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My Escort, My Daughter


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I watched with pride as she read it. Her facial expression immediately changed -- first her eyes opened really wide, then she opened her mouth and covered it with her hand. Finally she looked up at me and said, "Is this for real? Are you really going to stake me to let me open up the boutique?"

I nearly had tears in my eyes as I said, "Yes, Kaysie. I'm so very proud of the work you have done preparing this assignment. I can see that you have put everything you have into it, and all of the framework has been put in place for you to be successful. The least I can do is help you make your dream into a reality. That's been my entire purpose as a parent -- preparing you to be able to reach your dreams. If you really want to open your boutique, I want to help make that possible."

With that, she started crying, and rushed over to me to give me a big hug. "Oh daddy, I love you so much! I can't believe you are willing to do this for me! Thank you, daddy -- thank you!"

I choked back the tears as I whispered, "I love you, too, baby! I know you're going to be a great business woman. I'm so proud of you!"

We hugged for what seemed like hours. Finally she backed away and looked at me, and I reached up to brush the tears off her cheek. She said, "I promise to work so hard so I can pay you back, daddy. I want you to be so proud of me!"

"This isn't a loan, Kaysie -- it's a gift. And don't worry -- I already am proud. You are the best daughter in the whole world!"

I didn't want the night to end, but I knew that tomorrow was coming, so we parted and I flew back home. I spent the next day reliving the emotions of the evening before. I knew she was going to do well, and I was glad she had accepted my offer as her birthday gift.

She spent the last two months of class making sure her project was complete, going above and beyond the requirements of the professor. Knowing that her boutique was going to be a reality, she poured her heart and soul into its business plan. It was the most complete plan I had ever seen, and I felt that she couldn't help but be successful once the plan was realized in real life.

Her hard work paid off. Kaysie got an A+ on her project. Her professor wrote that it was the most complete and thorough project he had ever seen in the 20 years he had been making that assignment. Kaysie called me with the news, and I could hear the pride in her voice as she told me. My chest swelled with pride as well. It was an amazing day!

At her graduation ceremony, her professor came over to talk to Kaysie and me. He took the time to tell me how impressed he was with her work. He also confessed to me to being a little nervous, knowing that I was a successful businessman in my own right. I thanked him for his part in her development, and during our conversation, he asked me if I would serve on the business department advisory board, with the possibility of coming and being a guest lecturer. I graciously accepted, and Kaysie beamed, knowing she was the main reason all of this was being established.

The very next day, she set out to find the perfect location for her boutique. She had already decided she wanted to be back in our city. We had survived the whole 4-hours-apart hitch in our relationship during her college years, but it had been difficult. I knew that her life would be extremely busy while she tried to get her boutique opened, and I knew my crazy schedule as well, but being in the same city together would at least offer us more opportunities to spend time with each other. In fact, we established a pact that at the least, we would have lunch together every Sunday. That way, not a week would go by without seeing each other.

She found what we both believed was a perfect location, and by October following her graduation, Grace Boutique was up and running. She endured a couple of tough years following her opening, but I was proud of her with the way she didn't get discouraged, and that she put her entire self into making it successful. The Christmas season of her second year was the real turning point. She had started getting the necessary "word-of-mouth" advertising from satisfied customers, and it made all the difference in the world. With timely advertising and a constant attention to keeping her inventory fresh and desirable at all times, her business took off. Her proudest day was when the local City Times featured her as one of the top 10 up-and-coming new young business women in the city. The copy of the photo that accompanied that article still hangs in my office to this day.

Her thoughts now are of expansion, which will be best solved by opening another location. She told me she wants to do this on her own, and I'm going to honor that. However, as a loving and proud father, I am always ready to step in and provide whatever she needs in order for her to remain successful. After all, that was my goal for her as I lovingly raised her.


I got out of the car first, and then extended my arm for her to hold onto as she climbed out. She pulled the hem of her skirt down and adjusted it to make sure it was straight. Together, we walked into the club. As plain as the building was in front, the opulence that awaited us inside was simply stunning.

We stopped first and checked our coats, the proceeded down a long hallway into the lavishly-decorated great room of the club. As we stepped through the doors, all eyes turned to us -- first to me, to see who was arriving, and then to Kaysie -- or I guess Grace now, since we were in the club and she was now my escort. I could tell that by waiting so late to arrive, the audience that watched us enter the building was a large as it could have possibly been.

I immediately spotted a couple of friends across the room, so we headed over to where they were standing, knowing that the eyes that were staring at Kaysie/Grace when we entered had not drifted as we walked across the room. I knew they were admiring her long legs as she gracefully walked with me, clinging to my arm with every step. I knew they were glancing as the swell of her ass, so tightly packed beneath the shiny silver and emerald green dress she was wearing. I knew they were mesmerized by the depth of the dark green of her eyes, highlighted by the length of her lashes and the flare of her makeup. I knew she had hooked them, and was dragging them along for the ride.

But she knew none of this. Instead, she felt self-conscious about the way the people staring at her. She whispered in my ear, "Daddy, why are all these people staring at me? Is there something wrong with my dress?"

I chuckled back at her as I whispered, "No, baby. They are staring at you because you are the most beautiful girl in the world!" She squeezed my arm and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek. I was showing off my prize to the world, and she was showing off back for me.

We spent the evening mingling. I introduced her to some of the most prestigious power players in our city. I was so proud of the way she carried on conversations with these people. She showed no intimidation whatsoever, and the depth of her knowledge in business surprised all of them. That, plus the fact that she was absolutely fucking gorgeous, meant that she didn't have to spend one single second of the evening alone.

About 30 minutes in, I asked her how she was doing. She smiled and said, "Pretty good. I'm still not used to all of this attention. Have you ever felt like a piece of meet at a barbeque convention, and all of the cooks are staring at you, thinking what they could do to you if they only had a chance with you? That's what I'm feeling like right now."

"So I take it you want to stay close to me? You can go off and mingle, if you want, but you have to realize that the farther away from me you get, the more likely you are to get groped by one of the old farts in the room."

She clutched me tighter, and said, "That's okay, Wesley -- I think I'll stay close to you." She smiled at me and winked as she called me by my first name. I knew what she was doing -- if she was Grace for the night, then she was playing the escort angle to the fullest. Plus, it probably wouldn't have been a good thing for people to overhear her calling me "daddy" too many times, although I'm sure some of these old guys who arrive with escorts probably play the daddy game with them after the party is over.

At 10:00, we heard a bell ring. Oh, shit -- I had forgotten about the "tradition" that was coming. It was time for the mistletoe kiss. Lewis Chandler III and his lovely (read sarcasm) wife Patricia were calling us to attention. It was them that were throwing this party. Lewis would make a toast to all of his honored guests thanking us for their support throughout the year, followed by the distribution of "gifts," which were bonuses in varying amounts. The rule was that you couldn't open the bonus envelope to find out how much bonus you received until after the party was over.

Lewis Chandler was in his mid-60's, I would guess. He was heavy set, balding and generally looked unkempt. Some people just weren't born to wear a suit, and Lewis was one of those people, despite the fact that he wore only custom tailored clothing. He was also loud -- he talked too loud, laughed too loud -- hell, he probably even breathed too loud, if I allowed myself to get close enough to him to listen. He was the kind of rich person most people hated, and that was because he didn't do a damn thing to earn the money he now held. It was the hard work of his grandfather and father that built the banking empire upon which he now sat. But, I had control over a pretty sizable investment in which he had entrusted my company, which explains my presence at his party.

His wife Patricia wasn't as annoying as he was, but she was no catch either. Rumor had it that when she was younger, she was quite a knock-out. Another rumor had it that she had married Lewis not for his brains or for his looks, but for his money. She was probably a couple of years younger than he was, and was also heavy-set. She liked to wear expensive clothing with more expensive jewelry, and also liked to talk and laugh loud.

Since it was their party, and since we all appreciated the professional relationship we all had with him, Lewis ended his toast with the traditional "mistletoe lines." Standing underneath a fake version of the kissing vine, each person in attendance had to receive a kiss and a hug from Lewis and Patricia. Fortunately we were to kiss the one who wasn't our gender. But I had forgotten to tell Kaysie/Grace about this part, and as the lines were forming, I could see the look of concern in her eyes.

I figured I had better warn her about what was happening. "Grace, I forgot to tell you this part. Lewis Chandler expects you to kiss him underneath the mistletoe. And it's not going to be just any kiss -- he's going to try to stick his tongue in your mouth while he gropes at least your ass, and probably your breast as well. I'm going to get the same treatment from Patricia, and I'm not going to like it. But it's a good move for the company. If you don't want to do it, tell me now, and I will keep it from happening."

Kaysie/Grace sighed, and said, "Well, it certainly looks unappealing, but I'm sure it will help the company, right?"

I nodded, and she continued. "Tell you what -- I will let him kiss and grope me, but only if when the evening is over, you kiss and grope me the same way he does." She was smiling as she looked at me and waited for my answer.

Her request made me pause. I knew that Lewis Chandler was going to try to get away with as much as possible with Kaysie/Grace -- probably more than a father and daughter should be sharing with each other! At the same time, this would be good for the business, and other than being her father, why wouldn't I want to kiss and grope Kaysie/Grace?

So I looked back at her (which caused my heart to skip a beat) and said, "Sure, why not? You deserve a reward if you pull this off!" She squealed into my ear and grabbed my arm even harder than before, which I took as a gesture of thanks for what was coming once the evening was over.

Finally, it was our turn in line. It was always ladies first, so I stepped up to Patricia Chandler and said, "Merry Christmas" as I bent over to her waiting lips. The kiss was just as squeamish this year as it had been in the past, and she even slid her hand down my back to run it over my ass for a few seconds before the kiss was over. Pulling away, I heard her say, "Merry Christmas to you as well, Wesley, and thank you for my kiss!"

My service at the Chandler torture festival was over, and I stepped back to watch as Kaysie/Grace stepped up for her turn. She was a couple of inches taller than Lewis, which I figured might be a new treat for him. She bent down and he locked lips with hers, while at the same time his right hand found her breast and his left hand cupped her ass. Kaysie/Grace was kissing away, and poor Lewis had to take a step back to maintain his balance. She broke the kiss, and then planted another on the old fart, while cupping HIS ass at the same time! As disgusting as it was thinking that she was having to do this, I started getting aroused watching her flail away on him, and then I remembered I had that very same kiss awaiting me after the party was over!

Kaysie/Grace finally concluded the kiss, and walked over to me smiling, as if to let me know she had done her part for the company as well. The room was extremely hushed watching her kiss Lewis, and as she walked away, they could hear him whisper, "Merry Christmas." He was obviously out of breath after receiving probably the best kiss of his life!

She grabbed my arm and led me away from the kissing area. I asked her if she was ok, and all she said was, "When can we go?"

I said, "Soon -- people will start leaving in a few minutes. Do you need to leave sooner than that?"

"No, I'm okay. The kissing was fine. I figured I could lessen the creepiness of it if I took the role as the aggressor. I think it worked! I just want to get out of here now because you have a deal to pay off, and I'm already looking forward to it!"

She wanted me to kiss her! "Kaysie, I..." but she stopped me short by placing her finger vertically across my lips.

"Listen to me," she said tersely. "Grace just did something pretty special for the company back there, and you owe her back. She is now ready to leave and collect her payment!" And with that, she reached down between us and cupped my cock through my pants, causing it to leap, and my heart to skip a beat.

I sent a text message to Jeff, telling him that we were ready to leave. I went to say goodbye to a couple of my friends, both of whom congratulated me on my date for the evening. When Kaysie/Grace heard them, she blushed and snuggled up even closer to me. I was on cloud nine, yet still thinking about where the remainder of the evening was going to lead.

We picked up our coats and headed outside, where Jeff was waiting to open the door for us. Kaysie climbed in first, and I quickly followed. Even though the car was warm inside, we were still a little bit chilly, so Kaysie sat on my lap and hugged me for warmth, although my cock saw her move as being for another reason, and started to make its presence known. When Kaysie felt this, she looked at me and grinned. This was not now I wanted the trip to begin! I patted her lovely ass, and she sat back down on the seat next to me.

The ride back home was uneventful, unless you count the two times when Kaysie "accidently" rubbed my crotch. Have you ever felt both anticipation and dread at the same time when thinking about a potential event happening? If she wasn't my daughter, my hands would be all over Kaysie on the ride home. I remembered that she had shown me her naked pussy right before we left, something I had forgotten about until this moment. If it was Rachel next to me now, my fingers would be so far lodged deep within her pussy that she couldn't help but scream out in ecstasy. Kaysie is even more beautiful than Rachel, more sexy, and just as exposed. What was stopping me from fingering her?

You know what is stopping you, you idiot -- she's your daughter! It's not right, especially taking advantage of her after she's been the object of sexual desire all evening long! Guys have been drooling over her -- some of the women as well! I bet Patricia Chandler would love to stick her tongue in my daughter's pussy -- it would be more action than she's getting from Lewis! If Kaysie is still swimming in the lust that was directed to her in that room tonight, she might be vulnerable and not able to fend off a level-headed sexual advance from me.

Then another thought occurred to me. With Rachel, I get sex. With Kaysie, I could get sex, if she were as willing as it seems she is. But Rachel admitted to me that there would be no emotional component. As a professional, she is paid to give me pleasure, but no more. With Kaysie, the emotional component is already built in -- just as it has been for the 25 years of her life. I love her more than anything else in the world. So the question then becomes -- would adding the sexual component with Kaysie cause problems for our emotional component?

I looked down at her, her head resting again on my shoulder, and I gave her a little kiss on her forehead. At the same time, I reached my hand around just a little, enough to touch the side of her left breast. I was curious to see how she would react, and it doesn't take long to find out. She looked up at me and smiled, as she took my hand and pulled it around even farther, then placed it directly on the top of her breast. I guess we now know the decision will be mine as to where this goes.

We arrived at my apartment building, and Jeff came around and opened the door. I got out first, then helped her out and guided her in the direction of the door. Before we could go in, I turned to Jeff.

"Thanks, Jeff, for driving us on Christmas Eve. Sorry to take you away from your family."

"That's ok, Mr. Wesley. It's always a pleasure to drive for you. I hope you and your lady friend have a merry Christmas!"

I reached in my pocket and pulled our five C-notes and pressed them in his hand. He looked down at them, then back at me. "I can't take these, Mr. Wesley!

I cut him off and pulled my hand away, leaving the cash in his. "Jeff, buy you and your family something nice for the holiday. Merry Christmas, my friend!

"Merry Christmas to you as well, Mr. Wesley!" With that, he literally hopped around to the driver's door of the car and climbed in, and then drove away in a rush.

Kaysie was smiling at me when I got to the door of the building. "You know, you're the most kind hearted man I have ever known. I'm not just saying that because I'm your daughter. You really care about people, don't you!"

I looked at her and smiled. "It's a business lesson for you, my beautiful daughter. Always take care of the people who take care of you. Keep them happy, and they'll be there for you for a long, long time."

We rode the elevator to the top floor. I looked down at her long, sexy legs and noticed that the right one was twitching. I looked up at her, and she was just staring at me with this huge smile on her face. It was almost like she had spotted her prey, and couldn't wait for the attack.

I soon found out just how true my assessment was. Once the door of the apartment was closed, she attacked me with a sexual ferocity I hadn't previously experienced. She ran to me and jumped into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist, which bunched her short skirt up and over her naked ass. She had one hand on the back of my head, and the other wrapped around my back. She pulled me to her lips and kissed me like a woman possessed, her tongue chasing mine all the way to the back of my throat.

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