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My Best Friend, My Work Wife Pt. 01

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A man finds out that his best friend can be more.
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Is it possible that life can be both good and bad at the same time?

I'm 28, I work out a lot so I'm in good shape and I make good money as a software engineer. I have an awesome wife named Stacey who is smoking hot even after two kids, and has a high libido so even after six years of marriage, the sex is awesome. That's the good news.

The bad news is that my company (I won't say the name, but it rhymes with "Odobe") sends me on work trips all the time. In an average month, I'm gone one or two weeks. I like my work, and my wife is an independent woman, but its rough being away so much. At least I usually get to travel with my best friend Kelly. She's actually my wife's cousin, and we've all been friends since college at Michigan State. Kelly even introduced me to Stacey, so she's pretty awesome.

Anyway, I was on yet another week-long trip, this time to a corporation in Oklahoma City. The work day was pretty long, and I usually hit the hotel gym to stay in shape when I was done. The physical exertion also helped burn off some of the pent-up horniness that I always got when away from my wife. I was running on the treadmill listening to some tunes when Kelly came up and started running on the machine next to me.

"Hey neighbor," I said to her casually.

"Hey Tom," she responded, beginning her warm-up stretches.

She had an athletic body too; toned muscles and a tight stomach were on display in her athletic clothes. The hot pink sports bra and very tight black shorts she wore were more than a little bit sexy, and those stretches were getting my attention. She put her leg up high on the arm of the machine, facing away from me. I couldn't have gotten a more clear view of her butt if I tried. Since she was facing away, I could look and not be seen. I knew I shouldn't, but look I did. I wouldn't be a man if I didn't at least glance.

She looked different than her cousin; taller, and blonde instead of brunette. Stacey had good-sized tits with a nice bounce that I enjoyed very much, Kelly's tits were more medium-sized and looked firm. I had always wanted to feel them and compare, but I have always been faithful to my wife. Doesn't mean I can't look.

"Did you get the memo today from accounting?"

"Hmm?" I said, eloquently, snapping eyes off her perfect rear and up to my own machine before she could look back and catch me.

She rolled her eyes. "The big money saving one, dork. Art has been hyping about it for weeks and we just got it?"

"Is that the, uhh..." I studied my machine's display very seriously, as if it held the answers that would make me look like less of a scatterbrain.

Kelly cleared her throat and got her bureaucrat's voice. "'In the interest of saving valuable funds in these difficult times, all operations are mandated and incentivized to the amount of 50% of pecuniary renumeration in any accounts in which excess liquidity can be identified.' That one, moron."

"Come on, you know I can read code more easily than I can read legal jargon. You're the program manager, I'm just a humble engineer."

She laughed, a cheery, bright laugh. It brought me back to college days, hanging out with my group of friends as a freshman, with my buddy Dave brought his then-girlfriend Kelly. Kelly soon brought her smoking hot cousin, and we were an item fast. Dave and Kelly broke up in junior year, over some drama I didn't care about. Is it weird that I see Kelly almost every day, but I haven't seen Dave in years? Life is funny like that.

She brought me back to the present with her next set of stretches, legs wide apart and reaching flexibly from one foot to the other. Does she have to do this on a treadmill, right next to me? It can't be the most convenient spot. It's almost like she likes teasing me. Good thing those shorts are black, or they would have a camel toe that would leave little to the imagination.

"It means that if you save the company money this year, they let you keep half of it."

"Well now that is something. I would love to pay off student loans and get some cash saved up for the kids." My paycheck was enough to live comfortably and pay all of our bills, but who really had enough these days to feel like they could handle their kids' college? I really didn't want them to have the truckload of loans I needed to get through four years of undergrad, certification, and then a master's degree.

Standing now, and starting to run on her machine, she said, "Yep, and I thought of a way you can save thousands for the company and pocket a big piece of that."

"Well, you have my attention," I said. She certainly did, in that hot pink sports bra, now clinging with just a hint of perspiration.

"Here's the thing," she said, increasing the speed on her machine. I increased to match, a bit of friendly competition. "They spend tons of money to get us these nice hotel rooms, right? Some cities it goes for a couple hundred a night. What if we cut that in half?"


"Sharing one."

I missed a step, and at the high speed the machine was going, I actually fell down, and got thrown off the machine.

"Ow, ow ow! You really are the worst!" I told her. She was helping me hobble from the elevator on the third floor to my room, and a quick stop at the ice machine got me the compress I wanted for my banged-up knee.

She pulled a key card out and opened the door, helping me in still, arm around my chest because at my height, I had to lean over her shoulders. I wasn't thinking clearly or I would have wondered why exactly she had the key to my room. Or looked at the number on the door. Or the number of beds. Or any of a hundred clues that something was off about this situation before I walked into it.

Kelly helped me sit down on a twin-sized bed, and retrieved a towel to wrap the ice and put it on my bloody left knee. My whole leg was sore, and it felt good to stick my feet out and take off my shoes. There were bruises and small cuts on both legs, but she made it feel a lot better by giving a very gentle but firm massage of my feet and calves. I sighed contentedly, then started as my brain engaged.

"Kelly," I asked in as normal a voice as I could. "Where are we?"

"We're in a hotel room, duh," she said nonchalantly.

"Yes, but whose hotel room?" It had two beds, a large television, and a nice bathroom with a huge shower.

"Ours of course. You seem slow on the uptake, you sure you went to the same college I did hon?"

I rolled my eyes in exasperation. "I didn't know you were serious about that cost-saving thing. I got...surprised when you mentioned it and we didn't talk about it again."

She didn't meet my eyes, but continued to massage my hurt legs. It felt really good, and I was suddenly aware that I was still wearing tight athletic clothes. My special friend was starting to wake up too. I couldn't adjust without her noticing either, so I tried to pretend nothing was happening.

"Well, I already talked to the front desk, and got it arranged. Art is only interested in the cost numbers, so he won't care about the particulars. Fact is, you saved the company nearly a thousand dollars this week. I...could tell the desk it was a mistake, that you want your own room after all. If you want."

And there it was. This was a done deal, unless I make a fuss. Kelly knew me better than that, she knows I'm not confrontational! She certainly put me in a hard position, in the guise of doing me a favor. She was my best friend other than my wife, and I certainly wasn't going to tell her that I didn't like hanging out with her, or appreciate her help and thoughtfulness. Besides, the money would go a long way, right?

She took my prolonged silence a little hard. "I mean, it was a stupid idea really," she said, getting off the bed, and I quickly took the chance to adjust my pants before I was in the upright and locked position. "Don't worry, I'll just- "

"Hey," I said, reaching out with both hands and taking her by the shoulders. "Its okay, I just wish you ran it by me first alright?" Her eyes actually glistened with stifled tears. I almost made fun of her but I caught myself and realized this was a supportive friend moment, not a friendly teasing moment.

She must be so lonely. Getting close to thirty and no family. She'd had any number of boyfriends, but they had never worked out. Both her siblings and her favorite cousin all married with kids, that had to be hard for a beautiful woman. My spirits lifted a bit. I could be that kind of friend. I could help her out, and make it seem like it wasn't a big deal, that I wasn't doing this as a favor, but just to save a bit of cash.

"You were right, actually. It does seem like a good idea." I was still holding her arms, and had started to rub her shoulder unconsciously like I always did with Stacey. Stacey loved getting her shoulders rubbed and would give a little shudder of pleasure that got me in the mood and...

Kelly gave an extremely similar shudder. This was getting out of hand, time to defuse it fast. I took my hands off and put on a friendly smile. "Of course, this is going to be a problem if you try to bring any guys back with you." I had to block a pillow swung with mock outrage.

"You troll!" she said, but it was with a smile. "You won't have to worry about that too much, it's been a while since I had anything twixt my nethers that didn't run on batteries!" We shared a healthy laugh.

"Wait," I said, raising a finger. "Did you just quote cult classic sci-fi Firefly to me?" That immediately had us start trying to one up each other with quotes and jokes. We had always watched tons of movies together, or rather, Stacey and I with Kelly had. She was at our place nearly every week for movie night, board games, or just to watch the kids so I could have a real date with my wife. The kids loved "Aunt Kelly".

Soon we were both in our respective beds, binge-watching episodes of Firefly. We laughed, we chortled, but it started getting late. The steamy sex scenes in the show didn't help the partial I was sporting on and off either. When it looked like she had finally fallen asleep, I carefully put the blanket over my body in a non-incriminating way. I glanced at her bed again, and her back was to me, breathing slowly. She must have been asleep.

One reason I didn't want to share a room with anyone was that as a result of my very healthy and active sex life, I felt the need to empty out my balls nearly every day. At home, that was no problem; far from it. Stacey loved sex and loved trying new things. But on my trips, that TV was much more often set to porn to try to relive the pressure of being away from my hot babe of a wife.

I started stroking quietly, praying that the bed springs didn't give me away too much. It was a very quiet sound, but then it was also a very quiet room. I dropped into my usual fantasies; Stacey giving me slow, passionate head; a hot threesome; Kelly riding my cock-

Wait where did that one come from? I looked over my shoulder, and Kelly was still sleeping and facing away from me. The images came to mind unbidden: her firm tits bouncing as she rode me, her shoulder-length blonde hair bouncing and free, her luscious skin glistening with sweat. I had never fantasized about sex with Kelly, after all she was my best friend.

But what was the harm? Sure, she was less than six feet away, but I fantasized with a hundred porn actresses I didn't even know over the years. Conscience assuaged; I felt a tide building behind the dam. I imagined shooting hot sperm all over her blonde hair while she gasped in ecstasy, and I felt my load blow. Good thing I had surreptitiously taken the towel from my knee to catch my hot seed. No one would even know, not even my new roommate.

I felt relaxed and content as the flow of hormones washed over me, but I heard a small moan. I froze, ice running suddenly through my veins. That sound hadn't been me; it must have been Kelly. I carefully looked back at her, and I saw her moving subtly in the sheets. Was she waking up? Dreaming? No, as I looked more carefully, I saw her hips ever so slightly bucking. She was rubbing one out too!

I hope that my presence here didn't impede her from satisfying her needs, just like I satisfy mine. She didn't have a hot spouse to make her orgasm whenever she wanted, like Stacey and I had. But she knew I was in the room. Did that make it harder? Or maybe, she actually liked being noticed? I tried to put it from my mind, and slept.

In the morning, I woke to find that Kelly was already up. I heard the shower going, and saw that the door to the bathroom was slightly ajar. I yawned and stretched, then noticed that my morning wood was in full force. I chuckled at myself as I realized I hadn't put any pants on last night, and was sleeping in just a thin shirt. With the blankets on me of course, she wouldn't have noticed it as she woke up. Right?

Time to be a good roommate. I sat up in bed, and called the desk for room service. We might be doing this to save money, but we didn't have to live like barbarians. Just a little chow to get us going through the long and surely boring meetings we'd be in all day. As I hung up the phone, I noticed that if I leaned just a bit, I could see through the door into the bathroom.

She was magnificent. Toned body, held with confidence and poise. The suds dripped down her flawless skin and only served to highlight her gorgeous breasts and hips. She was facing to the side, allowing me to see her only in profile, but what a profile it was. I was already hard, but this was ridiculous. How can a man be expected to get ready in the morning like this? If I were home with my wife and woke up to see her showering, I could have just walked in there, bent her over and had my way with that warm pink pussy.

My wife! I haven't called her yet! She was a time zone ahead, so I dialed and got her right away.

"Hey honey!" she said to me cheerfully.

"Morning dear, sleep alright?"

"Sure did, miss you though. The body pillow just isn't the same as you."

Oh, saints and angels preserve us, she's in a raunchy mood. Sometimes I would do some phone sex with her, but I certainly wasn't going to do that with her cousin likely to walk into the room at any moment.

I asked forgiveness, saying I had to get ready, and bid my farewells.

"Someone is perky this morning," I heard Kelly say behind me.

I half turned, and she was learning sensually against the doorframe in only a towel wrapped around her body. Wait, perky? Could she see me poking up in the blankets? Or did she mean me as I awake? Curse you double entendres of the English language!

She walked over to her bed as I mentally cursed long-dead linguists, and with her back to me, simply dropped the towel. I was as completely still as those moldering scholars of whom I couldn't actually name a single one. She was naked! Right in front of me!

Calmly, as though this were the most natural thing in the world, she stretched her arms up, basking in the glory of her nakedness and my dick rose as fast as if it had been released by a catapult. She opened up her suitcase and started laying out clothes, judging her outfits. She even put her hand on her chin and made a "hmmm..." sound, like it was a difficult intellectual task. Smooth, unblemished skin as far as the eye could see. And my eyes did see. They've never been so dilated in my life.

"Can you hand me that blow dryer?" Like the proper gentleman I was raised to be, I did so instinctively, reaching for the machine on the desk, but in the so doing it made my sheets fall off, exposing me to my best friend. Only then did she look over her shoulder and finally lost her composure, laughing manically.

"I can't believe you actually did that!" She wept tears of glee, rolling on her bed as I grabbed a set of trousers in a huff. "I tried to see how far I could push it, tried to see how much a sweet Christian boy like you would let me get away with!"

"Har har hardy freaking har Kel." Her laughter had almost a musical tone to it. "And people will hear you in the other rooms!"

"Aw," she said, making a pouting face and sitting on the side of the bed. "Are you worried about what strangers think about the anonymous people next door?" She was still laughing at me. And she was still naked! Her pouting posture squeezed her incredible breasts together, her small, cheerful pink areolas peeking at me.

"Whatever, we need to get ready for work now." I had on my fig leaf now, a pair of awful grey pants that clashed with, well everything. Why did I even own these? To make the laughter stop, I gave a her a pretty solid push (very carefully on the shoulder!) that put her flat out on the bed. I realized too late that my attempt at propriety of where I put my hands was dreadfully overshadowed by the net result of having a beautiful woman lying naked on a bed in front of me.

Her smile changed very much in timbre; it shifted from impish delight to more of a mischievous one. A taunting one. Even, a daring one?

She managed to speak first. "You want me to cover my nakedness like the good boy you are? Or are you not ashamed?"

I finally got myself together. "Okay okay, you made your point, lets get going." I threw a sheet over her. Her laugh came back, full of mirth. The image of her lying on that bed, wearing nothing but a smile though. It stuck with me the whole workday.

I tried to focus on my work, really. If I was going to be away from my family, I was going to at least make it productive. Three hours of conferences, product demonstrations, and of course, over the shoulder work until well after closing hours. Kelly was a whiz as usual, going over all their books and making it all work. We made a great team, always did. Probably why we got sent places together so many times.

We two did the work of four that day. Not that that fact would count for the savings initiative, but still it sat well in my mind, and I could brag about it over the phone with Stacey. Still a few days away. How I missed her, my true love.

It was a long day. Really it was, and despite it being work I was good at, and liked, I was tired. I did a good long workout in the hotel gym, and came back to my...to our room. It was empty so far; Kelly must have been getting dinner somewhere. Maybe I should put itching powder in her bra? That would serve her right. Of course, it might give her an excuse to take the bra off. That storming woman just loved to get up my ire! Well, I'd show her. I would play nonchalant, and see how she likes that! Ha!

A nice warm hot shower to relax, and then I could do my battle of wits fully armed. My tight, corded muscles felt good in the hot, steaming water. I closed my eyes and let the comfortable lather wash over me. I thought of my dear Stacey, and how she would run her hands over my body, and make comments that would stoke my sexual ego. Then she would stroke something else, most satisfactorily.

I felt a breeze come on my back for a second. What could that be- o nonononononono...

I opened my eyes to see what I feared. Kelly, already using the loofah. MY loofah. I brought my little pink loofah from home with me! She was putting all over her, well, little pink parts.

"Do you have no shame?!" I growled, but we both continued to wash. The shower head was overhead, and the shower itself was more than big enough for us both. But a man had to have some limits. "It seems awfully immature."

"Immature?" she said in mock outrage as she brushed my loofah all over her perfect breasts. The bubbling soap covered her sensuously. "I'm older than you are."

"One year. Barely. And you sure don't act it, with the naked-thing all the time. Were you like that in college when you were roommates with Stacey?"

"A dorm full of women? It was worse! Don't you know that college chicks have pillow fights and wrestle in lingerie all the time?"


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