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Mum's New Boots and Panties

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Mum Shopping with son takes them to new experiences.
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I had to admit Mum looked good. More than good she looked hot. I couldn't take my eyes off her bum as she slinked through the restaurant. It was encased in tight blue denim and set off perfectly by the short, tight, black leather jacket that stopped just above her hips. She knew how to show off her figure. The skinny jeans were tucked into knee length black leather boots with a three and a half inch stiletto heel and pointed toe. They cost one hundred and fifty four pounds and 99 pence. I know this because I bought them for her that afternoon when I took her shopping for her fifty second birthday.

I wondered what my pregnant wife, Carol, would think. When I called her earlier and she asked what I'd got Mum I just said boots, that she wanted boots for the winter. I didn't tell her that Mum had asked for a pair of glamorous sexy boots.

It was all Carol's idea anyway. She's four months pregnant and having a lousy time with sickness and cramps. She suggested that I go and stay at Mum's for the weekend, buy her a present and take her out for her birthday. I didn't want to leave Carol but her mother was coming to stay at our place for the weekend and I was glad to make the escape.

So there I was sitting in the booth beside Mum, drinking after dinner cocktails and wondering if she really was wearing the scarlet bra and thong set my sister, Angela, had given her for her birthday. Mum was wearing a red shirt so I reckoned there was a good chance. If only Mum would undo another button I might sneak a look. My younger sister is the wild one of the two of us. She's twenty five. Seven years ago came out as a lesbian thanks to a holiday thing she had with a girl. It was easy for her to come out. Mum was completely supportive though our estranged father wasn't. Not that his view mattered. Our parents divorced years ago and Mum raised us all through the difficult teenage years.

'So,' Mum said. 'Do you like me in my new boots?'

'You look great in them Mum.' I was trying to not think about the boots or the red bra and thong. I kept getting hard when I did. It started in the shoe shop that afternoon when she picked up the display boot to ask if they had a pair in her size. She slowly ran her hand over the soft leather absently stroking the pointed toe and sharp heel. It looked so sensual. I grew hard immediately.

'Sexy?' She asked.

'Very sexy Mum.'

'Good. And stop calling me Mum. Just use my name.' She slid round the booth and leaned into me. 'I like that people will think I'm out tonight with a toy boy. Even if it's just pretend.'

'Ok... Eve.' I'd never called her by her name before. It was always Mum.

'You'll get used to it,' she said. 'Angela uses it all the time. So, how do you feel about being my toy boy?'

'I...' I didn't know what to say. She looked so hot and now she was sounding hot. Her outfit for the evening screamed fuck me. I love women in tight jeans and boots. And leather! Her outfit just seemed to express sexuality. Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe the fact that with my wife having a difficult pregnancy I wasn't getting any sex. I was back to wanking. Twenty seven and I was pulling at my cock like I was in my teens again even down to the fantasising about fucking my mother. The fantasy no guy talks about but, I think, many have.

Mum was looking at me expecting an answer.

'If I wasn't your son I'd be delighted to be your toy boy.'

'Good answer,' she said and leaning over kissed me on the lips. It was just a peck but it was enough for me. I put my hand behind her head and returned the kiss a little open mouthed and moist while my other hand found her knee and rubbed the point where the leather of her boot met her jeans.

She pulled her head back. 'Steady,' she said. 'What if someone who know's me was to see us?'

'Oh God. Sorry Mum. I don't know what got into me.'

'It's alright.' She held my hand. 'I know. We're both a little drunk, I'm always a little flirty when I've been drinking and you haven't been getting any sex recently. Sorry to lead you on.'

'It's ok. It's not you... It's me... How do you know about my sex life?'

'Angela. She told me. We share a lot. Probably a lot more than other mums and daughters.'

'Fuck.' I told Angela just a couple of weeks ago when we'd met up for drinks as ever we got pissed and told each other everything. It was coming back to me now. It wasn't that night that bothered me but one time, a few years ago, I confessed to Angela that I fancied Mum. I still remember her reply. 'That's cool. So do I.' We then had a rambling chat about whether or not we'd do it with Mum if the chance came along. Had Angela told Mum I wondered.

'Don't look so worried,' Mum said. 'She just said that you and Carol weren't having sex because of the pregnancy.' She paused. 'My poor Robert.' She paused and patted my hand. 'If it's any help I'm not getting much either.'

'Mum. I don't want to know. And what's with the not getting much, are you dating someone?'

'I'm not dating but I have someone I see occasionally for... fun.'

'Who is he?' In all these years since the divorce Mum had hardly dated and when she did it was never for long. I shouldn't have been surprised that she was seeing someone, if only occasionally, it helped explain the new sensuality in he behaviour.

'Who said it's a he?'

'What? You're sleeping with a woman. Are you a...'

'I don't think so.' She cut in. 'I'm a bit bi I think. Do I shock you?'

'No. I mean yes. I don't know.' I was hard again. A sexual warmth returned to my gut. It had hardly been away since the boot shop. I felt high with all of it; her clothes, her scent, the conversation we were having. I slid beside her so we could talk without being overheard but really just to feel her thigh against mine.

'Who is it Mum? Is it someone I know?'

'Yes.' She was slow to answer.

'Let me guess.' I paused. 'Pamela?' Pam had been Mum's best friend for years. Mum and her met around the time of their divorces. While Mum devoted herself to Angela and I and never gave herself time to have her own life Pam did. It probably helped that Pam had no kids. When some in their friendship circle started to bitch about Pam calling her easy and a slut Mum broke off with them. She stuck with her friend. To an outsider they seemed an odd couple but they have a tight bond. They influence each other. I'd just assumed that Mum wanting a pair of sexy glamorous boots was Pam's influence. The same with Mum's recent sexiness, her boldness, that had to be With Pam's encouragement.

'No, not Pam. You look surprised. It's someone else you know.'

'But...' I was floundering. 'You're so close. I thought...'

'It's a good idea though. Me and Pam. That has possibilities. I like that.' She turned and smiled slyly. Mum was teasing me now and enjoying it. I was growing harder than ever with the images in my head.

'It's one of Angela' friends. Isn't it?' The words came to me without thinking.


'Who?' Fuck me I thought. Mum and one of my sister's pals. Wow. I loved the idea. Angela must have brought them together. I couldn't wait to call my sister and get the story.

'I'm not saying here. I might tell you back at the house. If I think you can handle it. Now toy boy be a good escort and pay the bill and get them to order a taxi to take us home.' She put her hand on my thigh and kissed me on the lips, a little open mouthed and moist just like the one I gave her earlier.

When the taxi came the waiters rushed to bring Mum's leather jacket and help her on with it. I took it from them. That was my job and they weren't getting a chance to cop a sly feel. I stood behind her, put my arm round her and zipped it up feeling my hand slide over the leather covered curve of her breast as I bent and kissed her neck. My hand felt the sway of her ass as I escorted her out. Mum just turned and smiled. We'd crossed a boundary now. Mother's and sons didn't behave like this. I knew that to outsider that we looked like a couple going home to fuck. Maybe my mind was just addled with alcohol, hormones and a lack of sex but I sensed and hoped that Mum might be open to fucking me.

The ride back to Mum's was quiet. Neither of us wanted to continue our restaurant conversation with the driver listening. I put my hand on her knee where the leather met the denim. She giggled, gently lifted it off, leaned over and whispered 'Behave.'

Back at the house Mum went to make tea. It was so mumsy, a complete contrast to the woman in the restaurant. It was like she had changed back to being Mum, the woman who raised me except that she still looked incredibly hot. She brought the tea through, sat down and went to unzip her boots.

'Don't.' I blurted out.


'You look fantastic. Keep them on.' Mum looked stern. 'I mean if I'm your toy boy for the night shouldn't you keep playing your part?' I was floundering and I knew it. Why was I stupid enough to think that Mum would even contemplate having sex with her son. A bit of drunken banter and a little groping was one thing but...

'Ok,' she said. 'To please you.' She kept the boots on crossed one leg over the other and twirled her foot. It was sexy, talk about mixed messages.

'So does my handsome son fancies me?'

'Well...' How did I answer this one. 'I would do if you weren't my mum. You're not supposed to fancy your mum.'

'So you're really saying that you do fancy me but you can't say it because the world says your not supposed to.'

'Eh, yes I suppose that's it.' I was tongue tied now.

'Your sister fancies me.'

'What! She told you that.'


Trust Angela. Now I was worried if she'd told Mum about me. I wanted to change the subject and get off the back foot so I asked the question.

'Are you going to tell me who you're seeing?'

She looked at me for a moment. She seemed to tense up and a faint blush came to her cheeks.

'Yes. But only if you promise to stay calm, don't judge me. I'm going on a hunch you'll understand and not be too shocked.'

'Of course Mum. It's your life. You know I love you and I'm always there for you.'

'It's Angela.'

'Angela who?' The only Angela I could think off was my sister.

'Angela. Your sister. My daughter.'

'Fuck me! Angela! Your having sex with Angela, our Angela.'

Mum nodded. Yes.

'Wow!' I laughed nervously. 'I knew Angela fancied you but I never thought. Is that incest? Is it incest if it's a mum and daughter?'

'I suppose it is. Are you ok?'

'Yes Mum I'm fine or as fine as you can be when you've just heard that your mum and sister are...'

'Fucking each other.' Mum finished my sentence. I don't think I'd heard her say fucking like that before.

'How did it happen?'

'It just happened. Do you remember me going to stay with her for a long weekend in spring last year?'


'Well it was then. We went out for the day, shopping then dinner at night just like today. After dinner Angela wanted to take me to a gay bar. We were both a bit drunk and I thought why not it might be fun and I was curious. Angela went for a pee and left me at the bar then this girl came over and and started chatting so without thinking I chatted back. Angela came back, said hi, put her arm round me and gave me a hug. She whispered that the girl was hitting on me. I felt so awkward and foolish. Then... I can't believe I'm telling you this, Angela said 'Kiss me. She'll think we're a couple.' So we did. Your sister gave me a big wet kiss on the mouth and I... I returned it. Couldn't believe I was doing it but it felt good. I enjoyed it. She slipped me her tongue. I felt so naughty I gave her mine back. She held me close. We were... we were grinding against each other. Angela put her hands on my bum and pulled me into her.' Mum gave a little shudder. 'It was such a turn on. I hadn't felt like that in years.' She paused looking at me. 'Are you ok with this?'

'Yes.' I whispered my answer. 'Go on. You want to tell me don't you?'

'Yes.' She took a deep breath. 'We went to Angela's flat giggling all the way at the show we'd put on in the bar. She opened some wine, not that we needed it we'd already had a lot, and flopped down on the sofa...'

I pictured it all as Mum told me. Angela and Mum on the sofa, side by side, talking about sex. Mum found herself opening up to Angela telling her about her own experiences, her fantasies. I imagined Mum feeling heat in her loins the slow moistening of her panties. Angela listened. My sister is a good listener.

'Angela kept pressing me,' said Mum. 'So I told her about a one night stand I'd had at a few weeks before.' She paused. 'Don't look at me like that. So your Mum sometimes wants casual sex...'

'No Mum, it's ok. I want to know all about it. Please.'

'You're as bad as your sister.' She laughed. 'Anyway there I was telling Angela all about that night. All the juicy detail, what his cock was like, how often I came. It was once by the way and a pretty mild one at that. It was so disappointing. She put her arm round me and pulled me towards her and told me she was so proud to have such a hot Mum. We kissed again. A proper kiss. It felt so good. I started to nibble at her neck, her ear. She moaned. She said "Oh Mum!" I looked down and she'd unfastened her jeans and had her hand down there rubbing herself. She put her free hand behind my head and pushed it down to her breasts. "Mum please" she said. It was just... just as if some instinct took over. I started to kiss her breasts through her T-shirt. She didn't have a bra on. Somehow I pushed the T-shirt up so I could kiss and nibble properly. My darling girl's nipples and I was stimulating them. She was getting louder, writhing beside me. It just encouraged me. I went from one tit to the other desperate to help my girl cum. She buckled and spasmed, groaned. She cried out Mum as she came. It was wonderful.'

There was a silence between us. Mum's breathing was deeper as was mine. I nodded yes. Frightened to say anything and break the spell.

'I kissed her and held her for a while. Amazed at what we'd just done. I was wet. Very aroused. I wanted to be touched too. When Angela put her hand between my legs I just opened them. I looked down, watched her unzip me and put her hand down my panties. I lifted my hips so she could get better access. It was as if I was looking down on myself. Then she started. Boy you sister knows how to work a cunt! I came quickly, twice and it was wonderful. Afterward she took me to her bedroom. We undressed each other and began again. I learned so much that night. And since then we've been...' Mum stopped looking for the words. 'Relatives with benefits? Lovers? Fuck buddies? It doesn't really matter.'

I was quiet for a moment, taking in all Mum had told me. I had to have her now.

'Well,' she said tentatively. 'What do you think?'

'I think that's the hottest thing I've ever heard. Well done you and Angela.'

'Thank you darling.' Mum looked relieved. 'I thought you were broad minded enough but I wasn't completely sure.'

'I tell you what. Are you wearing the bra and thong Angela bought you?'


'I'll take some pics of you in them and you can send them to Angela. She can see what she's missing.'

'Ok. My naughty son wants me to strip down to my bra and thong and photograph me? I'm up for that. Just give me a minute to get ready.'

She picked up her leather jacket and left the room.

I got my phone out, checked the battery and set up the camera. My hand was shaking. I sat down facing the door and waited.

'Ready?' Mum asked

'Yes. Let me see.'

She open the door, stepped in and stood in front of me, hands on hips. Posing.

Her leather jacket was flung over her naked shoulders. She let it slip off so that I could see her new lingerie on her body. Her hard nipples pushed against the delicate lace of the red bra. The matching thong just covered her pussy. I could see her strip of dark pubic hair under the lace. Perched on her long tall boots she took my breath away.

'Will I do?'

'Oh my fucking God. Yes.' My breathing was deep, my cock rock hard. By now she had turned round giving me a view of the tiny red thong disappearing into the crack of her ass. I wanted to reach out and touch but something stopped me. I wanted to savour this, take it slowly and prolong the pleasure. I sensed Mum wanted too as well.

I picked up my phone. 'Ready?' I asked.

'How do you want me Mr. photographer?'

'Face the wall. Put your hands on just above your head. Perfect. Now push out that lovely ass towards me.'

She stuck her ass out giving it a wiggle. I took some photos. 'Yes. That's it. That's great Mum. So sexy.' She was to with the thin red straps of the bra and the thong emerging from the cleft of her bum. I had to take a step back to get her boots in the frame. 'Push your bum out as if it's begging to be fucked. Brilliant.'

'Think I'm begging to be fucked do you? You like that?' Mum turned her head round. Her breathing was deeper. Her mouth open a little.

'Yes. I do.'

'You naughty boy. You're just as bad as your sister.'

'I might be worse.'

'Promises, promises. Angela sets a high standard.'

'I'm sure she does.'

I stepped forward, put my hands on her buttocks and hips, bent down and whispered, 'Hands lower. Come back to me. Stick your bum out further'. I put my hands on her bum to guide her. Her skin felt like silk. I leaned across her back to position her hands and head. My crotch pressed against her bum now. I wanted her to feel my erection trapped in my jeans. She gave her bum a wiggle against me.

'I'm a very bad mother,' she whispered.

I bent down and kissed her open mouthed while cupping one breast with my hand. I tweaked on the nipple as I pulled my mouth away and felt the shiver of delight ripple through her before I stepped back.

'Your such a tease,' she gasped.

'Just helping you get into character for the shot Mother.' I took some more photos then told her to turn round and lean back against the wall. I posed her carefully, hands on hips, one leg cocked, mouth pouting. Every time I took a photo I repositioned her letting my hands linger on her body, her ass, her tits. She didn't object, in fact she enjoyed it.

'It's nice to be touched,' she murmured. I stood back to take more shots. Her eyes looked down at my crotch as if looking for approval from my growing bulge.

'Touch yourself,' I said.

'Like this?' She cupped her pussy through her thong with one hand, the other was on her breast, mauling and pulling her nipple through the fine lace of her bra.

'Brilliant. God, Mum you are so sexy. No wonder Angela wanted to fuck you.'

'And do you? Do you want to fuck your Mummy?'

'Oh, yes please. I've wanted to fuck you for years. I think of you when I wank off. Sometimes when I'm fucking Carol I close my eyes and think of you.'

'So you should you bad boy.' She was as lost in lust as I was, all that long pent up lust I had for Mum. She stared at my crotch as I adjusted my cock so she could see it's outline clearly. I rubbed it through the denim as Mum slowly ran her hands over her body up to her breasts, cupping them, playing hard with her nipples, gasping as she did so.

She slide one hand down to her pussy. Her fingers pushed the thong aside and slid over her hot, wet slit. She was lost in the moment. Her moans grew louder. Her hand was rubbing faster, shiny from her juices. It was hard not to take out my cock and wank with her.

'That's it Mum. Cum for your son. Cum for me please.' I was begging her now. 'Cum with your boots on.' Her head lolled from side to side in abandonment, her mouth was open, tongue licking round her lips.

'Ooooh Yes,' she groaned. 'My darling I'm cumming for you!' Her body bucked as the orgasm took hold. Her hips and ass rocked against the wall as she balanced on her stilettos.


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