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My Little Brownie Cupcake


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She reached under her skirt and grasped her panties.

George's eyes had been fixed on hers, but they quickly fell to her skirt when he saw her hands disappear beneath. "Sara!" he whispered. He turned around to check for himself whether anyone was looking.

Sara knew that to hesitate would be to lose. In one swift, rapid movement she pulled her panties down to her knees, stood back up straight, and then wiggled her bottom to let them fall to the floor. She smiled at her success. Nobody seemed to have noticed anything.

The Templeton library was rarely crowded. Frankly, most students now did their literature reviews on-line in the comfort of their dorms or bedrooms. Why shlep all the way to the library? The students who did still come to the library were typically very serious, although there were still a few exceptions.

In any case, Sara's panties were now at her ankles. She crouched down to pick them up, and then slid them across the table to George. "Put them in my purse," she whispered.

He did so, but not before he held them up for a closer inspection. He in fact even held them out in front of himself, admiring the soft white cotton fabric, still graced with the warmth of her pussy and bottom. A hint of a feminine scent tickled his nose and a smile graced his own lips at the sight of the pretty pink bow at the top and the lacy stitching along the hem. These were not regulation panties.

"Georgie!" she scolded, a bit worried that someone might notice him holding up her panties. George considered putting them in his own back pack, to teach her a lesson about taking off your panties in public places, but he thought better of it. He did as she requested.

"Georgie." Sara caught his eye once again, with her sensual Kristin whisper and her deep, luscious brown eyes. She leaned down over the table, on her elbows, her body bent at the waist, her bottom sticking out behind. She gave him an endearing pout, "Please, won't you please be a good boy and put on my corsage?"

There was no way George was going to deny her this request. He smiled broadly as he got up from his chair, although bringing a book along with him to keep hidden the fact that the front of his pants were now notably jutting out.

The cloaking, however, did not fool Sara. "Looks like you're looking forward to this yourself, Georgie," she teased.

As he approached her bottom, Sara waved it slowly, enticingly, back and forth. She handed the pink plug back to George. "I think I should start with the small one."

George positioned himself behind her bottom. Even when covered by a skirt, she had the prettiest fanny. It was so perky, so round, so alluring.

They both looked around the room. Peter, behind the reference desk, did seem to be looking at them. Apparently Penny had left, as she was nowhere to be seen. George pretended to be looking over Sara's shoulder at a book on the table, keeping his head tilted up enough to keep an eye on Peter, who now seemed to be staring right at them, as if he was concerned about something.

Sara also noticed that Penny was no longer with Teddy. If only she would return Peter would stop staring at them. She wondered where Penny could have in fact gone. It seemed like she was right there, next to Peter, just seconds ago.

Fortunately, Peter apparently must have experienced some sort of a stomach ache, as he suddenly grimaced and bent over. It was bad luck for Peter but good luck for them.

George quickly capitalized on the opportunity. He stood back up, reached down, and lifted up Sara's skirt.

"Georgie," Sara whispered. "You don't have to raise my skirt."

Perhaps she was right, but George never missed an opportunity to see that sweet girlish dimpled behind, and it was all the more beguiling when it was being exposed within a public place. His cock now felt so hard. He pushed it against her thigh as he slid the butt plug down along the tender crack of her winsome white cheeks.

"Hurry up, Georgie," Sara urged, although she was very flattered and titillated by the feel of his hard cock pressing up against her. She considered reaching back to grasp hold, but she knew that would be going much too far. "Oh!" she chirped, as she felt the initial contact of the plug against her anus.

By now Sara had considerable experience getting things into her bottom. She knew how to relax her sphincter. Inserting this small plug was really not a problem, particularly with its tapered tip. Although the anxiety of doing so in a public place did provide some ambivalence. With one deep breath it slid right in and popped into place, like a round peg in a round hole that were just made for each other.

"It feels nice," Sara whispered, repeatedly clenching and relaxing her sphincter to get a good feel for it. She could tell that she was going to like these plugs much better than her corks. She looked back at George, "I wish I could see it though."

George stepped back to admire the sight. It was indeed a very charming picture: her precious little orb; poking up like it was looking for attention; all prettified and done up so sweetly with its pink rose, the soft petals poking out, like her rosebud had actually flowered. George reassured here, "It is very pretty, Sara."

His pleasure, however, was suddenly cut short as Sara stood back up. She could see Mrs. Baxter, the head librarian, walking across the floor of the library. Mrs. Baxter hadn't noticed them, but it was evident that their fun was now a bit too risky.

Standing up though drew even more of Sara's attention to the intrusion within her rump. It was like she was halfway through with a dump: half in and half out. She knew that to describe it that way to almost anyone would sound disgusting, but it was in fact a very titillating sensation, like when one has the feeling of an intense urge, an urgent but pleasing pressure, with joyful relief just seconds away, but that moment in time is in fact frozen, and one just lingers in the imploring strain. Sara wiggled her bottom back and forth, not just to tease George, but to pleasure herself as well.

"I have to see what it looks like." What girl wouldn't want to admire her new corsage. She would just have to see what it looks like in a mirror. "Wait for me, Georgie, please?" She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and scampered off to the ladies room.

It was fortunate that the room was empty. But, she soon discovered that the mirrors were too high to see her bottom well. She had to be pretty far from the mirror to see her behind, and as she bent over to get the real effect she couldn't see her behind at all.

Well, there were the windows on the second floor that went all the way to the floor. You could see your reflection in them at night. She returned to George, grasped his hand and led him off to the second floor.

"You keep your eyes out for anyone, and tell me when it's safe." It was really plenty safe, as they were well hidden by a stack of books. But, this was only with respect to those within the library. As Sara bent over and lifted her skirt she realized that she was exposing herself in a most intimate way to anyone who happened to be walking by outside of the library. If they looked up they would see a pretty girl bent over, her plaid skirt tossed up over her back, mooning the campus in a most delectable way.

Sara though didn't mind. She just had to see what it looked like. She liked looking at her bottom. She thought it was the prettiest part of her body.

And, besides, she loved to tease boys by showing them brief glimpses of her panties. She in fact had a considerable reputation in the school for being a tease. It was this reputation that contributed to Mr. Peters needing to punish her (see The Lessons, Chapter 1). The experience in class had been very embarrassing for her but it had also sent her on the path, through her bottom, to George.

So, if there was someone out there, so be it.

And, a few students did in fact notice her fanny. As they looked up to the sky they were treated with a new full moon shining over the campus. Arnie in particular admired the sight. He was an astronomy buff and always appreciated a good shot of the moon. However, he was confused by the presence of some object, it looked even like a flower, close to the location of the crater Plato. But, of course, no flowers would grow on the moon, nor would they be sticking out of a girl's butt.

Sara could hear a few shouts and maybe even some applause. She didn't mind. She liked showing off her new corsage. She thought it was the prettiest pink petals peaking out between the lighter pinkness of her tender, sweet cheeks. She wiggled her bottom in the glass, smiling delightfully at her prettiness, as did a few boys in the darkness below.

She stood back up and gave George a brief kiss on the lips. "You're so good to me." She had no thought now of breaking up. "Maybe at the fair I'll even put on a larger one. You're going to help me with the booth, aren't you?" She already knew that he would. They had talked about it before, but she wanted to be reassured. It was important to her. It would be the first time that she would have her own booth, and it would mean so much to have George be there with her, as if they were beginning to establish a new, their own, family tradition.

"I'll be there," he promised, giving her a peck on the lips and a squeeze of her bottom.

"Hhmmph," they heard, from Mrs. Baxter, who was now in fact looking at them.

Sara turned to the librarian, mouthed a "Sorry," with her lips, while also, behind her, squeezing George's protruding cock with her fingers. She would have to give him an even better expression of gratitude at the fair. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It turned out that a booth with just cupcakes and brownies wasn't such a bad idea. In fact, it was a big success. Perhaps something else other than pies was actually an attraction. Sara's presentation also didn't hurt. A number of customers complimented her colorful banner. It had SpongeBob as a large brownie, smiling gleefully at a luscious cupcake in his hand. And, the cupcakes were themselves quite the works of art. Many of them were rather uniquely decorated.

There was, of course, the compulsory smiley face. But, she also had a red Elmo cupcake, with white eyes, orange nose, and a big grin. There were also sports cupcakes, with Kelly green icing that looked like grass, topped with a baseball mitt, soccer ball, or football candies (she had to buy those). The pumpkin cupcakes were real popular, as they were baked with pumpkin cake and an icing topping that was nicely cut and trimmed to look like the tops of pumpkins, even with a green candy stem. There were too many to describe. Her favorite though was a mystery to most people; well, perhaps to everyone. When she got an especially large top on the cupcake, she used a mix of pink and white icing to create a pinkish flesh tone, then created a nice orb shape that she slit down the middle and then put a little red spot of icing toward the bottom of the crack. If anyone asked, she said it was a peach with a lady bug. That explanation, however, was usually just met with a furrowed brow. They figured that they all couldn't be winners.

It was particularly amusing to see Mr. Nixon mulling over the "peach" cupcakes. Mr. Nixon had been Sara's principal in high school. It was a little odd, but rather appealing, to be talking to her old principal, now that she was a young lady, all grown up, with a flowered plug tucked into her bottom. She was wearing the medium size one, the one with the violet rose. It definitely gave her a feeling of discomfort, but it was a rather delightful discomfort. She couldn't help but wiggle her bottom at times, trying to relieve the pressure.

Mr. Nixon couldn't see Sara's hips or bottom, but it was evident that she was squirming around a bit. "Is there something wrong, Sara?" Mr. Nixon asked. It looked to him like she had to go to the bathroom or something.

Sara could not help but blush at the realization that she was squirming her bottom in front of her high school principal. "Oh no, Mr. Nixon, I'm fine, really." She considered leaning over and telling him that she had something stuck up her bottom, just to see how he might react. That would be terribly naughty, but it wasn't like he could send her down to detention anymore. But, she thought better of that.

George moved up to the left of Sara. The ledge of the booth was quite high, just below her perky young breasts. Nobody could see anything below that, particularly if they were right up against the ledge. George placed his hand on Sara's pert bottom. She was wearing a very short violet skirt, speckled with tiny red roses. She felt it was a nice match with her corsage. She also wore a pink blouse, pink socks, and even pink tennis shoes. The Harvest Festival was not a college function, and so regulation uniforms were not required.

"Sara, is this young man a good friend?"

"Oh sir, yes, I'm sorry, Mr. Nixon, this is George. He's in fact my boyfriend."

"Well, it's so good to meet you, George." He extended his hand. George had to momentarily remove his hand from the soft curves of Sara's derriere to shake the hand of the principal.

"You too, sir. Sara spoke quite highly of you, and how much she enjoyed her days at Northeast High."

Mr. Nixon did have to chuckle a bit at that. Very polite youngsters sometimes did not sound the most sincere. "Yes, well, I must say, Sara, that I am most impressed with your cupcakes."

"Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Nixon. I think they did come up so nice and soft and round."

George's hand returned to Sara's fanny, and this time he even reached under her skirt to place his hand firmly on her bare tush. She wasn't wearing any panties. She didn't want to mess up her corsage and, besides, it was such a warm day. She wanted to be comfortable, but, most of all, she wanted to tease Georgie. It was now George, though, who was doing the teasing. His fingers danced across the naked skin of her derriere, caressing her adorably charming bum.

Sara's breathing quickened, as well as the squirming of her bottom.

Mr. Nixon turned his attention back to the fanny cakes. "You know, Sara, I just can't quite put my finger on what this peach cupcake reminds me of."

With that remark, George maneuvered his fingers down into the crack of Sara's bottom, carefully grasped the plug so as not to crush the rose, and yanked it from her rectum. "Unnh," Sara gasped as she felt her sphincter rapidly expand to allow its sudden removal.

They could both hear a little "poot" sound as the plug popped free. They looked at Mr. Nixon to see if he heard it as well. He probably did, but as an experienced high school administrator, he could maintain a polite nonchalance as to the indelicate noise, as if he heard nothing.

"It doesn't remind you of a soft sweet peach, Principal Nixon?" George was now caressing Sara's actual rosebud, softly feeling its furrows and ridges. "Ohhh," Sara softly groaned as he pressed against her sphincter.

"Well, don't be so disappointed, Sara," Mr. Nixon responded. "This assortment of cakes is really most impressive. I'm not saying that it doesn't look like a peach. It's just that it seems to hint at something else that I just can't get my finger on."

George pressed his finger a bit harder on it.

Sara's pussy was getting quite wet. She wanted to reach down to play with herself, but she didn't really think she could get away with that. However, she did lean forward, resting her body on the ledge, providing her with some support for her weakening legs, which she also spread to give George more access. "Principal Nixon," she confided, "If you stick you ringer up into the peach cupcakes, you do get a surprise."

With that remark, George pushed his own finger hard past her sphincter and worked his way up inside Sara's butt. "Unnhhh!" Sara gasped as George's finger pushed up into her rectum.

"Are you sure you're okay, Sara?" Mr. Nixon inquired.

"I'm okay, sir, really, I just think maybe I need to go to the bathroom." She normally wouldn't say that to any guy, but many of the students at Northeast High had said that to Principal Nixon through his career, including Sara. And, it did provide a good explanation for her squirming behind. "But, you really should push your finger inside my cupcake."

George thrust his index finger entirely up inside Sara's rump. He could feel her clenching hard with her sphincter as he twirled his finger tip around and around inside, feeling the insides, the soft folds, rises, and curves of her rectum.

Pushing a finger into a cupcake seemed quite an odd suggestion to Mr. Nixon, perhaps even a bit suggestive. "I don't want to make a mess, Sara."

"Sometimes it's fun to make a mess, Mr. Nixon," Sara teased, as she was being so delightfully teased herself. "Just flick the lady bug aside, and stick your finger into the soft, warm cooked dough."

George's own finger was now deep within the soft, warm dough of Sara's cupcake, exploring and sliding, in and out. Sara slowly, subtly, moved her hips in unison with George's finger.

Mr. Nixon smiled. Sometimes kids don't seem to grow up. He suspected that this was just some silly student joke, getting him to stick his finger into a cupcake. Why that would be so amusing he did not know, but students had laughed hysterically at some of the silliest of jokes at his own expense. But then, Sara did seem to be serious about it. And, besides, she was clearly quite uncomfortable. He better get this over with so that she could get to a bathroom. He tried to carefully dig his finger down into the cupcake.

Those who bought one of the fanny cakes were given a special surprise treat, as Principal Nixon quickly discovered. Embedded beneath the little red spot of icing, inserted deep into the interior, was a long thin stick of brownie.

"Oh my, what is this?" Well, he realized with some relief and pleasure, Sara had been right after all. No wonder she wanted him to dig his finger inside.

Sara explained. "It's the lady bug's little home, her own little dark tunnel."

"Well, that's very cute," Mr. Nixon said approvingly.

"Yes sir," George agreed, "I think her little tunnel is very, very cute."

With that remark, Mr. Nixon again felt a bit uncomfortable. He could also see that Sara really needed now to go get some personal relief. She was actually hopping and squirming. He figured that she wasn't rushing off because she wanted to be polite to her old principal. He quickly paid for the peach cupcake, along with a few others, and left.

As soon as he walked off, George popped out his finger.

"Georgie!" Sara squealed. "You're such a bad boy," playfully wacking him on the shoulder. But, she knew she liked it, and had in fact enjoyed it very much. She did now really need some relief, but it wasn't the kind Mr. Nixon had been thinking about. "Now, you give me back my corsage, and be sure to wash those hands before you handle any more of my cupcakes."

George handed her the plug, picked up a couple of sanitary wipes, and carefully cleaned himself off.

Sara squatted down in the booth, like she was going to go to the bathroom. "Tell me if you see anybody coming."

Ample warning would in fact be quite hard to provide, as there were people constantly walking by the front of the booth. Fortunately, it didn't take long for Sara to get the plug back in. She smiled sweetly at him as she worked it back up into her rectum, admiring the sight of the quite evident bulge in George's trousers as she did so. He clearly needed some relief as well.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When the fair was over for the day Sara and George retreated to a nice secluded section of Higgins Park to celebrate her success. It was a lovely day for a picnic. The sun was out, there was a soft breeze, and wild flowers were in full bloom. While Sara was setting up a picnic snack, mostly of cupcakes and sodas, George strolled off to pick her a bouquet. He returned with some Wild Cosmo, Scarlet Flax, Sweet William, and Black Eyed Susan. The townsfolk seeded Higgins Park so that it was almost always in full bloom with quite an impressive array of colors.

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