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My Hot Wife Katie Ch. 11

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Katie's horny old neighbor.
10.8k words

Part 11 of the 35 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/17/2007
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Chapter 11

Katie's Horny Old Neighbor

Katie Jackson had been searching unsuccessfully for a new job in what seemed liked months. The Jackson family savings were dwindling mostly due to Katie's errant spending. Katie had always enjoyed new clothes, new shoes, or new decorations for the house which she had been able to easily afford until she was lost her job at the bank. Unfortunately getting used to not buying what she saw was not coming easy for Katie. They had cut multiple luxuries from the budget and were trying to live less extravagant lives. Unless their financial situation changed the Jacksons could fall behind on their mortgage and other bills. Fred had applied for a promotion, which would mean extensive traveling and more responsibilities at work, but it seemed unlikely as he didn't feel he was qualified but he was trying to do anything to help his family.

Katie's friend Sheila, who was manager of the outpatient mental health and substance abuse unit at St. Luke's Hospital, had told her about an upcoming management position in the accounting department for the hospital. Katie knew she was well qualified for the position however, she later learned that the hospital had a reputation for promoting from within. Katie knew that the job would have outstanding pay and benefits which would be more than what she received at her banking job. Sheila explained that it was awaiting budget approval and suggested in the meantime that Katie take a part time secretarial job. She was overqualified for the position but as Sheila explained she would be working for her in the outpatient unit. Katie checked her pride and took the part time position.

Katie and Sheila had known each other for years, lived in the same neighborhood and worked together on the PTA. Although she wasn't excited about the job, she was interested in working with her friend and allowing them to gossip during the day. Sheila, like Katie, enjoyed nice things and enjoyed being a tease. It seemed as thought Katie and her would try to see who turned more heads when they were at work together and almost turned into a game.

Although only working during the morning hours the Jacksons enjoyed having the extra income, although meager, but hoped this would lead to the management position within the hospital. Katie always tried looking her best while at work even it was just for filing and secretarial duties. Katie would always try to look stunning as her skirt clung tightly around her seductive hips, which was short enough to display her perfect ass which was accented by a pair of long magnificent legs. Katie loved the way male doctors, patients, and visitors would watch her enter the lobby she loved knowing they would probably run home and jerk themselves off thinking of her. Katie gave a little smile while sitting at her desk at the thought of how her husband loved watching her tease them and how she loved keeping her husband happy.

She had been on the job for only a few weeks and was filing papers and greeting the patients who would enter when Sheila came up from behind her, tapped her on the shoulder and whispered, "Katie, can I talk to you?"

"Sure Sheila," hoping to hear word about the position as she quickly stands up and they go into Sheila's office. Katie glances down at Sheila's photos of her family. She always thought Sheila's husband was, for a lack of better terms, nerdy. He was very skinny and short like Sheila but knew he was a good husband and father. In Katie's eyes, Sheila married him for the money but she was very devoted to him and didn't think she would ever cheat on him although she occasionally dressed more provocative that her. Sheila was short, probably barely 5'2 and couldn't have weighed more than 110 lbs, with most of the weight being in her fake chest. Katie once asked her why she was enhanced and she explained her husband had just got a huge bonus at work and asked her if she would 'enhance' herself. Katie felt it was more Sheila who wanted them judging by the way she proudly stuck them out. Nonetheless it made Sheila stand out and made her look extremely sexy.

Sheila closed the door and turned to her friend, "I've been a little busy and haven't had time to catch up with you," "Is everything going okay?"

Katie shrugged her shoulders, "its okay. I'm a little bored filing the papers and being just a greeter. It just seems beneath me from what I was doing previously," Katie did not have any problems being completely honest with her friend.

"I know. I can't do anything to make it more exciting. Did you turn your application in for the Mrs. Missouri pageant?"

"I filled out some of the paperwork," almost hesitant to talk about it, "Did Fred tell you about it?"

"Yes when he stopped in to see you the other day. You should really consider it; you would be great!" Sheila sounded almost jealous.

"Oh I don't know. You have to do so much for the application like sending in a video and tons of paperwork. I just don't think it would be worth the hassle," Katie explained.

Sheila looks out into the lobby as a client enters and sits down, "Katie, could you do me a favor? We have a client coming in at 10:30 and Sarah; his normal therapist can't make it. I tried calling him to cancel but he didn't answer so I'm assuming he's on the way. He usually just complains about life and you give him a half hour to vent and he then leaves. He's harmless."

"Sheila, I don't have any experience doing that."

"I know," Sheila said with desperation in her voice, "but I've had some trouble with scheduling and if management finds out I overbooked I'm going to be in trouble."

"I'm not qualified; I don't want to give your patient bad advice."

"Katie, you're so good at talking with people and we've been friends for years. Please. I'm sure he'll complain if he drives all the way here and we have to turn him away."

"I don't think I better do this, I would probably cause him more harm than good."

"Katie! Please! We've been friends forever I just need this one favor."

"No! Why can't you do it?" as Katie turns to walk away and opens the door.

"I'm on the interview board and we have to meet to go over some of the questions for the interviews."

Turning quickly to face her friend, "Can't you call somebody in?"

"There isn't time, Sarah just called in sick and left me hanging. Isn't..." pausing between her words but finally blurting out," Isn't your interview tomorrow?"

Katie stopped s in her tracks and turns to face her friend, "Sheila! What's that supposed to mean?" knowing a recommendation from her could tip the scales in her favor.

"Nothing," looking down, "I'm sorry, it's just I've been swamped with patients and trying to schedule their appointments and the budget cuts in my unit. I'm really in a jam. If I were to get wrote up again this..."

"Fine! I'll do it, but he better be harmless"

Relieved at Katie agreeing, Sheila continued "He is! It's just he gets a little worked up sometimes. Thank you Katie, I owe you one!"

Katie went around completing some filing for Sheila and looked down at her watch. She had 10 minutes before her 'client' arrived. She ran off to the bathroom to fix herself up.

Katie entered the bathroom and locked the door. Looking at herself in the mirror she really loved her grey business suit with the small skirt. Katie carefully touches up her make up. She loved to tease men, she loved the way they looked at her and figured she could easily help the guy coming in just by the way she looked.

No sooner than Katie left for the bathroom a short white older man enters the lobby wearing tattered shorts, a stained white t-shirt, and sandals. He walked with a little limp which was probably caused by his large beer belly that hangs over his belt. He smelled of cigarettes and body odor as he walks through the lobby. He quickly removes a comb from his back pocket and tried to part his hair to cover his bald spot creating a very bad comb over. He walked up to the reception desk and looked around and cleared his voice to get somebody's attention. His blood already beginning to boil, Phil was not a patient man, he'd been coming to the hospital trying to get help with his problems but nothing seemed to be working. He cleared his voice again as Shelia looked out of her office and see's him standing by the counter. Phil gave a cigarette stained teeth grin.

Sheila tried to smile back trying not to giggle at his crooked teeth. As she walked up to Phil, she immediately noticed him looking down her blouse at her tan DD breasts, "Hi Phil!" as she stuck her chest further out and slowly leaned down to give him a good view. She looked for available rooms on the sheet on Katie's desk and looked back up, "Go on into room 3, She'll be right in," not revealing that his normal therapist was gone. The unit manager smirked to herself as she watched the obese man hobble down the hallway laughing to herself that somebody could be that out of shape.

Phil didn't understand why he had to keep coming to these sessions that he had already deemed worthless. His insurance wouldn't pay for anything to help correct his problem without the counseling. He closed the door and knew the next half hour with Sarah would be as worthless as it always has been. He sat down in the chair and caught his breath, it's not that he hated Sarah; she's very sweet for an older lady, but not much to look at. Phil grinned to himself wishing that Sheila would be in to help him and how he could stare at her for hours.

Katie Jackson finished touching herself up and walked back into the lobby as Sheila stuck her head out of her office, "He's in room 3 Katie."

Katie grabbed the file from the shelf not even looking at the name on it, thinking to herself "I'm not a counselor, how did Sheila talk me into this?" She walked up to the door and took a deep breath. Katie looked left and right to make sure nobody was watching and opened the door. She walked in and didn't pay attention to the old man in the room, "I'm Katie I'll be filling in for Sarah," when she looks up and recognized Phil, her next door neighbor.

"Phil?" Katie asked "are you here for an appointment?"

"Oh this is fucking great!" Phil stood up from his chair "Where's Sarah?"

Phil being 3 inches shorter than Katie looked up at her awaiting an explanation, "She couldn't make it today. I'm filling in for her." Both stared at each other as Phil's face began to turn a deep shade of red.

Phil liked to have stability in his life and discussing his problems with his stuck up neighbor was not stability. He'd seen the way the Jacksons looked at him, he was sure they were making fun of the way he looked. The Dorman's and the Jackson's had been neighbors for years. Katie brought over a casserole when his wife Maureen died a few years ago but they'd had few conversations since. Katie glanced at his file and noticed doctors scribbling reveals poor health habits.

"Are you serious? Do you even work here? I thought you worked for some bank?

Katie who was now sitting down in her chair replied, "I started a few weeks ago. What can I do to help you?" Katie positioned herself in the chair, reached up and flicked her long brown hair off to one side. Katie noticed the way he was staring at her and had seen that look many times before. She straightened her posture so her small breasts stood out.

"Sit down Phil and let's talk about why you are here," as she tried to fake some conversation to get her through this session. She sat back and crossed her legs as Phil sat down across from her. She moved her legs so her skirt rode up a little on her thighs revealing even more.

Phil had always been struck by his neighbor's beauty although he knew that she was no match personality wise to his beloved deceased wife. He stared at her legs one dangling over the other with her high heels. Phil gritted his teeth as he already felt the blood flowing into his groin. He knew that pain would soon follow.

Phil roars, "Didn't you read the fucking file? I thought you people were supposed to be able to help me?" as Phil forced himself to look away from Katie's beautiful body.

Katie quickly glanced through the file and felt her face turning red as she read that Phillip has been unable to have an orgasm since his wife died which was over 2 yrs ago. Katie tried to hide her grin as the doctors had put he had tried "self satisfaction" to no avail and his condition was deemed psychological as nothing had turned up awry on any of the medical testing reports.

Phil could see by the look in her face that she's read about his condition and was trying to not laugh, "It's not fucking funny! Don't go running off telling the neighborhood!"

"I can be professional," uhmmmm," quickly thinking of remedies she suddenly blurted out, "Have you tried masturbating a lot?"

"Oh you are a fucking rocket scientist! Of course I've tried that! It only adds to my pain! Has your husband ever had blue balls?

Katie didn't make a move but remembered the pain Fred had while in Mexico. The days of teasing him continually getting him hard and then letting it subside. How he couldn't stand to be touched without wincing in pain and the amount of cum he shot down her throat on the way home.

Not waiting for an answer from Katie, Phil continued "Well What I have a 100 times worse!" becoming more agitated raising his deep voice, "Every time I get an erection my fucking balls swell even more creating more pressure! And you have the audacity to ask if I've tried masturbation? I'm sure it's in the file, don't you know how to fucking read?"

Katie just stared into Phil enraged face and desperately trying to hide the humor she saw in Phil's situation, "It's been a few years since Maureen died, don't you have a girlfriend?"

"No! I'm not like your generation! I was married to Maureen for over 40 years. It's not like I want to go running off and getting hitched! But I'm a man and I get horny and at my age when my testosterone should be decreasing for some reason it's increasing!" Phil repositioned himself in his chair as he could feel his anger taking over and how upset he had become.

Katie put her nose into the file and continued to read the doctors reports of his unusual levels of testosterone causing an abnormal increased desire for sex. Katie bit her bottom lip trying not to laugh realizing that her neighbor is a walking erection. Growing impatient with her lack of direction Phil sneers, "WELL?"

Katie looked up from the file trying to keep a straight face, "Phil please keep your voice down, we have other patients."

"Yeah and I'm sure you are giving them outstanding care as well," in a very sarcastic tone. Phil hated this hospital and he hated his insurance company for making him attend counseling.

Katie sits in silence. Sheila never told her what the problem was. Was this some sick joke they were playing on her. Looking up at Phil and his facial expression she knew this wasn't a prank, "What about prostitutes?"

"Is that your suggestion? I'm not fucking paying for sex from whore!" yelling louder than before, "and get some disease?!"

Katie quickly tried to back step, "I thought maybe.."

Phil stands up from his chair and points his finger at Katie's face, "You thought I should break the law? Great fucking advice!" walking towards the door and looking down at his neighbor, "That's it! We're done for the day!" He pauses before exiting the room, "And don't go telling anyone about this, got it?"

Katie doesn't say a word just shaking her head. A Phil stormed out of the room and out of the lobby Katie burst out laughing. Sheila watched as Phil hobbled out of the lobby and rushed into the room, "Katie is everything okay?"

Katie looked bewildered but obviously thought it was funny, "Harmless? He's an asshole!"

Amazed at his reaction Sheila looks over at Katie, "He was only in here for about 10 minutes. What did you say? I've never seen him like this."

"I gave him suggestions to help his problem and he obviously didn't like it! Do you know why he's here?"

Sheila had a worried look on her face, "No," I just manage the unit, I don't look at the files, Why?"

Katie stood up and looked out the door to make sure nobody was close and quietly told her friend, "His file said he can't have an orgasm even though he tries masturbating."

Perplexed, Sheila looks over at Katie, "Then why is he coming here?"

Katie is still smiling while reading the report, "The file says it's all mental. Apparently he's physically fine and should be able to cum but just can't."

Sheila giggled, "Are you serious? That's all? It's probably because he's so out of shape."

Katie laughed with her friend, "Well, he obviously thinks it's serious?"

Sheila suddenly changed her tone, "I've never seen him this upset. You know if he complains you could get in trouble."

Katie looked towards her friend and couldn't believe what she just said, "Me? Don't you mean us? You asked me to do this for you!"

"I'm sorry Katie, yes I mean we," thinking about what could happen to her career if Phil was to complain about Katie. She would have to answer why the secretary was giving advice to one of her patients. Her mind quickly focused on her new home and her mounting bills. If she was to lose her job, as Sheila shut her eyes not wanting to even think about what would happen.

"I'll try talking to him tonight," walking out into the lobby and turning towards Sheila, "he's my neighbor."

Sheila just stared at her friend for a few seconds. This could go wrong on so many levels that Sheila felt her stomach turning, "Katie I could really get in trouble," stressing to her friend with desperation in her voice, "Make sure you talk to him!"

Katie tried to comfort her friend, "Don't worry I'll get it smoothed over," as she walked away towards her desk Katie though what would she say to him? She's wasn't a counselor but she wasn't going to take the chance of having him complain resulting in her getting fired or hurting her chances at a promotion. Katie sat quietly at her desk looking over at Phil's file which was waiting to be placed back into the cabinet. Katie quickly thought of her husband, who she knew had masturbated often before she gave in to his desires. She reached over and pulled the file and placed it in her bag, maybe if she showed it to him he would know what could help Phil. If anything, she thought, they could have a good laugh together about his condition.


When she arrived home at a little after twelve, she found Fred packing for a two week trip to visit her folks in Arizona. They had planned the trip for months but with the interviews this week for the promotion she knew she wouldn't be able to go. Fred thought about cancelling but Katie knew how badly the kids wanted to visit their grandparents. Katie looked out the window and stared at Phil's house and wondered how upset he still was.

Fred looks over at her, "Is everything okay? You seem quiet?"

Katie sat down on the edge of the bed while she watched her husband pack, "I had to help Shelia today with a client."

"Oh yeah? That was probably more exciting than filing papers," looking back towards his wife while picking some clothes from his dresser

"Yeah it was," a sly smile came across her face as she tossed their neighbor's file in front of him, "but it was Phil."

Fred stopped and looked over at his sexy wife, "Are you serious? What does he need psychiatric help with?"

"Well," Katie said as she stood up and looked down the hallway and closed the door to make sure the kids weren't listening, "it seems he hasn't cum since his wife died."

Fred sat down as he started thumbing through the file, "Are you serious? Wasn't that a year ago?" Her husband starts giggling as he read one of the doctor's notes, "Swelling in testicles unable to release pressure with self gratification." Her husband started laughing as he read the doctors notes about Phil inability to cum.


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