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My Sister's Deception Ch. 05

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Countdown to the wedding; the night of the bachelor party.
8.7k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 10/26/2008
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The week of Meghan and Denny's wedding finally arrived, and I quickly realized Jen was close to losing her mind simply from dealing with Meghan, who was nervous, suspicious, and wound up tighter than a two-dollar watch.

Jenifer had talked me into taking some vacation time to spend with her, a concept I found to be a little tangled since most of our time would be spent with Meghan in her last days as a bachelorette leading up to the wedding.

I did have the time to burn, though, and with the days to Meghan's wedding ticking down, I once again found myself visiting Jen at her office. She'd been wrangled in for a couple of days due to some issues with a project they were working, and her boss had promised to make it up to her later.

I showed up to take her to lunch just like I had previously, and like before, it created a bit of a buzz. Rick avoided me, casting a glare from several feet away, while Allyson again made a point of coming over to say hello.

Jen and I managed to escape after a string of three phone calls in a seven minute stretch, and she took a deep breath as the elevator door closed on us.

"I don't know which is worse right now, Meghan or this job."

"Is she that bad?" I asked.

Jen sighed and looked over at me.

"Remember me telling you about Debbie? "

"The woman Denny used to date with the...?" I held my hands out in front of me as though holding a pair of cantaloupe.

"That's her. Remember me telling you I was pretty sure he was sleeping with her?"

I nodded.

Jen held her hand up to her ear as though talking on a phone."'Listen, Baby, I gotta go now, but I promise you I'll be there later... I love you, too, Baby.'"

"You heard him on the phone?"

Jen nodded.

"How do you know he wasn't talking to Meg?"

"Because she was in the conference room down the hall stuck in a meeting."


Jen nodded as we left the elevator.

"And she hasn't called it off yet?"

Jen shook her head. "She doesn't want to hear it, either. She told me that until she catches him with his dick in Debbie's mouth or any other of her over-sexed orifices, she's staying the course."

I shook my head.

"I can't figure it out, either," Jen said.

A few minutes later, we were sitting in a booth across from Meghan, whose eyes were darting between a series of notes and her phone as she continued what Jen told me was an ongoing vigil to make sure nothing fell through the cracks.

"Shouldn't your maid of honor be helping with some of this?" I asked.

Meghan nodded as she sipped her tea.

"And Kris is doing and has done more than her share. It's just a way to keep my mind off of... everything else."

She shot Jenifer a glance as she bit her lip, and I shook my head.

"Meghan, why don't you..."

Jen slapped my arm and gave me a dirty look.

"Think positive," she said.

Lunch was tense and strained, but then again, the bride was a wreck heading into it all. I remembered Jen being wound up as she got ready to walk the aisle.

I told Meghan to call me if she needed me when we left the restaurant and dropped Jen off at work.

"Want to cook me dinner again tonight?" she asked.

"I think that can be arranged," I replied.

She reached into her purse and pulled out a folded sheet of paper.

"Let's see how good you are at following directions."

I unfolded it and began reading.

"So I need to get all of these things?"

Jen giggled and pulled the paper down so she could see it.

"These things here," she said, pointing with her finger. "Everything else is in the refrigerator or the cabinet above the stove."

I was reading how to mix and cook it all now.

"At least get it started," she said, sliding her fingers into mine, "and I'll help you finish it when I get home."

"Okay. I'll get it going, but I think I'll need your help."

"You do a lot better in the kitchen than you think you do."

I looked up and there was something in her expression that I hadn't really seen before; something soft, open and vulnerable, and more, but I couldn't quite read it.

"You like it when I cook for you, don't you?"

She nodded, smiled, and leaned up to kiss me as she slid a hand around my neck.

"I think it's really sexy," she said, kissing me on the cheek and moving her lips to my ear. "It turns me on."

"Really?" I asked as she pulled back.

She nodded, her lips parted, tongue just jutting forward, resting against her teeth as she smiled again.

I kissed her again and felt her tongue brush quickly against mine, and then she turned to go back to work.

I stood there for a moment watching her walk away, my eyes traveling down to the gentle curves of her ass beneath her skirt, down below the hemline to the distinctly feminine lines of her calves.

And I smiled. That was my sister. My beautiful, sweet, hot sister.

I found the items on her list that we needed for dinner, and despite the sure knowledge that I was in over my culinary head, I started for her apartment, counting down the time until she'd be home.

Keys in hand, I came off the stairs four doors from her apartment and almost ran into Mrs. Collins, who was coming out of her apartment.

She opened her mouth as though to say something, stopping short and squinting, trying to jog her memory. I looked familiar to her, but it seemed as though she couldn't quite place it.

"Hi, Mrs. Collins."

"It's Kyhl, isn't it?"

I nodded. "Yes, Ma'am."

She smiled and stood up a little straighter as she pulled her door closed.

"I know Jennifer will be glad to see you," she said, "but I'm kind of surprised you're here so early in the week."

"We're spending some time together before we head to the coast for her best friend's wedding."


"Yes, Ma'am."

Mrs. Collins nodded. "Delightful young lady. Very sweet, just like Jenifer."

She took a deep breath and scowled.

"Can't say that I care much, though, for that boy she's marrying. There's just something about him that I don't like."

Her expression changed and she reached out with a hand to touch my arm.

"He's not a friend of yours, is he? If he is, I'm sorry for speaking my mind."

"No, Ma'am. I've met him, but I wouldn't exactly say we're all that well acquainted."

Relief swept across her face and she dropped her hand as she shook her head.

"Well, you're a lucky one, then, because, I can't put my finger on why, but I don't trust him."

She took another deep breath and shrugged her shoulders.

"Of course, I'm not the one marrying him, so it's really none of my business," she said.

"Speaking of getting married," she said, tilting her head down to look at me over her glasses, "when are you going to marry Jenifer and make an honest woman out of her?"

I opened my mouth and caught my breath, not sure what to say.

"Well... we haven't really discussed it."

"Not at all?"

"No, Ma'am."

Mrs. Collins closed her eyes and shook her head.

"You young people today," she said, grabbing my arm again. "I know it's convenient to just move in together and live like your husband and wife, carrying on and all, not that the two of you are doing that, mind you, but there's a lot to be said for committing to one another and making it stick.

"Not that it sticks all that well, sometimes," she said. "But don't mind me. She loves you and you love her; that's what's important."

She leaned in and looked up at me. "But I know you'd make her really happy if the two of you were together more."

I nodded. "Yes, Ma'am."

"Well," she said, leaning back, adjusting her glasses and looking at the bags I was holding. "Are you cooking dinner for her again?"

"She told you about that?"

Mrs. Collins smiled and nodded. "She's probably told you, but she really enjoys it when you cook for her."

"She has mentioned it."

"Well, then," she said, stepping back, "off you go, then. I won't keep you. You have better things to do than listen to me rattle on."

"You have a good afternoon, Mrs. Collins."

"You, too, Kyhl."

She stepped past me and toddled down the stairs as I made my way to Jen's apartment.

I changed clothes and began searching the kitchen for the rest of the ingredients, and once I'd found everything, I was pretty sure I could handle making the meal Jen wanted, I just wasn't sure how quick I'd be doing it.

I was reading through the litany of directions for a fourth time when I heard her walk through the door.

The door closed, her heals clicked twice on the floor, and then her apartment was filled with silence, save the tick of her clock and the water heading to a boil on the stove.

I looked up as she walked into the kitchen, sliding up next to me and looking at the chaos of culinary preparation laid out before me.

She looked up at me and buried her face in my arm as she hugged me and laughed.

"This is a little more in depth than what you're used to, isn't it?"

I nodded. "A little."

Jen leaned up and kissed me.

"Let me go change clothes and I'll come back and help you."

I watched her disappear from the kitchen and looked back down at the mess in front of me.

"Meghan is so wound up." Jen's voice grew softer as she disappeared into her bedroom.

"More so than this afternoon at lunch?"


A couple of minutes later, Jen reappeared wearing a short skirt and pulling a tank top down over her chest. The cloth was fairly thin, and her now unfettered breasts swayed pleasingly beneath the cloth.

"I'm trying to remember back to when Dale and I got married. He had a bachelor party. Right?"

"Yeah, and you had a bachelorette party, too, if I remember correctly."

Jen nodded. "And I know there was a lot of alcohol at my party."

"At Dale's, too."

"Yeah. But it was just the one party, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"He didn't have one big party with all of his friends, the one at the strip club and then another, more 'intimate' party right before the wedding, did he?"

I'd been at the party, but I hadn't made the decision to take him to the strip club. I know it's a guy thing, but it just seemed disloyal to my sister.

"Not that I'm aware of. As far as I know, it was just the one. Why?"

"Because Denny's party is tomorrow night. And you're invited," she said. "In fact, Meg wants you to go. I'm not sure where they're having it; I think it's at an all-nude strip club.

"But what's really bothering her is Rick told her he and Denny and a couple of other guys are getting together for one last send-off party of sorts the night before."

"To do what?"

Jen took a deep breath and rolled her eyes.

"She overheard Rick on the phone. She doesn't know who he was talking to, but he was talking about how hot this woman was, how she loved sucking cock, loved getting fucked from behind, how she really liked giving head while she had somebody else fucking her, and how Denny is going to have a great last night as a single man."

"Wow. And you say Meghan heard that?"

Jen nodded.

"She's pretty torn up about it. Denny keeps telling her it's all in her head, but, Kyhl, I've seen her."


Jen nodded again.

"She's gorgeous. I think her boobs are too big, but most guys like them big like that. She's making Meghan really uncomfortable."

"Has she told Denny that?"

"Yeah. He says he can't just tell Debbie to go away because she's a really good friend. I think that's a load of crap."

"I don't know what to tell you, Sis."

Jen leaned against the counter, picked up one of the spice jars on the counter and looked down at the recipe.

"So are you gonna go to the bachelor party?"

"You said I'm invited, but that's the first I've heard of it."

"I'll find out more about it for you tomorrow," she said, "but I want you to go."


Jen nodded. "I can at least trust you enough to tell us exactly what goes on."

I wasn't sure I liked the idea of being a spy, but I agreed to go.

Jen got me the information about where the party was, and when I left the apartment, she and Meghan were sitting down in front of the TV with a pint of rocky road ice cream and a pair of spoons.

The party wasn't at a strip club. It was all-nude, though, and I don't just mean the entertainers.

There were three women, one of them, Daisy, was a bottle-job platinum blonde and bomb-shell gorgeous. The other two, Candi, a brunette and Koko, a woman of Asian extraction, were stunner good-looking, but while they were well-endowed, they weren't busting out all over.

Denny's best man, Kevin, had allowed Rick and a couple of other guys to talk him into renting a rather sizable suite; it actually qualified as a full two bedroom condo, and I'd been there less than fifteen minutes when the women showed up, each of them pulling a rolling suitcase.

Rick managed to spirit Denny away into the kitchen as they walked in, and Kevin led the way to the back bedroom, where they were going to change into their performance attire and primp. They were very well dressed when they arrived, but they all had a gleam in their eye that told me things were going to get a little wild.

Denny fought his way out of the kitchen asking what was going on, and Rick was pounding him on the back so hard I was sure he left a bruise.

The alcohol was flowing like a river, and forty minutes later, when the women began to reemerge, just about everybody was at least a little buzzed. I was one of three guys nursing a ginger ale so I'd be sober for the drive home.

Music started playing and the first woman, Koko, came out, her hair pinned up and wearing high heels and stockings that journeyed almost all the way to her crotch, metallic blue string bikini panties with a black border, and a corset that almost forced her breasts to spill over.

She made a show of asking for Denny, and when he raised his hand, she walked over to him, took his hand in hers and kissed it gently and saying she was there to serve him and his needs as their joined hands lingered against the bare skin at the top her thigh.

Some of the guys snickered, a couple clapped their hands, and Rick laughed out loud.

Denny turned red and allowed himself to be led to the center of the room where a chair had been placed.

He started to sit down, and she stopped him, walking slowly behind him, talking to him about the need for him to relax and slowly dragging her fingers across his shoulders before tilting her head up and blowing gently against his ear with her lips just grazing his skin.

Denny's fingers clawed at the air and she smiled as she stepped just out of his reach.

"Be patient," she said, stepping in front of him and catching his hands in hers. "Be patient and wait."

She released his hands, sliding hers up his chest until her fingers held his face, and she tilted her head up again, planting her lips gently against his just enough to tease and entice.

Denny seemed almost lost in a trance as Koko began to undress him, and in less than a minute, his shirt was on the floor and she'd pushed him back into the chair. His shoes followed his shirt, and he apparently snapped back to reality as she began to fumble with his belt, and for a moment, he pulled her hands away, and she pouted.

"Will you be more comfortable if I'm more comfortable?" she asked, rising to her feet.

He never nodded, just staring at her openmouthed as she leaned forward, her breasts threatening to spill free. She smiled as his eyes locked on her chest.

"Okay," she said, turning away from him.

Her ass was tight and round and suddenly in his lap and grinding against him as she straddled him, scooted back and began to unfasten her corset. She stood up again as the garment opened, and she turned around, holding it closed as she pulled the last button loose, and then she dropped it, letting it fall free from her body.

Denny's eyes almost popped from his head, most of the guys hooted or howled, and Rick licked his lips as she brushed her fingers up along her torso until she reached her breasts, cupping them in her palms and then grasping her nipples between her fingers and pinching them, pulling them away from her body as she closed her eyes, tilted her head back and sighed.

Koko fell to her knees at Denny's feet again, and she reached once more for his belt.

"Let me finish undressing you," she said, "and then you can play."

Denny did not resist, and a minute later, he lifted his hips as she tugged on his pants and boxers, and just that quickly, he was naked, his cock jutting straight up from his groin.

Koko stood up, still holding his pants, and she turned around, licking her lips and pinching her nipples.

"My, my, my," she said looking down at his cock. "What should we do about that?"

"You ain't gonna do nuthin' about it, Missy."

Every eye in the room, except for maybe Denny's, followed the voice. The bombshell, Daisy, stood at the opening of the hallway in a wild-west get-up; cowboy boots, fringed leather skirt with matching vest, two-pistol gun-belt and a Stetson. The vest was held closed by a simple leather loop hooked over a button, but she had nothing on under it, and though way she'd been dressed when she'd arrived had concealed it, we all knew now she was a busty vixen.

She held a lasso in her hands, a loop dangling from her fingers as though she was thinking about roping something, or someone, and she began to swing slowly, as though preparing to do just that.

"This man don't want no tiny-titty china doll," she said, looking from Koko to Denny and smiling.

This was clearly part of an act; Koko was many things, but small breasted wasn't on the list.

"He wants a woman with real tits that he can grab hold of and suck on," Daisy said.

"But..." Koko's face adopted a hurt, pained look.

"But nuthin'," Daisy said, stepping into the room. "Hit the trail, sweetheart. I'm gonna ride me a stud."

She stepped up to Koko, grabbed her arm and spun her toward the hallway, smacked her on the behind with the lasso and Koko stumbled away as though sent packing.

Daisy turned around, cocked a hip toward Denny and then walked towards him with exaggerated steps as she tossed the lasso behind her.

She raised a booted foot and slid it in between his thighs.

"What do you say, cowboy?"

She was naked beneath the skirt, and two-thirds of the men in the room could now see her shaved pussy.

"Wanna see what I look like without the vest on?"

Denny nodded and she stepped back, reaching between her breasts and unhooking the loop.

The vest popped open, revealing swollen globes crowned by stretched pink nipples. Her breasts were a little too big and perky to be all natural, but they looked fantastic.

"Fuck it," she said, shrugging her shoulders and shrugging out of the vest. "How about I just take it all off?"

She popped a button, tugged on a zipper and the skirt and gun-belt fell to the floor. Wearing nothing more than her boots, hat and a smile, Daisy stepped forward, laid her hands on Denny's shoulders as she leaned forward, and she straddled him, sliding forward until his cock was brushing against the skin just above her pussy. She locked her hands behind his neck and brought her lips to his, kissing him hard and deep, shoving her tongue into his mouth.

Denny didn't even try to resist. On the contrary, his hands found her hips, his fingers dug into her flesh as she tickled the back of his throat, and if anything, he pulled her harder against him.

Daisy pulled her lips from his, smiling, and she grabbed his head, thrusting her chest up as she pulled him to her breast. We watched as she force-fed him her nipple, and in an instant, Denny looked like a man who'd been lost in the desert and had just been offered a drink of cold water.

He feasted on her, and she fed him both tits, squirming to rub herself against him as he suckled and groped her.

Denny finally came up for air, his lips and the skin around them as wet as her nipples were. She smiled down at him and reached down between them, grabbing hold of his cock.

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