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My Mother's a Horny Drunk

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Russ's mom teaches him the true meaning of bottom's up.
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Author's Note: Welcome to my latest trip into the land of true mother son bonding. This is a story I wrote about a year and a half ago and decided to fix up a bit and post it here. Unlike some of my other incest tales this story isn't quite as serious and is a bit more along the lines of some good old fashioned clean dirty fun. So sit back, pick up a drink and, "Bottom's Up!" LC68


I walked into the house and a wave of conflicting emotions flowed through me at the sight of my mother sitting on the couch. It wasn't mom herself that caused those emotions, but the glass of wine in her hand and the half empty bottle on the coffee table in front of her. My first reaction, and the correct one, was concern. Since my father had died of a sudden heart attack six months ago, she had steadily begun drinking more and more. Right now it was a couple during the week, because she had to work, but from Friday night to Sunday night it was becoming continuous.

The fact she stayed home all weekend didn't help and not only myself, but several of her friends had been urging her to get out and have some fun, maybe meet someone. Mom was younger than my father and at thirty nine was far too young to be alone. Not just too young, I thought as I approached her, but way too goddamn hot. That last thought was currently being reinforced as I was now close enough to get a good look at her.

Mom was sitting with her elbow on the couch and her head in her hand. Her eyes were closed and I was pretty sure she may have already had enough to drink to have fallen asleep. Her legs were stretched out on the couch and taking advantage of her current state, I let my eyes wander down her fantastic body.

Before taking a job as an office manager my mother had been a dance instructor and it showed in how well shaped her long legs were. Mom was pretty tall and those legs seemed to go on forever. They were especially well displayed tonight in the pair of...

My eyes widened as I realized all mom was wearing was a pair of black lace boy shorts. I quietly walked up to the couch and stared at the insides of her smooth creamy thighs.

Like most red heads, Mom was fair skinned and the black lace looked damn good against her skin. That lace comprised most of the shorts up to her hips, but the crotch was mercifully solid material. I forced my gaze away from between her legs and worked my way up to find Mom's top was no less revealing than the bottom.

She was wearing a silky black sleeveless top that my ex-girlfriend Jessica called a "cammy". I had to admit Mom filled out her 'cammy' a lot better than Jessica did. My ex's tits were perky and pretty damn sexy, but goddamn did mom have an impressive set of tits.

Those tits were pushing the top out and I couldn't help but notice her nipples were erect. Not for the first time, I wondered what those nipples would look like. Mom was so fair skinned, I'd imagine they would be a light pink, but imagination was all I had to go on, at least for now because the way things were going, who knew?

My eyes drifted up to her face, taking in her long red hair and beautiful features. As I lingered on her full, and admittedly inviting lips, I became aware of the second of my emotions at seeing her drinking; lust, a very unhealthy lust. When my mother was sober she was definitely the stereo type of the professional woman trying to hide the fact she was sexy. She always dressed conservatively in clothes that at times bordered on unflattering.

That look also included her gorgeous long red hair always pinned up. Mom acted just as proper and I'd over heard dad tell her after a company party he had gone to with her that he'd heard a few of the guys say she was a frigid prude who wouldn't know what to do with a dick. I remember mom giving him a naughty giggle and saying none of them would be able to handle her.

They certainly wouldn't think mom was a prude if they saw her drinking. As time went on she was beginning to dress more and more scantily around the house and her behavior towards me had become much more affectionate.

No, I thought , letting my eyes wander back down to her tits, she was starting to get far past affectionate to the point inappropriate would be a more accurate description. The last couple of times she'd curled up on the couch with me almost as if she were my girlfriend including at one point having her arm around me and playing with my hair.

She never seemed to remember it the next day and I was afraid to bring it up because I think she would be upset. Almost as bad as her physical displays of affection were, was the fact when she was buzzed she kept talking about how horny she was.

I would always steer the conversation in another direction, but would be lying if I said she wasn't getting to me. I'd never saw her as anything other than my mom, but seeing her parade around in skimpy clothing and talk about how bad she needed to get laid had me thinking things that belonged in sick porn movies.

Then again when you're hot mother decides to masturbate on her bed with her bedroom door halfway open and you lurk in the hall and watch, that would pretty much put me in the world of porn absurdity.

"Take a picture it lasts longer." Mom said, snapping me out of my fog.

I began to blush and quickly removed my eyes from her chest to see her looking at me. Her baby blue eyes were glazed over and seemed to be more than a little unfocused as she looked at me.

"Oh, sorry mom," I said, trying hard not to sound nervous. "I...I was looking to see if you were sleeping."

"Really?" she gave me a nasty smirk, that sent my stomach twisting nervously, "I thought my eyes were up here."

"What do you mean?" was all I could come up with.

Mom stared at me, the smirk still on her face and I waited nervously for her to call me out on my staring. After a moment she asked, "You weren't just staring at my chest?"

Pausing for a moment to make sure my voice was steady, I looked into her glassy eyes and said indignantly, "Of course not! You're my mother why would I be doing that?"

Again, she paused before she answered and I was wondering if she were weighing my answer or she was too drunk to think straight. She sighed and said softly, "I'm sorry Russ, I...I don't know why I said that." She put her head down and added, "I don't know what the hell is wrong with me."

"Yeah well," I frowned at how upset she now was and felt bad because she had been right, but it's not like I could tell her that. "I know you didn't you're just..." I groped for the words, "not yourself lately."

"Besides," she sighed disgustedly, "Why the hell would I think any guy would stare at my tits?"

"I'm sure a lot of guys would, you know, find you attractive mom, but you have to get out and meet them."

"You think I'm attractive Russ?" she asked, giving me her long red hair a toss.

"I think you're beautiful mom." I answered truthfully.

"Yeah," she gave me a bit of a tipsy smile, "Not bad for my age."

"Damn good for any age."

"Ohh, you're a smooth talker aren't you Russ?" she laughed, and lifting the glass of wine to her lips downed the entire thing. "Bet you do just fine with all those hot little coeds."

"I...I guess."

Mom reached out to put the glass on the coffee table and let it go to soon. Fortunately the floor was carpeted and it didn't break. It rolled towards me and getting down on one knee I picked it up.

I looked up and prepared to stand when I noticed Mom had lifted one of her legs and placed it along the top of the couch. I watched her point her foot down, causing the muscles in her well shaped leg to stand out as she stretched. I turned my head to the left and my eyes widened as I found myself staring between her legs.

My face was only about two feet from her crotch and I swallowed hard when I saw the strip of black material had slid to the side. I swear I could see just the edge of the smooth pink skin of... I dropped the glass and then bent to pick it up again so fast I whacked my head on the edge of the coffee table.

"Oh, honey are you okay?"

Wincing and holding the back of my head I looked up to see Mom had removed her leg from the top of the couch, but now had her knee drawn up to her chest and was rubbing her foot.

"Yeah, I'm good." I nodded.

I put the glass on the table and started to get to my feet when Mom asked, "Russ will you pour me another glass please?"

"I...mom don't you think you had enough tonight?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, with an edge to her voice.

"Well...I mean you were sleeping when I came in, how relaxed do you need to be?"

"As relaxed as I want to be." She told me. "I...I have a lot on my mind and when I'm stressed the only things that help me relax is either wine or a good orgasm." She shrugged, "I don't see any sex in my future, so bottoms up!"

Not wanting to reply to that, I simply nodded and picking up the bottle began to pour her another glass.

"Of course," Mom giggled behind me, "I wish it were my bottom that was up!" she emitted a sigh that caused my hand to shake as I poured and added, "That was always my favorite p..."

"Here mom!" I exclaimed, hurriedly passing her the glass.

Mom reached out for it and in my hurry to give it to her, I hit the edge of her hand with it. Some of the wine sloshed out and went down the side of the glass and onto her hand.

"Sorry," I told her, standing up, "I'll grab a napkin."

"No worries, I got it." Mom said and bringing her hand to her mouth licked the wine from it. "Can't let it go to waste, now can we?"

"Uh...no I..."

My words trailed off when lifting the glass higher mom placed the tip of her tongue against the glass and slowly licked up the side of it, until she reached the top. As her tongue worked its way up the smooth glass she closed her eyes and released a soft moan that caused my cock to begin to stir.

"Hmmm" she sighed when she was done, "That's the first hard smooth thing I've licked in..."

"Mom please!" I blurted out.

"Please what honey?" she asked, giving me a big smile.

"Just um...look some things are a little, you know, TMI."

"Like what, me talking about blow jobs?"

I started to say something, but Mom repeated her licking of the glass, this time staring me in the eye and I felt the blood rush to both my face and my cock. Fortunately all she noticed was my face turning red and laughed, "I'm sorry Russ! But you're such a good kid and I just love getting a rise out of you!"

Putting my hands down in front of me to cover up the rise she had gotten out of me, I forced a casual shrug. "Oh, well I...I'd rather not think of things like that. Anyway I think I'm going to head up to bed."

"Bed?" she glanced at the clock, "Russ its only nine o' clock on a Friday night!"

"Yeah well, I had two morning classes and I did one to eight at Wal-Mart. So I'm kind of tired."

Mom shook her head, "Russ, you're nineteen years old, you should be going upstairs to shower then go out and find some pretty young thing to..." she gave me another wink, "Do what I'd like to be doing ."

"Well, I'm still kind of getting over Jessica. I don't think I'm up to..."

"Oh, please," Mom waved her hand, "At your age you should be thinking about getting off, not getting over. Russ, you're a hell of a good looking young man! You hit a club you won't be going home alone!"

"Same goes for you, mom." I said, trying to turn the conversation away from me. "You're saying you want to have fun, but they're not coming here. I think if you went out you'd, you know get..."

"Laid?" she sighed. "I guess you're right, but..." for the first time she looked serious. "I was with your dad a long time and...I guess right now I'm all talk."

"Then just talk." I prodded her, "You don't have to go out and get picked up, and maybe you'll meet a nice guy, have a drink and maybe start dating."

Mom nodded, "I know, I've heard that from Lisa a lot lately, she wants me to go out with her on a Saturday night."

"That's tomorrow, go with her."

"I'll think about it." She told me, then placing the glass on the table drew her other leg up and grabbed her foot. That move caused her shorts to ride up and I could see her ass cheek. Shifting my gaze I asked, "Mom what the hell are you doing?"

"I wore new heels to work today and they didn't fit right." She winced, "My feet are killing me."

"Oh, that's too bad." I told her, "Well I'm going to..."

"What's that, you want to rub my feet?" Mom asked.

"I...no, that's not what I said."

"Oh, that's what I said!" Mom laughed, "Come on Russ, rub my..."

"Mom, I don't think that would be...um," I put my hands out, "Proper."

"Proper?" she rolled her eyes. "Since when is rubbing your mother's feet not proper? Besides I'm proper all fucking week."

"Yeah, well..."

"Please Russ," Mom looked up at me with her blue eyes wide and sticking out her lower lip begin to pout, "Please rub my feet, they're awfully sore!"

She said the last part in a little girl voice that caused my cock to twitch. My aching cock was the problem. I was hard just looking at her what would happen if I started touching her? In front of me mom drew both her knees up and pointed at the corner of the couch, "Come on honey, make your mom feel good!"

Those words were uttered not in the previous childlike voice, but a sexy purr that before I knew it had me sitting on the couch next to her.

"Yay!" Mom laughed and stretching her long legs out deposited her feet in my lap. "Your dad always told me I could get anything I wanted with that pout, guess it works on you too!"

I forced myself not to think about what her full lips could do besides pout and taking her right foot in my hands began to rub my thumbs into the soft skin just beneath her toes.

"Ohhh, honey, that feels sooo good!" Mom moaned and letting her head fall back on the arm of the couch sighed, "Damn you have strong hands."

"Thanks." I said softly as I continued to knead her foot.

Mom got pedicures on a regular basis and her foot was soft and smooth. Her skin was warm to the touch and she was playfully wiggling her toes as I worked each one with my fingers. Those toes were painted a deep red and as I stared down at them I wondered what her feet would look and feel like placed on my shoulders while I...

I blinked and tried to keep my mind from going down that forbidden path. But no matter what I focused on the fact was my cock was fully erect and laying against my leg. I was getting so worked up I could feel my thigh getting wet as the tip of my excited cock began to drip.

I lowered my hands and started rubbing the sole of her foot and she released a low moan that caused another surge through my cock. I was resting mom's heel on my thigh and now cupping it in my hand began to squeeze it while now lightly running my fingers along the bottom of her foot. Mom's foot jumped in my hand and she giggled, "That tickles, but it feels good!"

Her giggle made me smile, she hadn't laughed much the last few months and it was a good to hear. I placed her foot down in my lap, carefully avoiding my cock and began rubbing her other foot. She cooed happily as my fingers massaged that one and with a sigh began speaking.

"You know I haven't had a good foot rub in a long time. Back before your dad I had a boyfriend who would massage my feet every night and for a long time."

"That was nice of him." I said, wondering where this was going.

"I thought so, but after awhile I noticed he was always horny after that and one night I stuck my feet in his lap and he was hard as a rock."

My eyes widened and I looked down at the obvious bulge in my crotch. Mom couldn't see it from where she was, and again I shifted her foot so it was even further away from it.

"Come to find out he had a foot fetish and loved my feet so we made a deal."

"A deal?" I repeated, even though I knew I should end this conversation.

"Yes and a fun one, if he would rub my feet for a half hour, I'd give him a foot job!"

"Mom!" I exclaimed.

"I know, TMI," she sighed, "But it was fun, he'd put lotion on me then I'd watch him slide between my feet."

She went silent and I turned my head to see her head was resting on the arm of the couch. Her eyes were closed and her lips parted and when she continued to speak her voice was low and her breathing heavy.

"At first I thought it would just be for him, but he was so hard and it felt good and I could feel him throbbing and he would moan."

"Mom, please," I said in a tone that was close to a whimper.

"Then he'd cum and the feeling of his hot..."

She mercifully trailed off, but the silence became even worse when I felt her start to move her feet back and forth. I looked to see she was working her legs up and down and was breathing even harder. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her nipples were hard beneath the silky top and I realized she had herself all but ready to cum.

My cock was throbbing so hard it hurt and I could feel my hands trembling on her foot which meant she must be able to feel it too. I sat there silently both dreading, but dying to hear her next words. To my relief when next she spoke she sounded more like her old self.

"I...I'm sorry Russ." She whispered, "I...I don't know what the hell is getting into me these days."

"Maybe a little too much wine." I said, taking a chance.

"Maybe you're right." She said, picking her head up from the couch. "But that's about all that's getting..." she caught herself. "Anyway, I...I think I need to go to bed. I'm uh...really tired."

I looked away so she wouldn't see the look on my face. She was going to go upstairs and play with herself! She'd gotten herself all worked up and was going to lay on her bed and get off! My mind was pulled from that deliciously taboo image by mom stretching her feet out in my lap. Her foot slid across my cock and caught off guard, a soft moan escaped me.

"What did you say?" she asked, as swinging her feet off my lap, she put them on the floor and stood up.

"Uh...nothing." I managed to get out as her perfect ass was now in my face.

"Oh, thought you said something."

I started to answer then stopped when she bent over the table to pick up the wine topper and stick it in the bottle. Her ass was now inches from my face and her shorts had slid into the crack of her ass leaving me staring at her bare left cheek. Mom stood back up and took a step towards the kitchen. She immediately started to wobble and quickly standing up, I caught her arm.

"You okay Mom?"

"Yeah, just a little dizzy guess I stood up to fast."

"You need me to help you upstairs?"

"I...maybe." I put my arm around her shoulders and she placed her hand on my arm.

"Wow, not just your hands are strong," she said as she squeezed my bicep. "You been using your dad's old bowflex a lot haven't you?"

"Yeah." I said, trying to ignore her hand which had slid up to my shoulder.

"You've come a long way from a scrawny little kid that's for sure," she laughed, then pointing at the mirror over the mantle said, "Look at the two of us Russ, it's a shame we're all alone tonight."

"I guess." I agreed, steering her towards the stairs. She remained still and kept pointing at the mirror. "Really honey, look at you, with those green eyes and that gorgeous dark hair of yours, you look just like your dad and God knew I could never say no to him!"

"I'll work on it mom, now let's go to bed."

"Figures. I finally hear those words from a good looking young stud and it's my son."

"Hey you know what mom?" I said, thinking of something, "You want me to get out and have fun?"

"I do."

"Then I'll make you a deal. If you go out with Lisa tomorrow night, you know, get out of the damn house and have some fun, there's a girl named Sarah at Wal-Mart who I think likes me."


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