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My Dilemma

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Wife wants husband to father her friend's child.
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Author's Note: This story is about sex and not about morals. If you have a moral problem with the story, please feel free to read something else. It's a fantasy, get over it.


My wife Sandra's best friend is, Connie. Sandra and Connie have known each other since, "forever" and they have a bond that is stronger than steel.

Unfortunately, as a friend, Connie and I aren't very close. She just has too many opinions for me and always wants to know, "your business" but rarely shares anything of herself. Connie never hesitates to make suggestions to you but if you counter with your own opinion, or offer her any friendly advise, she doesn't receive it with the spirit that was intended. To this day, I suspect that Sandra represents Connie's only true "confidant". That's not to say that Connie doesn't have her good sides. She is very generous, loves my kids (Aunt Connie), and is a very, successful surgeon. At 36 years of age, she has never married and to this point in her life, she never started a family of her own. It's not that we don't, "get along" but it would be much nicer for all concerned if I thought of her a little more strongly than I do. Mostly when we are around each other, we give each other a fair bit of room.

My wife and Connie had a little Friday night, "girl's night out" and so I stayed home with the kids. At around 11 pm, Sandra came home and while I heard her come in, I was near sleep myself and simply nodded out. I barely felt the kiss on my check as she snuggled up against me and said, "Goodnight John".

Saturday mornings have always been a special time for Sandra and myself. I often wake up to a morning BJ and then we proceed to make love prior to going down for breakfast. However, this Saturday morning was a little, "different".

I woke up around 6 am and I could feel Sandra already stroking me under the covers. She had her head resting on my chest and I could see that her beautiful brown hair was freshly, "tussled" from sleep. Her big brown eyes just stared into mine and I could feel her bare breast (we both sleep nude) pressing against my side. My right hand was already caressing and feeling onto her bare ass. No doubt, I was the luckiest man alive.

I was immediately aroused and ready to go. However, as I rolled over to embrace my wife she said, "Honey, we need to talk."

This caught me a little by surprise and I asked, "Can't it wait?"

"No, it can't."

Sandra continued to stroke me and started to tell me about her evening with Connie.

"Honey, I know that Connie has been a challenge for you but she is very special to me."

My mind was wondering, why are we talking about this now but instead said, "Yeah, I know."

"Well, you know the one thing that she has always wanted, don't you?"

Jokingly, I responded, "Yeah, a man without vocal chords."

She released my very hard penis for a moment to give me a smack on the chest but fortunately, it was in jest and she (thankfully) proceeded to stroke my penis again. Sandra replied, "No silly, she has always wanted children."

"No kidding", I replied, "but that is pretty hard to do when you look at everyone around you as second class."

Sandra continued, "She's really not like that at all but I understand that is how you see her. Trust me, that is not how she really feels at all."

"Are we done talking about Connie now? I'd really like to give you a good screwing right about now."

With a little more sternness in her voice, "No, I am not done. Look, there is nothing I wouldn't do to help Connie. She is ovulating and intends to be artificially inseminated this coming Monday morning.

"Well, good for her but why is this slowing down my Saturday morning with my wife?

"C'mon John, she is very apprehensive about it."

"How so?"

Her facial expression changed to a worried look, "Well, this might be my fault. When she told me of her plan, I told her that a child should be conceived by the union of two people and that it shouldn't occur through a test tube."

At this point, Connie's hand abruptly left my shaft and she scooted down and started to lick around my head, balls and shaft.

"Now, that's more like it", I said.

In between little licks and slurps Sandra continued.

"We had shared a bottle of wine at dinner and went back to her place and had a little after dinner drink so I might not have been thinking straight. Anyway, what I had said to her got her pretty upset. After I told her my opinion about conceiving through test tubes, she didn't know what to do. She started crying. I mean, crying, REAL HARD."

This conversation was getting a little old and I wanted to move onto our traditional Saturday morning fuck so I said, "Ok baby, I'm sure the insemination will go fine. She'll have her baby and everything will be right with the world. Now let's enjoy our Saturday morning, ok?"

Sandra took my cock deep into her mouth for a couple of head bobs and then continued, "Look John, Connie is 36 and is running out of time to have a family. She focused all of her attention on her career and she knows she has made some mistakes along the way but is desperate to have a family of her own."

At this point, I was more concerned with what my wife's tongue and hands were doing to me than I was with what she was talking about but that didn't stop Sandra from continuing on with both my cock attention and her story.

While stroking my balls and cock shaft, Sandra said, "John, I screwed up. She had a plan that she was comfortable with and I had to open my big mouth."

This was getting a little tiresome to me and I said in a bit of an exasperated voice, "Baby, I wish you'd open that big mouth for me right now and continue swallowing my dick. C'mon stop teasing me."

"John", she replied, "this is important to me. Please let me finish."

Knowing that this was important to her and that I was being a little selfish, I said, "Ok, sorry."

Recognizing that she finally had my attention, Sandra licked my balls and the underside of my shaft for a few moments and then continued to jack me with her hand.

"John, having children is wonderful. She wants to experience that too. I really don't want her to have a baby conceived by test tubes. I just don't want my friend to have to conceive that way and that's where you come in."

I started to get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. "What do you mean, that's where I come in."

Sandra gave me dick a real earnest lick and a couple of mouth fucks, taking me deep into her throat and then dropped her bomb, "John I want you to have sex with Connie and give her a baby."

As soon as the last words drifted out of her mouth, she started to suck me ferociously.

Sandra can really suck a dick and I was starting to have a hard time focusing on both her mouths activity and the statement she just made.

Shaking my head a little clear from my wife's mouth assault on my shaft I asked, "Are you serious?"

Letting my cock flop out of her mouth she said, "John, I am totally serious. I know you don't love her. In fact, you do everything you can just to tolerate her and so I know that this will just be sex and nothing more. While I hope you get her pregnant, either way, she'll go through with the A.I. on Monday. That way, when she has the baby, neither of us will truly know if it is your child or not. In fact, if the baby has Connie's blood type, she may never know either. You see, we can all have a clean conscience about this."

While Sandra started licking my balls again, I started thinking about what she was saying. Her argument of not knowing if the baby was mine or not reminded me that one soldier in the firing squad is given a blank. None of the soldiers know which one has the blank so after their duty is completed, they can all have a slight hope that they did not personally shoot the prisoner. The problem is, blanks don't create a recoil so if your gun recoils, you know you shot a bullet. I knew in my heart that if we did this, at a minimum, we would all learn if the child was mine or not.

"Baby, if I do this, it will change things forever between you and me."

Sandra responded, " I have thought a lot about this John. Our marriage is the envy of all of our friends. I see this for what it is, a favor to my best friend who really needs a favor. I wouldn't ask you to do this for just anyone and Connie is ovulating as we speak so she's fertile, you're fertile and together, you could make a baby."

I got very quiet and while I was very uncomfortable with what my wife was asking of me, my cock was loving her attention.

Sandra started to deep throat me again and I had to admit that with my cock as hard as a rock, I was reaching a point where I was ready to fuck almost anything and that's when all the pieces of Sandra's plan came together.

Connie let my cock fall from her mouth again and said, "John, the decision is all yours. If you want to say no then you can." With a little mischievous grin and while stroking my very hard prick, Sandra went on to ask, "Are you ready to fuck now?"

My reaction was, "FINALLY!"

Sandra giggled and moved her way up so that her face was inches from mine and her hand slid back down to my penis. Stroking me under the covers and looking deep into my eyes, she placed a soft kiss on my lips and said, "Now that you're ready, why not just drive over to Connie's place right now and give her a special delivery of this fine cock."

I looked into Sandra's eyes and I actually saw tears forming into the corners of her eyes.

"You really want me to do this, don't you?"

"Yes John, I do. I will never hold it against you either way but as a favor to me and my very good friend, I hope you'll go through with this for all concerned."

A million thoughts were going through my mind but I couldn't form a sentence.

Sandra realizing my confusion just said, "John, everything is all set. I am taking the kids to the zoo and to a movie. You'll have the next 6 hours do to whatever you want. I won't even know if you went to her house and I won't ask you to tell me whether you did or not. Connie has also promised not to tell me. You see, if she has a child it may have been from you or it may not have been from you. You may have slept with Connie and then again, maybe you didn't. I also have time set-up for tomorrow. The kids and I will be gone from 10 AM to after 5 PM. You can go to a ballgame, you can go have beers with friends or you can do what I hope you will do."

As I continued to process this information, I was floating in a place previously unknown to me. My mind was screaming at me but nothing made any sense.

Never losing control of the moment, Sandra continued on, "Whatever you do, I will not let you fuck me this weekend."

She could see total shock and disappointment in my eyes.

Her face softened and she said, "Look John, it's not that I don't want to be with you it's just that I want you to use yourself up on my friend. If you come home and are all tired out then we'll both know what your decision was. My intent is not to hurt you, my intent is to create an environment where you don't feel guilty."

I must have had an absolutely blank stare on my face. Sandra in a playful voice sand cute little grin said, "Of course, I think I did a pretty good job of making sure that if you take the ballgame or out-for-beers route instead of servicing Connie then you are gonna have one bad case of blue balls, aren't you?"

I dumbly nodded without even really thinking about what I was nodding about. Sandra obviously took that as faint hope that I would comply and just smiled and said, "Good".

Then Sandra got out of bed and looking at me with tears still clinging to the corner of her eyes, "John, I love you and I appreciate that you'll really consider what I am asking. Now go and take a shower, but no touching yourself – if you know what I mean." Then with a giggle she headed out of our bedroom and as she proceeded to walk down the hall, she called back to me, "I'm gonna make you a nice bacon and eggs breakfast, you'll need the protein."

That comment took my a bit out of my catatonic state and made both of us laugh.

In a total daze, I took my shower (with a very hard dick), shaved and came downstairs to a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. Sandra kept coming over to me to rub my shoulders, kiss me on top of the head and stroke my neck – just very attentive or should I say, "reassuring".

A little while later, she hollered to the kids to, "get in the car, it's time to go!" The kids, didn't have to be told twice and raced to get into the car – they love the zoo.

Sandra came to say goodbye to me. She gave me a light kiss on the lips and then leaned forward so that her mouth was next to my ear and as she slid her hand over the front of my pants, giving my still hard cock a squeeze said, "You know, these balls don't have to stay blue all day." Then I felt her tongue lick my earlobe and she left.

I sat and thought a minute about Sandra. There was no doubt in my mind that she really wanted me to go through with this. I thought about Connie. I really didn't like her all that much but she was very good to my wife and kids and it's not so much that she wasn't nice to me, she just wasn't, "warm". I had always wished that we were better friends than we were and that made me realize that my wife was right. If I went to her home, it would only be sex. I certainly wasn't in love with Connie. I was in love with Sandra and she wanted me to do this for her.

I just sat in the kitchen weighing the options. I kept glancing at the kitchen clocks, the one on the stove, on the microwave, the kitchen wall clock and it was almost as if time itself was taunting me.

I got up and as I went to the family room, I saw my VCR blinking 12:00 (never could set that thing) and then the grandfather clock in the front foyer started to chime the quarter hour. The stress of my wife's request was being magnified by the time I had to fulfill her request.

However, in the end, all of my thoughts led to one thing. I had to at least go to Connie's. If I went for a beer or whatever else and didn't at least stop over then I couldn't help but think that the harm and hurt would be pretty extreme for her and for my wife. As I grabbed my wallet and keys I started thinking that, "just maybe I can talk her out of this and convince her that A.I. isn't so bad an option. Yeah, that's what I'll do," I thought.

Driving in a bit of a fog, it seemed like I was teleported to Connie's driveway. As I switched off the ignition to the car, I couldn't even recall any of the drive over. I kept trying to think of the words to disarm this ticking bomb.

Before I even hit the doorbell, Connie opened the door.

She embraced me at the door and said, "Oh John, I just wasn't sure you'd come. Thank you so much!" Then she gave me a soft kiss on the lips and taking my hand, led me into the sitting room of her home. All I could think of is that maybe my coming her was a bad idea. By the way she received me, there is little doubt that she thinks I'm here to fuck.

Now Connie is not an ugly woman. She was wearing a pair of relatively short, shorts and a scooped out knit top. Connie has straight blonde hair that falls to her shoulders, brown eyes and rather profound breasts. The top that she was wearing today did a nice job of sculpting out her tits.

She sat me on the loveseat and snuggled up next to me. Her breasts were pressing into my arm and I could tell that she was weeping.

Undaunted, I said, "Connie I really think we need to talk about this a bit."

Looking down, her reply was, "So you're not going to do it are you?"

"Connie, this is just not the typical approach to having children, don't you understand?"

In a very weak voice, Connie replied, "John, it has to be much more natural than artificial insemination."

I didn't exactly know how to argue with that so I just sat there in silence for a few moments. The silence was, to say the least, discomforting.

Having to say something, I said, "Connie, sex for a man is different than for a woman." Before I finished, all I could think of is that must be the dumbest thing I ever said and I kinda hit my self in the head for saying it.

Looking to quickly rectify the situation I tried a little different approach. "You know, you are a very attractive woman. There is no doubt that men find you desirable. It's just that I haven't been with another woman for over 12 years. I'm just not sure if I can make this happen."

This very proud, always-knows-the-right-answer, I'm-gonna-get-my-way-woman's reply was, "I understand, you don't have to if you don't want to."

"Oh geez Connie, I didn't mean it like that", but it was too late, she went from weeping to full out crying.

In between sobs, Connie blurted out, "John, I just don't know what to do. If I have a baby, I can't think of any other man I respect like I do you. I know you may not see it that way but I have always admired you for the kind of man you are and the kind of husband you are. Last night when Sandra made this suggestion, at first I thought she was nuts but in the end, it started to make sense to me. I thought it would be so much better to have had a baby in a more natural fashion. I would rather know who the father is. I would rather that father be you."

I was blown away and reached over and held her tight while she sobbed into my chest.

"Look Connie, I'll tell you what, let's give this a try. I'll do my best, ok. Now you go upstairs and get into bed and I'll be up there in a minute."

She leaned up and kissed me again on the lips and said, "John thank you."

I watched her pad her way upstairs and thought, "I really don't know if I can do this or not."

As I walked up the stairs I knocked on the door of Connie's bedroom. Again I thought, "Good grief why are you knocking...., she obviously expects you."

Connie just said, "Come in."

I entered and walked past her as she lay in the bed under the covers. I could see that her clothes had been removed and were sitting in the corner of the room. I walked past the bed and into her master bathroom. I opened up her cabinet and found what I was looking for.

As I re-entered the bedroom, I said, "Connie, we need a little ice breaker. How 'bout I give you a little massage with this baby oil I found and see if it does the trick? Roll over on your tummy for me."

As she rolled over, I took the liberty of pulling down the covers, leaving her covered by just her bed sheet. I then went around the bed and un-tucked the top sheet from the end and corners of the bed. Then I pulled the sheet down to her waist, just above her ass crack and started to work her back with the baby oil. All the while taking off my shirt, pants and socks and I left only my boxers on.

As my hands slid over her body I was starting to feel aroused. Connie's little moans as I slid my hands down to her lower back didn't hurt either. I worked her back in earnest for a little while and then pulled the sheet back up over her (to keep her from getting chilled) and then I pulled her left leg out from under the sheet. Now the sheet covered everything except Connie's leg, up to her hip and just a little of her left butt check was visible.

Again, I started to work the oil, first on her feet and then up and down her smooth, tanned legs. I noticed the firmness of her legs and realized that her daily walks had really worked wonders for toning her thighs and calves. She also was a tanning booth addict and there were no tan lines to be seen.

I had to admit, she had some great fucking gams and as I finished with her left leg, I started onto her right leg in the same fashion. My dick was as hard as a rock and I knew that I was going to fuck her but I wanted to continue with the foreplay so after finishing up her second leg, I pulled the sheet down to her mid thigh, exposing her ass and after smearing oil on my hands, I gave her a nice butt rub.


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