum. Jo came out of reception, "Barry, thank you for helping me tonight. My head is still scrambled, I'd better get home to Jill, thanks also for doing my shift tomorrow, I'll be in touch."  

Mum and I got into the car, "Tom is such a nice guy. He's so friendly, how long has he worked for us and his wife works for us too?"  

"Mum, Tom was a miner for over thirty-six years he was made redundant two years ago and his wife Susan who has worked with us for years approached Tom saying her husband had been made redundant could he give him a job as night porter as we needed another night porter. Tom gave him the job he's turned out to be an excellent night porter."  

"If he works at nights and she works during the day, when do they ever see each other?"  

I smiled, "I think it works well for them. I think Tom's over ten years older than Susan on his two days off every week. He does garden work."  

I didn't tell mum that Susan was one of the best cock suckers I've ever had, her twenty-one-year daughter Lucy, knew how to give a good gobble too, when I was working nights if Susan came to me at ten to eleven that she still had tables to set for breakfast could I give her a lift home, her last bus was at eleven, this was code for I want to suck you off, the thought of the way she did it made me hard. I had already had Lucy, who had performed well. The next time I had Susan, she told me she now had Lucy on the pill as she didn't want any surprises; she wanted me to give Lucy a taste of my cock as she felt that once she'd had my monster cock, she wouldn't be interested in the, as Susan called them, creeps she was running about with.  

I now had had full sex with both Susan and Lucy they both knew that I was fucking both of them as one night Lucy was staying with a friend Susan had brought me into her house, I had fucked her senseless the next day Lucy had approached me and whispered; I want what you gave mum last night. I was surprised she could even walk this morning; I don't know how many times she came, but it was a lot. My ambition was to have a threesome with the two of them, sadly the opportunity hadn't happened yet.  

Mum and I went into the house I asked if she wanted another drink, she asked me to open a bottle of Chablis we sat in kitchen, "Barry, I'm happy you're not going to university, I think you and Jo will make the hotel better I would have liked you to have gone to university but it changes things for me, things are not good between your father and I, our marriage is over I was only staying with him until you finished your education. Can I ask one thing? Will you move into Tom's Penthouse?"  

I knew where mum was going with this, "Mum, we'll keep the Penthouse if I'm working late, I don't want to wake you up at two in the morning anyway I'd miss the wonderful breakfasts you make me, when was the last time you spoke to dad?"  

"It's over nine months. My house keeping money comes in every month. He doesn't skimp with my money, I'm telling a lie, I phoned him three weeks ago to tell him we'd been invited to Kay's wedding, he told me he would check his diary. I have heard nothing."  

I looked at mum, "Mum, if you're not happy get out of it, you have no money worries Tom's is a very wealthy man, the hotel had a net profit last year of a million and a half, that's thirty thousand a week if I went to university after I graduated where the fuck could I get a job earning thirty thousand a week?"  

Mum smiled, "You're using the F word, I understand what you're saying. Maybe you can get me a job in the hotel in the future, as I get very bored in the house if I didn't have my books."  

Mum was an avid reader; she had a library in the house with possibly a thousand books in it. "Mum, think about it, you own the fucking hotel. I'm just your son who's going to work so hard for you, I'd better get to bed as I want to be in the hotel at seven tomorrow morning."  

Mum smiled, "I like it when you use the F word, I'll get up in the morning to make your breakfast, I've enjoyed chatting with you tonight I'll be speaking with John and Bill this week to get Tom's estate sorted out I'd like you to come to the meetings with me, so you know you own half of what I've got when I'm gone, you'll own my half too."  

The next morning I came out of the at six-thirty I heard mum in the kitchen I put on a suit I realised I needed more suits as my days of T-shirts and jeans were over I walked into the kitchen mum said, "Barry, I've been thinking you are going to need a new wardrobe you need suits, Tom's old tailor is seventy now I'll phone him to see if he can make you a few suits, breakfast is ready, sit down and mum will serve you."  

I wanted to give her a cuddle, then realised I wanted to feel the weight of her big tits on my chest, I didn't do it as I thought I shouldn't be doing things like this with mum. Fifteen minutes later, I left the house with mum wishing me good luck on my first day. I told mum if she needed to contact me to message me on WhatsApp, I would get back to her as soon as possible.  

I arrived at the hotel at ten to seven. Susan was in the restaurant serving breakfasts, we had introduced a buffet breakfast complete with a variety of eggs, bacon and sausages which had made the breakfast service a lot easier. Everything was running like clockwork. I was impressed. Jean, the head receptionist was on duty with a young trainee receptionist, she came towards me I took her in my arms, she said, "Mr Barry, I'm so sorry to hear about Tom, I been here for thirty-two years I couldn't have wished for a better boss, is it possible I could have a chat with you later as I've got a problem?"  

Jean was a matronly type of woman there was something very sexy about her I had never cuddled her in my life here she was pulling me closer, the weight of her massive tits felt incredible as she pushed them hard against my chest, "Jean, when do you think you'll be free?"  

"Mr Barry, all the checkouts this morning are business people I imagine after nine will be good?"  

I smiled, "Great, bring me a cappuccino to the office after also bring one for yourself."  

"Yours will have two sugars. I'll also stir it for you."  

I was worried in case she said eleven-thirty. I then checked the diary to see what was happening in the hotel today, it was busy, we would do over seven hundred lunches today, every room was booked for tonight, we also had five funeral brunches. I was happy.  

I went to the office just before nine I checked last week's figures just after nine there was a knock on the office door I said come in, Jean entered the office carrying a tray with two coffees on it, "Jean, I'm ready for this now sit down and tell me your problem?"  

"Mr Barry, I've got a serious problem. My husband is older than I am, he's been in the hospital for the last four weeks. He's got dementia. The problem is, he needs a carer, he is also a pensioner. I've approached the Council. They can pay me a carers allowance which, along with his pension, we could survive, we have no mortgage on the house if we watch our pennies, we can make it. I'll need to give up my job as this is my only way to do it as I couldn't afford to pay a carer myself, I'm so sorry about this as I love my job so much."  

I was sorry to hear this as Jean was an excellent worker Tom had told me she'd never had a day's illness in the years she'd been with us, I looked at her, the sight of her big hard nipples excited me I was sure she was pushing her massive tits out for me, "Jean, I may help you, how fast is your Internet connection at home?"  

She looked surprised, "We have fibre optic, it's quick, it's my only link to the outside world."  

I was now sure she was pushing her tits out for me, "When would you need to leave your job here?"  

"As soon as possible, they'll keep him in the hospital for another week. Then I would have to pay for a carer, which wouldn't be good for me."  

"Jean, don't worry about that. If it comes to the bit, I'll pay for the carer. I need time to think this through, give me your mobile number. I'll get back to you as quickly as I can."  

Jean gave me her mobile number I was sure that Jean had noticed that I couldn't keep my eyes off her tits, she surprised me when she said, "Mr Barry, thank you so much for being so understanding I'd be prepared to do anything to keep my job but I can't, if you can find me something that allows me to work from home I'd be interested, thank you for the lovely cuddle you gave me this morning it's a long time since I've been cuddled."  

"Jean, I'm sorry to hear that, is your husband no longer active?"  


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