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My Little Ventrue Pt. 06 Ch. 03

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Rough seas ahead.
14.2k words

Part 80 of the 184 part series

Updated 08/27/2023
Created 03/30/2016
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She combed her hair over chest, and sighed. She was still dressed in the suit she wore, though she had dismissed the jacket, more comfortable in the white shirt and gray skirt. Sitting with one leg resting upon the other at the knee, she leaned back upon the couch in one of the many lounge rooms of her Elysium tower, and looked up at the ceiling. The holes had been drilled into the marble to house LEDs, and the wires that powered them hidden in the black and white stone. A ridiculous expense, and one she was glad to have spent. What use was immortality and fortunes upon fortunes, if one was unwilling to indulge.

Sighing all the more, she refolded her legs, and waited. Not long ago, her thoughts had been on how to share this indulgence with her love for years to come; him being a member of the Invictus made their relationship a touch complicated. Now, her thoughts were on hunters, monsters, werewolves, territory being fought over by short-sighted vampires, and the pain her love was suffering. Such was the ups and downs of ruling a city. There would be times of tranquility, such as after the death of Viktor and Tony, and again after the death of Lucas. And there would be such times again, once these hunters were dealt with, and this looming threat in her city crushed.

It seemed unlikely the Begotten would ever leave, even if Azamel died of her age. And the Uratha, she had to admit, were more equipped to deal with both the strange Azlu entities that had infiltrated her city, but also Black Blood. Oh, how she hoped Avery would end that infernal entity's existence. Could it be done? She did not know, and she dared not ask. Eyes and ears were everywhere, and she did not wish to let anyone know of her desire, lest they plot to undo them.

Far better for her to do as she always did, and manipulate the individuals and circumstances involved. Black Blood was not invincible, and if Antoinette gently nudged events into confrontation between the werewolves and Jacob's alien friend, perhaps her desire would be satisfied. If not, she could simply try again in the future. Such was the joy of indirect tactics and careful misdirection.

The hunters were the larger threat at the moment, and Avery's aid in hunting them down was paramount. The introduction of this shaman woman Elen had rendered the more passive approach futile, if she was capable of hunting targets with seemingly magical means. The introduction of a Begotten as a member of their group was even more problematic, as the monsters had many ways to both infiltrate, and affect places in ways the others could not. She could not rest until she had dealt with them, or had at least surmised a foolproof plan to deal with them.

And then, of course, was her love Jack. He should be here soon, and she could both inquire about the proposal to the Uratha, and perhaps gently nudge him to expose his secret to her.

She could ask, and the boy would tell her; such was his way, and his honest soul was part of why she loved him so much. But like a creature breaking free from their hatching shell, learning to break free of one's own barriers is important for growth. She would give him more time. For now.

The boy waved to her from the labyrinth hallway, and walked up to join her before sitting on the couch.

"Hi," he said.

"Hello," she said.

"I talked to Avery. She's down with pairing a pack member with these sweeper teams."

Smiling, Antoinette raised an arm, and let the boy snuggle into her side. "That is good. Impulsive and aggressive as she is, she is intelligent."

"She did demand to be the one who picks which Uratha go with which team of Kindred."


"And... she demanded that the Begotten get involved."

Antoinette raised a brow. "That, I did not predict. She trusts the Begotten?"

"Eh, more of an enemy-of-my-enemy situation."

"And you spoke with Azamel?"

"I did. She's not happy about the idea, but she agreed. Fiona, Mark, and Athalia will help some of the sweeper teams."

"I see." She was happy the boy had taken initiative, bringing Avery's proposal to Azamel. And no doubt the boy had already reported this to Julias and the rest of the Invictus council. But, perhaps, not as content about the prospect of Begotten becoming yet more involved in their affairs.

"I think I got my work cut out for me, making sure everyone gets along." The boy nudged his nose and cheek into the side of her breast, and nuzzled into her. "I think it'll be alright, except for maybe a few of our louder Kindred causing a fuss." Again he nuzzled into her side, and brought in a hand as well, using it to touch her thigh as he pressed his cheek and nose into her closer breast.

The boy was being awfully forward with his desire, compared to usual. Ah, yes, she had enjoyed his touch earlier this evening, while also teasing him of awaiting pleasure in the future. Talk of emotional trauma would salt the very soil she had seeded six hours ago; not a terribly fair thing to do to her poor little Ventrue.

Or perhaps, she was running from the inevitable pain of the conversation, and how she would be forced to look the boy in the eyes, his deep, honest, powerful eyes, as he confessed his rage and agony to her. And that could wait until tomorrow night.

Grinning down at him, she turned on the couch to face him, one leg hooked over the other as she leaned over him, and began to undress him. His face lit up like the fourth of July. "Interspecies romance grows in the city. Perhaps the tension between monster, wolf, and vampire, will not be as large as I fear." With practiced hands, she slid him out of his jacket, tie, and shirt. The sight of his lean, defined form, his muscles and abs, and the way the Blush of Life brought color to his skin, earned another smile from her. She Blushed Life as well, and grinned down at the boy as she motioned to her chest.

Jack tried to undo her buttons as quickly as she had his, but his fingers fumbled on a few of them. Cute. And when he reached behind her to try and undo the clasp of her bra, he fumbled a few times as well. Adorable. Laughing, she waited and watched, and scratched his head as he at last freed her breasts. His eyes devoured her, and a groan escaped him, as he buried his face in the heavy teardrops.

"Which Kindred do you think most likely to cause problems?" she said, as she reached down and started undoing his pants.

"Jessy, undoubtedly. I know Joe from the Carthians has a big mouth. It wouldn't surprise me if Hella causes problems, too." With a big grin on his face, he helped her get him out of his pants and boxers, sliding them both off at the same time, and exposing his shaved-smooth pelvis, and growing erection. Out in the open, the lounge, with no walls to hide them, and the boy was ready for sex in seconds. She had utterly destroyed the sexual barriers he once had; delightful. She was sure there were more barriers to find, and break if she desired, but now, she could indulge in the sexual openness she craved.

She still wore her skirt, but tonight was about pleasing the boy; and there was a certain joy in remaining half clothed, while her partner was nude.

Smiling her best devil's smile, she slid off of the couch, and got down onto her knees between his. She set her hands underneath her breasts, lifted the heavy pillows up onto his lap, and buried his raised member in the softness. Immediate groans from the boy, each sending a small shiver through her, spurred by the sight of his pleasure-laden face. In the past, he may have been overwhelmed by something so simple, and let his eyes close and head roll back, lost to delirium. Now, he stared down at her and where her breasts pressed snug to his pelvis and thighs, as if looking away for a single moment would rob him of witnessing lightning in a storm.

"The three you listed, if you did not realize, are Gangrel." She pressed her breasts together harder for a moment, and pulled another groan from her love. "They are quite a handful, I admit."

"Handful... lot bigger than a handful."

She rolled her eyes, and laughed. The look of almost desperate desire in his face was too precious, and that he managed a joke as he gawked at her, was equally wonderful.

To reward him, she leaned down, scooting her butt a little further back so she had the angle to encompass the swollen head of his length in her kiss. She tilted her head to the side, and looked up at the boy, as she both kept her breasts pressed into the groove of his pelvis and thighs, overflowing much of his body, as she suckled on his cock. Soft, gentle kisses, meant to build the pleasure, slow and tasting the sexual need that radiated from him.

Movement drew her eye, and she almost let the impulse to look spoil the moment. But, no, she kept her eyes on Jack as she lifted her head up, and leaned in forward, to completely engulf his cock with her breasts.

Natasha was watching.

The Mekhet had likely finished her work, and was going back to her room to read. Sunrise was soon, after all. She must have been walking past when the two lovers had drawn her attention, and like any Mekhet was prone to do, she cloaked herself in her Cloak of Night, and sneaked in to see what was happening. Mekhets, forever attracted to secrets.

But Antoinette's habits with her love were no secret. If Natasha wished to watch, she did not need to cloak herself. Still, if that was what the girl needed, in order to find the courage to watch, then that was fine with the Prince. The little creature was a good fifty feet away, and only poking her head out from around the room entrance enough for her to watch. She likely thought she was far enough, and her discipline strong enough, to not be seen by a Daeva, even one as old as Antoinette. Silly girl.

"Do you know what the teams will be for the Invictus?" she said, before she leaned down, and again set her lips onto the boy's cock, keeping it wrapped in her breasts so only the glans was exposed.

"I uh, probably either a Nos or Mekhet in each team, for Obfuscate. They'll probably keep us Right Hands together, and have us exploring the more suspected zones."

She nodded as she kissed and licked, before she started working her head up and down. Keeping her mouth tight and snug on the sensitive head of his cock, as she forced her kiss to work back and forth over the base edge of its swollen girth, was enough to have the boy trembling in moments. Precum leaked from the boiling glans, and she kissed it away.

Perhaps it would be fun to put on a show for Natasha? Smiling around his cock, she lifted her head, and used both hands to begin kneading the heavy pillows together. Large as they were, and her so close to Jack's body, kneeling between his knees, each time she pressed her breasts together as a forward wave, they spilled over her hands, and onto his thighs and abs. Each forward press buried his cock completely, causing gentle friction of her silk skin along his glans. In minutes, the boy began to orgasm, and he reached out to hold onto her shoulders as he did. His first gush of cum managed to squirt upward with force, and she licked her lips as she felt the thick warmth coat her neck and under her jaw. The next was lost to her breasts as she squeezed them together with her hands, burying his glans proper, and ensuring each new gush of cum coated them from within. Several more waves followed, each contained and hidden between her breasts, until it began to drip down her stomach.

"I... I'll try and... stop Jessy from... getting into fights with whoever we're working with." Poor boy, panting and squirming with pleasure, completely unaware Natasha was watching.

"Come, stand for a moment, so I may lie down for you," she said as she let go of her bust, leaned back so the cum-soaked, heavy breasts slid off of him and impacted against her with gravity — as intended — and stood.

The boy hopped up, big grin on his face. A prime moment for Antoinette to turn, and glance Natasha's way.

Oh? The girl's head was inching about, easing back and forth a bit. And her shoulder were lifting up and down ever so slightly. Ah, yes, it was a motion Antoinette recognized immediately. The girl was touching herself, masturbating, using the wall as a barrier to hide what her hand was undoubtedly doing underneath her skirt.

Natasha's eyes went wide when she realized Antoinette saw her, and wide again, when she realized Antoinette knew what the little creature was up to. The power of a little eye contact, and a subtle grin.

As Antoinette sat down, she offered Tash two unspoken words, each single syllable, each easy to read upon silent lips: come watch.

She did not wait to see how the little Mekhet reacted. A little suspense, a little mystery, it all added to the joy and thrill of such open expression. Grinning all the more, she rolled onto her back, set her head upon the arm of the couch, and held out her hands for Jack. His grin was equally large, and he climbed up onto her so he could straddle her waist.

To her lover's delight, she brought her hands up to her collar, setting them over top where her breasts connected at the top of her chest. This way, her elbows were brought in, and each arm forced her breasts up to sit on top of her chest, instead of falling to the sides with gravity. More than enough of a signal for Jack to lean forward, his knees outside her arms on the couch, and slip his length into the crevice underneath and between her breasts. With his own cum as lubricant, the boy let out an obvious groan as he set his hands around the outside of her breasts near her elbows, and held them, pushing them together, as he sank his cock balls deep into the crevice.

"My love," she said, smiling up at him, "how goes your training with Julias?"

"It... it's um... going well. Getting better at Resilience. Should be able to use vitae to keep my body together a bit easier." His eyes drifted between her gaze, and where he was easing his cock back and forth between her bosom. With his torso leaning forward somewhat, he managed to keep the angle of his shaft aligned with her chest, and the pressure of her breasts pressed together by both her arms, and his hands, was enough to keep it secure. It would not slip out, giving the boy the leeway to gently fuck her breasts without anyone having to hold his cock in place.

"That is good. Julias is quite the master of Resilience. It takes much to damage him properly." She licked her lips as she watched her lover rock his body back and forth, the tip of his length appearing for only a moment, whenever his pelvis pressed against the undersides of her bust. He was moving hard enough to make her breasts ripple with each impact, gentle but not overly so, and she chuckled at the feel of it. The heat of his cum and girth along her skin was pleasant, but it was the look of rapture on the boy's face as he stared at her body, that had her cravings for more build.

Movement, in the corner of her eye. Oh? Antoinette kept her eyes on the boy in front of her, on his beautiful, naked form, and the joy dripping from his gaze, while peripheral vision allowed her to track the movement of the spying Mekhet. Natasha's masterful use of Cloak of Night was enough to fool all eyes except for another Mekhet using Auspex, or a Kindred as powerful as Antoinette. She'd have no trouble hiding her presence from Jack as long as she did not get too close.

This was quite a growing moment for Natasha. The girl was standing off to the side, maybe fifteen feet away, and was staring, jaw dropped and unable to close. She was no longer masturbating, but that was undoubtedly too far a leap out of Natasha's comfort zone for the little Mekhet to handle. Perhaps, in the future, the Prince could change that.

"Coat my nipples, my love, when you cum."

Groaning again, the boy nodded, and started thrusting faster, both his hands holding her breasts snug around his cock, their size spilling over and around his hands and wrists. After another minute of consistent, gentle thrusts, he let go of one of her breasts, though it remained where it was, kept snug by her own arms. The free hand took his cock instead, and guided it up onto one of her breasts, to begin rubbing his dripping, engorge glans upon her swollen areola.

Immediate sparks pulsed out from the swollen nipple and into her chest. Antoinette half closed her eyes, and made a deliberate moan, picking the right pitch, the right timbre, the right volume, to have the boy melting. He continued to rub his glans against her nipple, and did not stop as a gush of his thick cum washed over it; less of a squirt, and more of a heavy wave tonight. She watched the ripe head of his shaft let loose another wave of his hot, thick cum, and another, coating her nipple as he circled it with his length's tip, before he slid his cock along the silky skin of her breasts, and onto her other nipple to continue the same treatment. The touch of his wet glans pressing and rubbing against her aching nipples was heavenly, and she sighed joy again as his rubbing earned a few more gentle, warm sparks of bliss that reached into her chest, and inched their way down toward her sex.

"Now, resume as you were before," she said.

"Yes ma'am."

Perfect. With her puffy areola thoroughly coated in cum, she eased her elbows down a little, and her hands down her bosom farther, before taking her nipples into her palms. With almost milking motions, she squeezed around them, lightly pinched her nipples, and put pressure around the whole of her areola, before she eased up, tracing her fingers around the aching buttons. With the boy's hot, white fluid coating it all, it made her touch divine, and she offered the boy another calculated moan, to entice his arousal yet again, as she masturbated with her breasts.

He leaned in, took her breasts into his palms on the outside, and again pressed them together as he guided his cock into the crevice they created. As he resumed fucking her bosom, she pleasured herself with them, knowing exactly how much pressure, and exactly what motions to use, to make the tingling waves build.

Natasha moved in closer. Her mouth was still open, her whole head blushed beet red, and despite herself, one of her hands stroked one of her nipples through her shirt. Wonderful. Sometimes Antoinette wondered if her student realized her Prince's attempts to spread sexual openness were not empty words. No doubt the child would be terribly embarrassed later, and Antoinette would again have to explain there was nothing to be embarrassed over. Jack would not mind, if she told him; and she eventually would.

"And Dominate, my love? How do you practice?" She shivered as the waves of pleasure built up more, and she eased off of her play for a moment, before she resumed. Squeezing, milking motions around the whole of each areola were delicious when her breasts were wet, and she pulled her hands forward onto the nipple, where she traced and teased, circled, and ever-so-gently pinched.

"I... I've been... having mental battles with Julias every so often. I still can't get him."

"It would be a wonder of the ages if you could dominate your sire at your age, my love. Your skill grows rapidly, but temper your expectations." Once she resumed caressing her nipples, it did not take long to earn the sparks again, and upon that, the waves that coursed down into her chest, down further to her sex, and then outward. She licked her lips as she met Jack's hypnotized gaze, and a few quivers worked up and down her thighs and arms, as the pleasure tremors spread into her thighs. Despite herself, she closed her eyes for a moment as the unique sensation echoed through her chest and core, before she looked up to Jack and his enraptured gaze.

Natasha's eyes widened, perhaps more than Jack's, and she stared all the more. To orgasm from breast play was perhaps a unique concept to the little Mekhet.

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