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My Hot Wife Katie Ch. 13

Story Info
Katie negotiates for the missing file.
9.8k words

Part 13 of the 35 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/17/2007
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Chapter 13

Katie Negotiates for the Missing File

Sweat poured off of Katie's forehead as she felt the burning sensation in her stomach. She increased her breathing and fought through the pain as she kept her fingers firmly wrapped around the back of her head with her elbows facing forward. The beautiful wife continued counting; bringing her knees up to her chest as her upper body moved forward to meet them. After she reached 100 she stopped and stared at the ceiling of her bedroom and let her stomach muscles relax. Crunches were one of her favorite exercises and it showed from her firm body.

Mrs. Jackson glanced over at the clock sitting on her night stand and spied her dildo lying next to it. The wine glass from the previous evening lay on its side. She had been so horny and after a few glasses of wine she ended up in her bedroom frantically sliding her toy in and out of her aching pussy. She couldn't wait for her husband to come home and life could return to normal. She hoped that with Fred returning home that Phil would stop pounding on her door, constantly calling her phone, and leaving notes about having her call him. She had been avoiding her well hung neighbor since the day he fucked her ass hoping the whole situation would somehow rectify itself.

Katie took a deep breath and exhaled as she positioned her body to start another round of exercises. Her eyes glanced back at her toy on her nightstand as she remained in the ready position. She came so hard last night and the thought of doing it again excited her. It was still two days until her husband came home and she was so horny. The house was quiet and she could have her way with herself. Mrs. Jackson swallowed hard as she felt her pussy tingling and getting wetter by the minute. Her eyes stayed focused on the dildo as the thought of her oiling it up and sliding it deep into her. The hot wife shuddered and felt her clit becoming aroused. She took a deep breath and tried to control herself. It had been a few weeks since her husband gave her taste of his cum and the thought of her him spraying his cum onto her face and into her mouth made her pussy even wetter.

She began her exercises counting down until she could get herself off but only made it half way through her set when the phone rang. Katie thought for sure it was Phil calling for the hundredth time but she glanced at the caller ID she saw it was the hospital.

The married woman quickly composed herself. "Hello, this is Katie," she politely answered hoping it was news about her job interview.

"Hi Katie," the hot wife recognized the voice as Sarah, a therapist that works in the mental health unit with Sheila, and wave of disappointment came across her. "Have you seen Phil Dorman's file? Sheila thought you must have filed it but we can't find it."

"Oh?" the wife replied as she looked out her bedroom window towards Dorman's house.

Sarah continued, "He called and demanded we transfer him to another doctor so we need to find it and get it to the other office."

Katie's stomach dropped, "Uhmmm," stalling and trying to find an excuse as she knew exactly where it was at, "I saw it there earlier. I must have filed it the last time he was in," obviously lying to her.

"I checked the filing cabinets and it's not where it should have been. Could you please retrace your steps and track it down when you come in tomorrow. He has a meeting later this week and I wanted to review it before he comes in to discuss his transfer."

Mrs. Jackson swallowed hard, "Sure Sarah, I'll take care of it tomorrow morning." She hung up the phone and closed her eyes as she sat down on the edge of the bed. Misplacing a simple file wouldn't look bad to the board but if Phil would continued to complain, which she knew he would and told them where he found it; it would be the end of her career before it began.

The married wife had wanted to avoid any contact with the disgusting neighbor but knew she didn't have a choice. She buried her head in her hands. Mrs. Jackson knew everything could come crashing down with a call from Phil. She stood up and looked towards the old man's house. She knew what he would demand if he she went over to get the file. At first she was nauseated at the thought of the old bastard touching her again but at the same time she felt the butterflies in her stomach at the thought of him licking her clit and asshole; bringing her to multiple orgasms. Her ass still stung from the fucking he gave her but yet she had been horny ever since.

Katie glanced back at his house through her bedroom window contemplating what she should do. Mrs. Jackson rationalized that nobody would notice or they would just assume the file was lost or misplaced. She knew what Phil was doing when he told Sarah about the file; he was trying to coax her out of the house. The married woman thought that maybe she could lie about the whole situation to the hospital staff and accuse Phil of stealing it if he were to come forward. She looked down at the phone and thought of calling her husband. Regret filled her mind of what she had done by letting her neighbor fuck her mouth and ass. What would Fred say? How angry would he be if her loving husband found out what she had done to get the file back? Would he leave her? The married woman felt as though she was going to cry.

Mrs. Jackson didn't want to confront her neighbor and decided to go for a jog to clear her head. As she walked outside, anxiety and rage took over at the thought of what could happen to her work and her relationship with her husband. Instead Katie raced across her yard and towards Dorman's backdoor and began pounding on it. Suddenly the shirtless old man opened up and without any pleasantries Katie demanded, "Give me the file Phil!"

"Freckles! Nice to see you again!" looking at her body covered by her black sports bra, shorts, small ankle socks and tennis shoes, "Looks like you dressed up for me!"

Mrs. Jackson looked down at her gym clothes as her face began to turn red from embarrassment, "Just give me the file Phil!" The wife's hair flowed past her shoulders and blew in the wind. Phil couldn't help but stare in lust at the hard bodied wife.

"What? Did Sarah call you?" beginning to mock his sexy neighbor, "When I told her I wanted a new therapist; I suggested you and do you know what Sarah told me?"

The wife knew what he had discovered, "You asshole!"

"She said you were just a secretary!" pointing his chubby finger at her and laughing.

"Give me the file Phil!" Katie yelled.

Dorman immediately stopped laughing, "I guess you shouldn't try to avoid me then! I know you've seen me on your doorstep. I wouldn't need to make up some transfer shit with Sarah knowing she would have to look for my file. Why don't you come in and we can," smiling down at the horny wife, "negotiate."

Katie stepped into the doorway and was startled to see an older gentleman wearing a suit sitting in the living room. He looked in his late 60's and was a skinny frail old man. "I'm sorry I didn't know you had company I'll come back later Phil," trying to push past him to exit the house.

Phil blocked her path and pointed towards the man, "No Freckles, don't go. This is Norman Williams, my attorney. He knows everything that's been going on."

Norman stared at the sexy wife in the room. "Hello Mrs. Jackson," getting up and extending his hand, "Phil's told me so much about you." Katie reached out and shook his hand hoping he didn't know everything about what had transpired. He was tall with silver hair and dark rimmed thick glasses that make his blue eyes appear much bigger.

Mrs. Jackson was embarrassed about her tirade on the back steps and hoped he hadn't heard what happened, "I really should be going." The wife turned to walk out but the big bellied neighbor stood in her way.

Phil interrupted, "But Norman and I were just discussing my lawsuit against the hospital."

Norman folded his arms across his chest, "You really shouldn't have done what you did Mrs. Jackson. HIPAA laws are very strict and with you posing as a therapist when you are actually only a secretary doesn't bode well for them."

Katie didn't want to be lectured about her misgivings as anger took control. She turned and screamed at Norman, "Did Phil tell you what he did to me?!? He got his nut off for the first time in 5 years," turning back towards Phil, "Now give me the file!!"

Norman gave a faint smile. Phil had told him exactly what happened and never in his dreams did he expect the neighbor to look as beautiful as Katie. He immediately was jealous of his friend when she walked into the house knowing what he had done to her. "Mr. Dorman told me what happened and sex between two consenting adults is none of my concern. Removing hospital property and showing it to a non employee is a very serious allegation; as well as a non licensed medical employee posing as a licensed therapist."

"You're right," Phil moved closer to the scantily covered wife, "I deposited my cum deep in your ass didn't I? You sure didn't seem to mind at the time and I think you actually liked it!" Katie didn't move but continued to stare down at Phil as he continued, "But what would the staff at the hospital say if they knew a secretary was trying to be a therapist?"

"Calm yourself Phil," Norman placed his hand on the fat old man's chest so he wouldn't move closer.

Katie stared into Phil's dark brown eyes and knew she shouldn't try and lie. Katie stepped back and looked at the older men, "Sheila asked me to help her out, I just thought I would talk to you real quick and it wouldn't be a big deal. I'm sorry. Please Phil..."

Turning towards his lawyer, "and then she stole my file to show the neighborhood because I couldn't get my nut off!"

Katie tried to step between them as she looked down at Phil, "It wasn't like that, I thought Fred could help. Sheila told me.."

"Who is this Sheila?" interrupted Norman looking over at Phil.

"She's the big tittied manager of the unit. I guess we could include her in the suit as well."

"The manger orchestrated this? If Mrs. Jackson would be a witness for us this probably would never make it to court and the hospital would settle out of court with a huge settlement."

"What? Phil don't get her involved!" screamed Katie. "Just give me the fucking file!"

"Damn Freckles!" obviously growing upset with the hot wife's attitude, "You ladies think you can just screw with people's lives and walk away?"

"What? It's not like that Phil!" she pleaded.

"You snobby rich bitches think you can do whatever you want to people? Well paybacks a bitch isn't it? You need to learn some respect"

"Damnit Phil! Give me the file!" yelled Katie

Moving closer and yelling even louder, "You need to learn some respect!"

Katie stepped back into the corner intimidated by her boisterous neighbor, "Please Mr. Dorman, Can I have the file?"

In a soothing voice, "That's better!" his back turned to the hot wife, "Your precious file is upstairs in my office."

"Phil," Katie pleaded as he ignored her, "Mr. Dorman," trying to show respect, "I'll just wait here, please just get the file so I can put it back."

Phil turned and growled, "And I'll wait for you upstairs, if you want it come and get it otherwise I'll give it to Sarah."

Mrs. Jackson watched the fat old man turn and walk away.

Katie looked at Norman as he stared at her half naked body, "Phil is right Mrs. Jackson, I think this could get you in a bunch of trouble. But I suggest you leave Mr. Dorman alone and we can pursue this matter in court. I'm sure you know your way out." Norman walked by the wife and upstairs to Phil's office.

After a few seconds Katie let out a sigh and began to turn towards the door. Mrs. Jackson had no idea that Phil was so serious about his allegation that he would bring his lawyer into the equation. The hot wife turned and reluctantly followed both men upstairs. She walked by a bedroom and saw the men in what was obviously a second bedroom. She hesitated for a moment thinking she should just turn and walk away and go home but her the thought of her consequences weighed heavily on her.

Katie slowly walked in and noticed full length mirrors on two of the walls. The room was small with a desk cluttered with computers and electronic equipment. A sofa sits against one wall. Binoculars lay beside the window that faced her house. A tripod is set up by the window and upon looking out it is right across from her bedroom. She was sure that he probably got a good show last night if he was watching.

Katie spied Phil's file sitting on the desk, "Mr. Dorman, please can I have the file?" pointing at the hospital property.

Phil turned in his chair and faced her, his large belly hung down along with his man boobs. His baggy shorts stood out as she could tell his cock was already growing in anticipation.

Norman sat down on the sofa as Phil looked over at him, "I told you she looked like that Kate girl from Lost, don't you agree?"

The lawyer sighed, "Yes Phil but I think we should continue with our paperwork," looking over at Katie, "but she can't have the file otherwise you will have nothing."

"Please Phil," Katie begged, "It was an honest mistake. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so so sorry."

Phil sat down and contemplated her apology his hand resting on his chin as he stared at Norman, "You're sorry huh?"

"Yes Phil, I'm so sorry," Katie looked down at Phil trying to be as sincere as possible.

Dorman had finally coaxed his neighbor into his house one more time and his cock was throbbing in his shorts. Norman rustled through papers in his briefcase as Phil continued to look at both of them. He suddenly blurted out, almost nonchalantly, "Suck my lawyers cock and I'll think about giving you the file."

Norman sprang up from the couch as he and Katie both yelled, "What?!?"

Mr. Williams was fumbling over himself, "Phil I don't think this is a good idea. This would not be appropriate."

"Oh hell Norman, you said last week that you would do anything to get a blowjob?"

"Well, hmmm" looking over at the married wife obviously embarrassed, "I don't remember saying that. I can't allow this to occur." Norman turned and began to place papers into his briefcase.

"Norman!" standing up and yelling, "you about came in your pants when I told you how I fucked her. You said you would do anything to have a beautiful woman suck your cock. Remember?"

Norman turned pale and looked over at Katie. Her mouth still hung open in disbelief at Phil's demand. The old lawyer looked quickly back at Phil, "We were just talking. I don't want you to make her do something like this!" Norman looked over at Mrs. Jackson, "She obviously doesn't want to do this and we could get in trouble."

"I'm trying to help you my friend. Don't you find Mrs. Jackson pretty?"

"She is very attractive but.." as he scrambled to put his papers back into his briefcase.

Phil stared directly into Katie's eyes, "Do it!"

Dorman looked back over at Norman, "Sit down and enjoy it buddy. This one's on me!"

Katie looked over at Norman and back to her neighbor, "Please Phil, don't do this! Please just give me the file."

"You do what I say and you will get your precious file and you can continue to work at the hospital. It's that easy." Dorman explained.

Norman blurted out, "This is a lot of money we're talking about Phil, as your lawyer I'm instructing you to reconsider!"

Phil looked over at his friend, "Freckles has a decision to make. Her fate lies squarely in her hands," looking back towards the scared hot wife.

Katie shook her head and begged, "Please don't do this. Can't you just be a decent human being?" Mrs. Jackson quickly regretted coming over to the house. She knew he would have tried to push his cock into her again but she thought she could prevail.

"I'm horny freckles," pointing to his tripod and other spying equipment, "and I obviously like to watch!"

"I'm not fucking doing this!" Katie yelled as she turned and walked out of the room.

"Good luck Freckles!" yelled Dorman as he bellowed with laughter.

Katie walked down the hall but stopped and sighed as she overheard Norman scolding Phil for making such a proposition. As she walked towards the stairs she heard Norman explain that the hospital wouldn't dare fight the lawsuit as it would bring public humiliation. She paused in the hallway and heard Norman reveal that the hospital would file charges against her to remove any liability. The married neighbor remembered what she read about the penalties for violating the law. Her cell phone began to ring as she looked at the caller ID and saw it was Fred. She didn't want to spend time in jail away from her family. Katie closed her eyes as she closed her phone. She knew she couldn't answer the phone right now and allowed it to go to voice mail. Mrs. Jackson gripped her phone tightly knowing what she needed to do to protect herself and her family.

Mrs. Jackson took a deep breath and walked back into the room as both men looked up at her. Katie voice quivered, "Will you really stop what you are doing if I do this?" Her knees shook at the thought of giving in to his demands. The married woman was scared but knew she had no other alternatives.

Phil smirked, "Of course Freckles."

"Phillip I think we should discuss this before things go any further," his lawyer cautioned.

Katie doesn't await a response as Norman's eyes widen as she dropped to her knees in front of him while he sat on the sofa. The wife scooted herself between his legs.

The elderly man looks down at her and stuttered, "Miss you don't have to do this...."

"Oh quit being a pussy Norman and enjoy it! I know you can't wait to feel her lips around your cock!" Phil quipped.

Norman fidgeted on the couch and looked down at her, "I don't think you should do this." His words don't reflect his actions. The frail lawyer makes no movement to stop the lovely wife the kneeled before him. He felt his blood pressure going up at the thought of what she was about to do.

"She doesn't have a choice Norman!" laughed Phil, "Ask him Kate. Ask him if you can do what you do best."

Katie looked back at Phil, "Stop it!"

"Do it Freckles if you want to save your job!" yelled Dorman

Norman cleared his voice, "Leave her alone Phillip!"

The married mother looked back at Phil as he waived her file in the air with a silly smile on his face. The three of them stared at each other. Mrs. Jackson dropped her head and slowly looked up into Norman's blue eyes, "Can I suck your cock?" as she reached out and started to undo his belt.

Norman's bottom lip began to tremble as the sexy wife looked into his eyes, "Oh my....," was all he could muster. He looked over at his friend as he moved to the corner of the room so he would have a clear view. Norman looked back down at the sexy wife as she unzipped his suit pants. She reached in and grasped his cock.

It felt small and flaccid and was surrounded by thick pubic hair. Katie tugged his pants down as Norman lifted his hips from the sofa. A pleasant cologne smell escaped as she tossed the clothes to the floor. Katie stared into Norman's crystal blue eyes as she wrapped her fingers around his dick and began to coax it to life. It seemed like only yesterday that she had given her first blowjob to her husband and now she was about ready to suck her fourth cock. Slowly Norman's penis began to expand as Katie lowered her mouth and devoured the head of his cock into her mouth as Norman's body tensed up. The frail lawyer exhaled deeply at the feeling of Katie's warm wet mouth.

Norman's wife had died about 10 years ago and he had dated a few women but none of which were as sexy as the wife that kneeled before him. He had done work for Phil in the past for free so he assumed this was his way of repaying the debt. Although he was a good lawyer with a high sense of morals, he was human and had desires. His heart fluttered when he saw the wife walk into Phil's house. He immediately was jealous that his friend was able to do what he did to this lady. The old lawyer immediately felt like getting up and walking away but was memorized by the sexy wife.

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