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My Best Friend is a Domme Ch. 01

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I always thought my best friend would make a good Domme.
7.7k words

Part 1 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/09/2022
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"How does it work exactly?" Patty asked, holding the plastic device in her hand, studying it carefully. I loved the little wrinkle that appeared on her otherwise smooth forehead whenever she raised her eyebrows in curiosity.

I felt flustered and excited. I've talked about some of my kinks with her in the five years we had been best friends, and even showed her my Fleshlight once, but I had never shown her something as kinky as a chastity device and it made me a little nervous, but most of all excited. I felt my heart pound in my chest.

"Here, let me show you," I said and gently took the chastity cage from her. I turned the key to unlock it, pulled the metal lock from it's sheathing and took the cage off the ring. "The ring goes around the cock and balls, behind the balls and when you put the cage over the penis and lock it, it keeps you from stimulating the penis and the tight space between the cage and the rings make it impossible to take it off without unlocking it," I explained, while demonstrating how it closed while talking to her.

I looked at her familiar face and saw a twinkle in her eyes.

"Interesting," she mumbled, eyes still glued to the cage. She seemed to hesitate a little, but then dropped her reservations and bluntly asked: "Would you show me how it works?"

"I just did," I said, a little confused about her question.

"No, I mean, would you show me how you wear it? Like put it on?"

I felt the blood flush to both my face and genital area at the same time. Part of me really wanted to show her, but it seemed a little weird to actually do it.

You see, Patty and I had been very good friends for a few years now, but it has always been absolutely platonic. Although we talked quite often and openly about sex and even slept in the same bed a couple of times, we never had done anything. It was not that I didn't want to, I mean, there was definitely some kind of love and attraction between us, but she always had a boyfriend. She'd had a number of boyfriends since we've met and I've met all of them and it was clear as the light of day that I was no match for them at all. They were all incredibly handsome, well build and tall alpha guys, while I was short, skinny and a nerdy beta. And of course she would have handsome boyfriends. Although she may not be a real classic beauty like a model, she was pretty enough. She was petite, with a slender, athletic body. Her eyes and hair where the exact same tint of hazelnut brown and although her tits were very small, B's or maybe even A's, She had a really, really nice butt. And she knew how to dress. At 23 years old, she had a talent of looking way younger and innocent or look like a 30 year old secretary, depending on how she dressed and did her hair. There was no denying Patty was hot as fuck and almost every guy should have noticed.

Next to that, she had that feisty power girl quality that can be really attractive. Like she knew she was hot and wouldn't take shit from any guy. She knew how to handle guys and how to make sure she would not be played by them.

Therefore I had concluded and made peace with the fact that the best place I could possibly reach in her existence was deeply in the friend zone, or maybe as a brother she never had, and Patty always had treated me like that: a friend she dearly loved, had fun with, shared her secrets with and felt a connection with, but who was not interesting to her in any other way.

Although I loved her and a part of me would want to be with her for the rest of my life, I was mostly fine with that position in her life. Since she told be just about everything, I knew she had a habit of looking down on guys, especially her boyfriends. At least, I thought so. She could sometimes complain endlessly about her boyfriends and seemed very focused on what was wrong with them and what they should do differently. She could talk pretty condescending about them. That was a part of her personality that I sometimes hated it. And at the same time, I found it very attractive. It made me love and fear her a little at the same time.

So, putting on a chastity cage and showing her my penis seemed like something that just was not done. I'd feel weird and what worried me the most: it might make her feel even weirder. There was no way to unsee what she would see if I did that. Our friendship may never be the same and I cared to much about her to just let that happen.

Still, I would really like to show her.

"I don't know Patty, won't that be weird?" I stammered, really doubting if that would be a good idea.

"Nah, it'll be fun," she said, grinning mischievously.

I just stood there for a second, staring at the chastity device, considering my options.

"Are you shy, Conrad?" she teasingly joked. She knew I was. We had spent enough time together to have seen each other in underwear, but never naked, and I had mentioned numerous of times in our deep conversations I didn't feel at ease with my body.

"Yeah, a little, and you know I am." I admitted. "But I can get over that. I'm just wondering if that won't be crossing some kind of line or something?"

She briefly thought about it. "I don't think so. I mean, it's not as if we're doing something sexual, right? And if that thing does what it's meant to do, how would that be sexual?"

I felt my cock stir at the idea of me putting on that cage and showing her my caged penis. It would be very sexual for me, but I didn't tell her that.

"Come on, I really would like to see how it looks," she said, reassuring me. "It's the first time I've heard about anything like a chastity cage, and now I want to see. I'm really curious. And don't worry, I won't make fun of you or tell anyone."

My heartbeat raised again shortly before I hesitantly said: "Ok, I'll show you."

So, that was decided. Now what?

"How are we going to do this? Do you want me to show you how to put it on?" I asked.

She pondered the possibilities for a second. "No, just go into you bedroom and put it on there," she said. "I'll wait here."

I was really relieved she said that, because I could feel my cock get hard and whipping it out in front of her would make putting on the cage pretty much impossible. And also, I didn't want her to see that my hands would be shaking if I had to put it on while she was eyeballing my penis.

I went into the bedroom and put the chastity cage on. It was quite a hassle since my semi-erect cock was hard to get through the ring and I had to wait a few minutes to get it to go down enough to be able to stuff my penis in that tight, plastic cage. In the process my cock kept fighting the cage and I kept fighting the growth of my cock, but eventually I managed to get it on and locked correctly.

I pulled my pants back up and took a deep breath. I waited a few seconds while gathering the courage to go back into the living room.

When I entered the living room, my heart was pounding and my face must have been red as a lobster.

Patty was waiting for me, sitting on the couch, smiling a bit sheepishly when I returned, but she had an eager sparkle in her eyes. I knew that look. She had that look if she was going to tell me a sexual secret.

"Go on, show me," she said playfully.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, stop nagging about it and just show me!" She looked at me with a played sternness in her eyes. "Drop your pants or I'll drop them for you."

That command made my cock bloat in it's tight cage again.

"Yes Mistress," I jokingly replied, while unbuckling my belt. I took a deep breath again and dropped my pants, while looking over Patty's head at the wall to avoid any awkward eye contact.

"Underwear too," Patty commanded.

I felt myself blush again when I lowered my underwear, still avoiding eye contact.

Patty laughed out loud. "That is so cool!" she said. "Come closer."

I slowly walked towards her and stopped right in front of her, my caged cock just a few inches from her face. She moved her head around, watching my penis from every direction. I felt really awkward, but found it extremely exciting as the same time.

"Is it supposed to be that tight?" she asked with genuine interest and even some concern.

I felt my face go bright red, but she didn't notice since all she could look at was my groin. "Errr, well, I might be a bit excited," I stammered. That was an understatement, I could feel my cockhead pressing against the plastic bars of the cage with a force I only had felt when waking up while trying to sleep with a cock cage on and I had become fully erect in my sleep.

"Ah, that explains why your penis is oozing precum," she said, giggling.

If I could have blushed deeper, I would have. I was sweating a bit and the room suddenly felt terribly hot. This whole situation felt a humiliating and very erotic at the same time. At least to me. I was guessing it was mostly just funny for her.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that," I stammered.

"Don't worry, it's cute," she said, waving her hand. Cute, she said, I thought. That's exactly what a guy wants to hear when a girl studies his penis.

"Can I touch it?" she asked while looking at me, smiling her friendly, intimate smile.

I just nodded.

She ran a finger over the cage, tapped on it with her fingernail, then she squeezed the cage and pulled on it gently, to see if it would stay in place, which of course it did. I could feel my cock throb in it's tight prison as her fingers accidentally touched the parts of my flesh that were not covered by the cage. Then, with one finger, she lifted my balls, as if she moved something nasty out of the way, and inspected how the ring hugged my cock and balls.

"Very cool. It looks... kinky I guess," she said, still looking at my cock. I looked down and noticed my dickhead was deep red and trying to burst from it's cage.

"Does it hurt?" she asked.

"Not normally, only when I get really hard, then it can be a bit uncomfortable," I said, very aware how much pressure my penis was giving on the cage right now.

"Can you pee while wearing it?"

"Yes. I have to sit down though. But I can and I can shower with it. Theoretically I could wear it indefinitely, although I'd rather take it of when showering, for hygienic reasons of course. And I usually don't sleep with it, since my nighttime erections wake me up all the time if I wear it to bed."

She leaned back on the couch and I interpreted that gesture as if she'd seen enough. I quickly pulled my pants back up and sat next to her on the couch.

She broke the short, awkward silence by asking: "But what's the fun in wearing it?"

"Well, I like the way it feels," I explained. "It's like a form of bondage for my cock. And I like the idea that it's not up to me to decide if I can have access to my dick, although self locking as they call it negates that a bit, since I can take it off whenever I want."

Patty nodded and let it sink in. "I really like the idea of having such control over a guy, " she said.

I had already figured she would like that idea. That was actually the main reason I told her earlier this evening I had a chastity cage and asked her if she wanted to see it. I had an interest in BDSM since I was 14 and had often thought Patty would make an awesome Domme, although I never had hear anything from her that suggested she was into kink or BDSM at all.

"I'd love to have the power to put Ben's dick away when I don't need it," she grinned. "He just doesn't know when to stop poking that thing in my direction."

Ben was her current boyfriend. He was just 19 and of what I got from our conversations he had quite a high libido and usually wanted to have sex very late at night when she was tired and usually would rather sleep. It was a bit of an issue between the two of them.

"But I don't suppose he'd be willing to put on such a device though," she chuckled. "He's way to addicted to playing with his dick."

I chuckled, feeling my penis grow again of the thought of Patty locking Ben's cock away. "Maybe you should lock it in to place when he sleeps," I joked and Patty laughed.

"That would seem immoral, even for me," she chuckled. "And besides, I don't think he'll fit in there."

That actually hurt a bit, but I swallowed it, as usual. "They come in different sizes," I said.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't want to make you feel like your small or anything, he just has a pretty thick cock. It's not that long even, just thick." Patty loved bragging about her boyfriend's cocks.

An awkward silence started to form and I tried to save the evening by saying: "How about some Netflix and chill? I bought that wine you like."

"Sure," Patty said, smiling. "But leave that cage on please, I kinda like knowing you're wearing it."

I grinned sheepishly and got up to get the wine for her and a beer for me.

A couple of weeks passed since I confessed to Patty that I was experimenting with chastity and I'd shown her my chastity cage. We didn't really talk about it, although she asked me a couple of times when we hung out if I was wearing it. And I never was. She never replied when I answered that question and when one time I asked why she wanted to know, all she said was: "Just curious".

She did talk a lot about sex between her and Ben. Almost every time we met she was either bragging about the sex they had or complaining about it never being good enough. It seemed a bit contradictory, but that was just how she was. She often did that, especially when she and a boyfriend were in those first few months in which you have a lot of sex and get to know each other better.

They obviously had fun together and I always thought she talked about it so much to make sure I knew my place and that she was happily in love (and lust) with him and therefore unavailable to me, or that she just got off on talking about sex. It did make me a little jealous sometimes. Not just of them having sex, but also about having sex in general. I had been single for as long as Patty and I had known each other and I have had only one serious relationship.

One day, before Patty and I would meet for lunch, I realized she asked if I was wearing my chastity cage every time we met. Maybe she secretly hoped I would? I didn't know and couldn't imagine she would actually think of me as a sexual being, or even a man at all, but all of the sudden I thought: maybe today I should put the cage on, so I can say yes if she asks again.

So, just before leaving home to meet her for lunch, I put on my cage. I put one of the two keys on my keyring with my house keys, which I always did if I left the house while wearing it, just in case I wanted to take it off for some reason while not at home.

It was a warm summers day and Patty wore a thin, tight summer dress that accentuated her slender waist, the awesome curve of her lower back and her perky bubble butt. She wore her large sunglasses that were just dark enough to almost hide her eyes, but she grinned widely when we met and she kissed my cheek while greeting me, like she usually did.

We were a busy place next to the water side, but we had managed to find seating in a corner of the terrace. The food was great, the view even better and the conversation was amazing. We often couldn't stop talking to each other when we were together and we laughed a lot. I loved hanging out with her and the warm, sunny weather and great surroundings made this a wonderful day.

And then came the question again. "Are you wearing your chastity cage?" she asked, as if she asked if I wore socks today.

"Yes, I'm wearing it," I confessed, curious about her response.

She grinned a naughty grin and just said: "Good, that's nice." And then she switched topics to something that happened at work the day before.

After lunch we decided to take a stroll along the water side and enjoy the view of people hanging out on the benches and the grass next to the water and the boats further out on the lake.

"I love these summer days," Patty said while we walked next to each other.

"Yeah, me too," I said and smiled at her.

"It gives me opportunity to wear dresses," Patty said. "Sometimes I like dresses, although I don't wear them often. Dresses are way more fun when going outside without any underwear."

I looked at her and she winked and grinned, knowing I got the smooth confession.

I really didn't know what to say. I loved the idea of her walking next to me in that cute, tight dress, without any underwear, and I even felt my cock react a little, but I didn't want to give her the feeling I got the hots for her or anything, so I just smiled and said something like: "I can imagine they are."

We continued walking, silently, soaking in the sun.

"Oh, I forgot to ask: can I hang out at your place this evening? Ben is having a friend over to play video games tonight and I really, really don't want to be there and clean up after them all the time while listening to them shoot at monsters and yelling at each other." Her tone changed to genuinely annoyed. "He can be so incredibly immature sometimes. I swear, living with him is like living with a teenager sometimes."

I chuckled: "Technically he *is* a teenager."

She slapped my shoulder playfully, saying: "Shut up, you know I don't like it that he's so young."

I chuckled again: "You are just 4 years older sweetie, he's not that much younger." I carefully tried to make a point, seeing if she'd let me, because I'd met Ben a couple of times and although he was 19 and loved things like video games, he also had a very mature side to him that not only was very intelligent, but very compassionate as well. I liked him because of that, but did not want to get between my liking of him and Patty's annoyance of his age.

"Yes he is, I'm mature and a grown woman and he's just a horny little kid, I feel like a pervert sometimes. I don't know what I was thinking when I met him. I mean, I love him, but sometimes I wonder what I'm doing. Why am I dating a kid?"

"Well, he is pretty handsome," I said. "And he's funny too. I can see why you feel attracted to him."

"Yeah, he's cute and all, but I'm so sick of being like his mom all the time, making sure he cleans up after him and all. I even have to do his laundry or he would have nothing clean to wear He seems to be incapable of simply putting a dish in the dishwasher. And he's horny all the time. Don't get me wrong, I love sex and it's fun sometimes that he wants me that bad, but he really wants to have sex every minute of the day. I just get tired of telling him no. Sometimes I just jerk him off and let him cum just to get him to stop being so flirty and pushy all of the time."

"Having a boyfriend that is really into you must be really tiring," I joked.

"Yes, it can be," she said. Her tone of voice was unclear to me, she could have been sarcastic or she could even be annoyed of my joke, I wasn't sure. "Maybe you should deal with a horny teenager all day for a while, see how you feel."

I briefly wrapped my arm around her to let her know I did feel for her and I didn't want to offend her.

"But back to the question," she said, "can I hang out at your place this evening?"

"Sure, I'd like that," I said and smiled at my dear friend.

We had picked up something to eat and got a bottle of wine for Patty and a couple of beers for myself before heading to my apartment. After finishing our meal, we settled on the couch.

I had a hard time keeping my eyes of Patty, today even more so than usual. Her muscular legs, smooth as a baby's butt, disappeared under the short, tight dress and they seemed to grab my attention every time she moved. I was very aware of the fact that she wasn't wearing any underwear. I could imagine those legs going straight up to her naked pussy and ass. Of course, I tried to ignore her sexuality, being the good platonic friend that I was, but my mind kept wandering and glared at those legs or her butt whenever I thought she wouldn't notice.

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