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My Sister Cassie Ch. 01

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Sister turns me on and it stars something.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/22/2018
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It was the morning after a big party at my aunt's house to celebrate the start of the summer holidays and my sister and I had slept in the front room, me on the floor and her on the couch. I awoke aching from the hard floor and the effects of a night of drinking and dancing. My sister Cassandra - 'Cassie' - on the other hand, seemed to blossom out of her blanket as fresh as if the party was about to start. Even her subtle makeup was hardly disturbed, I suppose because we'd only been asleep a couple of hours or so. It was just before dawn.

Cassie is only shoulder height to me, she was just 18 years old so two years my junior, with brown hair that has a hint of red in it that reached to her shoulders, usually in a pony tail. She has pale skin and a few freckles around her nose, hazel eyes, and thin lips that smile readily.

I stretched and she saw me. She whispered "You OK Mike?"

"No. Stiff as a board."

"Poor Mikey! C'mere, I'll give you a rub."

I scooted over to her, letting the blanket fall. It was warm, I was quite comfortable in my thin sports shorts and t-shirt. She sat on the couch, legs apart with me sitting between her thighs and facing away. She rubbed my shoulders and I hooked my arms over her bare thighs.

Cassie edged forwards to reach down my chest, over my shoulders and down my back. When she leaned forwards her breasts contacted my upper back and sent electricity through me, straight to my cock which began to respond. I hoped it wasn't obvious. But it was.

"Oooh little brother, you got that morning boy-thing going on?" I called her 'little sister' because she was petite and the youngest and she called me 'little brother', probably as a joke because I'm taller and heavier. I stammered an apology.

"Um, sorry. Yeah. Thanks for the rub, I'll..."

"Don't worry. I'm not freaked if you're not."

I just closed my eyes and let her rub away the ache. Cassie pulled my t-shirt off over my head and went back to her massage. After a short while I became aware of her breasts against my shoulders again. My morning wood had turned into a full-on boner by now and I was sure Cassie was doing it on purpose. Suddenly it was over, as she said: "Oh well, I'm gonna take a pee."

She bounded away and left me there. When she came back she acted as if nothing had happened, and lay back on the couch, crooked an arm under her head and we talked.

A little while later we both fell silent and Cassie drifted off to sleep, but I was not so lucky. Eventually the rest of the after-party crowd stirred and the household groaned and stretched into gear.

Some days later, back at our place by the beach, Cassie and I went for a swim. Our beach is near the mouth of the Bay, so when the tide and winds are right we get good waves that are fun to play in. Cassie wore a yellow one-piece that was cut for an open back, so that the sides of her titties were visible and so was the curve at the top of her butt. But that wasn't all. I saw quickly that it was slightly too small for her. The fabric was tight up between her legs and showed the bottoms of her butt cheeks and tantalising strips of smooth, hairless flesh at her crotch. And then, in the cool water, her nipples got hard and the fabric stuck to her, and I found myself jealously wishing nobody else could see her tiny, pert perfection. Fortunately ours was not a crowded beach.

We play-wrestled, she giggled and spluttered a lot when I dunked her, and at first it was innocent brother-sister playfulness but it turned erotic after a simple accident. We were in thigh-deep water and I had my arms around Cassie's waist from behind her, swishing her around in the water. As I lifted her on her side to dunk her yet again, I lost my grip and we both fell into the sand. The wave had just broken so I ended up on top of her with my face at her crotch and my chin was in contact between her legs for a second or two before I got to my knees, finding myself kneeling between her thighs. I looked down and was staring at her crotch. The fabric had shifted sideways and I saw that it was splitting her pussy lips, one on show and the other hidden. I must have looked too long. Cassie threw water in my face and giggled, trying to squirm away and cover up but then the next, larger wave hit and we tumbled sideways.

This time my sister briefly scissored my thigh. For two or three seconds I could feel the heat between her legs contrasted to the cool water, and I knew we were flesh-to-flesh.

We both came up spluttering from the unexpected dunking. Cassie stood and duck-dived away from me, presenting me with a brief glimpse of her perfect bum and camel-toe straining against the wet fabric. When she came up, twisting to face me, I saw she was adjusting the crotch of her swimsuit. I felt I had to say something.

"Um, sorry Cass. I couldn't help it. Um..."

"Forget it. I knew this swimsuit was too small but I just love it. Always thought it, um, 'displayed my best assets' as they say."

"Hell yes, it does that."

"Oh really? So you have been perving at your little sister's 'assets' have you?" She threw water at me again. I dove at her and grabbed her, squealing, saying: "Wouldn't be able to if you had them properly covered, ya little minx"

"Oh 'minx' is it?" She tried to wrestle me back but I am too strong and kneeling in the sand, I was too secure. She only succeeded in having me lock her arms behind my back, making her stiff nipples poke into my chest. She didn't move, even when I let her go, for long enough for me to know she meant it. I felt a little embarrassed but my red face had more to do with arousal than shame.



"I'm your brother!"

"I'm just teasing, Mike. Wait, are you saying you...?"

"Jesus Cassie! OK, look. You gave me a massage and I got a boner this morning, OK. Now we've been play-wrestling and I've... Shit!"

Cassie searched my eyes, a serious look turning to a playful one: "You got another boner?"

I looked up to the sky in exasperation, then back at my sister. "Yes."

"Oh poor Mikey! Looks like I was right to trust in this swimsuit one more time! Although I'm not sure it was my brother I was hoping to turn on..."

I felt a little put out, so I replied: "Really? You seemed to enjoy teasing a boner out of me this morning."

Cassie smiled and bit her lip, then giggled: "Um, yeah. Sorry. It was kinda fun."

We were far enough from strangers' ears that our conversation could go like this. It took a fateful turn.

"Jeez Cassie. I mean, I'm your brother and you're my sister. Why do you want to...um...get me horny?"

"To see if I can."


"I figure if I can get my brother horny I can get any boy going."

"So I'm an experiment?"

"Oh, no, wait. Sorry. I didn't mean...um...guess I didn't think that part through."

I had to admit I was intrigued. She was just 18 and four months, no regular boyfriend yet, and I figured she'd seen it all as an innocent test of her emerging womanly powers.

"Oh Cass. It's OK. It's just, well..."

"Too weird?"

"No, no. Not really. But, well...we can't...you can't..."

"It's OK Mike. I get it. We'll forget it, but first just tell me. If I wasn't your sister, would you...?"

I leaned forwards to whisper in her ear: "If you weren't my sister I already would have!"

I think that's what she wanted to hear. She blushed, giggled, laughed...then threw water in my face before she swam away. I had made her proud of herself, and we'd shared some intimate thoughts. So far, a good day at the beach. Tomorrow was going to be better.

As often happens at that time of year, the next day was overcast with a cold southerly that made the beach for die-hards only. Nevertheless Cassie wanted to go and I went with her.

We went around the rocky point for shelter from the wind. The strip of sand here was only 20 metres wide, then rose in a steep incline twenty metres to thick undergrowth. In other words, we were in a secluded spot. The sun peeked through low clouds and warmed us. We lay on beach towels, neither daring to risk the water temperature.

I was in bermudas, Cassie had opted for a chaste - by which I mean definitely full-cover - black bikini.

We talked about friends, music, movies, games and stuff. We fell quiet for a while, laying peacefully on our backs. Then Cassie said: "Mike, would you be weirded out if I went topless?"

"Um, do you do that often?"

"Not 'often', no. But would you? I mean after yesterday?"

I decided to play the mature man-about-town so I said no, it was OK by me.

I was aware that she shuffled about a bit but I daren't look. Of course I wanted to - they were tits, after all, but I wanted to be the cool big brother who was down for his cool sis going tits-out at the beach. And it worked for maybe five minutes. I tried to peek sideways, had to turn my head a little, then realised it would be obvious and straightened up. Time passed and I tried again. Cassie spoke up with a laugh:

"Oh for heaven's sake just take a look and get it over with will ya!"

I spun my head around. My sister was topless. She sat up for me and I saw her tits for the very first time. They were smallish, pert and round, about a B-cup. Her nipples were small, virginal pink, pointing upwards. I stared. She let me stare. Then I looked at her face, into her eyes. She giggled: "OK now? You're not freaked out?"


She leaned forwards and whispered into my ear: "Good. Jesus Mike. They're only tits."

Then she lay back down again, this time on her side. I faced her and we talked more chit-chat for a while. At first I succeeded in pretending I wasn't interested in my sister's tits. But I kept glancing and my dick reacted.



"Is this part of your experiment? Only, um, even if it isn't it has the same effect."

"Oh, no, it wasn't. Oh wait, you mean you got hard again? Oh yes, I see you did. My fault again. I'll put my top back on."

"No need. You weren't freaked out by it yesterday."

She smiled: "Yeah, but... How about I put my top back on and we go for a cold dip - should solve your problem."

We did. It was cold, but OK once we were in. My hardon disappeared even when I noticed Cassie's stiffened nipples poking out. After drying off, we lay like before and chatted but even though she was covered up, my mind kept replaying the images of my sister's lovely little titties and my hardon returned. She saw it.

"Hell Mike, does that thing ever just go to sleep?"

"Sorry Cass. Um, I'll just say it OK? You're turning me on because I can still see your tits in my head. All the time. I know it started as a game, but, well...I...can't seem to get it out of my head."

"OK. Um, sorry. I guess I didn't expect to have this kind of effect."

"Well you do. Don't be sorry. I have to admit I kinda wanted to see them. I mean...I can't believe I'm saying this to my sister...you're really, really pretty and I know you don't mean to make it happen but, shit, my balls are aching right now."

"Oh. You need to jerk off to relieve it, right?"

"Um, yeah. Might help!"

"I understand. And I won't freak out. Go ahead."

"What here?"

"Sure. If you want. Or you could walk the half-mile home with that thing scaring old ladies and little children!"

It was weirdly logical. My cock was not going to lay down any time soon and I wanted relief, now. Cassie bit her bottom lip, and chased away any doubt in my mind about whether I should go ahead and masturbate in front of my sister. She sat up, cross-legged then reached behind her back and undid her bikini top, letting it fall.

"Will this help?"

"Oh fuck."

I knelt, undid the string on my bermudas, looked around to check we were truly alone, and squirmed them down to my thighs. My cock arched and jerked, grateful to be free of its prison. Cassie looked at it.

"Oh my, big brother! You really do have a sore boner!"

I took hold of my shaft and began, my stare switching between my sister's tits and her calm eyes. It didn't seem weird after all. I wasn't going to draw this out, I just wanted release. I wanked frantically at first, then slowed a little to draw out the inevitable ejaculation. Now I glanced between her legs, seeing the strip of black fabric there hiding her last secret. Cassie saw where I was looking. My lovely sister took it up a notch.

"You wanna see it, big brother? OK, fair's fair."

She uncrossed her legs, resting back on one elbow and pulled the crotch of her bikini way to the side. I gazed in awe at my sister's pussy - totally hairless, tiny puffy lips surrounding a little crinkle of delicate, pink flesh that glistened in the new sunlight. Not only was my sister showing me her pussy, it was clearly wet.

I could see her open vagina and it was enough. My balls tightened, I gasped, and the first hot spurt flew from the end of my knob and landed on her thigh, the second, more powerful jet on the arm which was holding her bikini aside, and the rest spurted onto the sand between us.

Cassie giggled. "Oh wow! That was so cool! I never even... jeez you came a lot. Is that normal?"

"Only when I'm so fucking hot."

"I did that to you?"

"Yes. Oh my fucking god Cassie. You are so beautiful. I never thought you'd have such a pretty body."

"Oh you're just saying that because you just came."

"No. And I think you liked it too, right?"

"Haha. Well, I did get a little turned on. But in case you hadn't noticed, some of your jizz splashed on me. I'm going for a dip to wash it off."

She replaced the fabric over her pussy but stayed topless. I pulled my bermudas up and went in the water with her. We kept our shoulders under the water - a trick we'd learned that helped in cold water. I sidled up to her.

"Hey Cass, that was really something. You OK? I mean, it wasn't a spur-of-the-moment thing and you're gonna regret it and hate me forever?"

"Oh, no. No. Look, you want the whole truth?"

I nodded.

"OK. Whew. Um, well here it is. I'm really turned on now. I'm burning down there. I'm surprised there's not steam coming up."

I laughed. She did too. Then I said: "OK, like you said 'fair's fair'. You wanna, um, take care of it?"

"Mmm, yesss. Can I?"

"Hell yes! Oh wait, are you already...?"

She nodded. I saw down through the clear water that she had her hand inside her bikini bottom. Then with her other hand she pulled at her nipples. She looked me right in the eye and told me: "Mikey. Hold me close. Give me the warmth of your body. I want you to hold me while I cum."

I hugged her. Now I had her masturbating hand trapped between our bodies and could feel her arm rapidly going up and down as she worked herself up. Her little tits were pressed into my chest. Now it was my turn to up the ante.

I put both my hands on her bum and pulled her so close to me that she couldn't continue. She looked quizzically at me. Then I put my right hand between us and pushed it lower. She understood and offered no resistance as I fumbled my fingers behind the elastic waistband, pulling it out with my other hand, and slipped ever lower until my fingers cupped her little mound.

She gasped up into my mouth. It seemed natural to kiss her. The lips of her mouth opened for my tongue just as the lips of her pussy opened for my probing fingers. She shuddered when I got two inside her hot tunnel, and bucked her hips forwards in rhythm with their thrusting. She kiss-breathed into my mouth: "Oh god Mikey. Yessss. If you stop now I'll fucking kill you."

I smiled onto her open mouth and probed my tongue in there. I talked back into her mouth as she had done: "Jesus you're hot in there."

"Mmm, yeah I know."

"It's like... I don't know what it's like."

She began whispering while nibbling at my lips: "Shut up. Mmmm. Ohhh. I'm gonna... Nnnggghh. Oh yesss. Oooohhh."

She moaned in a whisper and clasped my fingers with her cunt. I felt it pulse as she bucked her thighs against mine, then she taughtened. Twice she thrust at my hand, pulling my fingers into her, then she relaxed and was done.

She giggled and kissed me full on the mouth.

"You OK?"

"I'm not telling you to take your fingers out of my pussy, am I? Yes I'm OK. Tell me what you're thinking."

"I'm thinking with my dick. Which by the way has reared it's purple head again."

"Yes I noticed. You reckon I could wank you to a cum in the water?"


She undid the tie on my shorts and pulled them to my thighs, with some difficulty since they were of course wet. Cassie took my cock in both hands and began inexpertly pulling at it. I put my hands on hers to show her how I like it, and she learned fast.

There we were, brother and sister. She was slowly wanking my cock, I still had a finger in her pussy and was finger-fucking her slowly. She was kissing and laughing into my mouth.

"I never thought a cock could be so warm! I suppose it makes sense, it's part of your body."

"You never touched a cock before?"

"No. You ever finger a pussy before?"

"No. Shit I've never even seen a real one before."

"My first real cock, too. Now shut up and close your eyes. Just feel, OK?"

I shut my eyes as instructed, and languished in the growing sensation my sister coaxed from my cock. She worked it slowly and gently, focused on my pleasure. I let my finger fall from her pussy and reached up to pull at her nipples. They were like two frozen peas - round and solid between my fingers. She gasped and cooed at me, but I was lost in my building climax. It rose slowly but inexorably, until I clenched my teeth and jerked my thighs at her, jetting my warm cum into the cold sea.

After a brief afterglow I kissed her again and she pecked back at my lips.

"Pull your pants up boy, I'm getting cold."

I patted her mound once more, said "No you're not. Still feel hot to me!" - and got rewarded with a face full of cold water. When I spluttered it off she had pulled her bikini bottoms back up and dived away, giggling like a schoolgirl again. I dragged my bermudas up and chased after her. She let me catch her and I lay on top of her in the shallows, small wavelets lapping at us, and kissed her again. Her thighs opened and but for the swimsuits we wore, we would look to the world as if we were fucking.

Cassie put her thighs over mine and gripped me. I propped myself on my arms and looked down at her face and saw raw lust. She gently pushed her mound up to contact my shrunken cock.

"Mikey? Tell me right now. Do you want to go all the way? With me?"

"You're asking me if I want to fuck my sister?"

"I am."

"Then yes I do. But we can't."

"I know. I know. But at least I know you want to."

A boat's motor grew in noise and broke our solitude. I helped my sister up and we went to dry off. Cassie put her top back on. I pouted in jest which made her giggle. "Don't worry bro, I'll get 'em out for you some other time!"

I gestured towards her crotch. She rolled her eyes to the sky. "Yes yes, and her too!"

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