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My Little Ventrue Pt. 09 Ch. 21

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King of the mansion.
13.3k words

Part 159 of the 184 part series

Updated 08/27/2023
Created 03/30/2016
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Everyone was happy. Too happy. Alarm bells kept going off in his head, like the scene in a movie that sets up how happy everyone is, before shit goes down.

But nothing bad happened. He thought maybe Clara and Harcourt showing up would be the trigger of something bad. But nope, they were drunk, and happy, and it only took a few minutes before Clara had her tits out, and was working on getting blackout drunk. He doubted she could get that drunk, being Uratha and all, but either way, she laughed -- hell, giggled -- and even bounced around a little, showing off how hot she was as she got drunker by the second.

Jack didn't know shit about alcohol, but every time someone shot the scotch, Eric frowned.

Clara wasn't a sad drunk, evidently. Happy drunk. Genuinely happy. There were a lot of smiles going around. Well, the war was over, and as much as it sucked that Azamel was dead, she left the city in a pretty good place, all things considered. The monsters had Sándor to protect them, and that dude was ridiculously strong. And now, everyone was cooperating on the weird tears problem. Was it so wrong to just enjoy the night?

He really should have been, but he was struggling for some reason. He shouldn't have been, with two enormous sets of breasts around him from Antoinette and Elaine. Fiona and Natasha were both getting fondled, and loving it, and they were damn attractive, too. The room smelled of life, of desire, and his Kindred nose eventually blocked out the smell of the club to focus on everything around him with a pulse. The drunker and happier they were, the more his Beast told him to indulge in their pleasure, and feast on them.

It wasn't just him. All the vampires in the room were getting drunk on hunger. Damien was two seconds away from drinking Fiona. Natasha was two seconds away from turning around and drinking Arturo and Matthew. Jessy was going to jump Eric any moment. Even the stone cold sheriff made a few glances Athalia's way every so often, sometimes at her breasts, sometimes at her neck.

But, like walking with a grain of sand in the shoe, Jack couldn't forget the old woman. He tried to not think about Azamel, he really did. But every so often, as he chuckled and laughed with the group of dumbasses, his mind went back there. No matter how much the seven topless women distracted him with their gorgeous bodies, and they were fucking gorgeous, Azamel's final words crept up into his mind.

No wonder depressed people started drinking. There was one thing alcohol was really good at, and that was turning you into a moron where your brain jumped on impulse thoughts, instead of spiraling down neurotic thoughts; usually. And considering where Jack's neurotic thoughts were taking him, he wanted to get drunk and leave them behind. He wanted to get fucking shit-faced, and forget all the crap his own damn brain refused to drop.

All those times he thought people were being stupid because they refused to face their problems, and drank themselves into a hole instead. Now all he wanted to do was stop tearing himself up inside for five fucking minutes. Alcohol would be perfect. Christ, that was painfully humbling.

It hurt for a few minutes, seeing Clara so happy with another man. A small part of him still wanted to have her to himself, a slave to his blood, someone to drink and fuck whenever he wanted. Someone for Antoinette to fuck whenever she wanted. The Ventrue in him, wanting to legit build a harem.

They traded glances a couple times, and each time she offered him an olive branch smile. She really was happy. Maybe Harcourt had listened to Jack. Plus there was the fact she had her beautiful breasts out, and was apparently the sort of girl to get horny, and giggly, when drunk. Harcourt eventually put his hands over her breasts, covering them, but after a few seconds of the two of them chuckling, he lowered them again, and continued to hug her from behind as the two of them stepped close enough to touch the table with their thighs.

"I gotta admit," Harcourt said as he leaned forward, and set his chin on Clara's shoulder, arms wrapping her stomach, her breasts sitting on his forearms, "I'm really liking Dolareido."

"Wonderful," Antoinette said. "If I can convince hunters that I have worked hard to keep my city a safe place for humans, then other hunters will know to leave us be."

"I mean, I can tell them, but a lot of us don't exactly talk to each other. The shit Jeremiah set up was pretty unique. I know there are some organizations and shit, but getting into them is more a 'who you know' sorta situation."

"Regardless, it is a step in the correct direction."

Clara nodded, and took another sip. "Everyone getting drunk -- vampires excluded -- in Bloodlust and showing off their tits is kinda weird. At least I kinda thought, right? But Brianna is right over there, getting Kissed and fucked by Derick and Santos, at the same time." With a giggling sigh, she shrugged and took another sip as she waved a shaky hand toward another booth. "I bet that's fun."

"What's fun?" Fiona asked.

"Getting drank by a vamp."

"Aye, it is! Very!" Fiona raised her hands, leaving her drink behind as she leaned back and rubbed her back against Damien. "Show them!"

"Uh, maybe we should--"

"Aw come on!"

"Fiona my dear," Antoinette said. "I am all for sharing our delights publicly, but not all at once. Tease out the pleasure over time."

Fiona stared at Antoinette like she just said something prophetic and profound.

"Aye, I get ye."

With a playful smile, Antoinette looked down at Jack, and he tried to perk up in time, but she caught his sad expression. Damn.

"Clara my dear," Antoinette said, showing Jack one of her patented evil smiles before she flipped it innocent, and looked to the werewolf. "You want to experience the Kiss?"

"What? I was joking. And uh, aren't you a Daeva? Don't you stick to drinking your ghouls?"

"Daeva do indeed. But Elaine here, she has been dying for a taste of a werewolf."

"Oh yes indeed." Elaine leaned forward, and she made damn sure to show off her breasts as she did. "Jessy here refuses. Natasha refuses. But you." The elder grinned at Clara and Harcourt. "You are quite drunk."

"I am drunk," Clara said, eying Elaine like it was some sort of poker game that she really sucked at. "But, that doesn't mean I'm going to let some random vampire drink me."

"I will make it worth your while." With a chuckle, Elaine slid over Jack's lap, and then Antoinette's; large booths, built specifically for romantic activities. Out of the booth, she made no effort to cover her huge breasts, letting them hang and jiggle as she slid off Antoinette's lap before standing up. She came right up to Clara too, until only a foot was between them.

Elaine was tall for a woman. Clara was average height, and she had to look up at the buxom blonde who radiated enough confidence to drown everyone in her ego. It was kinda sexy, honestly.

"Worth my while? I--"

Elaine came in closer. Clara almost took a step back. Harcourt did. He was in the presence of a super ancient deadly vampire, so yeah, it kinda made sense for the hunter to do that. But Clara stood her ground, wobbly ground, but ground nonetheless, and managed a half frown as Elaine came in closer and closer. So close she leaned in, and put her lips to Clara's ear.

She whispered something. No one heard, not with the music pulsing.

Clara blushed, hard. The werewolf looked utterly fucking shocked by whatever Elaine told her, to the point she took a few peeks at the group, before eventually hiding her face as she turned around, and whispered something to Harcourt. And whatever she said to him had him gulping and nodding like a puppy.

Chuckling, Elaine came up behind Clara, pressed her huge, pale breasts against the woman's tan back, and slowly turned her to face the group.

Jack thought the night had already been pretty erotic. Ridiculously erotic, considering Fiona was still being fondled, and was probably soaking wet. Matt, Arturo, and Eric were all struggling to not let their erections get problematic. Natasha was struggling to not just turn around and pounce her boys. Jessy was one second away from pouncing Eric. Hell, even Athalia, cold and mean Athalia, watched Clara and Elaine with wide, surprised eyes, as Elaine turned Clara to face the group while slowly sliding her hands up the werewolf's body.

Yeah, Clara and alcohol were an erotic mix. For someone like her, to actually agree to a fivesome with four dudes she didn't know, just because Jessy sent them? Yeah, she'd been drunk that night. And the next time. And the time after that, according to Jessy. And unfortunately for Clara, Harcourt was, evidently, easily seduced when drunk. Sure, Jack would bet his life that Harcourt wouldn't ever cheat on Clara, but Harcourt was also pretty easily dumbstruck by the sight of a confident, busty, tall woman with a fashion model body getting her hands all over his girlfriend.

But considering everyone froze solid and stared, Jack couldn't hold it against Harcourt. No one said or did a thing, as Elaine slowly set her lips to Clara's neck, while everyone watched. Her hands slipped up Clara's bare stomach, found her breasts, and cupped both of them in her hands, as she sank her fangs into her neck.

Clara's eyes opened wide, and she managed a tiny whimper. No one could hear it over the music, but they could see the whimper, see her lips tremble, and her eyes struggle to stay open, as she melted back against Elaine's body. And considering how dramatically Elaine had Clara's body pressed to hers, everyone could see how Elaine's huge breasts molded against Clara's back. But more so, everyone stared at how Clara's breasts molded to Elaine's snug fingers, and her nipples swelled, visible between Elaine's knuckles, as the vampire pulled her deep into the pleasure of a Kiss.

Jack had seen Elaine and Antoinette do this dozens of times, fondle a woman like Antoinette's ghouls or Veronica, while drinking them. It was always intensely erotic. And holy fucking shit, seeing Clara melt like hot wax against Elaine as the older vampire drained her, slowly, was scalding hot. And as Elaine did, she traded a very specific gaze with Jack.

He knew that gaze. She wanted to finger Clara right there in front of them all. But that wasn't part of whatever deal she'd arranged. Massaging Clara's tits and hypnotizing everyone with how obviously Clara was borderline having an orgasm in front of them all from the Kiss, was. Clara moaned, loud enough they could hear it, and finally her eyes closed as her body started to go limp. Not so limp that she couldn't keep standing though, and Elaine took full advantage, continued to caress and massage the werewolf's breasts as she took more from her, and more, and more.

Clara managed a quick peek at Jack, saw his expression, grinned, and quivered in the vampire's arms.

"Elaine," Antoinette said, "if you do not stop, what will be left for Harcourt?"

Finally, Elaine lifted her lips. Blood coated their inner contours, and she licked it off, making an obvious show of it for everyone watching. Everyone in the booth either knew how awesome it was to Kiss, or be Kissed, and every one of them squirmed. Yeah, everyone was either getting or giving tonight, after seeing that. Was that what Elaine had whispered to her?

"My god," Elaine said. "Natasha, Jessy, you two have been indulging in this for many months, and did not share? Shame on you." Half groaning, half growling, Elaine slipped Clara's dress back onto her breasts, and gave her to Harcourt. Clara had enough power to keep standing, Uratha and all that, but it was a tough battle. Her legs wobbled a shit load more now, and Harcourt had to get under one of her arms and pull it around behind his neck.

Grinning, Elaine came up to Harcourt, leaned in, and whispered something in his ear. His eyes widened with the glee of a child in a toy store, told he could buy whatever he wanted. Nodding, and bouncing with new energy, Harcourt gave the group a goofy salute, a goofier bow to Antoinette that almost had Clara falling onto the floor, before he turned around and walked her out of Bloodlust.

He was going to take her back to his place, and fuck her silly. And considering what Elaine had just done to her, not only would Clara be helpless to stop Harcourt, the werewolf was going to cum her ever living brains out tonight. Which was pretty much exactly what Clara wanted from Harcourt, for him to set aside the nice guy shtick, and just fuck the shit out of her.

Elaine was a dangerous woman.

They all watched, smiles on their faces, cause they all knew what was going to happen. Of course, when Harcourt and Clara were gone, everyone looked back to Elaine. With her dress hanging around her hips, everyone could see how swollen her nipples were. The Kiss did that, got the vampire's body to Blush Life whether they wanted to or not, which meant Elaine's skin had color again, filled out again, and her pink areola were engorged. Having everyone look at her only made it worse, too. She was like Antoinette, and a lot of girls in Dolareido apparently. She liked being looked at.

Jessy stared at Elaine harder than the rest of them. She even nodded toward Elaine and nudged Eric when the man tried to look away.

"First time? Really?" Jessy asked the elder.

"That I can remember." Elaine stepped to the table, replacing where Clara and Harcourt had stood. "Perhaps long ago, I tasted an Uratha, but forgive an elder and their memories. To remember things that happened literal centuries ago is difficult." She ran a finger down her sternum, and down over one breast before reaching her stomach. "That was... energizing. Powerful. Beyond rich. God, what a feast."

Jack had indulged in Elaine's amazing body on dozens of occasions now. More. But despite everyone at the table having seen Elaine on video, enjoying sex with Jack and Antoinette and their thrall and ghouls, they weren't quite prepared for just how direct Elaine could be. She wasn't like Antoinette, who balanced her obvious confidence with subtlety and grace. Elaine was like a wrecking ball, happy to bowl everyone over with just how ridiculously hot she was.

And she was Jack's great grandsire. For the life of him, he couldn't help but kinda admire and even envy her confidence.

Antoinette chuckled, and motioned with a curling finger to Elaine. The other elder joined her, leaned in, and Antoinette whispered into her ear. A lot of whispering tonight.

Elaine grinned over Antoinette's shoulder at Jack, stood up, and nodded. "Very well, I think I will." She stepped back from the table a couple steps, and looked over to one of the booths. That was the booth Clara had mentioned, with Brianna and her two boyfriends. "I am already dying for another taste." Elaine turned, winked at Jack, and walked over there, dress still around her hips.

She disappeared into the booth out of sight, and Jack gulped as he waited for her to bring Brianna, Derick, and Santos back with her. She didn't. She stayed in the other booth, probably on a quest to seduce three people. And considering the belly full of werewolf blood, and that Brianna was probably drunk, Jack would bet good money she'd succeed.

Athalia laughed. "She's really, uh, led by her loins, isn't she?"

Antoinette shrugged. "She knows what she likes." She leaned in and smiled at Athalia. "That includes you."

"What? Me?"

"Elaine is quite attracted to you."

"I think she's attracted to anything on two legs."

"Give Elaine a chance, and I think you will be pleasantly surprised."

"I doubt that."

"Oh? She delights in her own power and beauty, yes, but she also delights in the beauty of others. If you let my old friend in, for just a moment, I think you would find yourself treated to the powerful joy of someone who wants to delight in you, and have you delight in her." Antoinette winked at Athalia, so damn subtle Jack bet only Athalia and him noticed.

"I guess that is a pretty nice thing," Athalia said. "I mean, slut, sure, but still pretty nice."

Holy shit. How did Antoinette do that? Get someone like Athalia to change her mind that fast? Probably a combination of her words, and alcohol.

"Now, if you will excuse us." Antoinette slipped her dress strap back on over her head, took a few moments to reset her breasts in the chest straps, and made a show of doing it too, before she slipped out of the booth and stood up. "Jack, would you like to join me?"

"Yeap." He hopped out of the booth, did a couple buttons on his shirt, and slipped his jacket back on. "What about you guys?"

He regretted asking. He knew exactly what everyone else at the table was going to do. Jessy and Eric were in a playful mood, which was kinda neat to see cause Eric didn't usually do the playful thing. They were gonna fuck, and probably break a couch. Natasha and the boys were two steps from fucking already, and after seeing Elaine Kiss Clara, Natasha looked like she was going to burst with need to do the same. And the boys looked ready to throw her onto the table and spit-roast her. Fiona was getting closer to orgasm by the minute, with Damien teasing and fondling her for so long. Damien looked ready to Kiss her right there, no shits given to those watching. And Athalia had the look of a woman, an older woman finally coming to understand that she had a major sex drive, that she shouldn't be ashamed of it, and was ready to go get her brains fucked right out of her by her tall, sexy vampire boyfriend.

And Daniel didn't look like anything. Maybe Antoinette could read him, but Jack sure couldn't.

"Alright then," he said, not able to look at them too long. Yeap, kinda embarrassing, just a bit. But then again, they'd just spent a few hours talking, mostly about sex, a lot of that time spent topless. And as far as he could tell, literally everyone at the table had, at some point, seen Jack naked and having sex with Antoinette... and Elaine and Veronica and Ashley and Julee. Pretty stupid to get embarrassed at this point.

Jack and Antoinette left. Elaine stayed behind. A quick glance to her booth showed the woman had made some very quick progress. Brianna looked like she'd already been Kissed, and Elaine was already on her lap, touching her, kissing her neck, maybe getting ready to drink her, while the two men with Brianna watched, and touched the two ladies. Knowing Elaine, she'd treat them to a giant buffet of sex tonight.

The two of them took a limousine home, but not back to the Prince's tower. They went back to his mansion. And on the drive, Antoinette reached over and pat his shoulder.

"I feel I did not succeed tonight, my love."

"Succeed? With--oh, you were trying to distract me."

"Cunning little Ventrue."

"Heh. Well, yeah, you did succeed. Kinda hard to not get distracted in that environment."

"And yet..."

"And yet, yeah, I am kinda stuck in a rut, I guess. You know me."

"I do indeed."

Jack glanced to the front window that blocked the back seats from the driver. Sound proof, far as Jack knew.

"I was pretty surprised Athalia got into it, so quickly. And she--"

"Is a terribly beautiful creature. Daniel is a lucky man."

"Yeah. I'm happy she's recovering. And Fiona." He tried to hold the smile, but it broke, and he looked down as Azamel came into his mind again.

"They recover, and yet you do not?"

"That's not it. I'm not still mourning her, not really, you know? Just, what she said. Still digs at me."

Antoinette nodded, eyes ahead, thinking. Probably thinking up another way to try and distract him from himself.

He was cool with that. He could use the distraction.

"I did have fun tonight, Antoinette. And Clara--"

"I did not invite Clara."

"You didn't?"


"Angry she showed up?"

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