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My Love for Natalie P.02

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My love for Natalie Portman continues.
5.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/04/2014
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Since we parted in New York, I had thought about nothing other than her. I knew I had to go back and see her but my intentions were not that of a hungry teenager. I Was angry at myself for letting my feelings get in the way of things. After all, was she not a superstar? And who was I to want anything from someone of her status?

I made arrangements to fly back to the States and called her the night before the trip.

"Hi, Natalie?" I said over the phone.

"Hello there," she replied casually.

"I'm flying in tomorrow," I announced.

"Well, I'll see you when you arrive," she said somewhat coldly.

I felt chills run down my spine. Obviously, she was not so excited to hear from me. But was it not her that called to tell me that she had called? I few seconds later, I received a text message saying "In a meeting ... can't talk much ... just get your ass over here and call me when you arrive."

I must have thought about a thousand different scenarios on the plane of how our meeting would end up. But in the back of my head I know she was only in for a quick fling and nothing more. I psyched myself up for just that and decided to settle for whatever it was she was offering. I mean, can a man really complain about this situation?

I arrived at JFK and called her. Again, she casually answered me and gave me directions to her Fifth Avenue penthouse. This time I had geared myself up to be casually brushed off in a telephone conversation. Of course she had people around her all the time and she definitely couldn't be seen too excited talking to anyone on the phone.

I arrived at her apartment around 6pm. It was early June and it was quite warm in New York. She opened up the front door herself and immediately pulled me in and planted a huge kiss on my lips. I was in heaven and all my fears of rejection melted away. She even dragged what little luggage into her apartment herself. Then she stood back and looked at me with a grin that I would, and usually did, pay money to see!

"I've been waiting for this," she announced softly.

"And I've been dreaming about it," I said and moved in and hugged her, lifting her off her feet. I simply stood there hugging her for must have seemed as an eternity.

"Dream no more," she softly said. I gently put her down on her feet again and moved a step back to admire her. She raised both her arms to her side and twirled. "Well ... here I am. What do you want to do?"

"Right now, I want to freshen up and slip into something comfortable," I replied. "Then, I just want to sit down and look at you."

She softly smiled and showed me the way to the shower.

Her apartment was stuff dreams were made of; a Fifth-Avenue penthouse overlooking the park. Her bathroom was luxurious yet very elegant; not loud and vulgar like many rich people love. I showered and dressed in my usual hoe attire of shorts and T shirt and looked for her. She was seated in her living room. She smiled at me as I came into the room and sat down next to her on her giant, cozy couch.

"So, how long do you plan to stay in the States?" she asked.

"Well ... that all depends. I have all the time in the world, so I think I'll stay until I start turning into an inconvenience for you," I laughed.

"That long?" she chuckled.

"No really, until you need me out of your life," I chuckled back.

"I have to be in LA next week, so why don't we drive cross-country?" she said.

"I really am all yours. "

"So, that's OK with you," she asked.

"Anything's OK with me as long as I'm going to be with you. So tell me, do you have work coming up, or are you going for meetings and stuff like that?" I asked.

"Meetings," she confirmed. " I'm signing for another movie so I have to go and meet the producers and make all the necessary arrangements," she explained.

"I just don't want to be in your way," I said.

"You won't be. I want you here. I want you with me ... have you forgotten that I called you?"

"It's just a little hard to understand, that's all," I said.

"I'm only a woman," she said softly and reassuringly. "And you're a man."

"You're not just any woman ... you're THE woman ..." I blurted out.

"I have a favor to ask you," she said.

"Please ... anything ..." I said.

"I want you to stop looking at me like a superstar," she sweetly said.

"That's not it, Natalie," I sincerely said. "I look at you as THE woman; THE woman. You could be washing dishes in a restaurant for all I care. It's not about you being a superstar; it's about you being you. "

She looked at me for a long moment then shifted closer to me, held my face in her hands and planted a huge kiss on my lips. We must have kissed for at least fifteen minutes before she released my face from the grip of her hands. "I see," she said.

"You have to understand that I'm not exactly a player when it comes to women," I said. "I mean, I married at a reasonably early age, had kids and lived the typical life that's expected of me. Don't get me wrong, I have had my share of play, but that was a long time ago. I did very well for myself throughout the years, though. I piled up some cash and invested in some stock that did well for me. So ... yes ... I'm doing well ... but ... you're so much different from what I've been used to all my life. "

"You're a man," she said, giving me a real sense of honor.

"There are billions of men on this planet."

"Oh, not really, you know: Males, yes; men, no."

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"I can feel where you're going with this," she replied. "So I'm just going to go ahead and say what I think I want to say."

"OK," I said in anticipation. I wanted to know if she really understood what I wanted to know before I even asked her.

"I don't know what you are to me at this point. All I know is that I wanted to be with you ever since the moment we parted. And believe me, it's not about the sex or anything. I feel safe with you. You carry yourself with a sense of dignity. You're a kind man. You're soft spoken and considerate. I genuinely like you. I thought about you a lot when you left and found myself wanting you to come back. You see, I have an issue with trust. I just can't let myself open up to people because in my business everyone is out to get something. I always have my guard up and it's exhausting. When we met, I was just so tired of holding my guard up to the point I just said to hell with it. That very day I had a huge argument with my co-workers, like I told you and I was just fed up. I wanted to be myself for a change. I just needed to be with someone that doesn't want anything from me. And don't get me wrong, I'm no fool, I am an excellent judge of character. I never get a good feeling about someone who turns out bad and I never get a bad feeling about someone who turns out good and I'm talking first impressions here. I observed you when you went into the reception of that secluded hotel and asked for a room. Immediately the girl warmed to you. She gave you a huge smile. The kind of smile a person gives to a person they trust. She instantly liked you. I hadn't seen you properly till that moment. But her reaction to you gave me a good feeling about you. Then when you found out who I was and when you jokingly bowed to me, I kinda liked your sense of humor ... the way you almost kicked yourself for not recognizing who I was. Women feel these things, you know?"

I was looking into her big beautiful eyes entranced by her words. "I'm not here because I don't want anything from you," I said sheepishly.

"Oh, I know, I know ... but I AM sure you're not here to take advantage of me. You ... you ... you're nice and I like nice. I never liked the arrogant pretty boys or arrogant power players who think they can have anything they want. Of course there women out there who lust after pretty boys or powerful men but I'm not one of those women," she said.

"So what do you think I want from you, Natalie?" I asked with sincerity.

"Me. You want to be with me. The way you look at me just melts my heart. You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen and I don't mean they are pretty eyes, I just mean that you have a very meaningful look. I feel you appreciate what you see. When we were driving down to New York you just seemed in tune with everything. You're a foreign man who came to meet his friend who turned out to be dead. I could see the appreciation of life in your eyes. You appreciated me," she concluded.

"And here I was, wondering what to say to you when I saw you."

"Does that answer the question you wanted to ask me?"

"I've been thinking about how our second encounter will turn out to be. I've been thinking about things to say to you. I wanted to come up with things that will make you feel OK about me without being pushy," I said.

"Exactly, and I feel that of you. Bottom line is: now you're here, I know you make me feel happy. Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's just enjoy each other's company and see what happens. Let's just play along," she said.

"I honestly don't think I've ever been happier to see someone in my life," I said.

"Actually, I don't either."

"When do you want to start off to LA?" I asked.

"How about right now? I can pack some stuff to eat and we can start off tonight. Let's stop at a hotel on the way and just lose ourselves in the moment. How does that sound?" she said.

"Let's go."

We prepared some things for the road; a few clothes and some food and we took off in her car. Of course I drove. I told her I wanted to see Chicago so we decided we would start off by driving towards Columbus, Ohio and maybe settle in a hotel or motel in that area. We also decide we would, later on, drive to the same hotel we first made love in and then the other hotel we first stayed in together in Colorado.

It must have been around 2am when we decided to call it a night. We found ourselves a nice hotel in the outskirts of Columbus and we had been driving for nearly seven hours with only two brief stops to use washrooms. We didn't talk much but we did hold hands throughout the whole drive. Holding Natalie's hand was like holding on to the secret of life! It was so satisfying. I loved her tiny, warm and exquisite hands. She briefly dosed off a couple times throughout the drive.

We checked in and as usual, and to avoid the unnecessary hassles of fame, she would stay in the car until I finished all the paperwork.

The room was cozy and comfortable. We both took turns showering and jumped into bed after that. Oddly enough, we were both exhausted to the point that within seconds we were both fast asleep. We did not make love our first night; something that I had not considered possible. But the next morning I woke up to something rubbing against my back. I was sleeping face down and she was massaging me. She was sitting on my butt rubbing my upper back with her delicate hands. I didn't bother to open my eyes, but smiled enough to make her realize that I was awake.

"I don't want you to move. Just enjoy," she softly commanded.

I let her rub my back for about fifteen minutes then I said: "I want to turn over now."

"Ok," she said as she raised herself enough to give me room to turn over without pushing her off me. She was completely naked. Her beautiful small breasts fully exposed; her pink nipples fully erect.

She sat on my erection, still my briefs intact. Again she lifted herself and this time she moved my briefs down exposing my fully erect penis. She then sat on my shaft, not taking it inside her but more so the shaft rubbing against her moist lips. And as she moved to rub my chest she would rub against my shaft, slowly and softly. I raised my right hand to her breast and very softly squeezed her left nipple with my thumb and index finger. She closed her exquisite eyes to savor the sensation. Her movement became a little more vigorous and I could feel the moisture of her cunt intensify as my pubic hair began to receive her dripping moisture. Then, when she was leaning forward to rub my shoulder I retracted my pelvic bone in then pushed forward as my penis became aligned with her cunt. It entered swiftly and fully and she opened her eyes to look into mine as she collapsed her whole body on to mine. I raised my hands to hold her buttocks and lifted them ever so slightly to give me some room to pump her. Her facial expressions were just too much for me to bear and I came with an explosion of semen that I had never encountered before. My orgasm was so intense I honestly thought I lost myself for a second. But the funny thing was that I felt no awkwardness for cumming before she did. So she just let me enjoy the sensations while holding my face in her hands.

"This is my present to you," she said as she looked deep into my eyes.

"Thank you," I said, breathless and fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up again after a while and she was still on top of me, her sweet breath brushing against my shoulder. I slowly moved her off me resting her on her back. She stirred a little but did not fully wake up. I moved under the sheets and headed for her pussy and slowly worked it. She was already moist. Her tasted was something new to me. I had never tasted a cunt that was that delicious. So I basically licked off the moisture and gave room for more moisture to come out. Within a couple of minutes she came with a vengeance. Her orgasm was long and intense and she was purring rather than moaning and after it subsided I pulled myself up to the level of her face and looked into her drowsy eyes.

"Let's not drive today," she said. "I want to stay in bed all day. Do you mind?"

"Mind?" I asked. "I would like nothing more in the world right now other than being in this very same spot. I ... I ... think ... I ..." I hesitated.

"Say it," she said. "I want you to say it."

"I am falling in love with you Natalie ..."

She hugged me and we fell into a deep sleep."

When we woke up, we were both entangled in each other's arms. She smelt so good; naturally. She had a natural aroma of something fresh and desirable. I looked at her for a long while, not believing that this was actually the famous Natalie Portman. She opened her eyes and again smiled in a way that I was becoming accustomed to -- no; addicted to.

"Hi there," I said.

"Hello ... my love," she said and fell asleep again.

I continued watching her, my heart pounding with joy. Then after about fifteen minutes she woke up again; this time refreshed and ready to get out of bed.

"We should be looking for something to eat," I said.

"Let's see what we have here for room service.

We got out of bed and ordered some lunch. Natalie was in the nude and stayed that way. Her body was outrageously sexy and as an extra bonus she had two sexy dimples above her butt cheeks. She noticed my eyes following her every move and smiled to herself.

"You said something to me when you briefly woke up there for a second," I said.

"I said: hello my love ... I do remember," she confirmed.

"Good," I said, relived.

"I have a strong feeling about where this is going," she said.

"So do I," I replied.

"Now, I want to ask you a question," she said.

"Ask away," I replied.

"What do you think of this whole thing if we really do fall in love?" she asked.

"I actually thought about this," I began. "I believe we will have to let your life dictate what will happen. I can, in no way, ask you to give up anything. You have way too much going for you right now, so whatever is suitable in assuring you that you get the best out of life is what I would definitely want to happen and will make sure happens. As for me, I'm at peace with myself. I don't have to do anything for now. I did what I set out to do and I think it's about time I started relaxing a bit. So, I will leave that up to you. You see, falling in love has a way of changing things. So the best I can do as I go along with this is help you make sense of things if you start losing focus. Besides, I think you are a little too early on to fall in love."

"Why do you say that?" she asked.

"Because you have to know that you are vulnerable right now. I'm sure you enjoy my company, or else you wouldn't be here with me, but try and stay focused," I smiled.

"Are you encouraging me not to fall in love with you?" she laughed.

"I would like nothing in the world more than to have you fall in love with me. My God you are so beautiful. Everything about you just drives me crazy. I love how you are so small and delicate. I love how your eyes are soft and understanding. I love how smart you are. I love how vulnerable you are. I love how you look at me and understand how I feel. I wanted to tell you this but thought I'd appear to be pushy or needy. And above all, I love how I feel about you and in such a short time, too and I love how you are taking all this without making me feel pushy or needy and how you're just letting me enjoy this," I said with a sincerity I didn't know I had in me.

"I think I'm mesmerized by you," she said. "When you talk I feel that I'm floating, or in a trance or something. I've never felt this way before," she added.

The knock on the door interrupted the moment. She got up and went into the bathroom while I answered the door. It was our lunch and it was being sent over by a young woman in her early twenties. As she put the service cart next to the table in our room, Natalie came out of the bathroom, still naked thinking that the room was clear. The girl took a look at her and raised her hand to her mouth. "Oh my God," she exclaimed in an overly excited manner.

"Please," I said. "Can we have our privacy?"

"It's Natalie Portman," the young woman squealed in delight looking at Natalie's naked body.

"Look," Natalie began aggressively. "Everywhere I go, I get this. I'm just a lookalike so please just go away."

"You are ... " the woman began.

"She's just my girlfriend and she looks like her, that's all," I said.

"Nope ... that's Natalie Portman and nothing can tell me otherwise," insisted the young woman.

"Please leave," I insisted and virtually had to push her out of the room.

We ate quickly and we had to leave immediately after finishing our lunch. Natalie was a little annoyed by the ordeal so the first hour of the drive was quite unpleasant. I continued driving for a while in silence then I had to say something.

"Look Nat, I think this was about to happen sooner or later. What do you make of this?"

"The problem is once the world gets to know about these things, it spoils everything," she sadly said.

"But we're in the middle of nowhere and I don't think anyone will believe her even if she does talk about it to anyone," I tried to be reassuring.

"But this is how rumors start," she explained.

"So let's enjoy it while it lasts," I tried to be comforting.

"And then what?" Natalie said.

"And then we will figure things out and play along as we go on. Please let's just forget about it and try and enjoy each other's company and if things do get ugly then I'll respect any decision you have to take."

"But I wanted this to last for a while," she sweetly said, sending shivers of joy throughout my whole body.

"So let's make it last," I said.

I parked the car at a very secluded and not very visible area. I took her hand into mine and just sat there for a long while until she cooled off. I was looking at her but she was miles away, consumed in thought. She looked at me after a long while and wanted to say something, but hesitated. My heart sank to my feet as I waited for her to say whatever it was she was about to say. Then she looked at me again.

"I ... think ..." she hesitated. "Let's make love," she blurted out. "I need you right now."

We got out of the car and found a somewhat hidden spot and took our clothes off. I held her to me and kissed her deeper than I had done before and began to ravish her more than make love to her. I was rougher than usual and my kisses were more aggressive. I pinned her to the ground and licked out her whole body, almost not missing a spot. I even licked the rim of her asshole and she resisted at first but I held my ground. I circled it and circled it and I felt she feared I would attempt to penetrate her from behind but I didn't. I then moved up to her cunt and licked on her but this time not so softly. She moaned but I sensed a bit of pain as I did so, even though she was as wet as can be. And after about fifteen minutes of licking her cunt I decided to play it differently this time so I raised my face to face hers and lied on my side and penetrated her with my middle and ring fingers and looked for her G spot. I found the rough bump and immediately began to rub it hard and fast. She didn't last twenty seconds and she came with a vengeance, her cunt dripping cupfuls of liquid. I let her rest after her orgasm subsided, for about a couple of minutes, my fingers still on her spot. Then I rubbed again, very violently and she came again. Then I did it again and again until she seemed to fall into one continuous long orgasm that lasted for minutes.


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