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My Buddy's Daughter

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An age-gap relationship works out quite well.
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My last submission to Literotica was quite dark, as some readers noted. This is an attempt to be more upbeat, but with a slight edge.

This story is a work of fiction. The story mentions or implies some real places and institutions. They are used fictitiously here. To the author's knowledge, no real person affiliated with any of those places or institutions has done anything akin to what is described in this story. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person are coincidental and unintended. I encourage comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable. Thank you for reading.


I met Beckett Reed the first year of college. We were both attending a rather prestigious university in the Chicago area on partial athletic scholarships. I wrestled. Beck swam. We had several things in common. We were both from Southwestern Ohio. Both of us were at a school our families could not have afforded but for the partial scholarships. Even with them, money was tight for us both. Neither of us was bad at his sport, but neither of us was above average either. Beck and I performed better in the classroom than in the pool or on the mat.

I guess these common factors, and a shared attitude towards life, were why we became such close friends. We roomed together sophomore and junior years. Senior year, Beck shared an apartment with his girlfriend, Yvonne Pelletier. Beck and I got into and went to the same law school in Michigan. Yvonne followed Beck there and they married the summer after first year of law school. Yvonne gave birth to their daughter Michelle during third year. Beck called me from the hospital a few minutes after she was born. I was, and am, impressed that Beck managed law school, marriage, and fatherhood all at once.

Beck and I both graduated towards the top of our law school class. It wasn't an agreement between us, but we reinforced each other's inclinations to go home to Cincinnati to practice. Yvonne, who was from Dayton, was fine with that.

I spent a lot of time with Beck and Yvonne. I never thought I was good with young children, so I never babysat Michelle or anything like that. Michelle did take to calling me "Uncle Ian," but, I think, to her, I was just the strange man Dad was friends with. I watched her grow from a young girl to an attractive high school student but didn't see her much once she went to college in Columbus.

I was in the litigation group of a large "full service" law firm. About four years into my practice, I defended a client in a complicated multi-party case. The lawyer for another party was an attractive, elegant woman about my age named Julia Scherer. Julia and I worked closely on that case. In addition to being physically attractive, Julia was smart and witty. Our backgrounds were quite different. Julia came from a wealthy, established family; and belonged to the Junior League. Despite our differences, we clicked and got married about a year after the case settled.

Life with Julia went well for several years. We both made partner at our respective firms. I was forty when a couple of my senior partners left the big firm to start their own shop. I and four other younger lawyers went with them. Julia and I had discussed the move and she had said was completely ok with it. With hindsight, I don't think she really appreciated how moving to a start-up firm would affect my income. I did ok at the new firm, but Julia was making much more money than I was.

From my perspective, Julia thought that, because she was making more money, she now ran the marriage. I did not take that well. Arguments became more frequent, with a lot more personal insults and nasty comments about each other's backgrounds. I became trailer trash, while she'd been born with the silver spoon in her mouth. That was the polite version.

I suppose it was inevitable. Julia got a case in which she had to work closely with a neurosurgeon expert witness from Boston. I met him once. He was impressive: thin, well-cut silver hair, expensively dressed, and conversant about fine wine and antique furniture. My efforts to engage him in conversation about football, baseball, or hockey fell flat. When Julia's case settled, she matter-of-factly informed me we were getting divorced. She moved to Boston.

Before things got bad between us, Julia and I often spent time with one of my partners, Beth Abernathy, and her husband Chris. Once, we had joined them on a trip to the Iroquois National Forest in south central Ohio, just over two hours' drive from Cincinnati. There was a large lake in the Forest. I don't know if Beth and Chris planned it, but our hike took us to an unofficial nude beach along about a half-mile of the lakeshore. The Iroquois Forest was about an hour and a half from Columbus in one direction and less than an hour from Athens in another. I thought proximity to the universities in those towns probably explained why most of the nude people at the beach were young.

Beth and Chris wanted to strip off and enjoy the beach, and I was curious to try it. Julia resisted, but Beth finally persuaded her. Beth, Chris, and I loved it. Julia couldn't leave soon enough. Beth and Chris went back to that nude beach many times. They invited us repeatedly. Julia wouldn't consider going back.

I wasn't depressed about the divorce. I was dismayed to be single again at age 48. Because Julia had always had things for me to do when I wasn't working, I had stopped working out during our marriage. With Julia gone, I forced myself into a rigorous workout schedule: lifting, swimming, running, and yoga. I wasn't trying to make myself more attractive. I'd decided I didn't want to risk another experience like Julia. I just didn't want to be disgusted every time I looked in the mirror.

One Friday in late Spring, Beth Abernathy walked into my office. "Ian, with Julia gone, are you ready to go back to the nude beach in Iroquois Forest?" she asked. "Chris and I and another couple are going tomorrow. It would be great if you came too."

"Won't it be uncomfortable having a spare man?" I asked.

"Only if it makes you uncomfortable," Beth answered. "Chris and I would love to have you along. I already talked to Kathy and Kurt, the other couple. They're fine if you come along, and I think you'll like them. Please? You need to get out."

I was skeptical about being the unattached man at a nude beach with two couples. However, Beth seemed to genuinely want me to go. Also, she and Chris were good friends who had helped me through the divorce.

I met Kathy and Kurt at Beth and Chris's house the next morning. They seemed like good people. During the drive, I learned that Kathy, Kurt, Beth, and Chris had been going to the beach regularly on the weekends for several summers. I had feared that Beth might have pressured Kathy and Kurt to agree me coming, but I got no sense of that.

The nearest parking was just over a mile from the beach. I was secretly pleased that I could carry the cooler with our food and drinks, by myself, the entire way to the beach without breathing hard. At the beach, we stripped matter-of-factly. Although both were in their late forties, Beth and Kathy were handsome women. Beth was a little shorter and full figured. Kathy was taller and looked like she ran regularly.

The couples spread sunscreen over each other while I took care of myself. Beth did offer to do my back and I gratefully accepted. As Beth was rubbing the sunscreen over my upper back, she said, "Damn Ian, you've got some muscle in your shoulders and back." That made me feel good.

The beach was much as I remembered it. The surrounding trees had grown taller, and it was more crowded. Chris explained, "this is Federal land. The local cops have no jurisdiction here. The Forest Service polices this and, as far as we can tell, they could care less if you're dressed or bare."

The crowd was still, primarily, younger adults; although I saw some people whom I guessed had come as college students a few years ago and kept coming. Some of the women were very attractive. Being guys, Kurt, Chris, and I all looked. To even things up, Kathy and Beth looked at the nude men. I guess they thought some of the men were attractive too.

After we had swum, eaten lunch, and finished one of the bottles of wine I had brought. Beth stood up and said, "I want to take a walk. Who's coming with me." The initial response was silence. Chris, Kathy, and Kurt all declined. "Ian?" Beth asked.

"As your business partner," I said, "I guess I owe it to you to go with you if your husband won't."

"He won't," Chris said cheerfully as he opened the second bottle of wine.

We had set up at one end of the beach. As Beth and I walked towards the middle, there were more people. It was a beautiful, warm day. "Remembering how good it feels to be outside with nothing on?" Beth asked.

Before I could answer Beth, a female voice called out "Uncle Ian?" I turned towards the voice. A tall brunette stood up and began walking towards us. The first thing I noticed was that the woman had a beautiful body: melon-sized firm breasts above a flat stomach. Her hips flared alluringly, but not too widely above long, elegant legs. I guessed her to be mid-twenties. As she got closer, I almost ran away. The gorgeous woman was Michelle Reed, Beck and Yvonne's daughter.

I knew Michelle had graduated from college and stayed in Columbus to work. She got better looking as she came closer. I'd never thought of her as a stunning beauty, but she was. With what had happened in my life, I hadn't thought of her at all in a long time.

As she got close, Michelle said with a smile, "Uncle Ian, it's great to see you. I didn't know you came here."

"I, uh, uh, didn't know you did either," I replied.

I think Michelle was enjoying my discomfort. "Dad said you got divorced," she said. Nodding at Beth, she asked "Is this your friend?"

"This is Beth Abernathy," I replied, "one of law partners. Her husband is down the beach with our stuff and another couple. Beth," I continued, "this is Michelle Reed. Michelle's the daughter of a buddy I went to undergrad and law school with." To try to establish some psychological distance, I added, "I've known Michelle's parents since before she was born."

Beth gave me a sympathetic look that said, "Ok. Now I understand why you are acting so strange."

"That is great!" Michelle said. "I'm sure Dad doesn't get naked with his partners. How long have you been coming here?"

"Beth and her husband come here often in the summer. Julia and I were here years ago, but Julia didn't like it. Beth invited me back now that Julia is gone."

"How could anyone not love it here?" Michelle asked. "Naked in the sun and breeze? What, besides sex, is better?"

"How long have you been coming here?" I asked Michelle.

"Not long enough," she replied. "A girl I work with talked me into coming here last year with a group. They come every weekend the weather's ok. I come every time they do."

I recalled Beck saying something about Michelle and a serious boyfriend. "Your boyfriend comes too?" I asked.

"You mean my ex," Michelle answered. "We had a lot more differences than we realized. Learning that I love to go naked with other people brought all of those out. We broke up last year. If Beth isn't your girlfriend, who is? Is she here?"

"I'm not seeing anyone," I said.

"Really?" Michelle responded.

With a sly gleam in her eye, Beth broke in, "I'd better get back to Chris before he empties the wine. Ian, why don't you get up to date with Michelle?" Beth turned and headed back up the beach.

"She seems nice," Michelle said.

"Yes," I replied. "I work with a pretty good group."

"Yes," Michelle said, "we have that in common: we both get naked with co-workers."

"I probably shouldn't ask," I said, "but, do Beck and Yvonne know you come here?"

"I've told them," Michelle said, "but they act like they didn't hear me. I'd love to get them to come here. Wouldn't that be cool? Going naked with your parents?"

"Not something I could do," I said.

"Oh, sorry," Michelle replied. "Your parents are gone, aren't they?" I nodded affirmatively. "Well," Michelle went on, "I'll say something I probably shouldn't: you look great with no clothes on. You're in better shape than any of the younger guys here."

"Thank you," I replied.

After a moment, Michelle decided she wasn't letting me off the hook. "How do I look naked?" she asked and did a quick turn so I could see her back and perfectly shaped ass.

"You look, uh, shit, you look perfect," I said.

"Thank you," Michelle said. "That's special coming from such an attractive man."

I heard a male voice call out, "Michelle?"

"That's the guy I'm with today," Michelle said in a slightly derisive tone. "Angela, my co-worker, set me up with him. Not a keeper. But, if I'm rude to him, I'll embarrass Angie. I should get back. Let's keep in touch."

Michelle turned and walked back to her group. She looked wonderful from behind, but she had looked even better facing me. Of course, Michelle was about half my age.

When I got back to my group, Kurt asked, "Who is your friend Ian? Except for Kathy and Beth, she's the most beautiful woman on the beach."

"Wisely worded," Kathy quipped.

"Is she old enough to drink?" Chris asked.

"She's the daughter of my oldest friend," I replied. "I went to undergrad and law school with her father. I've known both her parents since before she was born. I watched her grow up." I was talking too much, I knew.

"She did a hell of a job growing up," Chris said.

"It's just unlucky I ran into her here," I said.

"I don't think it's unlucky," Beth said.

For the rest of the day, I couldn't put Michelle out of my mind: her gorgeous face and flawless body with its light allover tan. "Shit!" I thought. No matter how stunning she is, she's still Beck's daughter.

The following Wednesday, Beth came into my office just after lunch. "The weather for Saturday looks great," she said. "We're going back to the beach. Want to go with us?"

"Can I check on a couple of things and get back to you?" I replied.

"Sure," Beth said.

Not ten minutes later, my phone rang. When I answered, a female voice sad, "Hi Uncle Ian. It's Michelle. The weather Saturday is supposed to be wonderful. My friends and I are going back to Iroquois Forest. Why don't you drive up here early Saturday morning and go with us? That will keep Angie from setting me up with any more blind dates."

"The friends I was with last weekend already invited me to go back with them," I replied.

"So, you will be there this Saturday?" Michelle asked.

"Yes, I'll be there," I said.

"Great!" Michelle said. "I'm looking forward to seeing you again. I hope you're looking forward to seeing me." I was, but I didn't think it wise to say so.

The five of us were still putting on sunscreen that Saturday morning when Michelle walked up. She was, of course, nude and looked more beautiful than I had remembered. I introduced her to Kathy, Kurt, and Chris; and she sat down next to me. The six of us talked for about an hour and a half. I learned that, in addition to her physical beauty, Michelle was articulate, thoughtful, well-informed, and witty. Even Chris was listening to her as well as staring at her stunning body.

Michelle finally stood up and said, "I need to get back to my friends. Ian, will you come with me? I'd like you to meet them."

I hesitated. Beth impatiently said, "Ian, go!" I walked beside Michelle about halfway down the beach. Chris wasn't the only man staring at her that Saturday.

Michelle had come to the beach with three couples. She introduced me around. Angela, or Angie, and her boyfriend Chad; and Rachel and her boyfriend Barry were all in their mid-twenties, like Michelle. Angie, a buxom blonde, and Michelle both worked in IT for the largest healthcare network in the central Ohio. Angie had introduced Michelle to the Iroquois Forest nude beach. Rachel, a slender redhead with freckles all over her body, was a friend of Michelle's from college. Michelle had introduced Rachel to the beach. There was also a slightly older married couple: D'Shawna and Will Willis. D'Shawna worked in HR for the company Michelle and Angie worked for. Will was a primary care doctor affiliated with that group. D'Shawna was tall like Michelle, with elegant, long deep brown legs and a tremendous smile. Will looked very athletic.

After the introductions, Angie said to Michelle, "So, this is the guy you've been talking about all week?" I wasn't thrilled that Michelle had been talking about me to her friends.

To me, Rachel said, "Michelle said you are very handsome. She understated it."

"Thank you," I replied. Michelle had me sit down on a beach towel with her. Our bare hips were touching. I spent the next couple of hours nude in the sunshine talking with Michelle and her nude friends. My impression was they were all intelligent and pleasant.

That established the pattern for my weekends that summer. Michelle would call in the middle of the week to ask me to go to the beach with her and her friends. I would instead go with Beth, Chris, and, usually, Kathy and Kurt. I'd meet Michelle at the beach. We'd shuttle back and forth between our two groups of friends. It was pleasant and fun. The problem was that I was falling for Michelle.

Beth called me on that over lunch one week in August. "Ian, you do realize Michelle Reed's infatuated with you, if not more?"

"Michelle's not infatuated, or very interested in, a guy who's almost twice her age and a friend of her mother and father," I replied.

"You are wrong there," Beth replied. "She obviously wants you." Beth paused, then said, "That may be a good thing. You haven't dated since Julia left you. Michelle's smart, beautiful, and a nudist. What more can you ask for?"

"She is tremendously attractive, both physically and her personality," I replied, "but she's my buddy's daughter. He called me from the hospital the night she was born!"

"Let me ask you this," Beth said, "if Michelle wasn't your friends' daughter and was sending the signals she's sending, would you get involved with her?"

After a couple of moments, I said "yes." I was ashamed of myself.

"Ok," Beth continued, "you're interested in her and she's interested in you. Explain to me why either of you should be penalized because you know her parents. It's not like you're using your relationship with her parents to get into her pants. You ran into her unexpectedly at a nude beach, and she's been hitting on you."

Michelle was calling me at least once a week. She called the week after Labor Day. "It's going to rain this Saturday," she said, "so we're not going to Iroquois Beach. Instead, D'Shawna and Will invited everyone over for dinner at their house. They live a little outside of town. It's about a half hour from my apartment given what traffic is like up here. They want us there at 6:00, so pick me up at 5:00. We can stop on the way and pick up a bottle of wine."

Michelle's apartment was about two and a half hours' drive from mine. I knocked on her door on the dot of 5:00 p.m. She answered wearing a beige sundress that emphasized her tan. She gave me a quick peck on the lips, then looked me up and down. I was in the standard "summer casual" male uniform: polo shirt and khaki slacks. Michelle giggled and said, "we've seen each other a lot this summer, but this is the first time we've seen each other with clothes on."

"You are beautiful dressed or undressed," I said.

"Thank you," Michelle replied. "I prefer to be undressed and I prefer you undressed."

We picked up a good bottle of wine on the way, and arrived at D'Shawna's and Will's just after 6:00 p.m. D'Shawna was nude when she opened the door. "I'm so glad you could make it," she said. "You can undress in the other room," she said pointing, "and leave your clothes there."

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