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My Host Family

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Jenn doesn't notice me being naked, so I start to experiment.
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One morning, I discovered something interesting. I'd just gotten out of the shower, toweled off, and pulled on a fresh white t-shirt. I heard someone knock on the bathroom door, and then Jennifer, the 19-year-old daughter in the house where I'm staying, called in that she needed to get something. Jennifer is a sweet girl, blonde with hazel eyes, a creamy complexion, a real girl-next-door type. She has her own life which I don't know about, but since I'm staying in her house, we kind of know each other.

Anyway, here she was knocking. I glanced down. The t-shirt I was wearing looked nice enough, clean, crisp, but it was a bit short. I could see my own fluffy black bush in the mirror. I'd trimmed my pubic hair, so it wasn't too much of a jungle, but it was still pretty fluffy and definitely x-rated. I felt embarrassed, standing here bottomless, but then again, it was just Jennifer. All charged up, I swatted my butt cheeks, bracing myself, and then brashly opened the door, letting her see my pussy in all its glory.

Jenn was in a rush though, and didn't really look at me. She just knelt down at my feet, and pulled open the cupboard. Her head was just a few inches from my cooch, but she had turned away while she fumbled around in the cupboard. I was kind of surprised that she didn't notice my nudity... but she had left the door open! Her twin brother, Brandon's room is just across the hall. Brandon is an OK guy, freckled, impressionable, not too much of a pest. If he sees me standing here naked though, he'd probably freak. I wanted to reach out, and pull the door closed, but Jenn was kind of in the way. Luckily, she found what she was looking for, chirped,

"Thanks, Emi," and scampered back to her room.

I finally tiptoed over, and grabbed the doorknob. Brandon's door was open, but I couldn't see him. Maybe he hadn't seen me. I felt kind of weird standing here with my pussy showing. I knew I shouldn't take chances like this, but it was kind of exciting! If only Brandon knew I was right here!

Anyway, I thought I heard Loretta, their mom, coming, so I finally pulled the door shut. Phew! That was close! I should probably be more careful.

I ended up getting dressed in more decent clothes, and headed to school. I bumped into Minori on campus. Minori is a cute girl, Japanese like me, with exotic eyes, a puppy dog nose, fluffy brown hair. She is funny too. Her English isn't that good, but I don't mind. The two of us became fast friends. She is a bit of a burikko, giggling, acting all shy and innocent, but I knew better. She knows about men.

Anyway, Minori and I ended up going to lunch. I told her about Jennifer not noticing that I was naked that morning.

"Is Jennifer nearsighted?" Minori giggled.

"No," I laughed.

"Maybe her mind was on something else."

"Could be. But actually, I have a theory. Jennifer and them all know me, right? So maybe they have this picture of me. They think I'm a good girl, the kind who wouldn't lounge around naked like that."

Minori's eyes sparkled. She puckered out her lips in mock shock, making me laugh.

"Yeah, maybe. You should test them," she whispered.

"Ooo! That's an idea! Maybe I will," I teased back. It was an intriguing idea.

I might have forgotten all about it, but a couple of days later, I got up, and got into the shower, when my smartphone started ringing, back in my room. I turned off the shower, and got out of the tub, tiptoeing over to the door. The whole second floor seemed pretty quiet. Still naked, I scampered across to my room, and answered the phone. It was Minori asking about her homework or something. I kind of wanted to tell her I was standing here naked, dripping from the shower, but I was worried Brandon might overhear, so I held myself back. It was pretty funny though.

Another time I came home from school. There was no sign of Loretta or Jenn, but I thought I could hear Brandon rattling around in his room. I had a quick shower, and then pulled on the robin's egg blue camisole and bikini panty set my cousin Namie had given me at her wedding. I went back to my room, sat in my big black leather desk chair, and chatted with some friends online. It was a bit warm out, and I was feeling antsy, so I ended up taking off my panties, and sitting there bare ass. My door was open, but I didn't think Brandon would come down this way. I was taking a chance, but it was kind of fun. I ended up getting dressed in more sensible clothes later. Nothing bad happened that day. I still felt nervous, but maybe I was safe for now.

Another time, Loretta's boyfriend Hank was here, and the two of them were out in the backyard with Brandon and Jennifer. I have to say Hank is really good-looking, kind of my taste. He has a square jaw, steely eyes, longish flowing hair and a certain ruggedness about him. He is a house builder. I try to be careful around him, given our history, but I tend to take more chances around Brandon. He is pretty fun to tease.

I was wearing a bright yellow sun dress that day. I peered out at Hank and them from the kitchen windows. They were wrapped up in their conversation, so I took a chance, and stripped off my undies. They were outside, so it wasn't that dangerous, but even so, I thought I was being pretty naughty.

At school, the next time I bumped into Minori, I told her I'd followed her advice.

"What advice is that?" she asked.

"I mean about the testing thing. I wore a sun dress, no undies in the house."

"No undies? Where was this?"

"In the kitchen," I smiled, proud of my daring.

"You little minx you!" she burbled, hitting me on the shoulder. "That's so... You are full of surprises!"

"It was kind of scary, but a bit of thrill actually. I kept worrying they'd come, and find me."

"Oh do be careful, Emi," Minori warned. "Are you going to do it again?"

"I don't know. I'll see." I hadn't really planned to, but Minori was clearly curious. I guess I was too.

The next morning, I woke up bright and early. Wanting to take this further, I fished a long t-shirt dress out of my closet, and took it with me over to the shower. I didn't bring any undies, but that particular dress was long enough that I didn't think my host family would be able to tell.

After my shower, I toweled off, pulled on the dress, and went downstairs free-muff. They didn't even blink when I walked in. I guess they'd seen me in these t-shirt dresses before, so it didn't seem that strange. I eventually did go back upstairs, and pulled on some panties.

The next morning, I grabbed a plush ultramarine t-shirt, intending to go bottomless again, but after my shower, when I came out to the top of the stairs, I suddenly spotted Dylan, Brandon's friend, down below in our living room. What on earth is he doing here? Dylan is a bit more countrified; maybe he comes from another state. I haven't talked to him much, but he perks up when I'm around, so I knew he was curious about me.

Now what do I do? I mean Dylan is an OK guy and everything, and this t-shirt was a bit longer than some, but even so... I was worried that he might realize that I was naked underneath. I ended up going back to my room, and pulling on panties and jeans. When I came downstairs, Dylan looked up, obviously expecting something. Had Brandon figured out what I was doing, and called Dylan to come see? It did seem that way.

I was seriously thinking of quitting while I was ahead, but when I got to school, Minori was like,

"You're stopping?" Maybe she was just teasing, but it sounded like she wanted me to push things farther! That was all well and good, but she wasn't the one taking the risks; it was me!

It was kind of getting to the point where I had to think seriously about how far I really wanted to take all this. I mean it was kind of fun fooling around, taking chances, kind of toying with the idea of showing people, but on the other hand, if I think about this seriously, it was dangerous too. I wasn't really sure how Brandon would react, and I was even more worried about his friends or someone else finding out about my secret 'hobby.' The next morning I was kind of weighing all this as I leafed through the remaining t-shirts in my closet.

I had a cute orange Billabong tee, 'Stay Summer,' but that was definitely too short. What else is there here? I had a black and yellow tiger stripe Yonex tee. Ah but it's too short and too flashy. I wanted something more restrained, more normal, so I wouldn't set people off. Oh here's one. It was O'Neill, navy with white pinstripes. It might be long enough. A bit hard to tell.

I took it across to the bathroom, but after I'd showered, and pulled it on, I began to get cold feet. I mean I guess I looked fairly presentable, but the cool air nipping at my pussy was giving me butterflies. Maybe I'd better call Minori just to make sure she was serious about me going through with this. I scampered back to my room, and called her on my smartphone. It took a few rings before she picked up. I spoke in Japanese, in case Brandon was eavesdropping.

"Min-chan, do you have a sec? I... ah... I... uh... wanted to ask you..."


"You know what you said about testing my family, seeing if they are paying attention."


"I was just wondering: do you ever do crazy stuff at your place? Walk around naked?"

"Um, yeah, when my roommates aren't here. They are girls though."

"Were you serious when you said I should push this farther?"

"Um, that's not what I said. What are you wearing?"

"Just a sec." I hung up the phone, and called her on video chat, just so I could show her what I was wearing. "How does this look?"

"Cute. You look good. Why?"

"Brandon is out there, and I'm not wearing any underwear..."


I wasn't sure if this was a yes or a no, but anyway, I had to go have breakfast, and Minori seemed fairly cool with whatever. I thanked her for her advice, and hung up. To tell you the truth, I had a bad feeling about this, but I couldn't bring myself to just stop now. I really wanted to see what Brandon would say when he saw me dressed like this. He usually tries to pretend like he's not interested in me, but I knew better. Sometimes he gets really worked up. I was curious.

Anyway, I nipped out into the hall, past Brandon's room and then downstairs past the front window. Loretta was in the kitchen, but she didn't really notice what I had on which was good. Nervous as anything, I grabbed a bowl, and poured myself some cereal, trying to finish before Brandon showed up. I suddenly noticed my pussy lips were showing below the hem of my t-shirt. I tried to straighten it, but then Brandon really did come in. Brandon looked at me as he passed, but I don't think he 'made' me at first. He brought back a bowl, and sat next to me, looking a bit off-kilter himself. What was he doing before he came down? My imagination ran a bit wild, but I tried to banish such thoughts from my mind, and focus on my own predicament.

Brandon did eventually glance down at my thighs, but I had my pussy covered, and he still didn't really react. I finished off my cereal as quick as I could, and then stood up in a hurry to get out of there before he did realize. My breasts had perked up from the excitement, dragging the t-shirt hem even higher, so I had to turn away, so he wouldn't see my pussy. He was staring at my backside though, and for some reason, I raised my arms. I was trying to get the hem to fall back down, but lifting my arms raised the hem higher giving him a good look at my bare bottom. Mortified, I dashed out of there, not even glancing back to see his reaction.

Back up in my room, I pulled on some panties and jeans, but my heart was beating away like a trip-hammer, all the way to school. I was so embarrassed, I skipped lunch with Minori, and ate on my own trying to calm back down.

The next time I saw Brandon, he gave me a funny look, but he didn't really say anything. Maybe he hadn't realized I was naked. I had been so worried, but maybe I was overthinking all this. None of them seemed to care how I dress early in the morning. It's almost like I'm invisible or something.

What I did next is a bit harder to explain. The very next day, I woke up, and trotted over to my closet to figure out what to wear. If Brandon didn't even respond to what happened yesterday, maybe it doesn't really matter what I wear. In a fit of pique, I grabbed the too short pink and purple Billabong tee, and took it with me across to the bath.

Looking back now, it is a bit hard to explain what I was thinking. I was kind of focused on my own feelings, the warmth of the water on my body, the soft cotton of the tee. In my mad rush to go through with this, I had somehow managed to forget my own modesty and common sense.

In a mischievous mood, I peeked out the door. I guess I knew I shouldn't go out there dressed like this. I could see my own pussy clear as day, but for some reason, the hang-ups and inhibitions I usually feel had gone. I pulled on the hem, vaguely trying to cover up, but this shirt was just way too short. It is a nice tee though, colorful, summery. I kind of wanted to show it off.

Slowly, I tiptoed out into the hall. Brandon's door was closed, thankfully, and that made me braver still. I came all the way out to the top of the stairs. I could hear some sounds coming from downstairs, but I convinced myself that it might just be the wind or the rattling of the doors. Slowly, ever so slowly, I crept down the stairs, my heart beating away. I peered out the front window, a bit worried about being spotted by strangers. To get away from the window, I scuttled back to the kitchen, pausing at the door to listen. I could definitely hear something now. Was that Loretta making breakfast? Oh no. Now what do I do? I tried once again to cover up my pussy, but my main feeling was excitement. This sneaking around was so fun!

I stood there, wavering, but soon a sound pulled me out of my reverie. Someone had pulled into our driveway! Oh no. Now what do I do? I probably should have made a dash for my room, but I hesitated, and missed my chance. I heard someone come up the porch steps, and the door open!

Panicking, not sure what else to do, I pushed open the kitchen door, and went in. Loretta was right there! She was making pancakes. It took her a few seconds, but this time she did notice that I was naked from the waist down. It would have been hard to miss my fluffy black pubic hair, still a bit wet from my shower. My mind raced trying to think how to explain, but I was drawing a blank.

"Emi! What on earth are you doing?"

"I... uh..."

The voice from the door was Hank's.

"Hey. Are you guys home? I'm here and hungry," he growled. I looked to Loretta wondering what I should do. She signaled for me to come round behind the kitchen table.

"Here, hide... before he sees you!" she whispered.

I came around, and sat my bare bottom down on the cool plastic of one of the chairs. The feeling gave me such a shock! It felt so cold!

Hank came in. I was really freaking now. I'd never been in this situation, half naked in our kitchen with both Loretta and Hank here. It was kind of funny though. Loretta looked fearful, and Hank was just grinning, still not realizing what Loretta was so worked up about.

I was so excited my nipples were poking out through the thin material of my t-shirt. Hank came over, and gave Loretta a kiss. I turned away, waiting for him to notice my bare ass, but by some miracle, he didn't. I guess I wear a bikini sometimes, so maybe that's what he thought I had on. He went back, and sat at the far side of the table across from me.

"G'morning, Emi!" he smiled. I just sat there, wide eyed, but finally replied,


As if things weren't bad enough, Brandon came in next. He got a plate from the cupboard, and as he turned back, he glanced down at my bush, noticing immediately! I lifted a finger to my lips, signaling to him not to say anything, but this time he was clearly quite shocked. He covered his mouth, and then nodded towards Hank, as if I didn't know already. I motioned for him to shush, but I was crazy nervous and excited now.

Brandon got a pancake from his mom, and then came, and sat next to me. In a rush to get out of there, I stole his pancake, and then stood up to grab the syrup. My pussy was showing for a split second, but still Hank didn't react. I was too horny now to even think straight. I had to fight to keep from coming, my feelings were getting so strong.

Brandon, bless him, tried to get me to come back down to earth.

"Where are your bottoms?" he whispered in my ear, fingering my butt cheek. He was just making things worse. I was so wet and horny it wasn't even funny.

"Here, here. Settle down, kids," Loretta chided.

Hank was looking at me, seemingly still oblivious. I swear I must have been blushing like crazy. My nipples were poking straight out. I ate as fast as I could, knowing I had to get out of here. When Loretta turned away, Brandon goosed me, making me jump out of my seat. I elbowed him, and frowned, trying to get him to stop, but he was clearly very excited too. I can't say I blame him. My hello kitty was tingling like anything.

To rescue me, Loretta came up with another tack.

"Oh, Hank, darling. I think I left my sunglasses in your van the other day. Could you be a dear, and go get them?"

Hank seemed curious about why I was squirming about, but he finally agreed.

"Um, OK, I guess."

Loretta went to the kitchen door to make sure he was gone, and then, ordered,

"Brandon, leave the poor girl alone! And Emi, go put on some clothes for heaven's sake! What on earth were you thinking?"

I reached down, and pried Brandon's hands away from my nether regions. I finally stood up straight, letting them both see my dripping wet pussy. Brandon had this crazed look in his eyes, but he let me go, watching my bare ass as I ran away. I felt so weird--horny, confused, embarrassed, mortified.

I opened the kitchen door, and peeked out, trying to see where Hank had got to. Brandon got up too, and came around to get a better look at me. I signaled for him to keep back, as I tried to get up the nerve to go out into the living room.

I finally scampered over to the front door, gently fingering my aching pussy. I could see Hank outside through the lace curtain next to the door. When I turned to go up the stairs, Jennifer was there, staring down at me in wonder. I didn't really want her to see me like this, but I had to get away, so I finally climbed up, and passed her, bolting straight to my room. I closed the door, and lay down on my bed, breathing heavily. Wow! That was too much!

I was so worked up I started touching myself, sticking a finger or two about my hooha, massaging my pussy, drawing little circles with my hello kitty. I was so wet my fingers slid all around. I rubbed the juice all over, gently coaxing myself to orgasm. It was great.

Eventually, I managed to calm down enough to get dressed, and headed to school. This time, I told Minori the whole story. She just kind of sat there, stunned. She asked again and again if they could tell that I was naked. Obviously, they did this time.

When I got home that evening, Brandon was waiting for me.

"Geez, Emi. You are something else."

I walked upstairs, ignoring him, starting to regret letting him see. I realize it was my own fault, but now he was all excited. I went to my room intending to have a shower, but Brandon actually followed me right in.

"That was amazing, Emi! You've got such a great body."

"Um, do you mind...? I want to take a shower." I grabbed a change of clothes and a towel, and pushed past him heading to the bathroom.

"Can I watch?" he asked, following me in.

"No, of course not. Get out!"

Downstairs, we heard the door open. It was still early, so it had to be Jennifer. I didn't want her to hear, so I lowered my voice, trying to get Brandon to leave, but he just closed the door. He seemed pretty excited, still worked up about touching me that morning. We heard Jennifer coming upstairs.


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