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My Little Ventrue Pt. 07 Ch. 22

Story Info
Who is Elaine?
  • August 2021 monthly contest
13.8k words

Part 118 of the 184 part series

Updated 08/27/2023
Created 03/30/2016
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Her. It was her. No doubt about it. As if someone popped a balloon in his face, snapping out of his memory to the present was loud and painful.

That was Susanna's childe, and Jack's great grandsire.

"In the name of peace," Antoinette continued, "these three hunters were invited to the ball to be shown that Dolareido, my city, is not as devolved as other cities with a Kindred presence. We are better than our baser desires." She adopted an evil smile, and looked back to the hunters. "Mingle with my Kindred, dear hunters. Be at ease, and enjoy the pleasures we provide, for they are many." It sounded less like an offering, and more of a command.

Jack's eyes flicked over to the hunters. Harcourt, Marge, and Dennis, three humans who were very out of place, but Antoinette was manipulating them into being merged into Dolareido, or at least not hostile toward it. Considering what she said, no one would be stupid enough to dose them with blood and bind them with the Vinculum, or kill them, and especially not embrace them. But that didn't mean they wouldn't get manipulated into a night of amazing sex and Kisses. And the hunters knew it, too.

But the surprise of seeing them at the ball was nothing compared to the surprise of seeing his great grandsire. Elaine. An elder, and a member of the Ordo Dracul. Antoinette's friend. He rubbed his head, seeking the feel of buzzed hair against his fingers and scalp, desperate for the soothing sensation. His great grandsire, alive, in the Ordo, and his lover's friend. Think think think.

There were no way this was coincidence. Elaine must have known who Viktor was, she sired him after all. She must have known about Julias then, since Elaine had visited Dolareido several times before, according to the Prince. And, if Antoinette and Elaine were friends, that meant Elaine likely knew about Jack. She knew he was Julias's childe. She knew he was Viktor's grandchilde, and her great grandchilde.

Why did she come now? There had to be--the crows! At the hospital. When he'd first let the curse out, and it'd summoned a legion of crows, that shit had hit the news. The Invictus had done an excellent job suppressing the fallout of that, but that didn't mean people hadn't learned about it. Or maybe Antoinette had just told Elaine about Jack's curse directly, considering researching shit like that was probably something the Ordo did.

She had to know about him, and she had to know about the curse. Did she know it spoke to him? Did she know it had contaminated his mind, had him half convinced he'd devolved into a killer, before he broke the seal. The curse's desires had morphed and solidified into a separate personality now, no longer tampering with his mind covertly, but overtly. Did it do that to her, too?

Jack snapped his head around. Where was he, where was he? There, Jen, and Sándor. He slid over to them, taking advantage of how Maria, Michael, Garry, and Jacob all came up to shake Elaine's hand. They were a nice distraction for Antoinette. She'd want him to come up to her in a moment, but he needed to know something, and know it now.

"Sándor," he whispered, once was close to the man.

"Jack," the monster said. He almost slid away, once Jack got close. Right, the man was a Begotten, and while other Kindred could sense the curse, and how it inflated Jack's Beast, Sándor could see it in all its twisted, disturbing glory. Perfect.

"Jack?" Jen said. Jack leaned in closer. Hint, be quiet. She raised a brow, but stopped talking.

"Sándor, that newcomer, Elaine. What does her Beast look like?"

"Her Beast?" Sándor, one brow slightly raised, looked at Jack, then around at the Kindred around him, then to Elaine, who was shaking hands with Maria. "Normal. The only one here with an unusual creature beneath the skin, is you, Jack."

"Really? Uh, how about... chains? Anything like chains, or something that could be tying her Beast down? Like, a binding?"

"No, Jack. The creature of shadow and fog, claws and beaks, fangs and talons and feathers, the strange malleable cloud that is the Beast, is the same in her as I see in everyone. Only the... titanic monstrosity in you, is different." Quite verbose for the gargoyle.

Frowning at him, Sándor took a small step away from him, toward Jen. And Jen didn't miss a beat, hooking her arm with his again, and smiling up at him before throwing Jack a 'sorry about this' look.

Jack managed a smile for her. It was obvious she was manipulating Sándor, so obvious that Sándor must have known, and Jen knew that he knew. It was kind of cute, honestly, how the Begotten was just too closed off and stoic to stop her from dragging him around like an arm candy himbo. And it was obvious she was using him as a tool to help Triss. The girl had a kind heart, despite her demeanor.

Sighing, Jack nodded to Sándor. "Thanks."

He didn't wait for the Begotten's response. The elders were done greeting Elaine, and were dispersing back into the crowd, after giving the hunters some distrusting glares. Right on time, Antoinette looked around for him, and Jack met her eyes as he walked toward her.

Elaine's curse was... gone? No chains? Jack could still remember the Beast from the vision, and how it'd been covered in chains until he'd destroyed them. The other Begotten had seen them on him, but hadn't called them out; a classic 'nobody asked' sorta situation. And now that the curse was loose in Jack, the Begotten were afraid to even get close to him. Except Fiona of course, but Fiona was Fiona. If Sándor said Elaine's Beast didn't look mutated or bound, he believed him.

As he approached his great grandsire, Antoinette, his mom, Daniel, and the two ghouls, Jack reached into his core, and did his best to sense what he could. His Kindred senses, his Beast, found nothing out of the ordinary. It did its usual song and dance with Antoinette, though now that his Beast was a twisted, cursed thing, what used to be a purely submissive gesture, wasn't nearly as passive. It bowed to Antoinette, but because it wanted to, not because it had to.

He could feel his mother's Beast, shrinking into itself at being surrounded by so many elders. His approach didn't help, and he winced as he watched his mom turn to him, freeze for a moment as her Beast shuddered at the sight of him, before her conscious mind pushed past it. The older his mom got, the better she'd get at listening to her Beast and Kindred instincts, and that was going to be painful for him, if he didn't get rid of this curse.

And maybe, just maybe, considering Elaine's condition, he could do just that.

"Mom," he said, "you look amazing." And he did his best to avoid looking at how much of his mom's skin the dress showed. Hard to do. He'd never seen her look so amazing, and as much as he could see his mom had hit probably ninety percent maximum embarrassment load, there was a bit of pride and joy in there too. She liked looking good, and having so many eyes on her. Once she got past the embarrassment phase, her Daeva blood would kick in, and she'd enjoy being in the limelight like Antoinette, Isabella, and Othello did.

Much as he felt he should be kinda freaked out by the idea of his mom likely having orgies in her future, he was too damn distracted by the tall blonde who'd jumped out of his memories.

"You do too! But, I look like a harlot." His mom frowned as she looked down at herself.

"Please," Elaine said, grinning and waving a hand with a small flick, the barest touch of a English accent coming through. "If you are a harlot, then your sire and I may as well dance naked in the streets."

"As if you have never done so." Chuckling, Antoinette walked past Elaine, up to Jack, bent down, and leaned in for a kiss. He gave it to her, drawing on every bit of teaching Julias had ever given him on how to manage a poker face. It was enough to fool his mom and the ghouls, but the three elders? No chance. At least he could mostly trust Daniel to remain indifferent.

Antoinette's brows furrowed, and she blinked at him twice, searching for whatever it was that was bothering him. He smiled for her, letting her know he realized she knew, and silently mouthed 'later'. She nodded, but a speck of uncertainty remained on her face.

"My love," she said, "this is Elaine." No last name, like her, like Daniel, like Jacob. "A Ventrue, and valued dragon in the Ordo Dracul. Elaine, this is my little Ventrue, Jack Terry of the Invictus."

Jack glanced around quickly before looking back to Elaine. If people watched too closely, they might notice Jack's behavior, and he knew he didn't have the skill to not give something away if everyone was watching.

The crowd had begun to mingle again, and the hunters were promptly surrounded by some very hungry looking vampires. But before things got crazy, the witches of all people, save Jacob, went over to join the hunters. Well, Harcourt knew them, so they were a decent familiar face in the crowd for him. More and more Kindred drifted toward the hunters, even the younger ones, all pretty excited that some hunters had actually helped defeat the threat. No one at the party had expected to actually get the opportunity to talk to them, and potentially, maybe even feed on them.

No one even looked at Jack or Elaine anymore. Perfect.

Jack offered his fellow Ventrue a small bow and nod. "You look lovely, Elaine."

"Don't I?" Laughing, Elaine tossed her hair back over her shoulder. "I was told that this ball would be less scandalous than what I would normally expect from my good friend. A lie, obviously."

"Not a lie," Antoinette said with a touch of laughter, "but I did suspect the joyous occasion would have my Kindred happy to show skin." After motioning to the crowd around her, she laughed again, and stepped in close enough to Elaine that they were almost touching shoulders as they looked at Jack. Damn, they were tall. "Have the Begotten not arrived? I see the gargoyle Sándor, but neither Fiona or Athalia."

His mom nodded with her sire's question.

"They haven't." Sighing, Jack looked around the crowd again, then gave his mom a quick 'I don't know' glance, before looking to the two elders again. "They might. Night's still young."

"I hope they do," his mom said. A moment of silence followed, and everyone pursed their lips for a moment. The chance they'd show up was small, especially if Fiona wasn't here yet; Azamel probably keeping them home.

"Samantha." Antoinette leaned down over her childe, and set a hand on her shoulder. "Go, mingle. Bring Ashley and Julee with you, and introduce yourself to some Kindred."

Samantha gulped as her eyes went wide. She looked at her sire for a second, then looked around again. Judging by how she squirmed, she couldn't help but be intimidated by all the skin on display. Combined with her young Kindred age, it'd be hella intimidating for her to approach strangers.

"Um, you... don't want to introduce me, sire?"

Laughing, Antoinette shook her head. "I introduced you to the Primogen. Beyond that, you need to make an effort yourself. But, I suppose this is your first ball. Find Natasha, and ask for her help."

"Oh right. Natasha." Nodding, Jack's mom started walking past, but not before stopping beside him and smiling at him. "Um, have fun?"

He choked on a surprise laugh. Good god, his mom. "I've done this before, a few times actually. And my date is hosting the ball, remember? I'll be fine. You, on the other hand, need a shove in the general direction of fun. You're not my mom here. You're a new vampire with powerful connections."

"Powerful connections," Antoinette said, nodding.

"Powerful connections!" the two ghouls said, and they pulled Samantha off, practically against her will judging by how she dragged her heels.

Antoinette leaned toward her sheriff, and whispered something. Jack couldn't hear over the music, but it probably amounted to 'keep an eye on her'. Daniel nodded, and stepped away from them until he was near a wall where he could watch the crowd.

That left Jack standing alone with the two elders. Ok, so, tell them? There was no way he could keep his awareness of Elaine secret for very long. They might not figure out what was going in his head, but they'd realize something was up in no time.

He looked at them, and tried to focus his thoughts. Hard, so very damn hard, when both women were utterly gorgeous. Antoinette's dangling hip straps masquerading as a skirt had let the entire city see her micro thong, and how little it covered. The corset, which had cinched her waist so tight it was basically a torture device, was ornate and beautiful. And while it raised high enough to cover her breasts, the cups that held them sat very well, and were barely existent. A hint of both her areola were visible along the top of the corset, and both breasts were pushed up to create the most arousing pair of enormous pillows he'd ever seen.

Elaine and her see-through dress cut through the pretense of wearing revealing clothes, and instead opted to literally reveal everything to anyone who looked long enough. The simple dress with its two dangling black straps over her breasts, and the long skirt with an equally long split, did look gorgeous, but the fact he could see through it added an air of command that he recognized as very Ventrue. And she was almost as tall as Antoinette, with huge breasts, a tight waist, and wide hips. If she'd bleached her hair and put on red contacts, she'd have looked pretty damn close to the Prince.

Both sumptuous women were looking at him, Antoinette with a hint of confusion, and Elaine with some obvious intrigue. She looked him up and down, and slowly licked her lips as her eyes lingered on his stomach.

"Your little Ventrue," Elaine said, voice dark and husky, "is a delicious thing."

"Is he not?" After giving Jack a wicked grin, Antoinette motioned for a nearby waitress to join them. Soon, the three of them had glasses in their hands, and were sipping blood, nonchalant and relaxed. They weren't relaxed. The three of them were trying to figure out what was going on, without saying it. Fucking Danse Macabre.

"Thank you," he said to his great grandsire. "I... understand that you've been friends with the Prince for a long time?"

"Centuries." She took a step closer to him, then another, and once she was almost close enough to touch him with her shoulders, she started to slowly walk around him. She may not have had a foot of height on him like the Prince did, but she still had good eight inches; more, with the heels. "She speaks highly of you."

He tracked her with his eyes, but didn't turn his head to follow her. Couldn't show weakness to a fellow Ventrue, or he'd be asking for trouble.

"She's the best thing to ever happen to me," he said.

Elaine crooned as she came back around to the front of him, and stood shoulder to shoulder with the Prince. "You two are utterly adorable together. I hope to get to see more of you. A lot more."

And there it was, what Antoinette warned him about. The sly grin. The direct eye contact, with another lick of her lips. A slide of her fingers over her ear to adjust her hair. She'd stuck her hip out more than she needed to, and as she folded her arms under her bosom to relax, one arm out at the elbow holding her glass, she made sure to hug her breasts as she did it. The body language was blatant: look at me, I am beautiful, and you want me.

Well, she certainly was beautiful, but he wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole if Antoinette didn't want him to. Kinda the whole deal with a trusting relationship. But the fact Antoinette had basically given him permission to invite Elaine into their bed, and had shared stories with him of the naughty things she'd done with her old friend, put a wholly different spin on the situation. A beautiful, half-naked curvy woman was hitting on him, and his girlfriend liked the idea of having her in their bed. Antoinette, naked, breasts pressed to Elaine's, both of them wriggling on him, writhing, and--

God damn it, it sucked being a man, sometimes. Even without the Blush of Life, his dick was trying to lead the show, and it demanded more boobs. Good fucking god, focus! Do not listen to the dick. The dick is not your friend. The dick wants immediate satisfaction, and the consequences be damned.

"I... can't say I'd mind that," he said. Ok, yes, that was dangerously close to asking her to join him and the Prince. Not quite, but almost. Christ, asking a vampire, half a millennium old, to join him for a threesome? Or... fivesome? She's your great grandsire for fuck's sake. Susanna's childe! Be more concerned with how she got rid of the curse, of her possible motivations for coming here, not how to get that dress off her.

"Neither would I," Antoinette said. She stepped up behind him, and while she held her glass of blood with one hand, the other reached down, traced along his buzzed hair, down his neck, down his chest, and down to his exposed abs where his shirt was open.

Oh god, he was squirming. Squirming squirming, like the first night he spoke to Antoinette in Bloodlust. It didn't matter that the curse had given him the strength of an elder, and that in a contest of pure strength, he felt he could probably win against most of the elders in the room, if not all. But Elaine was a woman, an older one at that, with centuries of all sorts of experience. He was a child compared to her, and to be the target of her flirting, and Antoinette's as well, was making him wriggle like a worm on a hook.

Jack gulped down another sip of his drink, did his best to not stare at Elaine's breasts through her dress, and looked up at Antoinette beside him. Did she know who Elaine really was? It didn't look like it. Should he say it? No, not here in the middle of the ballroom floor.

"Um..." Shit. Get control of your words. "I wanted to ask, what brings you to Dolareido, Elaine? Experiments for the Ordo?"

She grinned at him as she watched him. Almost like an evil scientist, complete with evil smile, she kept her eyes on him, taking mental notes of him. If she'd had a pad in her hand and a white lab coat, it'd have fit perfectly.

"The Prince's delving into the world of ephemera is of great interest to many in my order. I would love to see what she has learned lately."

"That's... not it." Ugh, he shouldn't have said it. He should have just nodded and smiled, pretending to believe her. But it would have been written on his face that he didn't believe her, anyway. Better to at least admit that he knew something.

Elaine's smile changed. It didn't disappear, but it did change, no longer the playfully evil PhD scientist, and now something far more serious. It was the sort of smile Michael put on when he was negotiating.


"You're here for something else." He quickly glanced to Antoinette, still behind him, but she looked intrigued more than anything.

"Am I?" The sparkle in Elaine's eye announced her excitement that he had the balls to confront her like this. "Then do tell, Jack Terry. What am I here for?"

So much for not bringing this topic up in the middle of the ballroom floor. Ugh, being surrounded by beautiful women did a number on his thinking ability.

"I--" No. Wait. Be smart about this. For once, stop being direct and honest about things, and try playing the game a bit. "Let's talk after the ball?"

"Oh. Dangling a carrot in front of me?" Elaine laughed, reached out, and touched his shoulder. "Very well. I await with bated breath. Ann, I shall rejoin you in a moment or three? I wish to speak with that blasted sheriff of yours."

"Please do, Elaine."

With a small nod, Elaine grinned at Jack again, gave Antoinette a proper smile, and walked off in search of the sheriff.

"Why does she want to talk to Daniel?" Jack said.

"She has been interested in my sheriff for many decades."

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